Giuseppe Guerra af1e2d68da
Plugins: Allow loading panel plugins from a CDN (#59096)
* POC: Plugins CDN reverse proxy

* CDN proxy POC: changed env var names

* Add authorization: false for /public path in frontend plugin loader

* Moved CDN settings to Cfg, add some comments

* Fix error 500 in asset fetch if plugin is not using CDN

* Fix EnterpriseLicensePath declared twice

* Fix linter complaining about whitespaces

* Plugins CDN: Skip signature verification for CDN plugins

* Plugins CDN: Skip manifest and signature check for cdn plugins

* Plugins: use IsValid() and IsInternal() rather than equality checks

* Plugins CDN: remove comment

* Plugins CDN: Fix seeker can't seek when serving plugins from local fs

* Plugins CDN: add back error codes in getLocalPluginAssets

* Plugins CDN: call asset.Close() rather than asset.readSeekCloser.Close()

* Plugins CDN: Fix panic in JsonApiErr when errorMessageCoder wraps a nil error

* Plugins CDN: Add error handling to proxyCDNPluginAsset

* Plugins CDN: replace errorMessageCoder with errutil

* Plugins CDN POC: expose cdn plugin paths to frontend for system.js

* Plugins CDN: Fix cdn plugins showing as unsigned in frontend

* WIP: Add support for formatted URL

* Fix missing cdnPluginsBaseURLs in GrafanaConfig

* Plugins CDN: Remove reverse proxy mode and reverse proxy references

* Plugins CDN: Simplify asset serving logic

* Plugins CDN: sanitize redirect path

* Plugins CDN: Removed unused pluginAsset type

* Plugins CDN: Removed system.js changes

* Plugins CDN: Return different system.js baseURL and module for cdn plugins

* Plugins CDN: Ensure CDN is disabled for non-external plugins

* lint

* Plugins CDN: serve images and screenshots from CDN, refactoring

* Lint

* Plugins CDN: Fix URLs for system.js (baseUrl and module)

* Plugins CDN: Add more tests for RelativeURLForSystemJS

* Plugins CDN: Iterate only on apps when preloading

* Plugins CDN: Refactoring

* Plugins CDN: Add comments to url_constructor.go

* Plugins CDN: Update defaultHGPluginsCDNBaseURL

* Plugins CDN: undo extract meta from system js config

* refactor(plugins): migrate systemjs css plugin to typescript

* feat(plugins): introduce systemjs cdn loader plugin

* feat(plugins): add systemjs load type

* Plugins CDN: Removed RelativeURLForSystemJS

* Plugins CDN: Log backend redirect hits along with plugin info

* Plugins CDN: Add pluginsCDNBasePath to getFrontendSettingsMap

* feat(plugins): introduce cdn loading for angular plugins

* refactor(plugins): move systemjs cache buster into systemjsplugins directory

* Plugins CDN: Rename pluginsCDNBasePath to pluginsCDNBaseURL

* refactor(plugins): introduce pluginsCDNBaseURL to the frontend

* Plugins CDN: Renamed "cdn base path" to "cdn url template" in backend

* Plugins CDN: lint

* merge with main

* Instrumentation: Add prometheus counter for backend hits, log from Info to Warn

* Config: Changed key from plugins_cdn.url to plugins.plugins_cdn_base_url

* CDN: Add backend tests

* Lint: goimports

* Default CDN URL to empty string,

* Do not use CDN in setImages and module if the url template is empty

* CDN: Backend: Add test for frontend settings

* CDN: Do not log missing module.js warn if plugin is being loaded from CDN

* CDN: Add backend test for CDN plugin loader

* Removed 'cdn' signature level, switch to 'valid'

* Fix pfs.TestParseTreeTestdata for cdn plugin testdata dir

* Fix TestLoader_Load

* Fix gocyclo complexity of loadPlugins

* Plugins CDN: Moved prometheus metric to api package, removed asset_path label

* Fix missing  in config

* Changes after review

* Add pluginscdn.Service

* Fix tests

* Refactoring

* Moved all remaining CDN checks inside pluginscdn.Service

* CDN url constructor: Renamed stringURLFor to stringPath

* CDN: Moved asset URL functionality to assetpath service

* CDN: Renamed HasCDN() to IsEnabled()

* CDN: Replace assert with require

* CDN: Changes after review

* Assetpath: Handle url.Parse error

* Fix plugin_resource_test

* CDN: Change fallback redirect from 302 to 307

* goimports

* Fix tests

* Switch to contextmodel.ReqContext in plugins.go

Co-authored-by: Will Browne <>
Co-authored-by: Jack Westbrook <>
2023-01-27 15:08:17 +01:00

272 lines
8.8 KiB

import angular, { ILocationService } from 'angular';
import { each } from 'lodash';
import { DataSourceApi, PanelEvents } from '@grafana/data';
import coreModule from 'app/angular/core_module';
import config from 'app/core/config';
import { importPanelPlugin } from '../../features/plugins/importPanelPlugin';
import { importDataSourcePlugin, importAppPlugin } from '../../features/plugins/plugin_loader';
export function relativeTemplateUrlToCDN(templateUrl: string, baseUrl: string) {
if (!templateUrl) {
return undefined;
// the templateUrl may have already been updated with the hostname
if (templateUrl.startsWith(config.pluginsCDNBaseURL)) {
return templateUrl;
// use the 'plugin-cdn' key to load via cdn
return `${baseUrl.replace('plugin-cdn/', `${config.pluginsCDNBaseURL}/`)}/${templateUrl}`;
coreModule.directive('pluginComponent', ['$compile', '$http', '$templateCache', '$location', pluginDirectiveLoader]);
function pluginDirectiveLoader($compile: any, $http: any, $templateCache: any, $location: ILocationService) {
function getTemplate(component: { template: any; templateUrl: any }) {
if (component.template) {
return Promise.resolve(component.template);
const cached = $templateCache.get(component.templateUrl);
if (cached) {
return Promise.resolve(cached);
return $http.get(component.templateUrl).then((res: any) => {
function relativeTemplateUrlToAbs(templateUrl: string, baseUrl: string) {
if (!templateUrl) {
return undefined;
if (templateUrl.indexOf('public') === 0) {
return templateUrl;
return baseUrl + '/' + templateUrl;
function getPluginComponentDirective(options: any) {
if (options.baseUrl.includes('plugin-cdn')) {
options.Component.templateUrl = relativeTemplateUrlToCDN(options.Component.templateUrl, options.baseUrl);
} else {
// handle relative template urls for plugin templates
options.Component.templateUrl = relativeTemplateUrlToAbs(options.Component.templateUrl, options.baseUrl);
return () => {
return {
templateUrl: options.Component.templateUrl,
template: options.Component.template,
restrict: 'E',
controller: options.Component,
controllerAs: 'ctrl',
bindToController: true,
scope: options.bindings,
link: (scope: any, elem: any, attrs: any, ctrl: any) => {
if ( {, elem, attrs, ctrl);
if (ctrl.init) {
function loadPanelComponentInfo(scope: any, attrs: any) {
const componentInfo: any = {
name: 'panel-plugin-' + scope.panel.type,
bindings: { dashboard: '=', panel: '=', row: '=' },
attrs: {
dashboard: 'dashboard',
panel: 'panel',
class: 'panel-height-helper',
const panelInfo = config.panels[scope.panel.type];
return importPanelPlugin( => {
const PanelCtrl = panelPlugin.angularPanelCtrl;
componentInfo.Component = PanelCtrl;
if (!PanelCtrl || PanelCtrl.registered) {
return componentInfo;
if (PanelCtrl.templatePromise) {
return PanelCtrl.templatePromise.then((res: any) => {
return componentInfo;
if (panelInfo) {
if (panelInfo.baseUrl.includes('plugin-cdn')) {
PanelCtrl.templateUrl = relativeTemplateUrlToCDN(PanelCtrl.templateUrl, panelInfo.baseUrl);
} else {
PanelCtrl.templateUrl = relativeTemplateUrlToAbs(PanelCtrl.templateUrl, panelInfo.baseUrl);
PanelCtrl.templatePromise = getTemplate(PanelCtrl).then((template: any) => {
PanelCtrl.templateUrl = null;
PanelCtrl.template = `<grafana-panel ctrl="ctrl" class="panel-height-helper">${template}</grafana-panel>`;
return { ...componentInfo, baseUrl: panelInfo.baseUrl };
return PanelCtrl.templatePromise;
function getModule(scope: any, attrs: any): any {
switch (attrs.type) {
// QueryCtrl
case 'query-ctrl': {
const ds: DataSourceApi = scope.ctrl.datasource as DataSourceApi;
return Promise.resolve({
baseUrl: ds.meta.baseUrl,
name: 'query-ctrl-' +,
bindings: { target: '=', panelCtrl: '=', datasource: '=' },
attrs: {
target: '',
'panel-ctrl': 'ctrl',
datasource: 'ctrl.datasource',
Component: ds.components!.QueryCtrl,
// Annotations
case 'annotations-query-ctrl': {
const baseUrl = scope.ctrl.currentDatasource.meta.baseUrl;
const pluginId =;
return importDataSourcePlugin(scope.ctrl.currentDatasource.meta).then((dsPlugin) => {
return {
name: 'annotations-query-ctrl-' + pluginId,
bindings: { annotation: '=', datasource: '=' },
attrs: {
annotation: 'ctrl.currentAnnotation',
datasource: 'ctrl.currentDatasource',
Component: dsPlugin.components.AnnotationsQueryCtrl,
// Datasource ConfigCtrl
case 'datasource-config-ctrl': {
const dsMeta = scope.ctrl.datasourceMeta;
const angularUrl = $location.url();
return importDataSourcePlugin(dsMeta).then((dsPlugin) => {
() => {
// This watcher can trigger when we navigate away due to late digests
// This check is to stop onModelChanged from being called when navigating away
// as it triggers a redux action which comes before the angular $routeChangeSucces and
// This makes the bridgeSrv think location changed from redux before detecting it was actually
// changed from angular.
if (angularUrl === $location.url()) {
return {
baseUrl: dsMeta.baseUrl,
name: 'ds-config-' +,
bindings: { meta: '=', current: '=' },
attrs: { meta: 'ctrl.datasourceMeta', current: 'ctrl.current' },
Component: dsPlugin.angularConfigCtrl,
// AppConfigCtrl
case 'app-config-ctrl': {
const model = scope.ctrl.model;
return importAppPlugin(model).then((appPlugin) => {
return {
baseUrl: model.baseUrl,
name: 'app-config-' +,
bindings: { appModel: '=', appEditCtrl: '=' },
attrs: { 'app-model': 'ctrl.model', 'app-edit-ctrl': 'ctrl' },
Component: appPlugin.angularConfigCtrl,
// Panel
case 'panel': {
return loadPanelComponentInfo(scope, attrs);
default: {
return Promise.reject({
message: 'Could not find component type: ' + attrs.type,
function appendAndCompile(scope: any, elem: JQuery, componentInfo: any) {
const child = angular.element(document.createElement(;
each(componentInfo.attrs, (value, key) => {
child.attr(key, value);
// let a binding digest cycle complete before adding to dom
setTimeout(() => {
scope.$applyAsync(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
scope.$applyAsync(() => {
function registerPluginComponent(scope: any, elem: JQuery, attrs: any, componentInfo: any) {
if (componentInfo.notFound) {
if (!componentInfo.Component) {
throw {
message: 'Failed to find exported plugin component for ' +,
if (!componentInfo.Component.registered) {
const directiveName = attrs.$normalize(;
const directiveFn = getPluginComponentDirective(componentInfo);
coreModule.directive(directiveName, directiveFn);
componentInfo.Component.registered = true;
appendAndCompile(scope, elem, componentInfo);
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: (scope: any, elem: JQuery, attrs: any) => {
getModule(scope, attrs)
.then((componentInfo: any) => {
registerPluginComponent(scope, elem, attrs, componentInfo);
.catch((err: any) => {
console.error('Plugin component error', err);