
302 lines
7.8 KiB

package channels
import (
ngmodels ""
type DiscordNotifier struct {
log log.Logger
ns notifications.WebhookSender
images ImageStore
tmpl *template.Template
Content string
AvatarURL string
WebhookURL string
UseDiscordUsername bool
type DiscordConfig struct {
Content string
AvatarURL string
WebhookURL string
UseDiscordUsername bool
type discordAttachment struct {
url string
reader io.ReadCloser
name string
alertName string
state model.AlertStatus
const DiscordMaxEmbeds = 10
func NewDiscordConfig(config *NotificationChannelConfig) (*DiscordConfig, error) {
discordURL := config.Settings.Get("url").MustString()
if discordURL == "" {
return nil, errors.New("could not find webhook url property in settings")
return &DiscordConfig{
NotificationChannelConfig: config,
Content: config.Settings.Get("message").MustString(`{{ template "default.message" . }}`),
AvatarURL: config.Settings.Get("avatar_url").MustString(),
WebhookURL: discordURL,
UseDiscordUsername: config.Settings.Get("use_discord_username").MustBool(false),
}, nil
func DiscordFactory(fc FactoryConfig) (NotificationChannel, error) {
cfg, err := NewDiscordConfig(fc.Config)
if err != nil {
return nil, receiverInitError{
Reason: err.Error(),
Cfg: *fc.Config,
return NewDiscordNotifier(cfg, fc.NotificationService, fc.ImageStore, fc.Template), nil
func NewDiscordNotifier(config *DiscordConfig, ns notifications.WebhookSender, images ImageStore, t *template.Template) *DiscordNotifier {
return &DiscordNotifier{
Base: NewBase(&models.AlertNotification{
Uid: config.UID,
Name: config.Name,
Type: config.Type,
DisableResolveMessage: config.DisableResolveMessage,
Settings: config.Settings,
SecureSettings: config.SecureSettings,
Content: config.Content,
AvatarURL: config.AvatarURL,
WebhookURL: config.WebhookURL,
log: log.New("alerting.notifier.discord"),
ns: ns,
images: images,
tmpl: t,
UseDiscordUsername: config.UseDiscordUsername,
func (d DiscordNotifier) Notify(ctx context.Context, as ...*types.Alert) (bool, error) {
alerts := types.Alerts(as...)
bodyJSON := simplejson.New()
if !d.UseDiscordUsername {
bodyJSON.Set("username", "Grafana")
var tmplErr error
tmpl, _ := TmplText(ctx, d.tmpl, as, d.log, &tmplErr)
if d.Content != "" {
bodyJSON.Set("content", tmpl(d.Content))
if tmplErr != nil {
d.log.Warn("failed to template Discord notification content", "err", tmplErr.Error())
// Reset tmplErr for templating other fields.
tmplErr = nil
if d.AvatarURL != "" {
bodyJSON.Set("avatar_url", tmpl(d.AvatarURL))
if tmplErr != nil {
d.log.Warn("failed to template Discord Avatar URL", "err", tmplErr.Error(), "fallback", d.AvatarURL)
bodyJSON.Set("avatar_url", d.AvatarURL)
tmplErr = nil
footer := map[string]interface{}{
"text": "Grafana v" + setting.BuildVersion,
"icon_url": "",
linkEmbed := simplejson.New()
linkEmbed.Set("title", tmpl(DefaultMessageTitleEmbed))
linkEmbed.Set("footer", footer)
linkEmbed.Set("type", "rich")
color, _ := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimLeft(getAlertStatusColor(alerts.Status()), "#"), 16, 0)
linkEmbed.Set("color", color)
ruleURL := joinUrlPath(d.tmpl.ExternalURL.String(), "/alerting/list", d.log)
linkEmbed.Set("url", ruleURL)
embeds := []interface{}{linkEmbed}
attachments := d.constructAttachments(ctx, as, DiscordMaxEmbeds-1)
for _, a := range attachments {
color, _ := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimLeft(getAlertStatusColor(alerts.Status()), "#"), 16, 0)
embed := map[string]interface{}{
"image": map[string]interface{}{
"url": a.url,
"color": color,
"title": a.alertName,
embeds = append(embeds, embed)
bodyJSON.Set("embeds", embeds)
if tmplErr != nil {
d.log.Warn("failed to template Discord message", "err", tmplErr.Error())
tmplErr = nil
u := tmpl(d.WebhookURL)
if tmplErr != nil {
d.log.Warn("failed to template Discord URL", "err", tmplErr.Error(), "fallback", d.WebhookURL)
u = d.WebhookURL
body, err := json.Marshal(bodyJSON)
if err != nil {
return false, err
cmd, err := d.buildRequest(ctx, u, body, attachments)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if err := d.ns.SendWebhookSync(ctx, cmd); err != nil {
d.log.Error("failed to send notification to Discord", "err", err)
return false, err
return true, nil
func (d DiscordNotifier) SendResolved() bool {
return !d.GetDisableResolveMessage()
func (d DiscordNotifier) constructAttachments(ctx context.Context, as []*types.Alert, embedQuota int) []discordAttachment {
attachments := make([]discordAttachment, 0)
_ = withStoredImages(ctx, d.log, d.images,
func(index int, image *ngmodels.Image) error {
if embedQuota < 1 {
return ErrImagesDone
if image == nil {
return nil
if len(image.URL) > 0 {
attachments = append(attachments, discordAttachment{
url: image.URL,
state: as[index].Status(),
alertName: as[index].Name(),
return nil
// If we have a local file, but no public URL, upload the image as an attachment.
if len(image.Path) > 0 {
base := filepath.Base(image.Path)
url := fmt.Sprintf("attachment://%s", base)
reader, err := openImage(image.Path)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, ngmodels.ErrImageNotFound) {
d.log.Warn("failed to retrieve image data from store", "err", err)
return nil
attachments = append(attachments, discordAttachment{
url: url,
name: base,
reader: reader,
state: as[index].Status(),
alertName: as[index].Name(),
return nil
return attachments
func (d DiscordNotifier) buildRequest(ctx context.Context, url string, body []byte, attachments []discordAttachment) (*models.SendWebhookSync, error) {
cmd := &models.SendWebhookSync{
Url: url,
HttpMethod: "POST",
if len(attachments) == 0 {
cmd.ContentType = "application/json"
cmd.Body = string(body)
return cmd, nil
var b bytes.Buffer
w := multipart.NewWriter(&b)
defer func() {
if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
// Shouldn't matter since we already close w explicitly on the non-error path
d.log.Warn("failed to close multipart writer", "err", err)
payload, err := w.CreateFormField("payload_json")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, err := payload.Write(body); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, a := range attachments {
if a.reader != nil { // We have an image to upload.
err = func() error {
defer func() { _ = a.reader.Close() }()
part, err := w.CreateFormFile("",
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = io.Copy(part, a.reader)
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to close multipart writer: %w", err)
cmd.ContentType = w.FormDataContentType()
cmd.Body = b.String()
return cmd, nil