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synced 2025-02-20 11:48:34 -06:00
This commit adds a pkg/services/screenshot package for taking and uploading screenshots of Grafana dashboards. It supports taking screenshots of both dashboards and individual panels within a dashboard, using the rendering service. The screenshot package has the following services, most of which can be composed: BrowserScreenshotService (Takes screenshots with headless Chrome) CachableScreenshotService (Caches screenshots taken with another service such as BrowserScreenshotService) NoopScreenshotService (A no-op screenshot service for tests) SingleFlightScreenshotService (Prevents duplicate screenshots when taking screenshots of the same dashboard or panel in parallel) ScreenshotUnavailableService (A screenshot service that returns ErrScreenshotsUnavailable) UploadingScreenshotService (A screenshot service that uploads taken screenshots) The screenshot package does not support wire dependency injection yet. ngalert constructs its own version of the service. See https://github.com/grafana/grafana/issues/49296 This PR also adds an ImageScreenshotService to ngAlert. This is used to take screenshots with a screenshotservice and then store their location reference for use by alert instances and notifiers.
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package screenshot
import (
gocache "github.com/patrickmn/go-cache"
const (
namespace = "grafana"
subsystem = "screenshot"
var (
DefaultTheme = models.ThemeDark
DefaultTimeout = 15 * time.Second
DefaultHeight = 500
DefaultWidth = 1000
var (
ErrScreenshotsUnavailable = errors.New("screenshots unavailable")
// Screenshot represents a screenshot of a dashboard in Grafana.
// A screenshot can have a Path and an URL if the screenshot is stored on disk
// and uploaded to a cloud storage service or made accessible via the Grafana
// HTTP server.
type Screenshot struct {
Path string
URL string
// ScreenshotOptions are the options for taking a screenshot.
type ScreenshotOptions struct {
DashboardUID string
PanelID int64
Width int
Height int
Theme models.Theme
Timeout time.Duration
// SetDefaults sets default values for missing or invalid options.
func (s ScreenshotOptions) SetDefaults() ScreenshotOptions {
if s.Width <= 0 {
s.Width = DefaultWidth
if s.Height <= 0 {
s.Height = DefaultHeight
switch s.Theme {
case models.ThemeDark, models.ThemeLight:
s.Theme = DefaultTheme
if s.Timeout <= 0 {
s.Timeout = DefaultTimeout
return s
// ScreenshotService is an interface for taking screenshots.
//go:generate mockgen -destination=mock.go -package=screenshot github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/screenshot ScreenshotService
type ScreenshotService interface {
Take(ctx context.Context, opts ScreenshotOptions) (*Screenshot, error)
// BrowserScreenshotService takes screenshots using a headless browser.
type BrowserScreenshotService struct {
ds dashboards.DashboardService
rs rendering.Service
func NewBrowserScreenshotService(ds dashboards.DashboardService, rs rendering.Service) ScreenshotService {
return &BrowserScreenshotService{
ds: ds,
rs: rs,
// Take returns a screenshot or an error if either the dashboard does not exist
// or it failed to screenshot the dashboard. It uses both the context and the
// timeout in ScreenshotOptions, however the timeout in ScreenshotOptions is
// sent to the remote browser where it is used as a client timeout.
func (s *BrowserScreenshotService) Take(ctx context.Context, opts ScreenshotOptions) (*Screenshot, error) {
q := models.GetDashboardQuery{Uid: opts.DashboardUID}
if err := s.ds.GetDashboard(ctx, &q); err != nil {
return nil, err
opts = opts.SetDefaults()
// Compute the URL to screenshot.
renderPath := path.Join("d-solo", q.Result.Uid, q.Result.Slug)
url := &url.URL{}
url.Path = renderPath
qParams := url.Query()
qParams.Add("orgId", fmt.Sprint(q.Result.OrgId))
if opts.PanelID != 0 {
qParams.Add("panelId", fmt.Sprint(opts.PanelID))
url.RawQuery = qParams.Encode()
path := url.String()
renderOpts := rendering.Opts{
AuthOpts: rendering.AuthOpts{
OrgID: q.Result.OrgId,
OrgRole: models.ROLE_ADMIN,
ErrorOpts: rendering.ErrorOpts{
ErrorConcurrentLimitReached: true,
ErrorRenderUnavailable: true,
TimeoutOpts: rendering.TimeoutOpts{
Timeout: opts.Timeout,
Width: opts.Width,
Height: opts.Height,
Theme: opts.Theme,
ConcurrentLimit: setting.AlertingRenderLimit,
Path: path,
result, err := s.rs.Render(ctx, renderOpts, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to take screenshot: %w", err)
screenshot := Screenshot{Path: result.FilePath}
return &screenshot, nil
// CachableScreenshotService caches screenshots.
type CachableScreenshotService struct {
cache *gocache.Cache
service ScreenshotService
cacheHits prometheus.Counter
cacheMisses prometheus.Counter
func NewCachableScreenshotService(r prometheus.Registerer, expiration time.Duration, service ScreenshotService) ScreenshotService {
return &CachableScreenshotService{
cache: gocache.New(expiration, time.Minute),
service: service,
cacheHits: promauto.With(r).NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "cache_hits_total",
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
cacheMisses: promauto.With(r).NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "cache_misses_total",
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
// Take returns the screenshot from the cache or asks the service to take a
// new screenshot and cache it before returning it.
func (s *CachableScreenshotService) Take(ctx context.Context, opts ScreenshotOptions) (*Screenshot, error) {
k := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d-%s", opts.DashboardUID, opts.PanelID, opts.Theme)
if v, ok := s.cache.Get(k); ok {
defer s.cacheHits.Inc()
return v.(*Screenshot), nil
defer s.cacheMisses.Inc()
screenshot, err := s.service.Take(ctx, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.cache.Set(k, screenshot, 0)
return screenshot, nil
// NoopScreenshotService is a service that takes no-op screenshots.
type NoopScreenshotService struct{}
func (s *NoopScreenshotService) Take(_ context.Context, _ ScreenshotOptions) (*Screenshot, error) {
return &Screenshot{}, nil
// ObservableScreenshotService is a service that records metrics about screenshots.
type ObservableScreenshotService struct {
service ScreenshotService
duration prometheus.Histogram
failures prometheus.Counter
successes prometheus.Counter
func NewObservableScreenshotService(r prometheus.Registerer, service ScreenshotService) ScreenshotService {
return &ObservableScreenshotService{
service: service,
duration: promauto.With(r).NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Name: "duration_seconds",
Buckets: []float64{0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15},
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
failures: promauto.With(r).NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "failures_total",
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
successes: promauto.With(r).NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "successes_total",
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
func (s *ObservableScreenshotService) Take(ctx context.Context, opts ScreenshotOptions) (*Screenshot, error) {
start := time.Now()
defer func() { s.duration.Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds()) }()
screenshot, err := s.service.Take(ctx, opts)
if err != nil {
defer s.failures.Inc()
} else {
defer s.successes.Inc()
return screenshot, err
type ScreenshotUnavailableService struct{}
func (s *ScreenshotUnavailableService) Take(_ context.Context, _ ScreenshotOptions) (*Screenshot, error) {
return nil, ErrScreenshotsUnavailable
// SingleFlightScreenshotService prevents duplicate screenshots.
type SingleFlightScreenshotService struct {
f singleflight.Group
service ScreenshotService
func NewSingleFlightScreenshotService(service ScreenshotService) ScreenshotService {
return &SingleFlightScreenshotService{service: service}
// Take returns a screenshot or an error. It ensures that at most one screenshot
// can be taken at a time for the same dashboard and theme. Duplicate screenshots
// wait for the first screenshot to complete and receive the same screenshot.
func (s *SingleFlightScreenshotService) Take(ctx context.Context, opts ScreenshotOptions) (*Screenshot, error) {
k := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d-%s", opts.DashboardUID, opts.PanelID, opts.Theme)
v, err, _ := s.f.Do(k, func() (interface{}, error) {
return s.service.Take(ctx, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
screenshot := v.(*Screenshot)
return screenshot, err
// RateLimitScreenshotService ensures that at most N screenshots can be taken
// at a time.
type RateLimitScreenshotService struct {
service ScreenshotService
tokens chan struct{}
func NewRateLimitScreenshotService(service ScreenshotService, n int64) ScreenshotService {
return &RateLimitScreenshotService{
service: service,
tokens: make(chan struct{}, n),
// Take returns a screenshot or an error. It ensures that at most N screenshots
// can be taken at a time. The service has N tokens such that a token is consumed
// at the start of a screenshot and returned when the screenshot has either
// succeeded or failed. A screenshot can timeout if the context is canceled
// while waiting for a token or while the screenshot is being taken.
func (s *RateLimitScreenshotService) Take(ctx context.Context, opts ScreenshotOptions) (*Screenshot, error) {
select {
// the context is canceled
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
// there is a token available
case s.tokens <- struct{}{}:
// acquired token must be returned
defer func() {
return s.service.Take(ctx, opts)
// UploadingScreenshotService uploads taken screenshots.
type UploadingScreenshotService struct {
service ScreenshotService
uploader imguploader.ImageUploader
uploadFailures prometheus.Counter
uploadSuccesses prometheus.Counter
func NewUploadingScreenshotService(r prometheus.Registerer, service ScreenshotService, uploader imguploader.ImageUploader) ScreenshotService {
return &UploadingScreenshotService{
service: service,
uploader: uploader,
uploadFailures: promauto.With(r).NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "upload_failures",
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
uploadSuccesses: promauto.With(r).NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "upload_successes",
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
// Take uploads a screenshot with a path and returns a new screenshot with the
// unmodified path and a URL. It returns the unmodified screenshot on error.
func (s *UploadingScreenshotService) Take(ctx context.Context, opts ScreenshotOptions) (*Screenshot, error) {
screenshot, err := s.service.Take(ctx, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
url, err := s.uploader.Upload(ctx, screenshot.Path)
if err != nil {
defer s.uploadFailures.Inc()
return screenshot, fmt.Errorf("failed to upload screenshot: %w", err)
screenshot.URL = url
defer s.uploadSuccesses.Inc()
return screenshot, nil