mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
* Enterprise changes to the Drone pipelines This is basically a no-op in this repository, except for the fact that the grafanabot personal access token will now be fetched from Vault instead of repository secrets This will pave the way for us to fetch all secrets from Vault * Update star files from enterprise * Add missingn newline
1079 lines
34 KiB
1079 lines
34 KiB
load('scripts/vault.star', 'from_secret', 'github_token', 'pull_secret')
grabpl_version = '2.0.0'
build_image = 'grafana/build-container:1.4.1'
publish_image = 'grafana/grafana-ci-deploy:1.3.1'
grafana_docker_image = 'grafana/drone-grafana-docker:0.3.2'
deploy_docker_image = 'us.gcr.io/kubernetes-dev/drone/plugins/deploy-image'
alpine_image = 'alpine:3.13'
windows_image = 'mcr.microsoft.com/windows:1809'
dockerize_version = '0.6.1'
wix_image = 'grafana/ci-wix:0.1.1'
test_release_ver = 'v7.3.0-test'
def pipeline(
name, edition, trigger, steps, ver_mode, services=[], platform='linux', depends_on=[],
is_downstream=False, install_deps=True,
if platform != 'windows':
platform_conf = {
'os': 'linux',
'arch': 'amd64',
platform_conf = {
'os': 'windows',
'arch': 'amd64',
'version': '1809',
pipeline = {
'kind': 'pipeline',
'type': 'docker',
'platform': platform_conf,
'name': name,
'trigger': trigger,
'services': services,
'steps': init_steps(
edition, platform, is_downstream=is_downstream, install_deps=install_deps, ver_mode=ver_mode,
) + steps,
'depends_on': depends_on,
if edition in ('enterprise', 'enterprise2'):
pipeline['image_pull_secrets'] = [pull_secret]
# We have a custom clone step for enterprise
pipeline['clone'] = {
'disable': True,
return pipeline
def notify_pipeline(name, slack_channel, trigger, depends_on=[]):
trigger = dict(trigger, status = ['failure'])
return {
'kind': 'pipeline',
'type': 'docker',
'platform': {
'os': 'linux',
'arch': 'amd64',
'name': name,
'trigger': trigger,
'steps': [
'depends_on': depends_on,
def slack_step(channel):
return {
'name': 'slack',
'image': 'plugins/slack',
'settings': {
'webhook': from_secret('slack_webhook'),
'channel': channel,
'template': 'Build {{build.number}} failed for commit: <https://github.com/{{repo.owner}}/{{repo.name}}/commit/{{build.commit}}|{{ truncate build.commit 8 }}>: {{build.link}}\nAuthor: {{build.author}}',
def init_steps(edition, platform, ver_mode, is_downstream=False, install_deps=True):
if platform == 'windows':
return [
'name': 'identify-runner',
'image': windows_image,
'commands': [
'echo $env:DRONE_RUNNER_NAME',
download_grabpl_cmds = [
'mkdir -p bin',
'curl -fL -o bin/grabpl https://grafana-downloads.storage.googleapis.com/grafana-build-pipeline/v{}/grabpl'.format(
'chmod +x bin/grabpl',
common_cmds = [
'./bin/grabpl verify-drone',
if ver_mode == 'release':
common_cmds.append('./bin/grabpl verify-version ${DRONE_TAG}')
elif ver_mode == 'test-release':
common_cmds.append('./bin/grabpl verify-version {}'.format(test_release_ver))
identify_runner_step = {
'name': 'identify-runner',
'image': alpine_image,
'commands': [
if install_deps:
'curl -fLO https://github.com/jwilder/dockerize/releases/download/v$${DOCKERIZE_VERSION}/dockerize-linux-amd64-v$${DOCKERIZE_VERSION}.tar.gz',
'tar -C bin -xzvf dockerize-linux-amd64-v$${DOCKERIZE_VERSION}.tar.gz',
'rm dockerize-linux-amd64-v$${DOCKERIZE_VERSION}.tar.gz',
'yarn install --frozen-lockfile --no-progress',
if edition in ('enterprise', 'enterprise2'):
source_commit = ''
if ver_mode == 'release':
committish = '${DRONE_TAG}'
source_commit = ' ${DRONE_TAG}'
elif ver_mode == 'test-release':
committish = 'main'
elif ver_mode == 'release-branch':
committish = '${DRONE_BRANCH}'
if is_downstream:
source_commit = ' $${SOURCE_COMMIT}'
committish = '${DRONE_COMMIT}'
steps = [
'name': 'clone',
'image': build_image,
'environment': {
'GITHUB_TOKEN': from_secret(github_token),
'commands': download_grabpl_cmds + [
'git clone "https://$${GITHUB_TOKEN}@github.com/grafana/grafana-enterprise.git"',
'cd grafana-enterprise',
'git checkout {}'.format(committish),
'name': 'initialize',
'image': build_image,
'environment': {
'DOCKERIZE_VERSION': dockerize_version,
'depends_on': [
'commands': [
'mv bin/grabpl /tmp/',
'rmdir bin',
'mv grafana-enterprise /tmp/',
'/tmp/grabpl init-enterprise /tmp/grafana-enterprise{}'.format(source_commit),
'mkdir bin',
'mv /tmp/grabpl bin/'
] + common_cmds,
return steps
steps = [
'name': 'initialize',
'image': build_image,
'environment': {
'DOCKERIZE_VERSION': dockerize_version,
'commands': download_grabpl_cmds + common_cmds,
return steps
def enterprise_downstream_step(edition):
if edition in ('enterprise', 'enterprise2'):
return None
return {
'name': 'trigger-enterprise-downstream',
'image': 'grafana/drone-downstream',
'settings': {
'server': 'https://drone.grafana.net',
'token': from_secret('drone_token'),
'repositories': [
'params': [
def lint_backend_step(edition):
return {
'name': 'lint-backend' + enterprise2_sfx(edition),
'image': build_image,
'environment': {
# We need CGO because of go-sqlite3
'depends_on': [
'test-backend' + enterprise2_sfx(edition),
'commands': [
# Don't use Make since it will re-download the linters
'./bin/grabpl lint-backend --edition {}'.format(edition),
def benchmark_ldap_step():
return {
'name': 'benchmark-ldap',
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
'environment': {
'LDAP_HOSTNAME': 'ldap',
'commands': [
'./bin/dockerize -wait tcp://ldap:389 -timeout 120s',
'go test -benchmem -run=^$ ./pkg/extensions/ldapsync -bench "^(Benchmark50Users)$"',
def ldap_service():
return {
'name': 'ldap',
'image': 'osixia/openldap:1.4.0',
'environment': {
'LDAP_DOMAIN': 'grafana.org',
def build_storybook_step(edition, ver_mode):
if edition in ('enterprise', 'enterprise2') and ver_mode in ('release', 'test-release'):
return None
return {
'name': 'build-storybook',
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
# Best to ensure that this step doesn't mess with what's getting built and packaged
'environment': {
'NODE_OPTIONS': '--max_old_space_size=4096',
'commands': [
'yarn storybook:build',
'./bin/grabpl verify-storybook',
def publish_storybook_step(edition, ver_mode):
if edition in ('enterprise', 'enterprise2'):
return None
if ver_mode == 'test-release':
commands = [
'echo Testing release',
commands = []
if ver_mode == 'release':
channels = ['latest', '${DRONE_TAG}',]
channels = ['canary',]
'printenv GCP_KEY | base64 -d > /tmp/gcpkey.json',
'gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/tmp/gcpkey.json',
] + [
'gsutil -m rsync -d -r ./packages/grafana-ui/dist/storybook gs://grafana-storybook/{}'.format(c)
for c in channels
return {
'name': 'publish-storybook',
'image': publish_image,
'depends_on': [
'environment': {
'GCP_KEY': from_secret('gcp_key'),
'commands': commands,
def upload_cdn(edition):
return {
'name': 'upload-cdn-assets' + enterprise2_sfx(edition),
'image': publish_image,
'depends_on': [
'package' + enterprise2_sfx(edition),
'environment': {
'GCP_GRAFANA_UPLOAD_KEY': from_secret('gcp_key'),
'commands': [
'./bin/grabpl upload-cdn --edition {} --bucket "grafana-static-assets"'.format(edition),
def build_backend_step(edition, ver_mode, variants=None, is_downstream=False):
variants_str = ''
if variants:
variants_str = ' --variants {}'.format(','.join(variants))
# TODO: Convert number of jobs to percentage
if ver_mode == 'release':
env = {
'GITHUB_TOKEN': from_secret(github_token),
cmds = [
'./bin/grabpl build-backend --jobs 8 --edition {} --github-token $${{GITHUB_TOKEN}} --no-pull-enterprise ${{DRONE_TAG}}'.format(
elif ver_mode == 'test-release':
env = {
'GITHUB_TOKEN': from_secret(github_token),
cmds = [
'./bin/grabpl build-backend --jobs 8 --edition {} --github-token $${{GITHUB_TOKEN}} --no-pull-enterprise {}'.format(
edition, test_release_ver,
if not is_downstream:
build_no = '${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}'
build_no = '$${SOURCE_BUILD_NUMBER}'
env = {}
cmds = [
'./bin/grabpl build-backend --jobs 8 --edition {} --build-id {}{} --no-pull-enterprise'.format(
edition, build_no, variants_str,
return {
'name': 'build-backend' + enterprise2_sfx(edition),
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
'lint-backend' + enterprise2_sfx(edition),
'test-backend' + enterprise2_sfx(edition),
'environment': env,
'commands': cmds,
def build_frontend_step(edition, ver_mode, is_downstream=False):
if not is_downstream:
build_no = '${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}'
build_no = '$${SOURCE_BUILD_NUMBER}'
# TODO: Use percentage for num jobs
if ver_mode == 'release':
cmds = [
'./bin/grabpl build-frontend --jobs 8 --github-token $${GITHUB_TOKEN} --no-install-deps ' + \
'--edition {} --no-pull-enterprise ${{DRONE_TAG}}'.format(edition),
elif ver_mode == 'test-release':
cmds = [
'./bin/grabpl build-frontend --jobs 8 --github-token $${GITHUB_TOKEN} --no-install-deps ' + \
'--edition {} --no-pull-enterprise {}'.format(edition, test_release_ver),
cmds = [
'./bin/grabpl build-frontend --jobs 8 --no-install-deps --edition {} '.format(edition) + \
'--build-id {} --no-pull-enterprise'.format(build_no),
return {
'name': 'build-frontend',
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
'commands': cmds,
def build_frontend_docs_step(edition):
return {
'name': 'build-frontend-docs',
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
'commands': [
'./scripts/ci-reference-docs-lint.sh ci',
def build_plugins_step(edition, sign=False):
if sign:
env = {
'GRAFANA_API_KEY': from_secret('grafana_api_key'),
sign_args = ' --sign --signing-admin'
env = None
sign_args = ''
return {
'name': 'build-plugins',
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
'environment': env,
'commands': [
# TODO: Use percentage for num jobs
'./bin/grabpl build-plugins --jobs 8 --edition {} --no-install-deps{}'.format(edition, sign_args),
def test_backend_step(edition):
return {
'name': 'test-backend' + enterprise2_sfx(edition),
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
'commands': [
# First make sure that there are no tests with FocusConvey
'[ $(grep FocusConvey -R pkg | wc -l) -eq "0" ] || exit 1',
# Then execute non-integration tests in parallel, since it should be safe
'./bin/grabpl test-backend --edition {}'.format(edition),
# Then execute integration tests in serial
'./bin/grabpl integration-tests --edition {}'.format(edition),
def test_frontend_step():
return {
'name': 'test-frontend',
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
'environment': {
'commands': [
'yarn run ci:test-frontend',
def frontend_metrics_step(edition):
if edition in ('enterprise', 'enterprise2'):
return None
return {
'name': 'publish-frontend-metrics',
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
'environment': {
'GRAFANA_MISC_STATS_API_KEY': from_secret('grafana_misc_stats_api_key'),
'failure': 'ignore',
'commands': [
'./scripts/ci-frontend-metrics.sh | ./bin/grabpl publish-metrics $${GRAFANA_MISC_STATS_API_KEY}',
def codespell_step():
return {
'name': 'codespell',
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
'commands': [
# Important: all words have to be in lowercase, and separated by "\n".
'echo -e "unknwon\nreferer\nerrorstring\neror\niam\nwan" > words_to_ignore.txt',
'codespell -I words_to_ignore.txt docs/',
def shellcheck_step():
return {
'name': 'shellcheck',
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
'commands': [
'./bin/grabpl shellcheck',
def gen_version_step(ver_mode, include_enterprise2=False, is_downstream=False):
deps = [
if include_enterprise2:
sfx = '-enterprise2'
'build-backend' + sfx,
'test-backend' + sfx,
if ver_mode == 'release':
args = '${DRONE_TAG}'
elif ver_mode == 'test-release':
args = test_release_ver
if not is_downstream:
build_no = '${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}'
build_no = '$${SOURCE_BUILD_NUMBER}'
args = '--build-id {}'.format(build_no)
return {
'name': 'gen-version',
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': deps,
'commands': [
'./bin/grabpl gen-version {}'.format(args),
def package_step(edition, ver_mode, variants=None, is_downstream=False):
variants_str = ''
if variants:
variants_str = ' --variants {}'.format(','.join(variants))
if ver_mode in ('main', 'release', 'test-release', 'release-branch'):
sign_args = ' --sign'
env = {
'GRAFANA_API_KEY': from_secret('grafana_api_key'),
'GITHUB_TOKEN': from_secret(github_token),
'GPG_PRIV_KEY': from_secret('gpg_priv_key'),
'GPG_PUB_KEY': from_secret('gpg_pub_key'),
'GPG_KEY_PASSWORD': from_secret('gpg_key_password'),
test_args = ''
sign_args = ''
env = None
test_args = '. scripts/build/gpg-test-vars.sh && '
# TODO: Use percentage for jobs
if ver_mode == 'release':
cmds = [
'{}./bin/grabpl package --jobs 8 --edition {} '.format(test_args, edition) + \
'--github-token $${{GITHUB_TOKEN}} --no-pull-enterprise{} ${{DRONE_TAG}}'.format(
elif ver_mode == 'test-release':
cmds = [
'{}./bin/grabpl package --jobs 8 --edition {} '.format(test_args, edition) + \
'--github-token $${{GITHUB_TOKEN}} --no-pull-enterprise{} {}'.format(
sign_args, test_release_ver,
if not is_downstream:
build_no = '${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}'
build_no = '$${SOURCE_BUILD_NUMBER}'
cmds = [
'{}./bin/grabpl package --jobs 8 --edition {} '.format(test_args, edition) + \
'--build-id {} --no-pull-enterprise{}{}'.format(build_no, variants_str, sign_args),
return {
'name': 'package' + enterprise2_sfx(edition),
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
# This step should have all the dependencies required for packaging, and should generate
# dist/grafana.version
'environment': env,
'commands': cmds,
def e2e_tests_server_step(edition, port=3001):
package_file_pfx = ''
if edition == 'enterprise2':
package_file_pfx = 'grafana' + enterprise2_sfx(edition)
elif edition == 'enterprise':
package_file_pfx = 'grafana-' + edition
environment = {
'PORT': port,
if package_file_pfx:
environment['PACKAGE_FILE'] = 'dist/{}-*linux-amd64.tar.gz'.format(package_file_pfx)
environment['RUNDIR'] = 'e2e/tmp-{}'.format(package_file_pfx)
return {
'name': 'end-to-end-tests-server' + enterprise2_sfx(edition),
'image': build_image,
'detach': True,
'depends_on': [
'package' + enterprise2_sfx(edition),
'environment': environment,
'commands': [
def e2e_tests_step(edition, port=3001, tries=None):
cmd = './bin/grabpl e2e-tests --port {}'.format(port)
if tries:
cmd += ' --tries {}'.format(tries)
return {
'name': 'end-to-end-tests' + enterprise2_sfx(edition),
'image': 'grafana/ci-e2e:12.19.0-1',
'depends_on': [
'end-to-end-tests-server' + enterprise2_sfx(edition),
'environment': {
'HOST': 'end-to-end-tests-server' + enterprise2_sfx(edition),
'commands': [
# Have to re-install Cypress since it insists on searching for its binary beneath /root/.cache,
# even though the Yarn cache directory is beneath /usr/local/share somewhere
'./node_modules/.bin/cypress install',
def build_docs_website_step():
return {
'name': 'build-docs-website',
# Use latest revision here, since we want to catch if it breaks
'image': 'grafana/docs-base:latest',
'failure': 'ignore',
'depends_on': [
'commands': [
'mkdir -p /hugo/content/docs/grafana',
'cp -r docs/sources/* /hugo/content/docs/grafana/latest/',
'cd /hugo && make prod',
def copy_packages_for_docker_step():
return {
'name': 'copy-packages-for-docker',
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
'commands': [
'ls dist/*.tar.gz*',
'cp dist/*.tar.gz* packaging/docker/',
def build_docker_images_step(edition, ver_mode, archs=None, ubuntu=False, publish=False):
if ver_mode == 'test-release':
publish = False
ubuntu_sfx = ''
if ubuntu:
ubuntu_sfx = '-ubuntu'
settings = {
'dry_run': not publish,
'edition': edition,
'ubuntu': ubuntu,
if publish:
settings['username'] = from_secret('docker_user')
settings['password'] = from_secret('docker_password')
if archs:
settings['archs'] = ','.join(archs)
return {
'name': 'build-docker-images' + ubuntu_sfx,
'image': grafana_docker_image,
'depends_on': ['copy-packages-for-docker'],
'settings': settings,
def postgres_integration_tests_step():
return {
'name': 'postgres-integration-tests',
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
'environment': {
'PGPASSWORD': 'grafanatest',
'GRAFANA_TEST_DB': 'postgres',
'POSTGRES_HOST': 'postgres',
'commands': [
'apt-get update',
'apt-get install -yq postgresql-client',
'./bin/dockerize -wait tcp://postgres:5432 -timeout 120s',
'psql -p 5432 -h postgres -U grafanatest -d grafanatest -f ' +
# Make sure that we don't use cached results for another database
'go clean -testcache',
'./bin/grabpl integration-tests --database postgres',
def mysql_integration_tests_step():
return {
'name': 'mysql-integration-tests',
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
'environment': {
'GRAFANA_TEST_DB': 'mysql',
'MYSQL_HOST': 'mysql',
'commands': [
'apt-get update',
'apt-get install -yq default-mysql-client',
'./bin/dockerize -wait tcp://mysql:3306 -timeout 120s',
'cat devenv/docker/blocks/mysql_tests/setup.sql | mysql -h mysql -P 3306 -u root -prootpass',
# Make sure that we don't use cached results for another database
'go clean -testcache',
'./bin/grabpl integration-tests --database mysql',
def redis_integration_tests_step():
return {
'name': 'redis-integration-tests',
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
'environment': {
'REDIS_URL': 'redis://redis:6379/0',
'commands': [
'./bin/dockerize -wait tcp://redis:6379/0 -timeout 120s',
'./bin/grabpl integration-tests',
def memcached_integration_tests_step():
return {
'name': 'memcached-integration-tests',
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
'environment': {
'MEMCACHED_HOSTS': 'memcached:11211',
'commands': [
'./bin/dockerize -wait tcp://memcached:11211 -timeout 120s',
'./bin/grabpl integration-tests',
def release_canary_npm_packages_step(edition):
if edition in ('enterprise', 'enterprise2'):
return None
return {
'name': 'release-canary-npm-packages',
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
'environment': {
'GITHUB_PACKAGE_TOKEN': from_secret('github_package_token'),
'commands': [
def push_to_deployment_tools_step(edition, is_downstream=False):
if edition != 'enterprise' or not is_downstream:
return None
return {
'name': 'push-to-deployment_tools',
'image': deploy_docker_image,
'depends_on': [
# This step should have all the dependencies required for packaging, and should generate
# dist/grafana.version
'settings': {
'github_token': from_secret(github_token),
'images_file': './deployment_tools_config.json',
'docker_tag_file': './dist/grafana.version'
def enterprise2_sfx(edition):
if edition == 'enterprise2':
return '-{}'.format(edition)
return ''
def upload_packages_step(edition, ver_mode, is_downstream=False):
if ver_mode == 'main' and edition in ('enterprise', 'enterprise2') and not is_downstream:
return None
packages_bucket = ' --packages-bucket grafana-downloads' + enterprise2_sfx(edition)
if ver_mode == 'test-release':
cmd = './bin/grabpl upload-packages --edition {} '.format(edition) + \
'--packages-bucket grafana-downloads-test'
cmd = './bin/grabpl upload-packages --edition {}{}'.format(edition, packages_bucket)
dependencies = [
'package' + enterprise2_sfx(edition),
'end-to-end-tests' + enterprise2_sfx(edition),
if edition in ('enterprise', 'enterprise2'):
return {
'name': 'upload-packages' + enterprise2_sfx(edition),
'image': publish_image,
'depends_on': dependencies,
'environment': {
'GCP_GRAFANA_UPLOAD_KEY': from_secret('gcp_key'),
'commands': [cmd,],
def publish_packages_step(edition, ver_mode, is_downstream=False):
if ver_mode == 'test-release':
cmd = './bin/grabpl publish-packages --edition {} --gcp-key /tmp/gcpkey.json '.format(edition) + \
'--deb-db-bucket grafana-testing-aptly-db --deb-repo-bucket grafana-testing-repo --packages-bucket ' + \
'grafana-downloads-test --rpm-repo-bucket grafana-testing-repo --simulate-release {}'.format(
elif ver_mode == 'release':
cmd = './bin/grabpl publish-packages --edition {} --gcp-key /tmp/gcpkey.json ${{DRONE_TAG}}'.format(
elif ver_mode == 'main':
if not is_downstream:
build_no = '${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}'
build_no = '$${SOURCE_BUILD_NUMBER}'
cmd = './bin/grabpl publish-packages --edition {} --gcp-key /tmp/gcpkey.json --build-id {}'.format(
edition, build_no,
fail('Unexpected version mode {}'.format(ver_mode))
return {
'name': 'publish-packages-{}'.format(edition),
'image': publish_image,
'depends_on': [
'environment': {
'GRAFANA_COM_API_KEY': from_secret('grafana_api_key'),
'GCP_KEY': from_secret('gcp_key'),
'GPG_PRIV_KEY': from_secret('gpg_priv_key'),
'GPG_PUB_KEY': from_secret('gpg_pub_key'),
'GPG_KEY_PASSWORD': from_secret('gpg_key_password'),
'commands': [
'printenv GCP_KEY | base64 -d > /tmp/gcpkey.json',
def get_windows_steps(edition, ver_mode, is_downstream=False):
if not is_downstream:
source_commit = ''
source_commit = ' $$env:SOURCE_COMMIT'
init_cmds = []
sfx = ''
if edition in ('enterprise', 'enterprise2'):
sfx = '-{}'.format(edition)
'$$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"',
'Invoke-WebRequest https://grafana-downloads.storage.googleapis.com/grafana-build-pipeline/v{}/windows/grabpl.exe -OutFile grabpl.exe'.format(grabpl_version),
'.\\grabpl.exe verify-drone',
steps = [
'name': 'initialize',
'image': wix_image,
'commands': init_cmds,
if (ver_mode == 'main' and (edition not in ('enterprise', 'enterprise2') or is_downstream)) or ver_mode in (
'release', 'test-release', 'release-branch',
bucket_part = ''
bucket = 'grafana-downloads'
if ver_mode == 'release':
ver_part = '${DRONE_TAG}'
dir = 'release'
elif ver_mode == 'test-release':
ver_part = test_release_ver
dir = 'release'
bucket = 'grafana-downloads-test'
bucket_part = ' --packages-bucket {}'.format(bucket)
dir = 'main'
if not is_downstream:
ver_part = '--build-id $$env:{}'.format(build_no)
installer_commands = [
'$$gcpKey = $$env:GCP_KEY',
'[System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($$gcpKey)) > gcpkey.json',
# gcloud fails to read the file unless converted with dos2unix
'dos2unix gcpkey.json',
'gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=gcpkey.json',
'rm gcpkey.json',
'cp C:\\App\\nssm-2.24.zip .',
if (ver_mode == 'main' and (edition not in ('enterprise', 'enterprise2') or is_downstream)) or ver_mode in (
'release', 'test-release',
'.\\grabpl.exe windows-installer --edition {}{} {}'.format(edition, bucket_part, ver_part),
'$$fname = ((Get-Childitem grafana*.msi -name) -split "`n")[0]',
'gsutil cp $$fname gs://{}/{}/{}/'.format(bucket, edition, dir),
'gsutil cp "$$fname.sha256" gs://{}/{}/{}/'.format(bucket, edition, dir),
'name': 'build-windows-installer',
'image': wix_image,
'environment': {
'GCP_KEY': from_secret('gcp_key'),
'commands': installer_commands,
'depends_on': [
if edition in ('enterprise', 'enterprise2'):
if ver_mode == 'release':
committish = '${DRONE_TAG}'
elif ver_mode == 'test-release':
committish = 'main'
elif ver_mode == 'release-branch':
committish = '$$env:DRONE_BRANCH'
committish = '$$env:DRONE_COMMIT'
# For enterprise, we have to clone both OSS and enterprise and merge the latter into the former
download_grabpl_cmds = [
'$$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"',
'Invoke-WebRequest https://grafana-downloads.storage.googleapis.com/grafana-build-pipeline/v{}/windows/grabpl.exe -OutFile grabpl.exe'.format(grabpl_version),
clone_cmds = [
'git clone "https://$$env:GITHUB_TOKEN@github.com/grafana/grafana-enterprise.git"',
if not is_downstream:
'cd grafana-enterprise',
'git checkout {}'.format(committish),
steps.insert(0, {
'name': 'clone',
'image': wix_image,
'environment': {
'GITHUB_TOKEN': from_secret(github_token),
'commands': download_grabpl_cmds + clone_cmds,
steps[1]['depends_on'] = [
# Need to move grafana-enterprise out of the way, so directory is empty and can be cloned into
'cp -r grafana-enterprise C:\\App\\grafana-enterprise',
'rm -r -force grafana-enterprise',
'cp grabpl.exe C:\\App\\grabpl.exe',
'rm -force grabpl.exe',
'C:\\App\\grabpl.exe init-enterprise C:\\App\\grafana-enterprise{}'.format(source_commit),
'cp C:\\App\\grabpl.exe grabpl.exe',
'.\\grabpl.exe verify-drone',
return steps
def integration_test_services(edition):
services = [
'name': 'postgres',
'image': 'postgres:12.3-alpine',
'environment': {
'POSTGRES_USER': 'grafanatest',
'POSTGRES_PASSWORD': 'grafanatest',
'POSTGRES_DB': 'grafanatest',
'name': 'mysql',
'image': 'mysql:5.6.48',
'environment': {
'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD': 'rootpass',
'MYSQL_DATABASE': 'grafana_tests',
'MYSQL_USER': 'grafana',
'MYSQL_PASSWORD': 'password',
if edition in ('enterprise', 'enterprise2'):
'name': 'redis',
'image': 'redis:6.2.1-alpine',
'environment': {},
}, {
'name': 'memcached',
'image': 'memcached:1.6.9-alpine',
'environment': {},
return services
def validate_scuemata():
return {
'name': 'validate-scuemata',
'image': build_image,
'depends_on': [
'commands': [
'./bin/linux-amd64/grafana-cli cue validate-schema',