Alexander Weaver 36ef611cf4
Alerting: Add database migration for recording rule fields (#87012)
* Create recording rule fields in model

* Add migration

* Write to database, support in version table

* extend fingerprint

* Force fields to be empty on validate

* Another storage spot, tests for fingerprint

* Explicitly set defaults in provisioning API

* Tests for main API validation

* Add diff tests even though fields are unpopulated for now

* Use struct tag approach instead of FromDB/ToDB hooks as it better handles nulls when deserializing

* test for deser

* Backout RecordTo for now since it's not decided in the doc

* back out of migration too

* Drop datasourceref for now

* address linter complaints

* Try a single outer struct with all fields embedded
2024-05-09 12:12:44 -05:00

288 lines
9.3 KiB

package schedule
import (
func TestSchedulableAlertRulesRegistry(t *testing.T) {
r := alertRulesRegistry{rules: make(map[models.AlertRuleKey]*models.AlertRule)}
rules, folders := r.all()
assert.Len(t, rules, 0)
assert.Len(t, folders, 0)
expectedFolders := map[models.FolderKey]string{{OrgID: 1, UID: "test-uid"}: "test-title"}
// replace all rules in the registry with foo
r.set([]*models.AlertRule{{OrgID: 1, UID: "foo", Version: 1}}, expectedFolders)
rules, folders = r.all()
assert.Len(t, rules, 1)
assert.Equal(t, expectedFolders, folders)
foo := r.get(models.AlertRuleKey{OrgID: 1, UID: "foo"})
require.NotNil(t, foo)
assert.Equal(t, models.AlertRule{OrgID: 1, UID: "foo", Version: 1}, *foo)
// update foo to a newer version
r.update(&models.AlertRule{OrgID: 1, UID: "foo", Version: 2})
rules, _ = r.all()
assert.Len(t, rules, 1)
foo = r.get(models.AlertRuleKey{OrgID: 1, UID: "foo"})
require.NotNil(t, foo)
assert.Equal(t, models.AlertRule{OrgID: 1, UID: "foo", Version: 2}, *foo)
// update bar which does not exist in the registry
r.update(&models.AlertRule{OrgID: 1, UID: "bar", Version: 1})
rules, _ = r.all()
assert.Len(t, rules, 2)
foo = r.get(models.AlertRuleKey{OrgID: 1, UID: "foo"})
require.NotNil(t, foo)
assert.Equal(t, models.AlertRule{OrgID: 1, UID: "foo", Version: 2}, *foo)
bar := r.get(models.AlertRuleKey{OrgID: 1, UID: "bar"})
require.NotNil(t, foo)
assert.Equal(t, models.AlertRule{OrgID: 1, UID: "bar", Version: 1}, *bar)
// replace all rules in the registry with baz
r.set([]*models.AlertRule{{OrgID: 1, UID: "baz", Version: 1}}, nil)
rules, folders = r.all()
assert.Len(t, rules, 1)
assert.Nil(t, folders)
baz := r.get(models.AlertRuleKey{OrgID: 1, UID: "baz"})
require.NotNil(t, baz)
assert.Equal(t, models.AlertRule{OrgID: 1, UID: "baz", Version: 1}, *baz)
assert.Nil(t, r.get(models.AlertRuleKey{OrgID: 1, UID: "foo"}))
assert.Nil(t, r.get(models.AlertRuleKey{OrgID: 1, UID: "bar"}))
// delete baz
deleted, ok := r.del(models.AlertRuleKey{OrgID: 1, UID: "baz"})
assert.True(t, ok)
require.NotNil(t, deleted)
assert.Equal(t, *deleted, *baz)
rules, folders = r.all()
assert.Len(t, rules, 0)
assert.Len(t, folders, 0)
assert.Nil(t, r.get(models.AlertRuleKey{OrgID: 1, UID: "baz"}))
// baz cannot be deleted twice
deleted, ok = r.del(models.AlertRuleKey{OrgID: 1, UID: "baz"})
assert.False(t, ok)
assert.Nil(t, deleted)
func TestSchedulableAlertRulesRegistry_set(t *testing.T) {
gen := models.RuleGen
initialRules := gen.GenerateManyRef(100)
init := make(map[models.AlertRuleKey]*models.AlertRule, len(initialRules))
for _, rule := range initialRules {
init[rule.GetKey()] = rule
r := alertRulesRegistry{rules: init}
t.Run("should return empty diff if exactly the same rules", func(t *testing.T) {
newRules := make([]*models.AlertRule, 0, len(initialRules))
for _, rule := range initialRules {
newRules = append(newRules, models.CopyRule(rule))
diff := r.set(newRules, map[models.FolderKey]string{})
require.Truef(t, diff.IsEmpty(), "Diff is not empty. Probably we check something else than key + version")
t.Run("should return empty diff if version does not change", func(t *testing.T) {
newRules := make([]*models.AlertRule, 0, len(initialRules))
// generate random and then override rule key + version
randomNew := gen.GenerateManyRef(len(initialRules))
for i := 0; i < len(initialRules); i++ {
rule := randomNew[i]
oldRule := initialRules[i]
rule.UID = oldRule.UID
rule.OrgID = oldRule.OrgID
rule.Version = oldRule.Version
newRules = append(newRules, rule)
diff := r.set(newRules, map[models.FolderKey]string{})
require.Truef(t, diff.IsEmpty(), "Diff is not empty. Probably we check something else than key + version")
t.Run("should return key in diff if version changes", func(t *testing.T) {
newRules := make([]*models.AlertRule, 0, len(initialRules))
expectedUpdated := map[models.AlertRuleKey]struct{}{}
for i, rule := range initialRules {
cp := models.CopyRule(rule)
if i%2 == 0 {
expectedUpdated[cp.GetKey()] = struct{}{}
newRules = append(newRules, cp)
require.NotEmptyf(t, expectedUpdated, "Input parameters have changed. Nothing to assert")
diff := r.set(newRules, map[models.FolderKey]string{})
require.Falsef(t, diff.IsEmpty(), "Diff is empty but should not be")
require.Equal(t, expectedUpdated, diff.updated)
func TestRuleWithFolderFingerprint(t *testing.T) {
rule := models.RuleGen.GenerateRef()
title := uuid.NewString()
f := ruleWithFolder{rule: rule, folderTitle: title}.Fingerprint()
t.Run("should calculate a fingerprint", func(t *testing.T) {
require.NotEqual(t, 0, uint64(f))
t.Run("mirror copy should have the same fingerprint", func(t *testing.T) {
f2 := ruleWithFolder{rule: models.CopyRule(rule), folderTitle: title}.Fingerprint()
require.Equal(t, f, f2)
t.Run("order of queries should not affect the fingerprint", func(t *testing.T) {
cp := models.CopyRule(rule)
rand.Shuffle(len(cp.Data), func(i, j int) {
cp.Data[i], cp.Data[j] = cp.Data[j], cp.Data[i]
f2 := ruleWithFolder{rule: cp, folderTitle: title}.Fingerprint()
require.Equal(t, f, f2)
t.Run("folder name should be used in fingerprint", func(t *testing.T) {
f2 := ruleWithFolder{rule: rule, folderTitle: uuid.NewString()}.Fingerprint()
require.NotEqual(t, f, f2)
t.Run("Version, Updated, IntervalSeconds and Annotations should be excluded from fingerprint", func(t *testing.T) {
cp := models.CopyRule(rule)
cp.Updated = cp.Updated.Add(1 * time.Second)
cp.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
cp.Annotations["test"] = "test"
f2 := ruleWithFolder{rule: cp, folderTitle: title}.Fingerprint()
require.Equal(t, f, f2)
t.Run("all other fields should be considered", func(t *testing.T) {
r1 := &models.AlertRule{
ID: 1,
OrgID: 2,
Title: "test",
Condition: "A",
Data: []models.AlertQuery{
RefID: "1",
QueryType: "323",
RelativeTimeRange: models.RelativeTimeRange{
From: 1,
To: 2,
DatasourceUID: "123",
Model: json.RawMessage(`{"test": "test-model"}`),
Updated: time.Now(),
IntervalSeconds: 2,
Version: 1,
UID: "test-uid",
NamespaceUID: "test-ns",
DashboardUID: func(s string) *string { return &s }("dashboard"),
PanelID: func(i int64) *int64 { return &i }(123),
RuleGroup: "test-group",
RuleGroupIndex: 1,
NoDataState: "test-nodata",
ExecErrState: "test-err",
Record: &models.Record{Metric: "my_metric", From: "A"},
For: 12,
Annotations: map[string]string{
"key-annotation": "value-annotation",
Labels: map[string]string{
"key-label": "value-label",
IsPaused: false,
NotificationSettings: []models.NotificationSettings{
r2 := &models.AlertRule{
ID: 2,
OrgID: 3,
Title: "test-2",
Condition: "B",
Data: []models.AlertQuery{
RefID: "2",
QueryType: "12313123",
RelativeTimeRange: models.RelativeTimeRange{
From: 2,
To: 3,
DatasourceUID: "asdasdasd21",
Model: json.RawMessage(`{"test": "test-model-2"}`),
IntervalSeconds: 23,
UID: "test-uid2",
NamespaceUID: "test-ns2",
DashboardUID: func(s string) *string { return &s }("dashboard-2"),
PanelID: func(i int64) *int64 { return &i }(1222),
RuleGroup: "test-group-2",
RuleGroupIndex: 22,
NoDataState: "test-nodata2",
ExecErrState: "test-err2",
Record: &models.Record{Metric: "my_metric2", From: "B"},
For: 1141,
Annotations: map[string]string{
"key-annotation2": "value-annotation",
Labels: map[string]string{
"key-label": "value-label23",
IsPaused: true,
NotificationSettings: []models.NotificationSettings{
excludedFields := map[string]struct{}{
"Version": {},
"Updated": {},
"IntervalSeconds": {},
"Annotations": {},
tp := reflect.TypeOf(rule).Elem()
var nonDiffFields []string
// making sure that we get completely different struct
dif := r1.Diff(r2)
nonDiffFields = make([]string, 0)
for j := 0; j < tp.NumField(); j++ {
name := tp.Field(j).Name
if _, ok := excludedFields[name]; ok {
if len(dif.GetDiffsForField(tp.Field(j).Name)) == 0 {
nonDiffFields = append(nonDiffFields, tp.Field(j).Name)
require.Emptyf(t, nonDiffFields, "cannot generate completely unique alert rule. Some fields are not randomized")
r2v := reflect.ValueOf(r2).Elem()
for i := 0; i < tp.NumField(); i++ {
if _, ok := excludedFields[tp.Field(i).Name]; ok {
cp := models.CopyRule(r1)
v := reflect.ValueOf(cp).Elem()
vf := v.Field(i)
f2 := ruleWithFolder{rule: cp, folderTitle: title}.Fingerprint()
if f2 == f {
t.Fatalf("Field %s does not seem to be used in fingerprint. Diff: %s", tp.Field(i).Name, r1.Diff(cp))