Scott Lepper c2fb2dcfbe
wire up unified search from the ui; add basic search support (#94358)
* wire up search from the ui;  add basic search support
2024-10-08 13:09:56 -04:00

1020 lines
38 KiB

package api
import (
httpstatic ""
grafanaapiserver ""
dashver ""
loginAttempt ""
pluginSettings ""
pref ""
publicdashboardsApi ""
secretsKV ""
spm ""
starApi ""
tempUser ""
type HTTPServer struct {
log log.Logger
web *web.Mux
context context.Context
httpSrv *http.Server
middlewares []web.Handler
namedMiddlewares []routing.RegisterNamedMiddleware
bus bus.Bus
pluginContextProvider *plugincontext.Provider
RouteRegister routing.RouteRegister
RenderService rendering.Service
Cfg *setting.Cfg
Features featuremgmt.FeatureToggles
SettingsProvider setting.Provider
HooksService *hooks.HooksService
navTreeService navtree.Service
CacheService *localcache.CacheService
DataSourceCache datasources.CacheService
AuthTokenService auth.UserTokenService
QuotaService quota.Service
RemoteCacheService *remotecache.RemoteCache
ProvisioningService provisioning.ProvisioningService
License licensing.Licensing
AccessControl accesscontrol.AccessControl
DataProxy *datasourceproxy.DataSourceProxyService
PluginRequestValidator validations.PluginRequestValidator
pluginClient plugins.Client
pluginStore pluginstore.Store
pluginInstaller plugins.Installer
pluginFileStore plugins.FileStore
pluginDashboardService plugindashboards.Service
pluginStaticRouteResolver plugins.StaticRouteResolver
pluginErrorResolver plugins.ErrorResolver
pluginAssets *pluginassets.Service
SearchService search.Service
ShortURLService shorturls.Service
QueryHistoryService queryhistory.Service
CorrelationsService correlations.Service
Live *live.GrafanaLive
LivePushGateway *pushhttp.Gateway
StorageService store.StorageService
SearchV2HTTPService searchV2.SearchHTTPService
UnifiedSearchHTTPService unifiedSearch.SearchHTTPService
ContextHandler *contexthandler.ContextHandler
LoggerMiddleware loggermw.Logger
SQLStore db.DB
AlertNG *ngalert.AlertNG
LibraryPanelService librarypanels.Service
LibraryElementService libraryelements.Service
SocialService social.Service
Listener net.Listener
EncryptionService encryption.Internal
SecretsService secrets.Service
secretsPluginManager plugins.SecretsPluginManager
secretsStore secretsKV.SecretsKVStore
secretsMigrator secrets.Migrator
secretsPluginMigrator spm.SecretMigrationProvider
DataSourcesService datasources.DataSourceService
cleanUpService *cleanup.CleanUpService
tracer tracing.Tracer
grafanaUpdateChecker *updatechecker.GrafanaService
pluginsUpdateChecker *updatechecker.PluginsService
searchUsersService searchusers.Service
queryDataService query.Service
serviceAccountsService serviceaccounts.Service
authInfoService login.AuthInfoService
NotificationService notifications.Service
DashboardService dashboards.DashboardService
dashboardProvisioningService dashboards.DashboardProvisioningService
folderService folder.Service
dsGuardian guardian.DatasourceGuardianProvider
dashboardsnapshotsService dashboardsnapshots.Service
PluginSettings pluginSettings.Service
AvatarCacheServer *avatar.AvatarCacheServer
preferenceService pref.Service
Csrf csrf.Service
folderPermissionsService accesscontrol.FolderPermissionsService
dashboardPermissionsService accesscontrol.DashboardPermissionsService
dashboardVersionService dashver.Service
PublicDashboardsApi *publicdashboardsApi.Api
starService star.Service
playlistService playlist.Service
apiKeyService apikey.Service
kvStore kvstore.KVStore
pluginsCDNService *pluginscdn.Service
managedPluginsService managedplugins.Manager
userService user.Service
tempUserService tempUser.Service
loginAttemptService loginAttempt.Service
orgService org.Service
TeamService team.Service
accesscontrolService accesscontrol.Service
annotationsRepo annotations.Repository
tagService tag.Service
oauthTokenService oauthtoken.OAuthTokenService
statsService stats.Service
authnService authn.Service
starApi *starApi.API
promRegister prometheus.Registerer
promGatherer prometheus.Gatherer
clientConfigProvider grafanaapiserver.DirectRestConfigProvider
namespacer request.NamespaceMapper
anonService anonymous.Service
userVerifier user.Verifier
tlsCerts TLSCerts
type TLSCerts struct {
certLock sync.RWMutex
certMtime time.Time
keyMtime time.Time
certs *tls.Certificate
type ServerOptions struct {
Listener net.Listener
func ProvideHTTPServer(opts ServerOptions, cfg *setting.Cfg, routeRegister routing.RouteRegister, bus bus.Bus,
renderService rendering.Service, licensing licensing.Licensing, hooksService *hooks.HooksService,
cacheService *localcache.CacheService, sqlStore db.DB,
pluginRequestValidator validations.PluginRequestValidator, pluginStaticRouteResolver plugins.StaticRouteResolver,
pluginDashboardService plugindashboards.Service, pluginStore pluginstore.Store, pluginClient plugins.Client,
pluginErrorResolver plugins.ErrorResolver, pluginInstaller plugins.Installer, settingsProvider setting.Provider,
dataSourceCache datasources.CacheService, userTokenService auth.UserTokenService,
cleanUpService *cleanup.CleanUpService, shortURLService shorturls.Service, queryHistoryService queryhistory.Service,
correlationsService correlations.Service, remoteCache *remotecache.RemoteCache, provisioningService provisioning.ProvisioningService,
accessControl accesscontrol.AccessControl, dataSourceProxy *datasourceproxy.DataSourceProxyService, searchService *search.SearchService,
live *live.GrafanaLive, livePushGateway *pushhttp.Gateway, plugCtxProvider *plugincontext.Provider,
contextHandler *contexthandler.ContextHandler, loggerMiddleware loggermw.Logger, features featuremgmt.FeatureToggles,
alertNG *ngalert.AlertNG, libraryPanelService librarypanels.Service, libraryElementService libraryelements.Service,
quotaService quota.Service, socialService social.Service, tracer tracing.Tracer,
encryptionService encryption.Internal, grafanaUpdateChecker *updatechecker.GrafanaService,
pluginsUpdateChecker *updatechecker.PluginsService, searchUsersService searchusers.Service,
dataSourcesService datasources.DataSourceService, queryDataService query.Service, pluginFileStore plugins.FileStore,
serviceaccountsService serviceaccounts.Service, pluginAssets *pluginassets.Service,
authInfoService login.AuthInfoService, storageService store.StorageService,
notificationService notifications.Service, dashboardService dashboards.DashboardService,
dashboardProvisioningService dashboards.DashboardProvisioningService, folderService folder.Service,
folderStore folder.Store,
dsGuardian guardian.DatasourceGuardianProvider,
dashboardsnapshotsService dashboardsnapshots.Service, pluginSettings pluginSettings.Service,
avatarCacheServer *avatar.AvatarCacheServer, preferenceService pref.Service,
folderPermissionsService accesscontrol.FolderPermissionsService,
dashboardPermissionsService accesscontrol.DashboardPermissionsService, dashboardVersionService dashver.Service,
starService star.Service, csrfService csrf.Service, managedPlugins managedplugins.Manager,
playlistService playlist.Service, apiKeyService apikey.Service, kvStore kvstore.KVStore,
secretsMigrator secrets.Migrator, secretsPluginManager plugins.SecretsPluginManager, secretsService secrets.Service,
secretsPluginMigrator spm.SecretMigrationProvider, secretsStore secretsKV.SecretsKVStore,
publicDashboardsApi *publicdashboardsApi.Api, userService user.Service, tempUserService tempUser.Service,
loginAttemptService loginAttempt.Service, orgService org.Service, teamService team.Service,
accesscontrolService accesscontrol.Service, navTreeService navtree.Service,
annotationRepo annotations.Repository, tagService tag.Service, searchv2HTTPService searchV2.SearchHTTPService, unifiedSearchHTTPService unifiedSearch.SearchHTTPService, oauthTokenService oauthtoken.OAuthTokenService,
statsService stats.Service, authnService authn.Service, pluginsCDNService *pluginscdn.Service, promGatherer prometheus.Gatherer,
starApi *starApi.API, promRegister prometheus.Registerer, clientConfigProvider grafanaapiserver.DirectRestConfigProvider, anonService anonymous.Service,
userVerifier user.Verifier,
) (*HTTPServer, error) {
web.Env = cfg.Env
m := web.New()
hs := &HTTPServer{
Cfg: cfg,
RouteRegister: routeRegister,
bus: bus,
RenderService: renderService,
License: licensing,
HooksService: hooksService,
CacheService: cacheService,
SQLStore: sqlStore,
PluginRequestValidator: pluginRequestValidator,
pluginInstaller: pluginInstaller,
pluginClient: pluginClient,
pluginStore: pluginStore,
pluginStaticRouteResolver: pluginStaticRouteResolver,
pluginDashboardService: pluginDashboardService,
pluginAssets: pluginAssets,
pluginErrorResolver: pluginErrorResolver,
pluginFileStore: pluginFileStore,
grafanaUpdateChecker: grafanaUpdateChecker,
pluginsUpdateChecker: pluginsUpdateChecker,
SettingsProvider: settingsProvider,
DataSourceCache: dataSourceCache,
AuthTokenService: userTokenService,
cleanUpService: cleanUpService,
ShortURLService: shortURLService,
QueryHistoryService: queryHistoryService,
CorrelationsService: correlationsService,
Features: features, // a read only view of the managers state
StorageService: storageService,
RemoteCacheService: remoteCache,
ProvisioningService: provisioningService,
AccessControl: accessControl,
DataProxy: dataSourceProxy,
SearchV2HTTPService: searchv2HTTPService,
UnifiedSearchHTTPService: unifiedSearchHTTPService,
SearchService: searchService,
Live: live,
LivePushGateway: livePushGateway,
pluginContextProvider: plugCtxProvider,
ContextHandler: contextHandler,
LoggerMiddleware: loggerMiddleware,
AlertNG: alertNG,
LibraryPanelService: libraryPanelService,
LibraryElementService: libraryElementService,
QuotaService: quotaService,
tracer: tracer,
log: log.New("http.server"),
web: m,
Listener: opts.Listener,
SocialService: socialService,
EncryptionService: encryptionService,
SecretsService: secretsService,
secretsPluginManager: secretsPluginManager,
secretsMigrator: secretsMigrator,
secretsPluginMigrator: secretsPluginMigrator,
secretsStore: secretsStore,
DataSourcesService: dataSourcesService,
searchUsersService: searchUsersService,
queryDataService: queryDataService,
serviceAccountsService: serviceaccountsService,
authInfoService: authInfoService,
NotificationService: notificationService,
DashboardService: dashboardService,
dashboardProvisioningService: dashboardProvisioningService,
folderService: folderService,
dsGuardian: dsGuardian,
dashboardsnapshotsService: dashboardsnapshotsService,
PluginSettings: pluginSettings,
AvatarCacheServer: avatarCacheServer,
preferenceService: preferenceService,
Csrf: csrfService,
folderPermissionsService: folderPermissionsService,
dashboardPermissionsService: dashboardPermissionsService,
dashboardVersionService: dashboardVersionService,
starService: starService,
playlistService: playlistService,
apiKeyService: apiKeyService,
kvStore: kvStore,
PublicDashboardsApi: publicDashboardsApi,
userService: userService,
tempUserService: tempUserService,
loginAttemptService: loginAttemptService,
orgService: orgService,
TeamService: teamService,
navTreeService: navTreeService,
accesscontrolService: accesscontrolService,
annotationsRepo: annotationRepo,
tagService: tagService,
oauthTokenService: oauthTokenService,
statsService: statsService,
authnService: authnService,
pluginsCDNService: pluginsCDNService,
managedPluginsService: managedPlugins,
starApi: starApi,
promRegister: promRegister,
promGatherer: promGatherer,
clientConfigProvider: clientConfigProvider,
namespacer: request.GetNamespaceMapper(cfg),
anonService: anonService,
userVerifier: userVerifier,
if hs.Listener != nil {
hs.log.Debug("Using provided listener")
// Register access control scope resolver for annotations
hs.AccessControl.RegisterScopeAttributeResolver(AnnotationTypeScopeResolver(hs.annotationsRepo, features, dashboardService, folderStore))
if err := hs.declareFixedRoles(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return hs, nil
func (hs *HTTPServer) AddMiddleware(middleware web.Handler) {
hs.middlewares = append(hs.middlewares, middleware)
func (hs *HTTPServer) AddNamedMiddleware(middleware routing.RegisterNamedMiddleware) {
hs.namedMiddlewares = append(hs.namedMiddlewares, middleware)
func (hs *HTTPServer) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
hs.context = ctx
// Remove any square brackets enclosing IPv6 addresses, a format we support for backwards compatibility
host := strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(hs.Cfg.HTTPAddr, "["), "]")
hs.httpSrv = &http.Server{
Addr: net.JoinHostPort(host, hs.Cfg.HTTPPort),
Handler: hs.web,
ReadTimeout: hs.Cfg.ReadTimeout,
switch hs.Cfg.Protocol {
case setting.HTTP2Scheme, setting.HTTPSScheme:
if err := hs.configureTLS(); err != nil {
return err
if hs.Cfg.CertFile != "" && hs.Cfg.KeyFile != "" {
if hs.Cfg.CertWatchInterval > 0 {
hs.httpSrv.TLSConfig.GetCertificate = hs.GetCertificate
go hs.WatchAndUpdateCerts(ctx)
hs.log.Debug("HTTP Server certificates reload feature is enabled")
} else {
hs.log.Debug("HTTP Server certificates reload feature is NOT enabled")
listener, err := hs.getListener()
if err != nil {
return err
hs.log.Info("HTTP Server Listen", "address", listener.Addr().String(), "protocol",
hs.Cfg.Protocol, "subUrl", hs.Cfg.AppSubURL, "socket", hs.Cfg.SocketPath)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// handle http shutdown on server context done
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
if err := hs.httpSrv.Shutdown(context.Background()); err != nil {
hs.log.Error("Failed to shutdown server", "error", err)
switch hs.Cfg.Protocol {
case setting.HTTPScheme, setting.SocketScheme:
if err := hs.httpSrv.Serve(listener); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
hs.log.Debug("server was shutdown gracefully")
return nil
return err
case setting.HTTP2Scheme, setting.HTTPSScheme:
if err := hs.httpSrv.ServeTLS(listener, "", ""); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
hs.log.Debug("server was shutdown gracefully")
return nil
return err
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled protocol %q", hs.Cfg.Protocol))
return nil
func (hs *HTTPServer) getListener() (net.Listener, error) {
if hs.Listener != nil {
return hs.Listener, nil
switch hs.Cfg.Protocol {
case setting.HTTPScheme, setting.HTTPSScheme, setting.HTTP2Scheme:
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", hs.httpSrv.Addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to open listener on address %s: %w", hs.httpSrv.Addr, err)
return listener, nil
case setting.SocketScheme:
listener, err := net.ListenUnix("unix", &net.UnixAddr{Name: hs.Cfg.SocketPath, Net: "unix"})
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to open listener for socket %s: %w", hs.Cfg.SocketPath, err)
// Make socket writable by group
// nolint:gosec
if err := os.Chmod(hs.Cfg.SocketPath, os.FileMode(hs.Cfg.SocketMode)); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to change socket mode %d: %w", hs.Cfg.SocketMode, err)
// does not have chgrp
// Changing the gid of a file without privileges requires that the target group is in the group of the process and that the process is the file owner
if err := os.Chown(hs.Cfg.SocketPath, -1, hs.Cfg.SocketGid); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to change socket group id %d: %w", hs.Cfg.SocketGid, err)
return listener, nil
hs.log.Error("Invalid protocol", "protocol", hs.Cfg.Protocol)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid protocol %q", hs.Cfg.Protocol)
func (hs *HTTPServer) selfSignedCert() ([]tls.Certificate, error) {
template := &x509.Certificate{
IsCA: true,
BasicConstraintsValid: true,
SubjectKeyId: []byte{1},
SerialNumber: big.NewInt(1),
Subject: pkix.Name{
CommonName: hs.Cfg.Domain,
NotBefore: time.Now(),
NotAfter: time.Now().AddDate(1, 0, 0),
// see
ExtKeyUsage: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth, x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth},
KeyUsage: x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature | x509.KeyUsageCertSign,
// generate private key
privatekey, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, 4096)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error generating tls private key: %w", err)
publickey := &privatekey.PublicKey
// create a self-signed certificate
var parent = template
certBytes, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, template, parent, publickey, privatekey)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error generating tls self-signed certificate: %w", err)
// encode certificate and private key to PEM
certPEM := new(bytes.Buffer)
_ = pem.Encode(certPEM, &pem.Block{
Bytes: certBytes,
certPrivKeyPEM := new(bytes.Buffer)
_ = pem.Encode(certPrivKeyPEM, &pem.Block{
Bytes: x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey(privatekey),
// create tlsCertificate from generated certificate and private key
tlsCert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(certPEM.Bytes(), certPrivKeyPEM.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating tls self-signed certificate: %w", err)
return []tls.Certificate{tlsCert}, nil
func (hs *HTTPServer) tlsCertificates() ([]tls.Certificate, error) {
// if we don't have either a cert or key specified, generate a self-signed certificate
if hs.Cfg.CertFile == "" && hs.Cfg.KeyFile == "" {
return hs.selfSignedCert()
tlsCert, err := hs.readCertificates()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hs.tlsCerts.certs = tlsCert
if err := hs.updateMtimeOfServerCerts(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return []tls.Certificate{*tlsCert}, nil
func (hs *HTTPServer) applyRoutes() {
// start with middlewares & static routes
// then add view routes & api routes
hs.RouteRegister.Register(hs.web, hs.namedMiddlewares...)
// lastly not found route
hs.web.NotFound(middleware.ProvideRouteOperationName("notfound"), middleware.ReqSignedIn, hs.NotFoundHandler)
func (hs *HTTPServer) addMiddlewaresAndStaticRoutes() {
m := hs.web
m.Use(middleware.RequestMetrics(hs.Features, hs.Cfg, hs.promRegister))
if hs.Cfg.EnableGzip {
m.UseMiddleware(middleware.Recovery(hs.Cfg, hs.License))
hs.mapStatic(m, hs.Cfg.StaticRootPath, "build", "public/build")
hs.mapStatic(m, hs.Cfg.StaticRootPath, "", "public", "/public/views/swagger.html")
hs.mapStatic(m, hs.Cfg.StaticRootPath, "robots.txt", "robots.txt")
hs.mapStatic(m, hs.Cfg.StaticRootPath, "mockServiceWorker.js", "mockServiceWorker.js")
if hs.Cfg.ImageUploadProvider == "local" {
hs.mapStatic(m, hs.Cfg.ImagesDir, "", "/public/img/attachments")
if len(hs.Cfg.CustomResponseHeaders) > 0 {
if hs.Cfg.ServeFromSubPath && hs.Cfg.AppSubURL != "" {
m.UseMiddleware(web.Renderer(filepath.Join(hs.Cfg.StaticRootPath, "views"), "[[", "]]"))
// These endpoints are used for monitoring the Grafana instance
// and should not be redirected or rejected.
m.Use(middleware.OrgRedirect(hs.Cfg, hs.userService))
// needs to be after context handler
if hs.Cfg.EnforceDomain {
// handle action urls
m.UseMiddleware(middleware.ValidateActionUrl(hs.Cfg, hs.log))
if hs.Cfg.CSPEnabled || hs.Cfg.CSPReportOnlyEnabled {
m.UseMiddleware(middleware.ContentSecurityPolicy(hs.Cfg, hs.log))
for _, mw := range hs.middlewares {
func (hs *HTTPServer) metricsEndpoint(ctx *web.Context) {
if !hs.Cfg.MetricsEndpointEnabled {
if ctx.Req.Method != http.MethodGet || ctx.Req.URL.Path != "/metrics" {
if hs.metricsEndpointBasicAuthEnabled() && !BasicAuthenticatedRequest(ctx.Req, hs.Cfg.MetricsEndpointBasicAuthUsername, hs.Cfg.MetricsEndpointBasicAuthPassword) {
ctx.Resp.Header().Set("WWW-Authenticate", `Basic realm="Grafana"`)
HandlerFor(hs.promGatherer, promhttp.HandlerOpts{EnableOpenMetrics: true}).
ServeHTTP(ctx.Resp, ctx.Req)
// healthzHandler always return 200 - Ok if Grafana's web server is running
func (hs *HTTPServer) healthzHandler(ctx *web.Context) {
notHeadOrGet := ctx.Req.Method != http.MethodGet && ctx.Req.Method != http.MethodHead
if notHeadOrGet || ctx.Req.URL.Path != "/healthz" {
if _, err := ctx.Resp.Write([]byte("Ok")); err != nil {
hs.log.Error("could not write to response", "err", err)
// swagger:model healthResponse
type healthResponse struct {
Database string `json:"database"`
Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
Commit string `json:"commit,omitempty"`
EnterpriseCommit string `json:"enterpriseCommit,omitempty"`
// swagger:route GET /health health getHealth
// apiHealthHandler will return ok if Grafana's web server is running and it
// can access the database. If the database cannot be accessed it will return
// http status code 503.
// Responses:
// 200: healthResponse
// 503: internalServerError
func (hs *HTTPServer) apiHealthHandler(ctx *web.Context) {
notHeadOrGet := ctx.Req.Method != http.MethodGet && ctx.Req.Method != http.MethodHead
if notHeadOrGet || ctx.Req.URL.Path != "/api/health" {
data := healthResponse{
Database: "ok",
if !hs.Cfg.AnonymousHideVersion {
data.Version = hs.Cfg.BuildVersion
data.Commit = hs.Cfg.BuildCommit
if hs.Cfg.EnterpriseBuildCommit != "NA" && hs.Cfg.EnterpriseBuildCommit != "" {
data.EnterpriseCommit = hs.Cfg.EnterpriseBuildCommit
if !hs.databaseHealthy(ctx.Req.Context()) {
data.Database = "failing"
ctx.Resp.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
} else {
ctx.Resp.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8")
dataBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(data, "", " ")
if err != nil {
hs.log.Error("Failed to encode data", "err", err)
if _, err := ctx.Resp.Write(dataBytes); err != nil {
hs.log.Error("Failed to write to response", "err", err)
func (hs *HTTPServer) mapStatic(m *web.Mux, rootDir string, dir string, prefix string, exclude ...string) {
headers := func(c *web.Context) {
c.Resp.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=3600")
if prefix == "public/build" {
headers = func(c *web.Context) {
c.Resp.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000")
if hs.Cfg.Env == setting.Dev {
headers = func(c *web.Context) {
c.Resp.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-cache")
if prefix == "mockServiceWorker.js" {
headers = func(c *web.Context) {
c.Resp.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript")
path.Join(rootDir, dir),
SkipLogging: true,
Prefix: prefix,
AddHeaders: headers,
Exclude: exclude,
func (hs *HTTPServer) metricsEndpointBasicAuthEnabled() bool {
return hs.Cfg.MetricsEndpointBasicAuthUsername != "" && hs.Cfg.MetricsEndpointBasicAuthPassword != ""
func (hs *HTTPServer) getDefaultCiphers(tlsVersion uint16, protocol string) []uint16 {
if tlsVersion != tls.VersionTLS12 {
return nil
if protocol == "https" {
return []uint16{
if protocol == "h2" {
return []uint16{
return nil
func (hs *HTTPServer) readCertificates() (*tls.Certificate, error) {
if hs.Cfg.CertFile == "" {
return nil, errors.New("cert_file cannot be empty when using HTTPS")
if hs.Cfg.KeyFile == "" {
return nil, errors.New("cert_key cannot be empty when using HTTPS")
if _, err := os.Stat(hs.Cfg.CertFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`cannot find SSL cert_file at %q`, hs.Cfg.CertFile)
if _, err := os.Stat(hs.Cfg.KeyFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`cannot find SSL key_file at %q`, hs.Cfg.KeyFile)
if hs.Cfg.CertPassword != "" {
return handleEncryptedCertificates(hs.Cfg)
// previous implementation
tlsCert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(hs.Cfg.CertFile, hs.Cfg.KeyFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not load SSL certificate: %w", err)
return &tlsCert, nil
func handleEncryptedCertificates(cfg *setting.Cfg) (*tls.Certificate, error) {
certKeyFilePassword := cfg.CertPassword
certData, err := os.ReadFile(cfg.CertFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read certificate file: %w", err)
keyData, err := os.ReadFile(cfg.KeyFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read private key file: %w", err)
// handle encrypted private key
keyPemBlock, _ := pem.Decode(keyData)
var keyBytes []byte
// Process the PKCS-encrypted PEM block.
if strings.Contains(keyPemBlock.Type, "ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY") {
// The pkcs8 package only handles the PKCS #5 v2.0 scheme.
decrypted, err := pkcs8.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(keyPemBlock.Bytes, []byte(certKeyFilePassword))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing PKCS8 Private key: %w", err)
keyBytes, err = x509.MarshalPKCS8PrivateKey(decrypted)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error marshaling PKCS8 Private key: %w", err)
} else if strings.Contains(keyPemBlock.Type, "RSA PRIVATE KEY") {
// Check if the PEM block is encrypted with PKCS#1
// Even if these methods are deprecated, RSA PKCS#1 was requested by some customers and fairly used
// nolint:staticcheck
if !x509.IsEncryptedPEMBlock(keyPemBlock) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("password provided but Private key is not recorgnized as encrypted")
// Only covers encrypted PEM data with a DEK-Info header.
// nolint:staticcheck
keyBytes, err = x509.DecryptPEMBlock(keyPemBlock, []byte(certKeyFilePassword))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error decrypting x509 PemBlock: %w", err)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("password provided but Private key is not encrypted or not supported")
var encodedKey bytes.Buffer
err = pem.Encode(&encodedKey, &pem.Block{Type: keyPemBlock.Type, Bytes: keyBytes})
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error encoding pem file: %w", err)
cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(certData, encodedKey.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse X509 key pair: %w", err)
return &cert, nil
func (hs *HTTPServer) configureTLS() error {
tlsCerts, err := hs.tlsCertificates()
if err != nil {
return err
minTlsVersion, err := util.TlsNameToVersion(hs.Cfg.MinTLSVersion)
if err != nil {
return err
tlsCiphers := hs.getDefaultCiphers(minTlsVersion, string(hs.Cfg.Protocol))
hs.log.Info("HTTP Server TLS settings", "scheme", hs.Cfg.Protocol, "Min TLS Version", hs.Cfg.MinTLSVersion,
"configured ciphers", util.TlsCipherIdsToString(tlsCiphers))
tlsCfg := &tls.Config{
Certificates: tlsCerts,
MinVersion: minTlsVersion,
CipherSuites: tlsCiphers,
hs.httpSrv.TLSConfig = tlsCfg
if hs.Cfg.Protocol == setting.HTTP2Scheme {
hs.httpSrv.TLSConfig.NextProtos = []string{"h2", "http/1.1"}
if hs.Cfg.Protocol == setting.HTTPSScheme {
hs.httpSrv.TLSNextProto = make(map[string]func(*http.Server, *tls.Conn, http.Handler))
return nil
func (hs *HTTPServer) GetCertificate(*tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) {
defer hs.tlsCerts.certLock.RUnlock()
tlsCerts := hs.tlsCerts.certs
return tlsCerts, nil
// WatchAndUpdateCerts fsnotify module can be used to detect file changes and based on the event certs can be reloaded
// since it adds a direct dependency for the optional feature. So that is the reason periodic watching
// of cert files is chosen. If fsnotify is added as direct dependency in future, then the implementation
// can be revisited to align to fsnotify.
func (hs *HTTPServer) WatchAndUpdateCerts(ctx context.Context) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(hs.Cfg.CertWatchInterval)
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
if err := hs.updateCerts(); err != nil {
hs.log.Error("Not able to reload certificates", "error", err)
case <-ctx.Done():
hs.log.Debug("Stopping the CertWatchInterval ticker")
func (hs *HTTPServer) updateCerts() error {
tlsInfo := &hs.tlsCerts
cMtime, err := getMtime(hs.Cfg.CertFile)
if err != nil {
return err
kMtime, err := getMtime(hs.Cfg.KeyFile)
if err != nil {
return err
if cMtime.Compare(tlsInfo.certMtime) != 0 || kMtime.Compare(tlsInfo.keyMtime) != 0 {
certs, err := hs.readCertificates()
if err != nil {
return err
defer tlsInfo.certLock.Unlock()
tlsInfo.certs = certs
tlsInfo.certMtime = cMtime
tlsInfo.keyMtime = kMtime
hs.log.Info("Server certificates updated", "cMtime", tlsInfo.certMtime, "kMtime", tlsInfo.keyMtime)
return nil
func getMtime(name string) (time.Time, error) {
fInfo, err := os.Stat(name)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
return fInfo.ModTime(), nil
func (hs *HTTPServer) updateMtimeOfServerCerts() error {
var err error
hs.tlsCerts.certMtime, err = getMtime(hs.Cfg.CertFile)
if err != nil {
return err
hs.tlsCerts.keyMtime, err = getMtime(hs.Cfg.KeyFile)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil