mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 11:48:34 -06:00
* First commit with working version of sub-tables using subData array * Update TableContainer and query result to support a dataframe array for the table result * Fix border issue by moving the subtable to above the cells in the DOM * Allow header to be configurable using custom options. * Update TablePanel to support sub-tables * Fix main row links * Added tests * Fix TablePanel correctly splitting frames and sub-frames by using refId
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974 lines
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import { AnyAction, createAction, PayloadAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import deepEqual from 'fast-deep-equal';
import { flatten, groupBy } from 'lodash';
import { identity, Observable, of, SubscriptionLike, Unsubscribable, combineLatest } from 'rxjs';
import { mergeMap, throttleTime } from 'rxjs/operators';
import {
} from '@grafana/data';
import { config, getDataSourceSrv, reportInteraction } from '@grafana/runtime';
import {
} from 'app/core/utils/explore';
import { getShiftedTimeRange } from 'app/core/utils/timePicker';
import { CorrelationData } from 'app/features/correlations/useCorrelations';
import { getTimeZone } from 'app/features/profile/state/selectors';
import { MIXED_DATASOURCE_NAME } from 'app/plugins/datasource/mixed/MixedDataSource';
import { store } from 'app/store/store';
import { ExploreItemState, ExplorePanelData, ThunkDispatch, ThunkResult } from 'app/types';
import { ExploreId, ExploreState, QueryOptions } from 'app/types/explore';
import { notifyApp } from '../../../core/actions';
import { createErrorNotification } from '../../../core/copy/appNotification';
import { runRequest } from '../../query/state/runRequest';
import { decorateData } from '../utils/decorators';
import { addHistoryItem, historyUpdatedAction, loadRichHistory } from './history';
import { stateSave } from './main';
import { updateTime } from './time';
import { createCacheKey, getResultsFromCache, storeLogsVolumeEnabled } from './utils';
// Actions and Payloads
* Adds a query row after the row with the given index.
export interface AddQueryRowPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
index: number;
query: DataQuery;
export const addQueryRowAction = createAction<AddQueryRowPayload>('explore/addQueryRow');
* Query change handler for the query row with the given index.
* If `override` is reset the query modifications and run the queries. Use this to set queries via a link.
export interface ChangeQueriesPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
queries: DataQuery[];
export const changeQueriesAction = createAction<ChangeQueriesPayload>('explore/changeQueries');
* Cancel running queries.
export interface CancelQueriesPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
export const cancelQueriesAction = createAction<CancelQueriesPayload>('explore/cancelQueries');
export interface QueriesImportedPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
queries: DataQuery[];
export const queriesImportedAction = createAction<QueriesImportedPayload>('explore/queriesImported');
export interface QueryStoreSubscriptionPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
querySubscription: Unsubscribable;
export const queryStoreSubscriptionAction = createAction<QueryStoreSubscriptionPayload>(
const setLogsVolumeEnabledAction = createAction<{ exploreId: ExploreId; enabled: boolean }>(
export interface StoreLogsVolumeDataProvider {
exploreId: ExploreId;
logsVolumeDataProvider?: Observable<DataQueryResponse>;
* Stores available logs volume provider after running the query. Used internally by runQueries().
export const storeLogsVolumeDataProviderAction = createAction<StoreLogsVolumeDataProvider>(
export const cleanLogsVolumeAction = createAction<{ exploreId: ExploreId }>('explore/cleanLogsVolumeAction');
export interface StoreLogsVolumeDataSubscriptionPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
logsVolumeDataSubscription?: SubscriptionLike;
* Stores current logs volume subscription for given explore pane.
const storeLogsVolumeDataSubscriptionAction = createAction<StoreLogsVolumeDataSubscriptionPayload>(
* Stores data returned by the provider. Used internally by loadLogsVolumeData().
const updateLogsVolumeDataAction = createAction<{
exploreId: ExploreId;
logsVolumeData: DataQueryResponse;
export interface QueryEndedPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
response: ExplorePanelData;
export const queryStreamUpdatedAction = createAction<QueryEndedPayload>('explore/queryStreamUpdated');
* Reset queries to the given queries. Any modifications will be discarded.
export interface SetQueriesPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
queries: DataQuery[];
export const setQueriesAction = createAction<SetQueriesPayload>('explore/setQueries');
export interface ChangeLoadingStatePayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
loadingState: LoadingState;
export const changeLoadingStateAction = createAction<ChangeLoadingStatePayload>('changeLoadingState');
export interface SetPausedStatePayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
isPaused: boolean;
export const setPausedStateAction = createAction<SetPausedStatePayload>('explore/setPausedState');
* Start a scan for more results using the given scanner.
* @param exploreId Explore area
* @param scanner Function that a) returns a new time range and b) triggers a query run for the new range
export interface ScanStartPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
export const scanStartAction = createAction<ScanStartPayload>('explore/scanStart');
* Stop any scanning for more results.
export interface ScanStopPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
export const scanStopAction = createAction<ScanStopPayload>('explore/scanStop');
* Adds query results to cache.
* This is currently used to cache last 5 query results for log queries run from logs navigation (pagination).
export interface AddResultsToCachePayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
cacheKey: string;
queryResponse: ExplorePanelData;
export const addResultsToCacheAction = createAction<AddResultsToCachePayload>('explore/addResultsToCache');
* Clears cache.
export interface ClearCachePayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
export const clearCacheAction = createAction<ClearCachePayload>('explore/clearCache');
// Action creators
* Adds a query row after the row with the given index.
export function addQueryRow(exploreId: ExploreId, index: number): ThunkResult<void> {
return async (dispatch, getState) => {
const queries = getState().explore[exploreId]!.queries;
let datasourceOverride = undefined;
// if this is the first query being added, check for a root datasource
// if it's not mixed, send it as an override. generateEmptyQuery doesn't have access to state
if (queries.length === 0) {
const rootDatasource = getState().explore[exploreId]!.datasourceInstance;
if (!config.featureToggles.exploreMixedDatasource || !rootDatasource?.meta.mixed) {
datasourceOverride = rootDatasource;
const query = await generateEmptyQuery(queries, index, datasourceOverride?.getRef());
dispatch(addQueryRowAction({ exploreId, index, query }));
* Cancel running queries
export function cancelQueries(exploreId: ExploreId): ThunkResult<void> {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch(scanStopAction({ exploreId }));
dispatch(cancelQueriesAction({ exploreId }));
logsVolumeDataProvider: undefined,
// clear any incomplete data
if (getState().explore[exploreId]!.logsVolumeData?.state !== LoadingState.Done) {
dispatch(cleanLogsVolumeAction({ exploreId }));
const addDatasourceToQueries = (datasource: DataSourceApi, queries: DataQuery[]) => {
const dataSourceRef = datasource.getRef();
return queries.map((query: DataQuery) => {
return { ...query, datasource: dataSourceRef };
const getImportableQueries = async (
targetDataSource: DataSourceApi,
sourceDataSource: DataSourceApi,
queries: DataQuery[]
): Promise<DataQuery[]> => {
let queriesOut: DataQuery[] = [];
if (sourceDataSource.meta?.id === targetDataSource.meta?.id) {
queriesOut = queries;
} else if (hasQueryExportSupport(sourceDataSource) && hasQueryImportSupport(targetDataSource)) {
const abstractQueries = await sourceDataSource.exportToAbstractQueries(queries);
queriesOut = await targetDataSource.importFromAbstractQueries(abstractQueries);
} else if (targetDataSource.importQueries) {
// Datasource-specific importers
queriesOut = await targetDataSource.importQueries(queries, sourceDataSource);
// add new datasource to queries before returning
return addDatasourceToQueries(targetDataSource, queriesOut);
* Import queries from previous datasource if possible eg Loki and Prometheus have similar query language so the
* labels part can be reused to get similar data.
* @param exploreId
* @param queries
* @param sourceDataSource
* @param targetDataSource
export const importQueries = (
exploreId: ExploreId,
queries: DataQuery[],
sourceDataSource: DataSourceApi | undefined | null,
targetDataSource: DataSourceApi,
singleQueryChangeRef?: string // when changing one query DS to another in a mixed environment, we do not want to change all queries, just the one being changed
): ThunkResult<void> => {
return async (dispatch) => {
if (!sourceDataSource) {
// explore not initialized
dispatch(queriesImportedAction({ exploreId, queries }));
let importedQueries = queries;
// If going to mixed, keep queries with source datasource
if (targetDataSource.uid === MIXED_DATASOURCE_NAME) {
importedQueries = queries.map((query) => {
return { ...query, datasource: sourceDataSource.getRef() };
// If going from mixed, see what queries you keep by their individual datasources
else if (sourceDataSource.uid === MIXED_DATASOURCE_NAME) {
const groupedQueries = groupBy(queries, (query) => query.datasource?.uid);
const groupedImportableQueries = await Promise.all(
Object.keys(groupedQueries).map(async (key: string) => {
const queryDatasource = await getDataSourceSrv().get({ uid: key });
return await getImportableQueries(targetDataSource, queryDatasource, groupedQueries[key]);
importedQueries = flatten(groupedImportableQueries.filter((arr) => arr.length > 0));
} else {
let queriesStartArr = queries;
if (singleQueryChangeRef !== undefined) {
const changedQuery = queries.find((query) => query.refId === singleQueryChangeRef);
if (changedQuery) {
queriesStartArr = [changedQuery];
importedQueries = await getImportableQueries(targetDataSource, sourceDataSource, queriesStartArr);
// this will be the entire imported set, or the single imported query in an array
let nextQueries = await ensureQueries(importedQueries, targetDataSource.getRef());
if (singleQueryChangeRef !== undefined) {
// if the query import didn't return a result, there was no ability to import between datasources. Create an empty query for the datasource
if (importedQueries.length === 0) {
const dsQuery = await generateEmptyQuery([], undefined, targetDataSource.getRef());
importedQueries = [dsQuery];
// capture the single imported query, and copy the original set
const updatedQueryIdx = queries.findIndex((query) => query.refId === singleQueryChangeRef);
// for single query change, all areas that generate refId do not know about other queries, so just copy the existing refID to the new query
const changedQuery = { ...nextQueries[0], refId: queries[updatedQueryIdx].refId };
nextQueries = [...queries];
// replace the changed query
nextQueries[updatedQueryIdx] = changedQuery;
dispatch(queriesImportedAction({ exploreId, queries: nextQueries }));
* Action to modify a query given a datasource-specific modifier action.
* @param exploreId Explore area
* @param modification Action object with a type, e.g., ADD_FILTER
* @param modifier Function that executes the modification, typically `datasourceInstance.modifyQueries`.
export function modifyQueries(
exploreId: ExploreId,
modification: QueryFixAction,
modifier: (query: DataQuery, modification: QueryFixAction) => Promise<DataQuery>
): ThunkResult<void> {
return async (dispatch, getState) => {
const state = getState().explore[exploreId]!;
const { queries } = state;
const nextQueriesRaw = await Promise.all(queries.map((query) => modifier({ ...query }, modification)));
const nextQueries = nextQueriesRaw.map((nextQuery, i) => {
return generateNewKeyAndAddRefIdIfMissing(nextQuery, queries, i);
dispatch(setQueriesAction({ exploreId, queries: nextQueries }));
if (!modification.preventSubmit) {
async function handleHistory(
dispatch: ThunkDispatch,
state: ExploreState,
history: Array<HistoryItem<DataQuery>>,
datasource: DataSourceApi,
queries: DataQuery[],
exploreId: ExploreId
) {
const datasourceId = datasource.meta.id;
const nextHistory = updateHistory(history, datasourceId, queries);
dispatch(historyUpdatedAction({ exploreId, history: nextHistory }));
dispatch(addHistoryItem(datasource.uid, datasource.name, queries));
// Because filtering happens in the backend we cannot add a new entry without checking if it matches currently
// used filters. Instead, we refresh the query history list.
// TODO: run only if Query History list is opened (#47252)
await dispatch(loadRichHistory(ExploreId.left));
await dispatch(loadRichHistory(ExploreId.right));
* Main action to run queries and dispatches sub-actions based on which result viewers are active
export const runQueries = (
exploreId: ExploreId,
options?: { replaceUrl?: boolean; preserveCache?: boolean }
): ThunkResult<void> => {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch(updateTime({ exploreId }));
const correlations$ = getCorrelations();
// We always want to clear cache unless we explicitly pass preserveCache parameter
const preserveCache = options?.preserveCache === true;
if (!preserveCache) {
const exploreItemState = getState().explore[exploreId]!;
const {
isLive: live,
} = exploreItemState;
let newQuerySub;
const queries = exploreItemState.queries.map((query) => ({
datasource: query.datasource || datasourceInstance?.getRef(),
if (datasourceInstance != null) {
handleHistory(dispatch, getState().explore, exploreItemState.history, datasourceInstance, queries, exploreId);
dispatch(stateSave({ replace: options?.replaceUrl }));
const cachedValue = getResultsFromCache(cache, absoluteRange);
// If we have results saved in cache, we are going to use those results instead of running queries
if (cachedValue) {
newQuerySub = combineLatest([of(cachedValue), correlations$])
mergeMap(([data, correlations]) =>
datasourceInstance != null && hasLogsVolumeSupport(datasourceInstance)
.subscribe((data) => {
if (!data.error) {
dispatch(queryStreamUpdatedAction({ exploreId, response: data }));
// If we don't have results saved in cache, run new queries
} else {
if (!hasNonEmptyQuery(queries)) {
dispatch(stateSave({ replace: options?.replaceUrl })); // Remember to save to state and update location
if (!datasourceInstance) {
// Some datasource's query builders allow per-query interval limits,
// but we're using the datasource interval limit for now
const minInterval = datasourceInstance?.interval;
const queryOptions: QueryOptions = {
// maxDataPoints is used in:
// Loki - used for logs streaming for buffer size, with undefined it falls back to datasource config if it supports that.
// Elastic - limits the number of datapoints for the counts query and for logs it has hardcoded limit.
// Influx - used to correctly display logs in graph
// TODO:unification
// maxDataPoints: mode === ExploreMode.Logs && datasourceId === 'loki' ? undefined : containerWidth,
maxDataPoints: containerWidth,
liveStreaming: live,
const timeZone = getTimeZone(getState().user);
const transaction = buildQueryTransaction(exploreId, queries, queryOptions, range, scanning, timeZone);
dispatch(changeLoadingStateAction({ exploreId, loadingState: LoadingState.Loading }));
newQuerySub = combineLatest([
runRequest(datasourceInstance, transaction.request)
// Simple throttle for live tailing, in case of > 1000 rows per interval we spend about 200ms on processing and
// rendering. In case this is optimized this can be tweaked, but also it should be only as fast as user
// actually can see what is happening.
.pipe(live ? throttleTime(500) : identity),
mergeMap(([data, correlations]) =>
datasourceInstance != null && hasLogsVolumeSupport(datasourceInstance)
next(data) {
if (data.logsResult !== null) {
reportInteraction('grafana_explore_logs_result_displayed', {
datasourceType: datasourceInstance.type,
dispatch(queryStreamUpdatedAction({ exploreId, response: data }));
// Keep scanning for results if this was the last scanning transaction
if (getState().explore[exploreId]!.scanning) {
if (data.state === LoadingState.Done && data.series.length === 0) {
const range = getShiftedTimeRange(-1, getState().explore[exploreId]!.range);
dispatch(updateTime({ exploreId, absoluteRange: range }));
} else {
// We can stop scanning if we have a result
dispatch(scanStopAction({ exploreId }));
error(error) {
dispatch(notifyApp(createErrorNotification('Query processing error', error)));
dispatch(changeLoadingStateAction({ exploreId, loadingState: LoadingState.Error }));
complete() {
// In case we don't get any response at all but the observable completed, make sure we stop loading state.
// This is for cases when some queries are noop like running first query after load but we don't have any
// actual query input.
if (getState().explore[exploreId]!.queryResponse.state === LoadingState.Loading) {
dispatch(changeLoadingStateAction({ exploreId, loadingState: LoadingState.Done }));
if (live) {
logsVolumeDataProvider: undefined,
dispatch(cleanLogsVolumeAction({ exploreId }));
} else if (hasLogsVolumeSupport(datasourceInstance)) {
// we always prepare the logsVolumeProvider,
// but we only load it, if the logs-volume-histogram is enabled.
// (we need to have the logsVolumeProvider always actual,
// even when the visuals are disabled, because when the user
// enables the visuals again, we need to load the histogram,
// so we need the provider)
const sourceRequest = {
requestId: transaction.request.requestId + '_log_volume',
const logsVolumeDataProvider = datasourceInstance.getLogsVolumeDataProvider(sourceRequest);
const { logsVolumeData, absoluteRange } = getState().explore[exploreId]!;
if (!canReuseLogsVolumeData(logsVolumeData, queries, absoluteRange)) {
dispatch(cleanLogsVolumeAction({ exploreId }));
if (logsVolumeEnabled) {
} else {
logsVolumeDataProvider: undefined,
dispatch(queryStoreSubscriptionAction({ exploreId, querySubscription: newQuerySub }));
* Checks if after changing the time range the existing data can be used to show logs volume.
* It can happen if queries are the same and new time range is within existing data time range.
function canReuseLogsVolumeData(
logsVolumeData: DataQueryResponse | undefined,
queries: DataQuery[],
selectedTimeRange: AbsoluteTimeRange
): boolean {
if (logsVolumeData && logsVolumeData.data[0]) {
// check if queries are the same
if (!deepEqual(logsVolumeData.data[0].meta?.custom?.targets, queries)) {
return false;
const dataRange = logsVolumeData && logsVolumeData.data[0] && logsVolumeData.data[0].meta?.custom?.absoluteRange;
// if selected range is within loaded logs volume
if (dataRange && dataRange.from <= selectedTimeRange.from && selectedTimeRange.to <= dataRange.to) {
return true;
return false;
* Reset queries to the given queries. Any modifications will be discarded.
* Use this action for clicks on query examples. Triggers a query run.
export function setQueries(exploreId: ExploreId, rawQueries: DataQuery[]): ThunkResult<void> {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
// Inject react keys into query objects
const queries = getState().explore[exploreId]!.queries;
const nextQueries = rawQueries.map((query, index) => generateNewKeyAndAddRefIdIfMissing(query, queries, index));
dispatch(setQueriesAction({ exploreId, queries: nextQueries }));
* Start a scan for more results using the given scanner.
* @param exploreId Explore area
* @param scanner Function that a) returns a new time range and b) triggers a query run for the new range
export function scanStart(exploreId: ExploreId): ThunkResult<void> {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
// Register the scanner
dispatch(scanStartAction({ exploreId }));
// Scanning must trigger query run, and return the new range
const range = getShiftedTimeRange(-1, getState().explore[exploreId]!.range);
// Set the new range to be displayed
dispatch(updateTime({ exploreId, absoluteRange: range }));
export function addResultsToCache(exploreId: ExploreId): ThunkResult<void> {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const queryResponse = getState().explore[exploreId]!.queryResponse;
const absoluteRange = getState().explore[exploreId]!.absoluteRange;
const cacheKey = createCacheKey(absoluteRange);
// Save results to cache only when all results recived and loading is done
if (queryResponse.state === LoadingState.Done) {
dispatch(addResultsToCacheAction({ exploreId, cacheKey, queryResponse }));
export function clearCache(exploreId: ExploreId): ThunkResult<void> {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch(clearCacheAction({ exploreId }));
* Initializes loading logs volume data and stores emitted value.
export function loadLogsVolumeData(exploreId: ExploreId): ThunkResult<void> {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const { logsVolumeDataProvider } = getState().explore[exploreId]!;
if (logsVolumeDataProvider) {
const logsVolumeDataSubscription = logsVolumeDataProvider.subscribe({
next: (logsVolumeData: DataQueryResponse) => {
dispatch(updateLogsVolumeDataAction({ exploreId, logsVolumeData }));
dispatch(storeLogsVolumeDataSubscriptionAction({ exploreId, logsVolumeDataSubscription }));
export function setLogsVolumeEnabled(exploreId: ExploreId, enabled: boolean): ThunkResult<void> {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch(setLogsVolumeEnabledAction({ exploreId, enabled }));
if (enabled) {
// Reducer
// Redux Toolkit uses ImmerJs as part of their solution to ensure that state objects are not mutated.
// ImmerJs has an autoFreeze option that freezes objects from change which means this reducer can't be migrated to createSlice
// because the state would become frozen and during run time we would get errors because flot (Graph lib) would try to mutate
// the frozen state.
// https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-toolkit/issues/242
export const queryReducer = (state: ExploreItemState, action: AnyAction): ExploreItemState => {
if (addQueryRowAction.match(action)) {
const { queries } = state;
const { index, query } = action.payload;
// Add to queries, which will cause a new row to be rendered
const nextQueries = [...queries.slice(0, index + 1), { ...query }, ...queries.slice(index + 1)];
return {
queries: nextQueries,
queryKeys: getQueryKeys(nextQueries),
if (changeQueriesAction.match(action)) {
const { queries } = action.payload;
return {
if (cancelQueriesAction.match(action)) {
return {
loading: false,
if (setQueriesAction.match(action)) {
const { queries } = action.payload;
return {
queries: queries.slice(),
queryKeys: getQueryKeys(queries),
if (queryStoreSubscriptionAction.match(action)) {
const { querySubscription } = action.payload;
return {
if (setLogsVolumeEnabledAction.match(action)) {
const { enabled } = action.payload;
if (!enabled && state.logsVolumeDataSubscription) {
return {
logsVolumeEnabled: enabled,
// NOTE: the dataProvider is not cleared, we may need it later,
// if the user re-enables the histogram-visualization
logsVolumeData: undefined,
if (storeLogsVolumeDataProviderAction.match(action)) {
let { logsVolumeDataProvider } = action.payload;
if (state.logsVolumeDataSubscription) {
return {
logsVolumeDataSubscription: undefined,
if (cleanLogsVolumeAction.match(action)) {
return {
logsVolumeData: undefined,
if (storeLogsVolumeDataSubscriptionAction.match(action)) {
const { logsVolumeDataSubscription } = action.payload;
return {
if (updateLogsVolumeDataAction.match(action)) {
let { logsVolumeData } = action.payload;
return {
if (queryStreamUpdatedAction.match(action)) {
return processQueryResponse(state, action);
if (queriesImportedAction.match(action)) {
const { queries } = action.payload;
return {
queryKeys: getQueryKeys(queries),
if (changeLoadingStateAction.match(action)) {
const { loadingState } = action.payload;
return {
queryResponse: {
state: loadingState,
loading: loadingState === LoadingState.Loading || loadingState === LoadingState.Streaming,
if (setPausedStateAction.match(action)) {
const { isPaused } = action.payload;
return {
isPaused: isPaused,
if (scanStartAction.match(action)) {
return { ...state, scanning: true };
if (scanStopAction.match(action)) {
return {
scanning: false,
scanRange: undefined,
if (addResultsToCacheAction.match(action)) {
const CACHE_LIMIT = 5;
const { cache } = state;
const { queryResponse, cacheKey } = action.payload;
let newCache = [...cache];
const isDuplicateKey = newCache.some((c) => c.key === cacheKey);
if (!isDuplicateKey) {
const newCacheItem = { key: cacheKey, value: queryResponse };
newCache = [newCacheItem, ...newCache].slice(0, CACHE_LIMIT);
return {
cache: newCache,
if (clearCacheAction.match(action)) {
return {
cache: [],
return state;
* Creates an observable that emits correlations once they are loaded
const getCorrelations = () => {
return new Observable<CorrelationData[]>((subscriber) => {
const existingCorrelations = store.getState().explore.correlations;
if (existingCorrelations) {
} else {
const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => {
const { correlations } = store.getState().explore;
if (correlations) {
export const processQueryResponse = (
state: ExploreItemState,
action: PayloadAction<QueryEndedPayload>
): ExploreItemState => {
const { response } = action.payload;
const {
state: loadingState,
} = response;
if (error) {
if (error.type === DataQueryErrorType.Timeout) {
return {
queryResponse: response,
loading: loadingState === LoadingState.Loading || loadingState === LoadingState.Streaming,
} else if (error.type === DataQueryErrorType.Cancelled) {
return state;
// Send error to Angular editors
// When angularSupportEnabled is removed we can remove this code and all references to eventBridge
if (config.angularSupportEnabled && state.datasourceInstance?.components?.QueryCtrl) {
state.eventBridge.emit(PanelEvents.dataError, error);
if (!request) {
return { ...state };
// Send legacy data to Angular editors
// When angularSupportEnabled is removed we can remove this code and all references to eventBridge
if (config.angularSupportEnabled && state.datasourceInstance?.components?.QueryCtrl) {
const legacy = series.map((v) => toLegacyResponseData(v));
state.eventBridge.emit(PanelEvents.dataReceived, legacy);
return {
queryResponse: response,
loading: loadingState === LoadingState.Loading || loadingState === LoadingState.Streaming,
showLogs: !!logsResult,
showMetrics: !!graphResult,
showTable: !!tableResult?.length,
showTrace: !!traceFrames.length,
showNodeGraph: !!nodeGraphFrames.length,
showFlameGraph: !!flameGraphFrames.length,