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package alerting
// import (
// "testing"
// "time"
// "github.com/benbjohnson/clock"
// )
// func inspectTick(tick time.Time, last time.Time, offset time.Duration, t *testing.T) {
// if !tick.Equal(last.Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Second)) {
// t.Fatalf("expected a tick 1 second more than prev, %s. got: %s", last, tick)
// }
// }
// returns the new last tick seen
// func assertAdvanceUntil(ticker *Ticker, last, desiredLast time.Time, offset, wait time.Duration, t *testing.T) time.Time {
// for {
// select {
// case tick := <-ticker.C:
// inspectTick(tick, last, offset, t)
// last = tick
// case <-time.NewTimer(wait).C:
// if last.Before(desiredLast) {
// t.Fatalf("waited %s for ticker to advance to %s, but only went up to %s", wait, desiredLast, last)
// }
// if last.After(desiredLast) {
// t.Fatalf("timer advanced too far. should only have gone up to %s, but it went up to %s", desiredLast, last)
// }
// return last
// }
// }
// }
// func assertNoAdvance(ticker *Ticker, desiredLast time.Time, wait time.Duration, t *testing.T) {
// for {
// select {
// case tick := <-ticker.C:
// t.Fatalf("timer should have stayed at %s, instead it advanced to %s", desiredLast, tick)
// case <-time.NewTimer(wait).C:
// return
// }
// }
// }
// func TestTickerRetro1Hour(t *testing.T) {
// offset := time.Duration(10) * time.Second
// last := time.Unix(0, 0)
// mock := clock.NewMock()
// mock.Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Hour)
// desiredLast := mock.Now().Add(-offset)
// ticker := NewTicker(last, offset, mock)
// last = assertAdvanceUntil(ticker, last, desiredLast, offset, time.Duration(10)*time.Millisecond, t)
// assertNoAdvance(ticker, last, time.Duration(500)*time.Millisecond, t)
// }
// func TestAdvanceWithUpdateOffset(t *testing.T) {
// offset := time.Duration(10) * time.Second
// last := time.Unix(0, 0)
// mock := clock.NewMock()
// mock.Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Hour)
// desiredLast := mock.Now().Add(-offset)
// ticker := NewTicker(last, offset, mock)
// last = assertAdvanceUntil(ticker, last, desiredLast, offset, time.Duration(10)*time.Millisecond, t)
// assertNoAdvance(ticker, last, time.Duration(500)*time.Millisecond, t)
// // lowering offset should see a few more ticks
// offset = time.Duration(5) * time.Second
// ticker.updateOffset(offset)
// desiredLast = mock.Now().Add(-offset)
// last = assertAdvanceUntil(ticker, last, desiredLast, offset, time.Duration(9)*time.Millisecond, t)
// assertNoAdvance(ticker, last, time.Duration(500)*time.Millisecond, t)
// // advancing clock should see even more ticks
// mock.Add(time.Duration(1) * time.Hour)
// desiredLast = mock.Now().Add(-offset)
// last = assertAdvanceUntil(ticker, last, desiredLast, offset, time.Duration(8)*time.Millisecond, t)
// assertNoAdvance(ticker, last, time.Duration(500)*time.Millisecond, t)
// }
// func getCase(lastSeconds, offsetSeconds int) (time.Time, time.Duration) {
// last := time.Unix(int64(lastSeconds), 0)
// offset := time.Duration(offsetSeconds) * time.Second
// return last, offset
// }
// func TestTickerNoAdvance(t *testing.T) {
// // it's 00:01:00 now. what are some cases where we don't want the ticker to advance?
// mock := clock.NewMock()
// mock.Add(time.Duration(60) * time.Second)
// type Case struct {
// last int
// offset int
// }
// // note that some cases add up to now, others go into the future
// cases := []Case{
// {50, 10},
// {50, 30},
// {59, 1},
// {59, 10},
// {59, 30},
// {60, 1},
// {60, 10},
// {60, 30},
// {90, 1},
// {90, 10},
// {90, 30},
// }
// for _, c := range cases {
// last, offset := getCase(c.last, c.offset)
// ticker := NewTicker(last, offset, mock)
// assertNoAdvance(ticker, last, time.Duration(500)*time.Millisecond, t)
// }
// }