mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 00:55:47 -06:00
* Load Rich History when the container is opened * Store rich history for each pane separately * Do not update currently opened query history when an item is added It's impossible to figure out if the item should be added or not, because filters are applied in the backend. We don't want to replicate that filtering logic in frontend. One way to make it work could be by refreshing both panes. * Test starring and deleting query history items when both panes are open * Remove e2e dependency on ExploreId * Fix unit test * Assert exact queries * Simplify test * Fix e2e tests * Fix toolbar a11y * Reload the history after an item is added * Fix unit test * Remove references to Explore from generic PageToolbar component * Update test name * Fix test assertion * Add issue item to TODO * Improve test assertion * Simplify test setup
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863 lines
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import { mergeMap, throttleTime } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { identity, Observable, of, SubscriptionLike, Unsubscribable } from 'rxjs';
import {
} from '@grafana/data';
import {
} from 'app/core/utils/explore';
import { ExploreItemState, ExplorePanelData, ThunkDispatch, ThunkResult } from 'app/types';
import { ExploreId, ExploreState, QueryOptions } from 'app/types/explore';
import { getTimeZone } from 'app/features/profile/state/selectors';
import { getShiftedTimeRange } from 'app/core/utils/timePicker';
import { notifyApp } from '../../../core/actions';
import { runRequest } from '../../query/state/runRequest';
import { decorateData } from '../utils/decorators';
import { createErrorNotification } from '../../../core/copy/appNotification';
import { stateSave } from './main';
import { AnyAction, createAction, PayloadAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { updateTime } from './time';
import { addHistoryItem, historyUpdatedAction, loadRichHistory } from './history';
import { createCacheKey, getResultsFromCache } from './utils';
import deepEqual from 'fast-deep-equal';
// Actions and Payloads
* Adds a query row after the row with the given index.
export interface AddQueryRowPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
index: number;
query: DataQuery;
export const addQueryRowAction = createAction<AddQueryRowPayload>('explore/addQueryRow');
* Query change handler for the query row with the given index.
* If `override` is reset the query modifications and run the queries. Use this to set queries via a link.
export interface ChangeQueriesPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
queries: DataQuery[];
export const changeQueriesAction = createAction<ChangeQueriesPayload>('explore/changeQueries');
* Cancel running queries.
export interface CancelQueriesPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
export const cancelQueriesAction = createAction<CancelQueriesPayload>('explore/cancelQueries');
export interface QueriesImportedPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
queries: DataQuery[];
export const queriesImportedAction = createAction<QueriesImportedPayload>('explore/queriesImported');
* Action to modify a query given a datasource-specific modifier action.
* @param exploreId Explore area
* @param modification Action object with a type, e.g., ADD_FILTER
* @param index Optional query row index. If omitted, the modification is applied to all query rows.
* @param modifier Function that executes the modification, typically `datasourceInstance.modifyQueries`.
export interface ModifyQueriesPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
modification: QueryFixAction;
index?: number;
modifier: (query: DataQuery, modification: QueryFixAction) => DataQuery;
export const modifyQueriesAction = createAction<ModifyQueriesPayload>('explore/modifyQueries');
export interface QueryStoreSubscriptionPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
querySubscription: Unsubscribable;
export const queryStoreSubscriptionAction = createAction<QueryStoreSubscriptionPayload>(
export interface StoreLogsVolumeDataProvider {
exploreId: ExploreId;
logsVolumeDataProvider?: Observable<DataQueryResponse>;
* Stores available logs volume provider after running the query. Used internally by runQueries().
export const storeLogsVolumeDataProviderAction = createAction<StoreLogsVolumeDataProvider>(
export const cleanLogsVolumeAction = createAction<{ exploreId: ExploreId }>('explore/cleanLogsVolumeAction');
export interface StoreLogsVolumeDataSubscriptionPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
logsVolumeDataSubscription?: SubscriptionLike;
* Stores current logs volume subscription for given explore pane.
const storeLogsVolumeDataSubscriptionAction = createAction<StoreLogsVolumeDataSubscriptionPayload>(
* Stores data returned by the provider. Used internally by loadLogsVolumeData().
const updateLogsVolumeDataAction = createAction<{
exploreId: ExploreId;
logsVolumeData: DataQueryResponse;
export interface QueryEndedPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
response: ExplorePanelData;
export const queryStreamUpdatedAction = createAction<QueryEndedPayload>('explore/queryStreamUpdated');
* Reset queries to the given queries. Any modifications will be discarded.
* Use this action for clicks on query examples. Triggers a query run.
export interface SetQueriesPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
queries: DataQuery[];
export const setQueriesAction = createAction<SetQueriesPayload>('explore/setQueries');
export interface ChangeLoadingStatePayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
loadingState: LoadingState;
export const changeLoadingStateAction = createAction<ChangeLoadingStatePayload>('changeLoadingState');
export interface SetPausedStatePayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
isPaused: boolean;
export const setPausedStateAction = createAction<SetPausedStatePayload>('explore/setPausedState');
* Start a scan for more results using the given scanner.
* @param exploreId Explore area
* @param scanner Function that a) returns a new time range and b) triggers a query run for the new range
export interface ScanStartPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
export const scanStartAction = createAction<ScanStartPayload>('explore/scanStart');
* Stop any scanning for more results.
export interface ScanStopPayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
export const scanStopAction = createAction<ScanStopPayload>('explore/scanStop');
* Adds query results to cache.
* This is currently used to cache last 5 query results for log queries run from logs navigation (pagination).
export interface AddResultsToCachePayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
cacheKey: string;
queryResponse: ExplorePanelData;
export const addResultsToCacheAction = createAction<AddResultsToCachePayload>('explore/addResultsToCache');
* Clears cache.
export interface ClearCachePayload {
exploreId: ExploreId;
export const clearCacheAction = createAction<ClearCachePayload>('explore/clearCache');
// Action creators
* Adds a query row after the row with the given index.
export function addQueryRow(exploreId: ExploreId, index: number): ThunkResult<void> {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const queries = getState().explore[exploreId]!.queries;
const query = generateEmptyQuery(queries, index);
dispatch(addQueryRowAction({ exploreId, index, query }));
* Cancel running queries
export function cancelQueries(exploreId: ExploreId): ThunkResult<void> {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch(scanStopAction({ exploreId }));
dispatch(cancelQueriesAction({ exploreId }));
logsVolumeDataProvider: undefined,
// clear any incomplete data
if (getState().explore[exploreId]!.logsVolumeData?.state !== LoadingState.Done) {
dispatch(cleanLogsVolumeAction({ exploreId }));
* Import queries from previous datasource if possible eg Loki and Prometheus have similar query language so the
* labels part can be reused to get similar data.
* @param exploreId
* @param queries
* @param sourceDataSource
* @param targetDataSource
export const importQueries = (
exploreId: ExploreId,
queries: DataQuery[],
sourceDataSource: DataSourceApi | undefined | null,
targetDataSource: DataSourceApi
): ThunkResult<void> => {
return async (dispatch) => {
if (!sourceDataSource) {
// explore not initialized
dispatch(queriesImportedAction({ exploreId, queries }));
let importedQueries = queries;
// Check if queries can be imported from previously selected datasource
if (sourceDataSource.meta?.id === targetDataSource.meta?.id) {
// Keep same queries if same type of datasource, but delete datasource query property to prevent mismatch of new and old data source instance
importedQueries = queries.map(({ datasource, ...query }) => query);
} else if (hasQueryExportSupport(sourceDataSource) && hasQueryImportSupport(targetDataSource)) {
const abstractQueries = await sourceDataSource.exportToAbstractQueries(queries);
importedQueries = await targetDataSource.importFromAbstractQueries(abstractQueries);
} else if (targetDataSource.importQueries) {
// Datasource-specific importers
importedQueries = await targetDataSource.importQueries(queries, sourceDataSource);
} else {
// Default is blank queries
importedQueries = ensureQueries();
const nextQueries = ensureQueries(importedQueries);
dispatch(queriesImportedAction({ exploreId, queries: nextQueries }));
* Action to modify a query given a datasource-specific modifier action.
* @param exploreId Explore area
* @param modification Action object with a type, e.g., ADD_FILTER
* @param index Optional query row index. If omitted, the modification is applied to all query rows.
* @param modifier Function that executes the modification, typically `datasourceInstance.modifyQueries`.
export function modifyQueries(
exploreId: ExploreId,
modification: QueryFixAction,
modifier: any,
index?: number
): ThunkResult<void> {
return (dispatch) => {
dispatch(modifyQueriesAction({ exploreId, modification, index, modifier }));
if (!modification.preventSubmit) {
async function handleHistory(
dispatch: ThunkDispatch,
state: ExploreState,
history: Array<HistoryItem<DataQuery>>,
datasource: DataSourceApi,
queries: DataQuery[],
exploreId: ExploreId
) {
const datasourceId = datasource.meta.id;
const nextHistory = updateHistory(history, datasourceId, queries);
dispatch(historyUpdatedAction({ exploreId, history: nextHistory }));
dispatch(addHistoryItem(datasource.uid, datasource.name, queries));
// Because filtering happens in the backend we cannot add a new entry without checking if it matches currently
// used filters. Instead, we refresh the query history list.
// TODO: run only if Query History list is opened (#47252)
* Main action to run queries and dispatches sub-actions based on which result viewers are active
export const runQueries = (
exploreId: ExploreId,
options?: { replaceUrl?: boolean; preserveCache?: boolean }
): ThunkResult<void> => {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch(updateTime({ exploreId }));
// We always want to clear cache unless we explicitly pass preserveCache parameter
const preserveCache = options?.preserveCache === true;
if (!preserveCache) {
const exploreItemState = getState().explore[exploreId]!;
const {
isLive: live,
} = exploreItemState;
let newQuerySub;
const queries = exploreItemState.queries.map((query) => ({
datasource: query.datasource || datasourceInstance?.getRef(),
if (datasourceInstance != null) {
handleHistory(dispatch, getState().explore, exploreItemState.history, datasourceInstance, queries, exploreId);
dispatch(stateSave({ replace: options?.replaceUrl }));
const cachedValue = getResultsFromCache(cache, absoluteRange);
// If we have results saved in cache, we are going to use those results instead of running queries
if (cachedValue) {
newQuerySub = of(cachedValue)
mergeMap((data: PanelData) =>
decorateData(data, queryResponse, absoluteRange, refreshInterval, queries, !!logsVolumeDataProvider)
.subscribe((data) => {
if (!data.error) {
dispatch(queryStreamUpdatedAction({ exploreId, response: data }));
// If we don't have results saved in cache, run new queries
} else {
if (!hasNonEmptyQuery(queries)) {
dispatch(stateSave({ replace: options?.replaceUrl })); // Remember to save to state and update location
if (!datasourceInstance) {
// Some datasource's query builders allow per-query interval limits,
// but we're using the datasource interval limit for now
const minInterval = datasourceInstance?.interval;
const queryOptions: QueryOptions = {
// maxDataPoints is used in:
// Loki - used for logs streaming for buffer size, with undefined it falls back to datasource config if it supports that.
// Elastic - limits the number of datapoints for the counts query and for logs it has hardcoded limit.
// Influx - used to correctly display logs in graph
// TODO:unification
// maxDataPoints: mode === ExploreMode.Logs && datasourceId === 'loki' ? undefined : containerWidth,
maxDataPoints: containerWidth,
liveStreaming: live,
const timeZone = getTimeZone(getState().user);
const transaction = buildQueryTransaction(exploreId, queries, queryOptions, range, scanning, timeZone);
dispatch(changeLoadingStateAction({ exploreId, loadingState: LoadingState.Loading }));
newQuerySub = runRequest(datasourceInstance, transaction.request)
// Simple throttle for live tailing, in case of > 1000 rows per interval we spend about 200ms on processing and
// rendering. In case this is optimized this can be tweaked, but also it should be only as fast as user
// actually can see what is happening.
live ? throttleTime(500) : identity,
mergeMap((data: PanelData) =>
next(data) {
dispatch(queryStreamUpdatedAction({ exploreId, response: data }));
// Keep scanning for results if this was the last scanning transaction
if (getState().explore[exploreId]!.scanning) {
if (data.state === LoadingState.Done && data.series.length === 0) {
const range = getShiftedTimeRange(-1, getState().explore[exploreId]!.range);
dispatch(updateTime({ exploreId, absoluteRange: range }));
} else {
// We can stop scanning if we have a result
dispatch(scanStopAction({ exploreId }));
error(error) {
dispatch(notifyApp(createErrorNotification('Query processing error', error)));
dispatch(changeLoadingStateAction({ exploreId, loadingState: LoadingState.Error }));
complete() {
// In case we don't get any response at all but the observable completed, make sure we stop loading state.
// This is for cases when some queries are noop like running first query after load but we don't have any
// actual query input.
if (getState().explore[exploreId]!.queryResponse.state === LoadingState.Loading) {
dispatch(changeLoadingStateAction({ exploreId, loadingState: LoadingState.Done }));
if (live) {
logsVolumeDataProvider: undefined,
dispatch(cleanLogsVolumeAction({ exploreId }));
} else if (hasLogsVolumeSupport(datasourceInstance)) {
const sourceRequest = {
requestId: transaction.request.requestId + '_log_volume',
const logsVolumeDataProvider = datasourceInstance.getLogsVolumeDataProvider(sourceRequest);
const { logsVolumeData, absoluteRange } = getState().explore[exploreId]!;
if (!canReuseLogsVolumeData(logsVolumeData, queries, absoluteRange)) {
dispatch(cleanLogsVolumeAction({ exploreId }));
} else {
logsVolumeDataProvider: undefined,
dispatch(queryStoreSubscriptionAction({ exploreId, querySubscription: newQuerySub }));
* Checks if after changing the time range the existing data can be used to show logs volume.
* It can happen if queries are the same and new time range is within existing data time range.
function canReuseLogsVolumeData(
logsVolumeData: DataQueryResponse | undefined,
queries: DataQuery[],
selectedTimeRange: AbsoluteTimeRange
): boolean {
if (logsVolumeData && logsVolumeData.data[0]) {
// check if queries are the same
if (!deepEqual(logsVolumeData.data[0].meta?.custom?.targets, queries)) {
return false;
const dataRange = logsVolumeData && logsVolumeData.data[0] && logsVolumeData.data[0].meta?.custom?.absoluteRange;
// if selected range is within loaded logs volume
if (dataRange && dataRange.from <= selectedTimeRange.from && selectedTimeRange.to <= dataRange.to) {
return true;
return false;
* Reset queries to the given queries. Any modifications will be discarded.
* Use this action for clicks on query examples. Triggers a query run.
export function setQueries(exploreId: ExploreId, rawQueries: DataQuery[]): ThunkResult<void> {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
// Inject react keys into query objects
const queries = getState().explore[exploreId]!.queries;
const nextQueries = rawQueries.map((query, index) => generateNewKeyAndAddRefIdIfMissing(query, queries, index));
dispatch(setQueriesAction({ exploreId, queries: nextQueries }));
* Start a scan for more results using the given scanner.
* @param exploreId Explore area
* @param scanner Function that a) returns a new time range and b) triggers a query run for the new range
export function scanStart(exploreId: ExploreId): ThunkResult<void> {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
// Register the scanner
dispatch(scanStartAction({ exploreId }));
// Scanning must trigger query run, and return the new range
const range = getShiftedTimeRange(-1, getState().explore[exploreId]!.range);
// Set the new range to be displayed
dispatch(updateTime({ exploreId, absoluteRange: range }));
export function addResultsToCache(exploreId: ExploreId): ThunkResult<void> {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const queryResponse = getState().explore[exploreId]!.queryResponse;
const absoluteRange = getState().explore[exploreId]!.absoluteRange;
const cacheKey = createCacheKey(absoluteRange);
// Save results to cache only when all results recived and loading is done
if (queryResponse.state === LoadingState.Done) {
dispatch(addResultsToCacheAction({ exploreId, cacheKey, queryResponse }));
export function clearCache(exploreId: ExploreId): ThunkResult<void> {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch(clearCacheAction({ exploreId }));
* Initializes loading logs volume data and stores emitted value.
export function loadLogsVolumeData(exploreId: ExploreId): ThunkResult<void> {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const { logsVolumeDataProvider } = getState().explore[exploreId]!;
if (logsVolumeDataProvider) {
const logsVolumeDataSubscription = logsVolumeDataProvider.subscribe({
next: (logsVolumeData: DataQueryResponse) => {
dispatch(updateLogsVolumeDataAction({ exploreId, logsVolumeData }));
dispatch(storeLogsVolumeDataSubscriptionAction({ exploreId, logsVolumeDataSubscription }));
// Reducer
// Redux Toolkit uses ImmerJs as part of their solution to ensure that state objects are not mutated.
// ImmerJs has an autoFreeze option that freezes objects from change which means this reducer can't be migrated to createSlice
// because the state would become frozen and during run time we would get errors because flot (Graph lib) would try to mutate
// the frozen state.
// https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-toolkit/issues/242
export const queryReducer = (state: ExploreItemState, action: AnyAction): ExploreItemState => {
if (addQueryRowAction.match(action)) {
const { queries } = state;
const { index, query } = action.payload;
// Add to queries, which will cause a new row to be rendered
const nextQueries = [...queries.slice(0, index + 1), { ...query }, ...queries.slice(index + 1)];
return {
queries: nextQueries,
queryKeys: getQueryKeys(nextQueries, state.datasourceInstance),
if (changeQueriesAction.match(action)) {
const { queries } = action.payload;
return {
if (cancelQueriesAction.match(action)) {
return {
loading: false,
if (modifyQueriesAction.match(action)) {
const { queries } = state;
const { modification, index, modifier } = action.payload;
let nextQueries: DataQuery[];
if (index === undefined) {
// Modify all queries
nextQueries = queries.map((query, i) => {
const nextQuery = modifier({ ...query }, modification);
return generateNewKeyAndAddRefIdIfMissing(nextQuery, queries, i);
} else {
// Modify query only at index
nextQueries = queries.map((query, i) => {
if (i === index) {
const nextQuery = modifier({ ...query }, modification);
return generateNewKeyAndAddRefIdIfMissing(nextQuery, queries, i);
return query;
return {
queries: nextQueries,
queryKeys: getQueryKeys(nextQueries, state.datasourceInstance),
if (setQueriesAction.match(action)) {
const { queries } = action.payload;
return {
queries: queries.slice(),
queryKeys: getQueryKeys(queries, state.datasourceInstance),
if (queriesImportedAction.match(action)) {
const { queries } = action.payload;
return {
queryKeys: getQueryKeys(queries, state.datasourceInstance),
if (queryStoreSubscriptionAction.match(action)) {
const { querySubscription } = action.payload;
return {
if (storeLogsVolumeDataProviderAction.match(action)) {
let { logsVolumeDataProvider } = action.payload;
if (state.logsVolumeDataSubscription) {
return {
logsVolumeDataSubscription: undefined,
if (cleanLogsVolumeAction.match(action)) {
return {
logsVolumeData: undefined,
if (storeLogsVolumeDataSubscriptionAction.match(action)) {
const { logsVolumeDataSubscription } = action.payload;
return {
if (updateLogsVolumeDataAction.match(action)) {
let { logsVolumeData } = action.payload;
return {
if (queryStreamUpdatedAction.match(action)) {
return processQueryResponse(state, action);
if (queriesImportedAction.match(action)) {
const { queries } = action.payload;
return {
queryKeys: getQueryKeys(queries, state.datasourceInstance),
if (changeLoadingStateAction.match(action)) {
const { loadingState } = action.payload;
return {
queryResponse: {
state: loadingState,
loading: loadingState === LoadingState.Loading || loadingState === LoadingState.Streaming,
if (setPausedStateAction.match(action)) {
const { isPaused } = action.payload;
return {
isPaused: isPaused,
if (scanStartAction.match(action)) {
return { ...state, scanning: true };
if (scanStopAction.match(action)) {
return {
scanning: false,
scanRange: undefined,
if (addResultsToCacheAction.match(action)) {
const CACHE_LIMIT = 5;
const { cache } = state;
const { queryResponse, cacheKey } = action.payload;
let newCache = [...cache];
const isDuplicateKey = newCache.some((c) => c.key === cacheKey);
if (!isDuplicateKey) {
const newCacheItem = { key: cacheKey, value: queryResponse };
newCache = [newCacheItem, ...newCache].slice(0, CACHE_LIMIT);
return {
cache: newCache,
if (clearCacheAction.match(action)) {
return {
cache: [],
return state;
export const processQueryResponse = (
state: ExploreItemState,
action: PayloadAction<QueryEndedPayload>
): ExploreItemState => {
const { response } = action.payload;
const {
state: loadingState,
} = response;
if (error) {
if (error.type === DataQueryErrorType.Timeout) {
return {
queryResponse: response,
loading: loadingState === LoadingState.Loading || loadingState === LoadingState.Streaming,
} else if (error.type === DataQueryErrorType.Cancelled) {
return state;
// Send error to Angular editors
if (state.datasourceInstance?.components?.QueryCtrl) {
state.eventBridge.emit(PanelEvents.dataError, error);
if (!request) {
return { ...state };
// Send legacy data to Angular editors
if (state.datasourceInstance?.components?.QueryCtrl) {
const legacy = series.map((v) => toLegacyResponseData(v));
state.eventBridge.emit(PanelEvents.dataReceived, legacy);
return {
queryResponse: response,
loading: loadingState === LoadingState.Loading || loadingState === LoadingState.Streaming,
showLogs: !!logsResult,
showMetrics: !!graphResult,
showTable: !!tableResult,
showTrace: !!traceFrames.length,
showNodeGraph: !!nodeGraphFrames.length,