mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 00:25:46 -06:00
* Update thema to latest * Deal with s/Library/*Runtime/ * Commit new, working results of codegen
450 lines
12 KiB
450 lines
12 KiB
// go:build ignore
//go:build ignore
// +build ignore
package main
import (
gcgen "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/codegen"
const sep = string(filepath.Separator)
var tsroot, cmroot, groot string
func init() {
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "could not get working directory: %s", err)
// TODO this binds us to only having coremodels in a single directory. If we need more, compgen is the way
groot = filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(cwd))) // the working dir is <grafana_dir>/pkg/framework/coremodel. Going up 3 dirs we get the grafana root
cmroot = filepath.Join(groot, "pkg", "coremodel")
tsroot = filepath.Join(groot, "packages", "grafana-schema", "src")
// Generate Go and Typescript implementations for all coremodels, and populate the
// coremodel static registry.
func main() {
rt := cuectx.GrafanaThemaRuntime()
if len(os.Args) > 1 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "coremodel code generator does not currently accept any arguments\n, got %q", os.Args)
items, err := os.ReadDir(cmroot)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "could not read coremodels parent dir %s: %s\n", cmroot, err)
var lins []*gcgen.CoremodelDeclaration
for _, item := range items {
if item.IsDir() {
lin, err := gcgen.ExtractLineage(filepath.Join(cmroot, item.Name(), "coremodel.cue"), rt)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "could not process coremodel dir %s: %s\n", filepath.Join(cmroot, item.Name()), err)
lins = append(lins, lin)
sort.Slice(lins, func(i, j int) bool {
return lins[i].Lineage.Name() < lins[j].Lineage.Name()
// The typescript veneer index.gen.ts file, which we'll build up over time
// from the exported types.
tsvidx := new(ast.File)
wd := gcgen.NewWriteDiffer()
for _, ls := range lins {
gofiles, err := ls.GenerateGoCoremodel(filepath.Join(cmroot, ls.Lineage.Name()))
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to generate Go for %s: %s\n", ls.Lineage.Name(), err)
// Only generate TS for API types
if ls.IsAPIType {
tsf, err := ls.GenerateTypescriptCoremodel()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error generating TypeScript for %s: %s\n", ls.Lineage.Name(), err)
tsf.Doc = mkTSHeader(ls)
wd[filepath.FromSlash(filepath.Join(tsroot, rawTSGenPath(ls)))] = []byte(tsf.String())
decls, err := extractTSIndexVeneerElements(ls, tsf)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error generating TypeScript veneer for %s: %s\n", ls.Lineage.Name(), errors.Details(err, nil))
tsvidx.Nodes = append(tsvidx.Nodes, decls...)
tsvidx.Doc = mkTSHeader(nil)
wd[filepath.Join(tsroot, "index.gen.ts")] = []byte(tsvidx.String())
regfiles, err := gcgen.GenerateCoremodelRegistry(filepath.Join(groot, "pkg", "framework", "coremodel", "registry", "registry_gen.go"), lins)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to generate coremodel registry: %s\n", err)
// TODO generating these is here temporarily until we make a more permanent home
wdsh, err := genSharedSchemas(groot)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "TS gen error for shared schemas in %s: %w", filepath.Join(groot, "packages", "grafana-schema", "src", "schema"), err)
if _, set := os.LookupEnv("CODEGEN_VERIFY"); set {
err = wd.Verify()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "generated code is not up to date:\n%s\nrun `make gen-cue` to regenerate\n\n", err)
} else {
err = wd.Write()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error while writing generated code to disk:\n%s\n", err)
// generates the path relative to packages/grafana-schema/src at which the raw
// type definitions should be exported for the latest schema of this type
func rawTSGenPath(cm *gcgen.CoremodelDeclaration) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("raw/%s/%s/%s.gen.ts", cm.Lineage.Name(), cm.PathVersion(), cm.Lineage.Name())
func mkTSHeader(cm *gcgen.CoremodelDeclaration) *ast.Comment {
v := gcgen.HeaderVars{
GeneratorPath: "pkg/framework/coremodel/gen.go",
if cm != nil {
v.LineagePath = cm.RelativePath
v.GeneratorPath = "pkg/framework/coremodel/gen.go"
return &ast.Comment{
Text: strings.TrimSpace(gcgen.GenGrafanaHeader(v)),
func genSharedSchemas(groot string) (gcgen.WriteDiffer, error) {
abspath := filepath.Join(groot, "packages", "grafana-schema", "src", "schema")
cfg := &load.Config{
ModuleRoot: groot,
Module: "github.com/grafana/grafana",
Dir: abspath,
bi := load.Instances(nil, cfg)
if len(bi) > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("loading CUE files in %s resulted in more than one instance", abspath)
ctx := cuecontext.New()
v := ctx.BuildInstance(bi[0])
if v.Err() != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("errors while building CUE in %s: %s", abspath, v.Err())
b, err := cuetsy.Generate(v, cuetsy.Config{
Export: true,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to generate TS: %w", err)
wd := gcgen.NewWriteDiffer()
wd[filepath.Join(abspath, "mudball.gen.ts")] = append([]byte(`//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// This file is autogenerated. DO NOT EDIT.
// To regenerate, run "make gen-cue" from the repository root.
`), b...)
return wd, nil
// TODO make this more generic and reusable
func extractTSIndexVeneerElements(cm *gcgen.CoremodelDeclaration, tf *ast.File) ([]ast.Decl, error) {
lin := cm.Lineage
sch := thema.SchemaP(lin, thema.LatestVersion(lin))
// Check the root, then walk the tree
rootv := sch.UnwrapCUE()
var raw, custom, rawD, customD ast.Idents
var terr errors.Error
visit := func(p cue.Path, wv cue.Value) bool {
var name string
sels := p.Selectors()
switch len(sels) {
case 0:
name = strings.Title(cm.Lineage.Name())
case 1:
// Only deal with subpaths that are definitions, for now
// TODO incorporate smarts about grouped lineages here
if name == "" {
if !sels[0].IsDefinition() {
return false
// It might seem to make sense that we'd strip out the leading # here for
// definitions. However, cuetsy's tsast actually has the # still present in its
// Ident types, stripping it out on the fly when stringifying.
name = sels[0].String()
// Search the generated TS AST for the type and default decl nodes
pair := findDeclNode(name, tf)
if pair.T == nil {
// No generated type for this item, skip it
return false
cust, perr := getCustomVeneerAttr(wv)
if perr != nil {
terr = errors.Append(terr, errors.Promote(perr, fmt.Sprintf("%s: ", p.String())))
var has bool
for _, tgt := range cust {
has = has || tgt.target == "type"
if has {
custom = append(custom, *pair.T)
if pair.D != nil {
customD = append(customD, *pair.D)
} else {
raw = append(raw, *pair.T)
if pair.D != nil {
rawD = append(rawD, *pair.D)
return true
walk(rootv, visit, nil)
if len(errors.Errors(terr)) != 0 {
return nil, terr
ret := make([]ast.Decl, 0)
if len(raw) > 0 {
ret = append(ret, ast.ExportSet{
CommentList: []ast.Comment{ts.CommentFromString(fmt.Sprintf("Raw generated types from %s entity type.", cm.Lineage.Name()), 80, false)},
TypeOnly: true,
Exports: raw,
From: ast.Str{Value: fmt.Sprintf("./raw/%s/%s/%s.gen", cm.Lineage.Name(), cm.PathVersion(), cm.Lineage.Name())},
if len(rawD) > 0 {
ret = append(ret, ast.ExportSet{
CommentList: []ast.Comment{ts.CommentFromString(fmt.Sprintf("Raw generated default consts from %s entity type.", cm.Lineage.Name()), 80, false)},
TypeOnly: false,
Exports: rawD,
From: ast.Str{Value: fmt.Sprintf("./raw/%s/%s/%s.gen", cm.Lineage.Name(), cm.PathVersion(), cm.Lineage.Name())},
vtfile := fmt.Sprintf("./veneer/%s.types", cm.Lineage.Name())
customstr := fmt.Sprintf(`// The following exported declarations correspond to types in the %s@%s schema with
// attribute @grafana(TSVeneer="type"). (lineage declared in file: %s)
// The handwritten file for these type and default veneers is expected to be at
// %s.ts.
// This re-export declaration enforces that the handwritten veneer file exists,
// and exports all the symbols in the list.
// TODO generate code such that tsc enforces type compatibility between raw and veneer decls`,
cm.Lineage.Name(), thema.LatestVersion(cm.Lineage), cm.RelativePath, filepath.Clean(path.Join("packages", "grafana-schema", "src", vtfile)))
customComments := []ast.Comment{{Text: customstr}}
if len(custom) > 0 {
ret = append(ret, ast.ExportSet{
CommentList: customComments,
TypeOnly: true,
Exports: custom,
From: ast.Str{Value: vtfile},
if len(customD) > 0 {
ret = append(ret, ast.ExportSet{
CommentList: customComments,
TypeOnly: false,
Exports: customD,
From: ast.Str{Value: vtfile},
// TODO emit a decl in the index.gen.ts that ensures any custom veneer types are "compatible" with current version raw types
return ret, nil
type declPair struct {
T, D *ast.Ident
func findDeclNode(name string, tf *ast.File) declPair {
var p declPair
for _, decl := range tf.Nodes {
// Peer through export keywords
if ex, is := decl.(ast.ExportKeyword); is {
decl = ex.Decl
switch x := decl.(type) {
case ast.TypeDecl:
if x.Name.Name == name {
p.T = &x.Name
case ast.VarDecl:
if x.Names.Idents[0].Name == "default"+name {
p.D = &x.Names.Idents[0]
return p
type tsVeneerAttr struct {
target string
func walk(v cue.Value, before func(cue.Path, cue.Value) bool, after func(cue.Path, cue.Value)) {
innerWalk(cue.MakePath(), v, before, after)
func innerWalk(p cue.Path, v cue.Value, before func(cue.Path, cue.Value) bool, after func(cue.Path, cue.Value)) {
// switch v.IncompleteKind() {
switch v.Kind() {
if before != nil && !before(p, v) {
case cue.StructKind:
if before != nil && !before(p, v) {
iter, err := v.Fields(cue.All())
if err != nil {
for iter.Next() {
innerWalk(appendPath(p, iter.Selector()), iter.Value(), before, after)
if lv := v.LookupPath(cue.MakePath(cue.AnyString)); lv.Exists() {
innerWalk(appendPath(p, cue.AnyString), lv, before, after)
case cue.ListKind:
if before != nil && !before(p, v) {
list, err := v.List()
if err != nil {
for i := 0; list.Next(); i++ {
innerWalk(appendPath(p, cue.Index(i)), list.Value(), before, after)
if lv := v.LookupPath(cue.MakePath(cue.AnyIndex)); lv.Exists() {
innerWalk(appendPath(p, cue.AnyString), lv, before, after)
if after != nil {
after(p, v)
func appendPath(p cue.Path, sel cue.Selector) cue.Path {
return cue.MakePath(append(p.Selectors(), sel)...)
var allowedTSVeneers = map[string]bool{
"type": true,
func allowedTSVeneersString() string {
var list []string
for tgt := range allowedTSVeneers {
list = append(list, tgt)
return strings.Join(list, "|")
func getCustomVeneerAttr(v cue.Value) ([]tsVeneerAttr, error) {
var attrs []tsVeneerAttr
for _, a := range v.Attributes(cue.ValueAttr) {
if a.Name() != "grafana" {
for i := 0; i < a.NumArgs(); i++ {
key, av := a.Arg(i)
if key != "TSVeneer" {
return nil, valError(v, "attribute 'grafana' only allows the arg 'TSVeneer'")
aterr := valError(v, "@grafana(TSVeneer=\"x\") requires one or more of the following separated veneer types for x: %s", allowedTSVeneersString())
var some bool
for _, tgt := range strings.Split(av, "|") {
some = true
if !allowedTSVeneers[tgt] {
return nil, aterr
attrs = append(attrs, tsVeneerAttr{
target: tgt,
if !some {
return nil, aterr
sort.Slice(attrs, func(i, j int) bool {
return attrs[i].target < attrs[j].target
return attrs, nil
func valError(v cue.Value, format string, args ...interface{}) error {
s := v.Source()
if s == nil {
return fmt.Errorf(format, args...)
return errors.Newf(s.Pos(), format, args...)