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import * as emotion from '@emotion/css';
import * as emotionReact from '@emotion/react';
import * as d3 from 'd3';
import jquery from 'jquery';
import _ from 'lodash'; // eslint-disable-line lodash/import-scope
import moment from 'moment'; // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-imports
import prismjs from 'prismjs';
import react from 'react';
import reactDom from 'react-dom';
import * as reactRedux from 'react-redux'; // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-imports
import * as reactRouterDom from 'react-router-dom';
import * as reactRouterCompat from 'react-router-dom-v5-compat';
import * as redux from 'redux';
import * as rxjs from 'rxjs';
import * as rxjsOperators from 'rxjs/operators';
import slate from 'slate';
import slatePlain from 'slate-plain-serializer';
import slateReact from 'slate-react';
import * as grafanaData from '@grafana/data';
import * as grafanaRuntime from '@grafana/runtime';
import * as grafanaUIraw from '@grafana/ui';
import TableModel from 'app/core/TableModel';
import config from 'app/core/config';
import { appEvents, contextSrv } from 'app/core/core';
import { BackendSrv, getBackendSrv } from 'app/core/services/backend_srv';
import impressionSrv from 'app/core/services/impression_srv';
import TimeSeries from 'app/core/time_series2';
import * as flatten from 'app/core/utils/flatten';
import kbn from 'app/core/utils/kbn';
import * as ticks from 'app/core/utils/ticks';
import { GenericDataSourcePlugin } from '../datasources/types';
import builtInPlugins from './built_in_plugins';
import { PLUGIN_CDN_URL_KEY } from './constants';
import { sandboxPluginDependencies } from './sandbox/plugin_dependencies';
import { importPluginModuleInSandbox } from './sandbox/sandbox_plugin_loader';
import { locateFromCDN, translateForCDN } from './systemjsPlugins/pluginCDN';
import { fetchCSS, locateCSS } from './systemjsPlugins/pluginCSS';
import { locateWithCache, registerPluginInCache } from './systemjsPlugins/pluginCacheBuster';
// Help the 6.4 to 6.5 migration
// The base classes were moved from @grafana/ui to @grafana/data
// This exposes the same classes on both import paths
const grafanaUI = grafanaUIraw as any;
grafanaUI.PanelPlugin = grafanaData.PanelPlugin;
grafanaUI.DataSourcePlugin = grafanaData.DataSourcePlugin;
grafanaUI.AppPlugin = grafanaData.AppPlugin;
grafanaUI.DataSourceApi = grafanaData.DataSourceApi;
grafanaRuntime.SystemJS.registry.set('css', grafanaRuntime.SystemJS.newModule({ locate: locateCSS, fetch: fetchCSS }));
grafanaRuntime.SystemJS.registry.set('plugin-loader', grafanaRuntime.SystemJS.newModule({ locate: locateWithCache }));
grafanaRuntime.SystemJS.newModule({ locate: locateFromCDN, translate: translateForCDN })
baseURL: 'public',
defaultExtension: 'js',
packages: {
plugins: {
defaultExtension: 'js',
'plugin-cdn': {
defaultExtension: 'js',
map: {
text: 'vendor/plugin-text/text.js',
meta: {
'/*': {
esModule: true,
authorization: true,
loader: 'plugin-loader',
'*.css': {
loader: 'css',
[`${PLUGIN_CDN_URL_KEY}/*`]: {
esModule: true,
authorization: false,
loader: 'cdn-loader',
export function exposeToPlugin(name: string, component: any) {
grafanaRuntime.SystemJS.registerDynamic(name, [], true, (require: any, exports: any, module: { exports: any }) => {
module.exports = component;
// exposes this dependency to sandboxed plugins too.
// the following sandboxPluginDependencies don't depend or interact
// with SystemJS in any way.
sandboxPluginDependencies.set(name, component);
exposeToPlugin('@grafana/data', grafanaData);
exposeToPlugin('@grafana/ui', grafanaUI);
exposeToPlugin('@grafana/runtime', grafanaRuntime);
exposeToPlugin('lodash', _);
exposeToPlugin('moment', moment);
exposeToPlugin('jquery', jquery);
exposeToPlugin('d3', d3);
exposeToPlugin('rxjs', rxjs);
exposeToPlugin('rxjs/operators', rxjsOperators);
// Migration - React Router v5 -> v6
// =================================
// Plugins that still use "react-router-dom@v5" don't depend on react-router directly, so they will not use this import.
// (The react-router-dom@v5 that we expose for them depends on the "react-router" package internally from core.)
// Plugins that would like update to "react-router-dom@v6" will need to bundle "react-router-dom",
// however they cannot bundle "react-router" - this would mean that we have two instances of "react-router"
// in the app, which would casue issues. As the "react-router-dom-v5-compat" package re-exports everything from "react-router-dom@v6"
// which then re-exports everything from "react-router@v6", we are in the lucky state to be able to expose a compatible v6 version of the router to plugins by
// just exposing "react-router-dom-v5-compat".
// (This means that we are exposing two versions of the same package).
exposeToPlugin('react-router', reactRouterCompat); // react-router-dom@v6, react-router@v6 (included)
exposeToPlugin('react-router-dom', reactRouterDom); // react-router-dom@v5
// Experimental modules
exposeToPlugin('prismjs', prismjs);
exposeToPlugin('slate', slate);
exposeToPlugin('slate-react', slateReact);
exposeToPlugin('@grafana/slate-react', slateReact); // for backwards compatibility with older plugins
exposeToPlugin('slate-plain-serializer', slatePlain);
exposeToPlugin('react', react);
exposeToPlugin('react-dom', reactDom);
exposeToPlugin('react-redux', reactRedux);
exposeToPlugin('redux', redux);
exposeToPlugin('emotion', emotion);
exposeToPlugin('@emotion/css', emotion);
exposeToPlugin('@emotion/react', emotionReact);
exposeToPlugin('app/features/dashboard/impression_store', {
impressions: impressionSrv,
__esModule: true,
* NOTE: this is added temporarily while we explore a long term solution
* If you use this export, only use the:
* get/delete/post/patch/request methods
exposeToPlugin('app/core/services/backend_srv', {
exposeToPlugin('app/core/utils/datemath', grafanaData.dateMath);
exposeToPlugin('app/core/utils/flatten', flatten);
exposeToPlugin('app/core/utils/kbn', kbn);
exposeToPlugin('app/core/utils/ticks', ticks);
exposeToPlugin('app/core/config', config);
exposeToPlugin('app/core/time_series', TimeSeries);
exposeToPlugin('app/core/time_series2', TimeSeries);
exposeToPlugin('app/core/table_model', TableModel);
exposeToPlugin('app/core/app_events', appEvents);
exposeToPlugin('app/core/core', {
appEvents: appEvents,
contextSrv: contextSrv,
__esModule: true,
import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot';
import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot.selection';
import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot.time';
import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot.stack';
import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot.stackpercent';
import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot.fillbelow';
import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot.crosshair';
import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot.dashes';
import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot.gauge';
const flotDeps = [
for (const flotDep of flotDeps) {
exposeToPlugin(flotDep, { fakeDep: 1 });
export async function importPluginModule({
}: {
path: string;
pluginId: string;
version?: string;
isAngular?: boolean;
}): Promise<any> {
if (version) {
registerPluginInCache({ path, version });
const builtIn = builtInPlugins[path];
if (builtIn) {
// for handling dynamic imports
if (typeof builtIn === 'function') {
return await builtIn();
} else {
return builtIn;
// the sandboxing environment code cannot work in nodejs and requires a real browser
if (isFrontendSandboxSupported({ isAngular, pluginId })) {
return importPluginModuleInSandbox({ pluginId });
return grafanaRuntime.SystemJS.import(path);
function isFrontendSandboxSupported({ isAngular, pluginId }: { isAngular?: boolean; pluginId: string }): boolean {
// To fast test and debug the sandbox in the browser.
const sandboxQueryParam = location.search.includes('nosandbox') && config.buildInfo.env === 'development';
const isPluginExcepted = config.disableFrontendSandboxForPlugins.includes(pluginId);
return (
!isAngular &&
Boolean(config.featureToggles.pluginsFrontendSandbox) &&
process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test' &&
!isPluginExcepted &&
export function importDataSourcePlugin(meta: grafanaData.DataSourcePluginMeta): Promise<GenericDataSourcePlugin> {
return importPluginModule({
path: meta.module,
version: meta.info?.version,
isAngular: meta.angularDetected,
pluginId: meta.id,
}).then((pluginExports) => {
if (pluginExports.plugin) {
const dsPlugin = pluginExports.plugin as GenericDataSourcePlugin;
dsPlugin.meta = meta;
return dsPlugin;
if (pluginExports.Datasource) {
const dsPlugin = new grafanaData.DataSourcePlugin<
grafanaData.DataSourceApi<grafanaData.DataQuery, grafanaData.DataSourceJsonData>,
dsPlugin.meta = meta;
return dsPlugin;
throw new Error('Plugin module is missing DataSourcePlugin or Datasource constructor export');
export function importAppPlugin(meta: grafanaData.PluginMeta): Promise<grafanaData.AppPlugin> {
return importPluginModule({
path: meta.module,
version: meta.info?.version,
isAngular: meta.angularDetected,
pluginId: meta.id,
}).then((pluginExports) => {
const plugin = pluginExports.plugin ? (pluginExports.plugin as grafanaData.AppPlugin) : new grafanaData.AppPlugin();
plugin.meta = meta;
return plugin;