Kristin Laemmert b346ae0310
feat: add new Folder table migration & define nested folder interfaces (#56882)
* feat: add new Folder table migration

Add a new folder table to support the Nested Folders feature.

* register nested folders feature flag (unused)

* feat: nested folder service (experiment)

This commit adds a NestedFolderSvc interface and stubbed out implementation as an alternative to the existing folder service. This is an experimental feature to try out different methods for backwards compatibility and parallelization, so that Grafana can continue to store folders in the existing (non-nested) manner while also using the new nested folder service.

Eventually the new service will (hopefully) become _the_ service, at which point the legacy service can be deprecated (or remain, with the new service methods replacing the original. whatever makes sense at the time).

* nested folders: don't run the new migration

This commit removes the nested folder migration from the list of active migrations so we can merge this branch and continue development without impacting Grafana instances built off main.
2022-10-26 10:15:14 -04:00

357 lines
10 KiB

// To change feature flags, edit:
// pkg/services/featuremgmt/registry.go
// Then run tests in:
// pkg/services/featuremgmt/toggles_gen_test.go
// twice to generate and validate the feature flag files
package featuremgmt
var (
// Register each toggle here
standardFeatureFlags = []FeatureFlag{
Name: "alertingBigTransactions",
Description: "Use big transactions for alerting database writes",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "trimDefaults",
Description: "Use cue schema to remove values that will be applied automatically",
State: FeatureStateBeta,
Name: "disableEnvelopeEncryption",
Description: "Disable envelope encryption (emergency only)",
State: FeatureStateStable,
Name: "database_metrics",
Description: "Add prometheus metrics for database tables",
State: FeatureStateStable,
Name: "dashboardPreviews",
Description: "Create and show thumbnails for dashboard search results",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "dashboardPreviewsAdmin",
Description: "Manage the dashboard previews crawler process from the UI",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
RequiresDevMode: true,
Name: "live-config",
Description: "Save grafana live configuration in SQL tables",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "live-pipeline",
Description: "enable a generic live processing pipeline",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "live-service-web-worker",
Description: "This will use a webworker thread to processes events rather than the main thread",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
FrontendOnly: true,
Name: "queryOverLive",
Description: "Use grafana live websocket to execute backend queries",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
FrontendOnly: true,
Name: "panelTitleSearch",
Description: "Search for dashboards using panel title",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "tempoApmTable",
Description: "Show APM table",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
FrontendOnly: true,
Name: "prometheusAzureOverrideAudience",
Description: "Experimental. Allow override default AAD audience for Azure Prometheus endpoint",
State: FeatureStateBeta,
Name: "influxdbBackendMigration",
Description: "Query InfluxDB InfluxQL without the proxy",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
FrontendOnly: true,
Name: "showFeatureFlagsInUI",
Description: "Show feature flags in the settings UI",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
RequiresDevMode: true,
Name: "publicDashboards",
Description: "enables public access to dashboards",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "lokiLive",
Description: "support websocket streaming for loki (early prototype)",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "lokiDataframeApi",
Description: "use experimental loki api for websocket streaming (early prototype)",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "lokiMonacoEditor",
Description: "Access to Monaco query editor for Loki",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "swaggerUi",
Description: "Serves swagger UI",
State: FeatureStateBeta,
Name: "featureHighlights",
Description: "Highlight Enterprise features",
State: FeatureStateStable,
Name: "dashboardComments",
Description: "Enable dashboard-wide comments",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "annotationComments",
Description: "Enable annotation comments",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "migrationLocking",
Description: "Lock database during migrations",
State: FeatureStateBeta,
Name: "storage",
Description: "Configurable storage for dashboards, datasources, and resources",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "dashboardsFromStorage",
Description: "Load dashboards from the generic storage interface",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
RequiresDevMode: true, // Also a gate on automatic git storage (for now)
Name: "export",
Description: "Export grafana instance (to git, etc)",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
RequiresDevMode: true,
Name: "azureMonitorResourcePickerForMetrics",
Description: "New UI for Azure Monitor Metrics Query",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
RequiresDevMode: true,
FrontendOnly: true,
Name: "explore2Dashboard",
Description: "Experimental Explore to Dashboard workflow",
State: FeatureStateBeta,
FrontendOnly: true,
Name: "exploreMixedDatasource",
Description: "Enable mixed datasource in Explore",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
FrontendOnly: true,
Name: "tracing",
Description: "Adds trace ID to error notifications",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
FrontendOnly: true,
Name: "commandPalette",
Description: "Enable command palette",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "correlations",
Description: "Correlations page",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "cloudWatchDynamicLabels",
Description: "Use dynamic labels instead of alias patterns in CloudWatch datasource",
State: FeatureStateStable,
Name: "datasourceQueryMultiStatus",
Description: "Introduce HTTP 207 Multi Status for api/ds/query",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "traceToMetrics",
Description: "Enable trace to metrics links",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
FrontendOnly: true,
Name: "prometheusStreamingJSONParser",
Description: "Enable streaming JSON parser for Prometheus datasource",
State: FeatureStateBeta,
Name: "prometheusStreamingJSONParserTest",
Description: "Run both old and streaming requests and log differences",
State: FeatureStateBeta,
Name: "newDBLibrary",
Description: "Use jmoiron/sqlx rather than xorm for a few backend services",
State: FeatureStateBeta,
Name: "validateDashboardsOnSave",
Description: "Validate dashboard JSON POSTed to api/dashboards/db",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
RequiresRestart: true,
Name: "autoMigrateGraphPanels",
Description: "Replace the angular graph panel with timeseries",
State: FeatureStateBeta,
FrontendOnly: true,
Name: "prometheusWideSeries",
Description: "Enable wide series responses in the Prometheus datasource",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "canvasPanelNesting",
Description: "Allow elements nesting",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
FrontendOnly: true,
Name: "scenes",
Description: "Experimental framework to build interactive dashboards",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
FrontendOnly: true,
Name: "useLegacyHeatmapPanel",
Description: "Continue to use the angular/flot based heatmap panel",
State: FeatureStateStable,
Name: "disableSecretsCompatibility",
Description: "Disable duplicated secret storage in legacy tables",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
RequiresRestart: true,
Name: "logRequestsInstrumentedAsUnknown",
Description: "Logs the path for requests that are instrumented as unknown",
Name: "dataConnectionsConsole",
Description: "Enables a new top-level page called Connections. This page is an experiment for better grouping of installing / configuring data sources and other plugins.",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "internationalization",
Description: "Enables work-in-progress internationalization",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "topnav",
Description: "New top nav and page layouts",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "grpcServer",
Description: "Run GRPC server",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
RequiresDevMode: true,
Name: "objectStore",
Description: "SQL based object store",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
RequiresDevMode: true,
Name: "traceqlEditor",
Description: "Show the TraceQL editor in the explore page",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "flameGraph",
Description: "Show the flame graph",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "redshiftAsyncQueryDataSupport",
Description: "Enable async query data support for Redshift",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
FrontendOnly: true,
Name: "athenaAsyncQueryDataSupport",
Description: "Enable async query data support for Athena",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
FrontendOnly: true,
Name: "increaseInMemDatabaseQueryCache",
Description: "Enable more in memory caching for database queries",
Name: "interFont",
Description: "Switch to inter font",
Name: "newPanelChromeUI",
Description: "Show updated look and feel of grafana-ui PanelChrome: panel header, icons, and menu",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
FrontendOnly: true,
Name: "queryLibrary",
Description: "Reusable query library",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
RequiresDevMode: true,
Name: "showDashboardValidationWarnings",
Description: "Show warnings when Dashboards do not validate against the schema",
Name: "mysqlAnsiQuotes",
Description: "Use double quote to escape keyword in Mysql query",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
Name: "accessControlOnCall",
Description: "Access control primitives for OnCall",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
RequiresDevMode: true,
Name: "nestedFolders",
Description: "Enable folder nesting",
State: FeatureStateAlpha,
RequiresDevMode: true,