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382 lines
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package sender
import (
// AlertsRouter handles alerts generated during alert rule evaluation.
// Based on rule's orgID and the configuration for that organization,
// it determines whether an alert needs to be sent to an external Alertmanager and\or internal notifier.Alertmanager
// After creating a AlertsRouter, you must call Run to keep the AlertsRouter's
// state synchronized with the alerting configuration.
type AlertsRouter struct {
logger log.Logger
clock clock.Clock
adminConfigStore store.AdminConfigurationStore
// externalAlertmanagers help us send alerts to external Alertmanagers.
adminConfigMtx sync.RWMutex
sendAlertsTo map[int64]models.AlertmanagersChoice
externalAlertmanagers map[int64]*ExternalAlertmanager
externalAlertmanagersCfgHash map[int64]string
multiOrgNotifier *notifier.MultiOrgAlertmanager
appURL *url.URL
disabledOrgs map[int64]struct{}
adminConfigPollInterval time.Duration
datasourceService datasources.DataSourceService
secretService secrets.Service
func NewAlertsRouter(multiOrgNotifier *notifier.MultiOrgAlertmanager, store store.AdminConfigurationStore,
clk clock.Clock, appURL *url.URL, disabledOrgs map[int64]struct{}, configPollInterval time.Duration,
datasourceService datasources.DataSourceService, secretService secrets.Service) *AlertsRouter {
d := &AlertsRouter{
logger: log.New("ngalert.sender.router"),
clock: clk,
adminConfigStore: store,
adminConfigMtx: sync.RWMutex{},
externalAlertmanagers: map[int64]*ExternalAlertmanager{},
externalAlertmanagersCfgHash: map[int64]string{},
sendAlertsTo: map[int64]models.AlertmanagersChoice{},
multiOrgNotifier: multiOrgNotifier,
appURL: appURL,
disabledOrgs: disabledOrgs,
adminConfigPollInterval: configPollInterval,
datasourceService: datasourceService,
secretService: secretService,
return d
// SyncAndApplyConfigFromDatabase looks for the admin configuration in the database
// and adjusts the sender(s) and alert handling mechanism accordingly.
func (d *AlertsRouter) SyncAndApplyConfigFromDatabase() error {
cfgs, err := d.adminConfigStore.GetAdminConfigurations()
if err != nil {
return err
d.logger.Debug("Attempting to sync admin configs", "count", len(cfgs))
orgsFound := make(map[int64]struct{}, len(cfgs))
for _, cfg := range cfgs {
_, isDisabledOrg := d.disabledOrgs[cfg.OrgID]
if isDisabledOrg {
// Update the Alertmanagers choice for the organization.
d.sendAlertsTo[cfg.OrgID] = cfg.SendAlertsTo
orgsFound[cfg.OrgID] = struct{}{} // keep track of the which externalAlertmanagers we need to keep.
existing, ok := d.externalAlertmanagers[cfg.OrgID]
// We have no running sender and alerts are handled internally, no-op.
if !ok && cfg.SendAlertsTo == models.InternalAlertmanager {
d.logger.Debug("Grafana is configured to send alerts to the internal alertmanager only. Skipping synchronization with external alertmanager", "org", cfg.OrgID)
alertmanagers, err := d.alertmanagersFromDatasources(cfg.OrgID)
if err != nil {
d.logger.Error("Failed to get alertmanagers from datasources", "org", cfg.OrgID, "error", err)
// We have no running sender and no Alertmanager(s) configured, no-op.
if !ok && len(alertmanagers) == 0 {
d.logger.Debug("No external alertmanagers configured", "org", cfg.OrgID)
// We have a running sender but no Alertmanager(s) configured, shut it down.
if ok && len(alertmanagers) == 0 {
d.logger.Info("No external alertmanager(s) configured, sender will be stopped", "org", cfg.OrgID)
delete(orgsFound, cfg.OrgID)
// Avoid logging sensitive data
redactedAMs := buildRedactedAMs(d.logger, alertmanagers, cfg.OrgID)
d.logger.Debug("Alertmanagers found in the configuration", "alertmanagers", redactedAMs)
var hashes []string
for _, cfg := range alertmanagers {
hashes = append(hashes, cfg.SHA256())
// We have a running sender, check if we need to apply a new config.
amHash := asSHA256(hashes)
if ok {
if d.externalAlertmanagersCfgHash[cfg.OrgID] == amHash {
d.logger.Debug("Sender configuration is the same as the one running, no-op", "org", cfg.OrgID, "alertmanagers", redactedAMs)
d.logger.Info("Applying new configuration to sender", "org", cfg.OrgID, "alertmanagers", redactedAMs, "cfg", cfg.ID)
err := existing.ApplyConfig(cfg.OrgID, cfg.ID, alertmanagers)
if err != nil {
d.logger.Error("Failed to apply configuration", "error", err, "org", cfg.OrgID)
d.externalAlertmanagersCfgHash[cfg.OrgID] = amHash
// No sender and have Alertmanager(s) to send to - start a new one.
d.logger.Info("Creating new sender for the external alertmanagers", "org", cfg.OrgID, "alertmanagers", redactedAMs)
s := NewExternalAlertmanagerSender()
d.externalAlertmanagers[cfg.OrgID] = s
err = s.ApplyConfig(cfg.OrgID, cfg.ID, alertmanagers)
if err != nil {
d.logger.Error("Failed to apply configuration", "error", err, "org", cfg.OrgID)
d.externalAlertmanagersCfgHash[cfg.OrgID] = amHash
sendersToStop := map[int64]*ExternalAlertmanager{}
for orgID, s := range d.externalAlertmanagers {
if _, exists := orgsFound[orgID]; !exists {
sendersToStop[orgID] = s
delete(d.externalAlertmanagers, orgID)
delete(d.externalAlertmanagersCfgHash, orgID)
// We can now stop these external Alertmanagers w/o having to hold a lock.
for orgID, s := range sendersToStop {
d.logger.Info("Stopping sender", "org", orgID)
d.logger.Info("Stopped sender", "org", orgID)
d.logger.Debug("Finish of admin configuration sync")
return nil
func buildRedactedAMs(l log.Logger, alertmanagers []ExternalAMcfg, ordId int64) []string {
var redactedAMs []string
for _, am := range alertmanagers {
parsedAM, err := url.Parse(am.URL)
if err != nil {
l.Error("Failed to parse alertmanager string", "org", ordId, "error", err)
redactedAMs = append(redactedAMs, parsedAM.Redacted())
return redactedAMs
func asSHA256(strings []string) string {
h := sha256.New()
_, _ = h.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%v", strings)))
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum(nil))
func (d *AlertsRouter) alertmanagersFromDatasources(orgID int64) ([]ExternalAMcfg, error) {
var (
alertmanagers []ExternalAMcfg
// We might have alertmanager datasources that are acting as external
// alertmanager, let's fetch them.
query := &datasources.GetDataSourcesByTypeQuery{
OrgID: orgID,
Type: datasources.DS_ALERTMANAGER,
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*5)
defer cancel()
dataSources, err := d.datasourceService.GetDataSourcesByType(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch datasources for org: %w", err)
for _, ds := range dataSources {
if !ds.JsonData.Get(definitions.HandleGrafanaManagedAlerts).MustBool(false) {
amURL, err := d.buildExternalURL(ds)
if err != nil {
d.logger.Error("Failed to build external alertmanager URL",
"org", ds.OrgID,
"uid", ds.UID,
"error", err)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*10)
headers, err := d.datasourceService.CustomHeaders(ctx, ds)
if err != nil {
d.logger.Error("Failed to get headers for external alertmanager",
"org", ds.OrgID,
"uid", ds.UID,
"error", err)
alertmanagers = append(alertmanagers, ExternalAMcfg{
Headers: headers,
return alertmanagers, nil
func (d *AlertsRouter) buildExternalURL(ds *datasources.DataSource) (string, error) {
// We re-use the same parsing logic as the datasource to make sure it matches whatever output the user received
// when doing the healthcheck.
parsed, err := datasource.ValidateURL(datasources.DS_ALERTMANAGER, ds.URL)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to parse alertmanager datasource url: %w", err)
// If this is a Mimir or Cortex implementation, the Alert API is under a different path than config API
if ds.JsonData != nil {
impl := ds.JsonData.Get("implementation").MustString("")
switch impl {
case "mimir", "cortex":
if parsed.Path == "" {
parsed.Path = "/"
lastSegment := path.Base(parsed.Path)
if lastSegment != "alertmanager" {
parsed = parsed.JoinPath("/alertmanager")
// If basic auth is enabled we need to build the url with basic auth baked in.
if ds.BasicAuth {
password := d.secretService.GetDecryptedValue(context.Background(), ds.SecureJsonData, "basicAuthPassword", "")
if password == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("basic auth enabled but no password set")
parsed.User = url.UserPassword(ds.BasicAuthUser, password)
return parsed.String(), nil
func (d *AlertsRouter) Send(ctx context.Context, key models.AlertRuleKey, alerts definitions.PostableAlerts) {
logger := d.logger.New(key.LogContext()...)
if len(alerts.PostableAlerts) == 0 {
logger.Info("No alerts to notify about")
// Send alerts to local notifier if they need to be handled internally
// or if no external AMs have been discovered yet.
var localNotifierExist, externalNotifierExist bool
if d.sendAlertsTo[key.OrgID] == models.ExternalAlertmanagers && len(d.AlertmanagersFor(key.OrgID)) > 0 {
logger.Debug("All alerts for the given org should be routed to external notifiers only. skipping the internal notifier.")
} else {
logger.Info("Sending alerts to local notifier", "count", len(alerts.PostableAlerts))
n, err := d.multiOrgNotifier.AlertmanagerFor(key.OrgID)
if err == nil {
localNotifierExist = true
if err := n.PutAlerts(ctx, alerts); err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to put alerts in the local notifier", "count", len(alerts.PostableAlerts), "error", err)
} else {
if errors.Is(err, notifier.ErrNoAlertmanagerForOrg) {
logger.Debug("Local notifier was not found")
} else {
logger.Error("Local notifier is not available", "error", err)
// Send alerts to external Alertmanager(s) if we have a sender for this organization
// and alerts are not being handled just internally.
defer d.adminConfigMtx.RUnlock()
s, ok := d.externalAlertmanagers[key.OrgID]
if ok && d.sendAlertsTo[key.OrgID] != models.InternalAlertmanager {
logger.Info("Sending alerts to external notifier", "count", len(alerts.PostableAlerts))
externalNotifierExist = true
if !localNotifierExist && !externalNotifierExist {
logger.Error("No external or internal notifier - alerts not delivered", "count", len(alerts.PostableAlerts))
// AlertmanagersFor returns all the discovered Alertmanager(s) for a particular organization.
func (d *AlertsRouter) AlertmanagersFor(orgID int64) []*url.URL {
defer d.adminConfigMtx.RUnlock()
s, ok := d.externalAlertmanagers[orgID]
if !ok {
return []*url.URL{}
return s.Alertmanagers()
// DroppedAlertmanagersFor returns all the dropped Alertmanager(s) for a particular organization.
func (d *AlertsRouter) DroppedAlertmanagersFor(orgID int64) []*url.URL {
defer d.adminConfigMtx.RUnlock()
s, ok := d.externalAlertmanagers[orgID]
if !ok {
return []*url.URL{}
return s.DroppedAlertmanagers()
// Run starts regular updates of the configuration.
func (d *AlertsRouter) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
for {
select {
case <-time.After(d.adminConfigPollInterval):
if err := d.SyncAndApplyConfigFromDatabase(); err != nil {
d.logger.Error("Unable to sync admin configuration", "error", err)
case <-ctx.Done():
// Stop sending alerts to all external Alertmanager(s).
for orgID, s := range d.externalAlertmanagers {
delete(d.externalAlertmanagers, orgID) // delete before we stop to make sure we don't accept any more alerts.
return nil