Matthew Jacobson aa03b8f8a7
Alerting: Guided legacy alerting upgrade dry-run (#80071)
This PR has two steps that together create a functional dry-run capability for the migration.

By enabling the feature flag alertingPreviewUpgrade when on legacy alerting it will:
    a. Allow all Grafana Alerting background services except for the scheduler to start (multiorg alertmanager, state manager, routes, …).
    b. Allow the UI to show Grafana Alerting pages alongside legacy ones (with appropriate in-app warnings that UA is not actually running).
    c. Show a new “Alerting Upgrade” page and register associated /api/v1/upgrade endpoints that will allow the user to upgrade their organization live without restart and present a summary of the upgrade in a table.
2024-01-05 18:19:12 -05:00

283 lines
13 KiB

import { config } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { t } from 'app/core/internationalization';
// Maps the ID of the nav item to a translated phrase to later pass to <Trans />
// Because the navigation content is dynamic (defined in the backend), we can not use
// the normal inline message definition method.
// see pkg/api/index.go
export function getNavTitle(navId: string | undefined) {
// the switch cases must match the ID of the navigation item, as defined in the backend nav model
switch (navId) {
case 'home':
return t('nav.home.title', 'Home');
case 'new':
return t('', 'New');
case 'create':
return t('nav.create.title', 'Create');
case 'create-dashboard':
return t('nav.create-dashboard.title', 'Dashboard');
case 'folder':
return t('nav.create-folder.title', 'Folder');
case 'import':
return t('nav.create-import.title', 'Import dashboard');
case 'alert':
return t('nav.create-alert.title', 'New alert rule');
case 'starred':
return t('nav.starred.title', 'Starred');
case 'starred-empty':
return t('nav.starred-empty.title', 'Your starred dashboards will appear here');
case 'dashboards':
return t('nav.dashboards.title', 'Dashboards');
case 'dashboards/browse':
return t('nav.dashboards.title', 'Dashboards');
case 'dashboards/playlists':
return t('nav.playlists.title', 'Playlists');
case 'dashboards/snapshots':
return t('nav.snapshots.title', 'Snapshots');
case 'dashboards/library-panels':
return t('nav.library-panels.title', 'Library panels');
case 'reports':
return t('nav.reporting.title', 'Reporting');
case 'dashboards/public':
return t('nav.public.title', 'Public dashboards');
case 'dashboards/new':
return t('', 'New dashboard');
case 'dashboards/folder/new':
return t('', 'New folder');
case 'dashboards/import':
return t('nav.create-import.title', 'Import dashboard');
case 'scenes':
return t('nav.scenes.title', 'Scenes');
case 'explore':
return t('nav.explore.title', 'Explore');
case 'alerting':
return t('nav.alerting.title', 'Alerting');
case 'plugin-page-grafana-oncall-app':
return t('nav.oncall.title', 'OnCall');
case 'alerting-legacy':
return t('nav.alerting-legacy.title', 'Alerting (legacy)');
case 'alerting-upgrade':
return t('nav.alerting-upgrade.title', 'Alerting upgrade');
case 'alert-home':
return t('nav.alerting-home.title', 'Home');
case 'alert-list':
return t('nav.alerting-list.title', 'Alert rules');
case 'alert-list-legacy':
return t('nav.alert-list-legacy.title', 'Alert rules');
case 'receivers':
return t('nav.alerting-receivers.title', 'Contact points');
case 'am-routes':
return t('nav.alerting-am-routes.title', 'Notification policies');
case 'channels':
return t('nav.alerting-channels.title', 'Notification channels');
case 'silences':
return t('nav.alerting-silences.title', 'Silences');
case 'groups':
return t('nav.alerting-groups.title', 'Groups');
case 'alerting-admin':
return t('nav.alerting-admin.title', 'Admin');
case 'cfg':
return t('nav.config.title', 'Administration');
case 'cfg/general':
return t('nav.config-general.title', 'General');
case 'cfg/plugins':
return t('nav.config-plugins.title', 'Plugins and data');
case 'cfg/access':
return t('nav.config-access.title', 'Users and access');
case 'datasources':
return t('nav.datasources.title', 'Data sources');
case 'authentication':
return t('nav.authentication.title', 'Authentication');
case 'licensing':
return t('nav.statistics-and-licensing.title', 'Statistics and licensing');
case 'recordedQueries':
return t('nav.recorded-queries.title', 'Recorded queries');
case 'correlations':
return t('nav.correlations.title', 'Correlations');
case 'users':
return t('nav.users.title', 'Users');
case 'teams':
return t('nav.teams.title', 'Teams');
case 'plugins':
return t('nav.plugins.title', 'Plugins');
case 'org-settings':
return t('', 'Default preferences');
case 'apikeys':
return t('nav.api-keys.title', 'API keys');
case 'serviceaccounts':
return t('nav.service-accounts.title', 'Service accounts');
case 'admin':
return t('nav.admin.title', 'Server admin');
case 'support-bundles':
return t('', 'Support bundles');
case 'global-users':
return t('', 'Users');
case 'global-orgs':
return t('', 'Organizations');
case 'server-settings':
return t('nav.server-settings.title', 'Settings');
case 'storage':
return t('', 'Storage');
case 'upgrading':
return t('nav.upgrading.title', 'Stats and license');
case 'monitoring':
return t('nav.monitoring.title', 'Observability');
case 'infrastructure':
return t('nav.infrastructure.title', 'Infrastructure');
case 'frontend':
return t('nav.frontend.title', 'Frontend');
case 'apps':
return t('nav.apps.title', 'Apps');
case 'alerts-and-incidents':
return t('nav.alerts-and-incidents.title', 'Alerts & IRM');
case 'testing-and-synthetics':
return t('nav.testing-and-synthetics.title', 'Testing & synthetics');
case 'plugin-page-grafana-incident-app':
return t('nav.incidents.title', 'Incidents');
case 'plugin-page-grafana-ml-app':
return t('nav.machine-learning.title', 'Machine learning');
case 'plugin-page-grafana-slo-app':
return t('nav.slo.title', 'SLO');
case 'plugin-page-k6-app':
return config.featureToggles.dockedMegaMenu
? t('nav.k6.title', 'Performance')
: t('nav.performance-testing.title', 'Performance testing');
case 'monitoring':
return t('nav.observability.title', 'Observability');
case 'plugin-page-grafana-k8s-app':
return t('nav.kubernetes.title', 'Kubernetes');
case 'plugin-page-grafana-app-observability-app':
return t('nav.application.title', 'Application');
case 'plugin-page-grafana-pyroscope-app':
return t('nav.profiles.title', 'Profiles');
case 'plugin-page-grafana-kowalski-app':
return t('nav.frontend-app.title', 'Frontend');
case 'plugin-page-grafana-synthetic-monitoring-app':
return t('nav.synthetics.title', 'Synthetics');
case 'help':
return t('', 'Help');
case 'profile/settings':
return t('nav.profile/settings.title', 'Profile');
case 'profile/notifications':
return t('nav.profile/notifications.title', 'Notification history');
case 'profile/password':
return t('nav.profile/password.title', 'Change password');
case 'sign-out':
return t('nav.sign-out.title', 'Sign out');
case 'search':
return t('', 'Search dashboards');
case 'connections':
return t('nav.connections.title', 'Connections');
case 'connections-add-new-connection':
return t('nav.add-new-connections.title', 'Add new connection');
case 'connections-datasources':
return t('', 'Data sources');
case 'standalone-plugin-page-/connections/infrastructure':
return t('nav.integrations.title', 'Integrations');
case 'standalone-plugin-page-/connections/connect-data':
return t('nav.connect-data.title', 'Connect data');
case 'plugin-page-grafana-detect-app':
return t('nav.detect.title', 'Detect');
case 'plugin-page-grafana-quaderno-app':
return t('nav.grafana-quaderno.title', 'Grafana Quaderno');
return undefined;
export function getNavSubTitle(navId: string | undefined) {
switch (navId) {
case 'dashboards':
return t('nav.dashboards.subtitle', 'Create and manage dashboards to visualize your data');
case 'dashboards/browse':
return t('nav.dashboards.subtitle', 'Create and manage dashboards to visualize your data');
case 'manage-folder':
return t('nav.manage-folder.subtitle', 'Manage folder dashboards and permissions');
case 'dashboards/playlists':
return t('nav.playlists.subtitle', 'Groups of dashboards that are displayed in a sequence');
case 'dashboards/snapshots':
return t(
'Interactive, publically available, point-in-time representations of dashboards'
case 'dashboards/library-panels':
return t('nav.library-panels.subtitle', 'Reusable panels that can be added to multiple dashboards');
case 'alerting':
return t('nav.alerting.subtitle', 'Learn about problems in your systems moments after they occur');
case 'alerting-upgrade':
return t(
'Upgrade your existing legacy alerts and notification channels to the new Grafana Alerting'
case 'alert-list':
return t('nav.alerting-list.subtitle', 'Rules that determine whether an alert will fire');
case 'receivers':
return t(
'Choose how to notify your contact points when an alert instance fires'
case 'am-routes':
return t('nav.alerting-am-routes.subtitle', 'Determine how alerts are routed to contact points');
case 'silences':
return t('nav.alerting-silences.subtitle', 'Stop notifications from one or more alerting rules');
case 'groups':
return t('nav.alerting-groups.subtitle', 'See grouped alerts from an Alertmanager instance');
case 'datasources':
return t('nav.datasources.subtitle', 'Add and configure data sources');
case 'correlations':
return t('nav.correlations.subtitle', 'Add and configure correlations');
case 'users':
return t('nav.users.subtitle', 'Invite and assign roles to users');
case 'teams':
return t('nav.teams.subtitle', 'Groups of users that have common dashboard and permission needs');
case 'plugins':
return t('nav.plugins.subtitle', 'Extend the Grafana experience with plugins');
case 'org-settings':
return t('', 'Manage preferences across an organization');
case 'apikeys':
return t('nav.api-keys.subtitle', 'Manage and create API keys that are used to interact with Grafana HTTP APIs');
case 'serviceaccounts':
return t('nav.service-accounts.subtitle', 'Use service accounts to run automated workloads in Grafana');
case 'global-users':
return t('', 'Manage users in Grafana');
case 'global-orgs':
return t('', 'Isolated instances of Grafana running on the same server');
case 'server-settings':
return t('nav.server-settings.subtitle', 'View the settings defined in your Grafana config');
case 'storage':
return t('', 'Manage file storage');
case 'support-bundles':
return t('', 'Download support bundles');
case 'admin':
return t(
'Manage server-wide settings and access to resources such as organizations, users, and licenses'
case 'cfg/general':
return t('nav.config-general.subtitle', 'Manage default preferences and settings across Grafana');
case 'cfg/plugins':
return t('nav.config-plugins.subtitle', 'Install plugins and define the relationships between data');
case 'cfg/access':
return t('nav.config-access.subtitle', 'Configure access for individual users, teams, and service accounts');
case 'apps':
return t('nav.apps.subtitle', 'App plugins that extend the Grafana experience');
case 'monitoring':
return t('nav.monitoring.subtitle', 'Out-of-the-box observability solutions');
case 'infrastructure':
return t('nav.infrastructure.subtitle', "Understand your infrastructure's health");
case 'frontend':
return t('nav.frontend.subtitle', 'Gain real user monitoring insights');
case 'alerts-and-incidents':
return t('nav.alerts-and-incidents.subtitle', 'Alerting and incident management apps');
case 'testing-and-synthetics':
return t('nav.testing-and-synthetics.subtitle', 'Optimize performance with k6 and Synthetic Monitoring insights');
case 'connections-add-new-connection':
return t('nav.connections.subtitle', 'Browse and create new connections');
case 'connections-datasources':
return t('', 'View and manage your connected data source connections');
return undefined;