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package migrator
import (
type Dialect interface {
DriverName() string
QuoteStr() string
Quote(string) string
AndStr() string
AutoIncrStr() string
OrStr() string
EqStr() string
ShowCreateNull() bool
SqlType(col *Column) string
SupportEngine() bool
LikeStr() string
Default(col *Column) string
CreateIndexSql(tableName string, index *Index) string
CreateTableSql(table *Table) string
AddColumnSql(tableName string, col *Column) string
CopyTableData(sourceTable string, targetTable string, sourceCols []string, targetCols []string) string
DropTable(tableName string) string
DropIndexSql(tableName string, index *Index) string
TableCheckSql(tableName string) (string, []interface{})
RenameTable(oldName string, newName string) string
func NewDialect(name string) Dialect {
switch name {
case MYSQL:
return NewMysqlDialect()
case SQLITE:
return NewSqlite3Dialect()
return NewPostgresDialect()
panic("Unsupported database type: " + name)
type BaseDialect struct {
dialect Dialect
driverName string
func (d *BaseDialect) DriverName() string {
return d.driverName
func (b *BaseDialect) ShowCreateNull() bool {
return true
func (b *BaseDialect) AndStr() string {
return "AND"
func (b *BaseDialect) LikeStr() string {
return "LIKE"
func (b *BaseDialect) OrStr() string {
return "OR"
func (b *BaseDialect) EqStr() string {
return "="
func (b *BaseDialect) Default(col *Column) string {
return col.Default
func (b *BaseDialect) CreateTableSql(table *Table) string {
var sql string
sql += b.dialect.Quote(table.Name) + " (\n"
pkList := table.PrimaryKeys
for _, col := range table.Columns {
if col.IsPrimaryKey && len(pkList) == 1 {
sql += col.String(b.dialect)
} else {
sql += col.StringNoPk(b.dialect)
sql = strings.TrimSpace(sql)
sql += "\n, "
if len(pkList) > 1 {
sql += "PRIMARY KEY ( "
sql += b.dialect.Quote(strings.Join(pkList, b.dialect.Quote(",")))
sql += " ), "
sql = sql[:len(sql)-2] + ")"
if b.dialect.SupportEngine() {
sql += ";"
return sql
func (db *BaseDialect) AddColumnSql(tableName string, col *Column) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("alter table %s ADD COLUMN %s", db.dialect.Quote(tableName), col.StringNoPk(db.dialect))
func (db *BaseDialect) CreateIndexSql(tableName string, index *Index) string {
quote := db.dialect.Quote
var unique string
if index.Type == UniqueIndex {
unique = " UNIQUE"
idxName := index.XName(tableName)
return fmt.Sprintf("CREATE%s INDEX %v ON %v (%v);", unique,
quote(idxName), quote(tableName),
quote(strings.Join(index.Cols, quote(","))))
func (db *BaseDialect) QuoteColList(cols []string) string {
var sourceColsSql = ""
for _, col := range cols {
sourceColsSql += db.dialect.Quote(col)
sourceColsSql += "\n, "
return strings.TrimSuffix(sourceColsSql, "\n, ")
func (db *BaseDialect) CopyTableData(sourceTable string, targetTable string, sourceCols []string, targetCols []string) string {
sourceColsSql := db.QuoteColList(sourceCols)
targetColsSql := db.QuoteColList(targetCols)
quote := db.dialect.Quote
return fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (%s) SELECT %s FROM %s", quote(targetTable), targetColsSql, sourceColsSql, quote(sourceTable))
func (db *BaseDialect) DropTable(tableName string) string {
quote := db.dialect.Quote
return fmt.Sprintf("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s", quote(tableName))
func (db *BaseDialect) RenameTable(oldName string, newName string) string {
quote := db.dialect.Quote
return fmt.Sprintf("ALTER TABLE %s RENAME TO %s", quote(oldName), quote(newName))
func (db *BaseDialect) DropIndexSql(tableName string, index *Index) string {
quote := db.dialect.Quote
var name string
name = index.XName(tableName)
return fmt.Sprintf("DROP INDEX %v ON %s", quote(name), quote(tableName))