Laura Benz d8a116e696
ReturnToPrevious: Add e2e test (#83115)
* feat: add incomplete unit test

* refactor: add idea for unit test

* feat: create new e2e test

* feat: add some steps

* feat: add comment

* feat: complete prep work

* feat: complete clean up

* rebase

* feat: add more steps to test flow

* refactor: remove unit test

* refactor: clean up

* refactor: create a provisioned alert rule

* refactor: change location and content

* refactor: e2e test

* refactor: betterer

* refactor: move provisioned alert rule

* refactor: make provisioning file available remote

* refactor: clean up test

* refactor: move provisioned alert rule

* refactor: remove wait()

* feat: restructure first test and add more tests

* feat: add another provisioned alert rule

* feat: add a new test

* feat: complete new test

* refactor: replace data-testid in alert rules

* refactor: replace data-testid

* refactor: fix tests for drone

* refactor: fix third test after review

* refactor: fix last test

* temp

* refactor: improve some things

* refactor: adjust unit tests

* refactor: remove assertions for alert rule details view

* refactor: remove assertions

* refactor: add check for button text

* refactor: remove session storage

* refactor: apply changes from code review

* refactor: add codeowner

* refactor

* refactor

* refactor: clean up

* refactor: clean up

* refactor: clean up

* refactor: increase pa11y threshold for /alerting/list
2024-03-21 09:05:51 +01:00

69 lines
1.5 KiB
Executable File

set -eo pipefail
. scripts/grafana-server/variables
if [ "$ARCH" ]; then
mkdir $RUNDIR
echo -e "Copying grafana backend files to temp dir..."
if [[ ! -f bin/"$ARCH"grafana-server ]]; then
echo "bin/linux-amd64/grafana-server missing, trying local grafana-server binary"
echo starting server
cp -r ./bin $RUNDIR
cp -r ./public $RUNDIR
cp -r ./tools $RUNDIR
mkdir $RUNDIR/conf
mkdir $PROV_DIR
mkdir $PROV_DIR/datasources
mkdir $PROV_DIR/dashboards
mkdir $PROV_DIR/alerting
cp ./scripts/grafana-server/custom.ini $RUNDIR/conf/custom.ini
cp ./conf/defaults.ini $RUNDIR/conf/defaults.ini
echo -e "Copying custom plugins from e2e tests"
mkdir -p "$RUNDIR/data/plugins"
# when running in a local computer
if [ -d "./e2e/custom-plugins" ]; then
cp -r "./e2e/custom-plugins" "$RUNDIR/data/plugins"
# when running in CI
elif [ -d "../e2e/custom-plugins" ]; then
cp -r "../e2e/custom-plugins" "$RUNDIR/data/plugins"
echo -e "Copy provisioning setup from devenv"
cp devenv/datasources.yaml $PROV_DIR/datasources
cp devenv/dashboards.yaml $PROV_DIR/dashboards
cp devenv/alert_rules.yaml $PROV_DIR/alerting
cp -r devenv $RUNDIR
echo -e "Starting Grafana Server port $PORT"
$RUNDIR/bin/"$ARCH"grafana-server \
--homepath=$HOME_PATH \
--pidfile=$RUNDIR/pid \
cfg:server.http_port=$PORT \
cfg:server.router_logging=1 \
cfg:app_mode=development \
# 2>&1 > $RUNDIR/output.log &
# cfg:log.level=debug \