Steve Simpson 9effb9a708
Alerting: Allow hooking into request handler functions. (#67000)
* Alerting: Allow hooking into request handler functions.

Adds a facility to AlertNG for hooking into API handlers, allowing the
replacement of request handlers for specific paths. One of goals of this
approach was to allow hooking as late as possible in the request, e.g.
after all middleware has been applied, to simplfiy usage.

* Update pkg/services/ngalert/api/hooks.go

Co-authored-by: gotjosh <>

* Update pkg/services/ngalert/api/hooks.go

Co-authored-by: gotjosh <>

* Update pkg/services/ngalert/ngalert.go

Co-authored-by: gotjosh <>

* Fixes to review comments

* Fix passing logger in


Co-authored-by: gotjosh <>
2023-04-24 18:18:44 +02:00

494 lines
18 KiB

package ngalert
import (
func ProvideService(
cfg *setting.Cfg,
featureToggles featuremgmt.FeatureToggles,
dataSourceCache datasources.CacheService,
dataSourceService datasources.DataSourceService,
routeRegister routing.RouteRegister,
sqlStore db.DB,
kvStore kvstore.KVStore,
expressionService *expr.Service,
dataProxy *datasourceproxy.DataSourceProxyService,
quotaService quota.Service,
secretsService secrets.Service,
notificationService notifications.Service,
m *metrics.NGAlert,
folderService folder.Service,
ac accesscontrol.AccessControl,
dashboardService dashboards.DashboardService,
renderService rendering.Service,
bus bus.Bus,
accesscontrolService accesscontrol.Service,
annotationsRepo annotations.Repository,
pluginsStore plugins.Store,
tracer tracing.Tracer,
) (*AlertNG, error) {
ng := &AlertNG{
Cfg: cfg,
FeatureToggles: featureToggles,
DataSourceCache: dataSourceCache,
DataSourceService: dataSourceService,
RouteRegister: routeRegister,
SQLStore: sqlStore,
KVStore: kvStore,
ExpressionService: expressionService,
DataProxy: dataProxy,
QuotaService: quotaService,
SecretsService: secretsService,
Metrics: m,
Log: log.New("ngalert"),
NotificationService: notificationService,
folderService: folderService,
accesscontrol: ac,
dashboardService: dashboardService,
renderService: renderService,
bus: bus,
accesscontrolService: accesscontrolService,
annotationsRepo: annotationsRepo,
pluginsStore: pluginsStore,
tracer: tracer,
if ng.IsDisabled() {
return ng, nil
if err := ng.init(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ng, nil
// AlertNG is the service for evaluating the condition of an alert definition.
type AlertNG struct {
Cfg *setting.Cfg
FeatureToggles featuremgmt.FeatureToggles
DataSourceCache datasources.CacheService
DataSourceService datasources.DataSourceService
RouteRegister routing.RouteRegister
SQLStore db.DB
KVStore kvstore.KVStore
ExpressionService *expr.Service
DataProxy *datasourceproxy.DataSourceProxyService
QuotaService quota.Service
SecretsService secrets.Service
Metrics *metrics.NGAlert
NotificationService notifications.Service
Log log.Logger
renderService rendering.Service
imageService image.ImageService
schedule schedule.ScheduleService
stateManager *state.Manager
folderService folder.Service
dashboardService dashboards.DashboardService
api *api.API
// Alerting notification services
MultiOrgAlertmanager *notifier.MultiOrgAlertmanager
AlertsRouter *sender.AlertsRouter
accesscontrol accesscontrol.AccessControl
accesscontrolService accesscontrol.Service
annotationsRepo annotations.Repository
store *store.DBstore
bus bus.Bus
pluginsStore plugins.Store
tracer tracing.Tracer
func (ng *AlertNG) init() error {
var err error
// AlertNG should be initialized before the cancellation deadline of initCtx
initCtx, cancelFunc := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
defer cancelFunc()
store := &store.DBstore{
Cfg: ng.Cfg.UnifiedAlerting,
FeatureToggles: ng.FeatureToggles,
SQLStore: ng.SQLStore,
Logger: ng.Log,
FolderService: ng.folderService,
AccessControl: ng.accesscontrol,
DashboardService: ng.dashboardService,
} = store
decryptFn := ng.SecretsService.GetDecryptedValue
multiOrgMetrics := ng.Metrics.GetMultiOrgAlertmanagerMetrics()
ng.MultiOrgAlertmanager, err = notifier.NewMultiOrgAlertmanager(ng.Cfg, store, store, ng.KVStore, store, decryptFn, multiOrgMetrics, ng.NotificationService, log.New("ngalert.multiorg.alertmanager"), ng.SecretsService)
if err != nil {
return err
imageService, err := image.NewScreenshotImageServiceFromCfg(ng.Cfg, store, ng.dashboardService, ng.renderService, ng.Metrics.Registerer)
if err != nil {
return err
ng.imageService = imageService
// Let's make sure we're able to complete an initial sync of Alertmanagers before we start the alerting components.
if err := ng.MultiOrgAlertmanager.LoadAndSyncAlertmanagersForOrgs(initCtx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize alerting because multiorg alertmanager manager failed to warm up: %w", err)
appUrl, err := url.Parse(ng.Cfg.AppURL)
if err != nil {
ng.Log.Error("Failed to parse application URL. Continue without it.", "error", err)
appUrl = nil
clk := clock.New()
alertsRouter := sender.NewAlertsRouter(ng.MultiOrgAlertmanager, store, clk, appUrl, ng.Cfg.UnifiedAlerting.DisabledOrgs,
ng.Cfg.UnifiedAlerting.AdminConfigPollInterval, ng.DataSourceService, ng.SecretsService)
// Make sure we sync at least once as Grafana starts to get the router up and running before we start sending any alerts.
if err := alertsRouter.SyncAndApplyConfigFromDatabase(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize alerting because alert notifications router failed to warm up: %w", err)
ng.AlertsRouter = alertsRouter
evalFactory := eval.NewEvaluatorFactory(ng.Cfg.UnifiedAlerting, ng.DataSourceCache, ng.ExpressionService, ng.pluginsStore)
schedCfg := schedule.SchedulerCfg{
MaxAttempts: ng.Cfg.UnifiedAlerting.MaxAttempts,
C: clk,
BaseInterval: ng.Cfg.UnifiedAlerting.BaseInterval,
MinRuleInterval: ng.Cfg.UnifiedAlerting.MinInterval,
DisableGrafanaFolder: ng.Cfg.UnifiedAlerting.ReservedLabels.IsReservedLabelDisabled(models.FolderTitleLabel),
AppURL: appUrl,
EvaluatorFactory: evalFactory,
RuleStore: store,
Metrics: ng.Metrics.GetSchedulerMetrics(),
AlertSender: alertsRouter,
Tracer: ng.tracer,
// There are a set of feature toggles available that act as short-circuits for common configurations.
// If any are set, override the config accordingly.
applyStateHistoryFeatureToggles(&ng.Cfg.UnifiedAlerting.StateHistory, ng.FeatureToggles, ng.Log)
history, err := configureHistorianBackend(initCtx, ng.Cfg.UnifiedAlerting.StateHistory, ng.annotationsRepo, ng.dashboardService,, ng.Metrics.GetHistorianMetrics(), ng.Log)
if err != nil {
return err
cfg := state.ManagerCfg{
Metrics: ng.Metrics.GetStateMetrics(),
ExternalURL: appUrl,
InstanceStore: store,
Images: ng.imageService,
Clock: clk,
Historian: history,
DoNotSaveNormalState: ng.FeatureToggles.IsEnabled(featuremgmt.FlagAlertingNoNormalState),
stateManager := state.NewManager(cfg)
scheduler := schedule.NewScheduler(schedCfg, stateManager)
// if it is required to include folder title to the alerts, we need to subscribe to changes of alert title
if !ng.Cfg.UnifiedAlerting.ReservedLabels.IsReservedLabelDisabled(models.FolderTitleLabel) {
subscribeToFolderChanges(ng.Log, ng.bus, store)
ng.stateManager = stateManager
ng.schedule = scheduler
// Provisioning
policyService := provisioning.NewNotificationPolicyService(store, store, store, ng.Cfg.UnifiedAlerting, ng.Log)
contactPointService := provisioning.NewContactPointService(store, ng.SecretsService, store, store, ng.Log)
templateService := provisioning.NewTemplateService(store, store, store, ng.Log)
muteTimingService := provisioning.NewMuteTimingService(store, store, store, ng.Log)
alertRuleService := provisioning.NewAlertRuleService(store, store, ng.dashboardService, ng.QuotaService, store,
int64(ng.Cfg.UnifiedAlerting.BaseInterval.Seconds()), ng.Log)
ng.api = &api.API{
Cfg: ng.Cfg,
DatasourceCache: ng.DataSourceCache,
DatasourceService: ng.DataSourceService,
RouteRegister: ng.RouteRegister,
DataProxy: ng.DataProxy,
QuotaService: ng.QuotaService,
TransactionManager: store,
RuleStore: store,
AlertingStore: store,
AdminConfigStore: store,
ProvenanceStore: store,
MultiOrgAlertmanager: ng.MultiOrgAlertmanager,
StateManager: ng.stateManager,
AccessControl: ng.accesscontrol,
Policies: policyService,
ContactPointService: contactPointService,
Templates: templateService,
MuteTimings: muteTimingService,
AlertRules: alertRuleService,
AlertsRouter: alertsRouter,
EvaluatorFactory: evalFactory,
FeatureManager: ng.FeatureToggles,
AppUrl: appUrl,
Historian: history,
Hooks: api.NewHooks(ng.Log),
defaultLimits, err := readQuotaConfig(ng.Cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := ng.QuotaService.RegisterQuotaReporter(&quota.NewUsageReporter{
TargetSrv: models.QuotaTargetSrv,
DefaultLimits: defaultLimits,
Reporter: ng.api.Usage,
}); err != nil {
return err
log.RegisterContextualLogProvider(func(ctx context.Context) ([]interface{}, bool) {
key, ok := models.RuleKeyFromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
return nil, false
return key.LogContext(), true
return DeclareFixedRoles(ng.accesscontrolService)
func subscribeToFolderChanges(logger log.Logger, bus bus.Bus, dbStore api.RuleStore) {
// if folder title is changed, we update all alert rules in that folder to make sure that all peers (in HA mode) will update folder title and
// clean up the current state
bus.AddEventListener(func(ctx context.Context, e *events.FolderTitleUpdated) error {
// do not block the upstream execution
go func(evt *events.FolderTitleUpdated) {
logger.Info("Got folder title updated event. updating rules in the folder", "folderUID", evt.UID)
_, err := dbStore.IncreaseVersionForAllRulesInNamespace(ctx, evt.OrgID, evt.UID)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to update alert rules in the folder after its title was changed", "error", err, "folderUID", evt.UID, "folder", evt.Title)
return nil
// Run starts the scheduler and Alertmanager.
func (ng *AlertNG) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
children, subCtx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
children.Go(func() error {
return ng.stateManager.Run(subCtx)
children.Go(func() error {
return ng.MultiOrgAlertmanager.Run(subCtx)
children.Go(func() error {
return ng.AlertsRouter.Run(subCtx)
if ng.Cfg.UnifiedAlerting.ExecuteAlerts {
children.Go(func() error {
return ng.schedule.Run(subCtx)
return children.Wait()
// IsDisabled returns true if the alerting service is disabled for this instance.
func (ng *AlertNG) IsDisabled() bool {
if ng.Cfg == nil {
return true
return !ng.Cfg.UnifiedAlerting.IsEnabled()
// GetHooks returns a facility for replacing handlers for paths. The handler hook for a path
// is invoked after all other middleware is invoked (authentication, instrumentation).
func (ng *AlertNG) GetHooks() *api.Hooks {
return ng.api.Hooks
func readQuotaConfig(cfg *setting.Cfg) (*quota.Map, error) {
limits := &quota.Map{}
if cfg == nil {
return limits, nil
var alertOrgQuota int64
var alertGlobalQuota int64
if cfg.UnifiedAlerting.IsEnabled() {
alertOrgQuota = cfg.Quota.Org.AlertRule
alertGlobalQuota = cfg.Quota.Global.AlertRule
globalQuotaTag, err := quota.NewTag(models.QuotaTargetSrv, models.QuotaTarget, quota.GlobalScope)
if err != nil {
return limits, err
orgQuotaTag, err := quota.NewTag(models.QuotaTargetSrv, models.QuotaTarget, quota.OrgScope)
if err != nil {
return limits, err
limits.Set(globalQuotaTag, alertGlobalQuota)
limits.Set(orgQuotaTag, alertOrgQuota)
return limits, nil
type Historian interface {
func configureHistorianBackend(ctx context.Context, cfg setting.UnifiedAlertingStateHistorySettings, ar annotations.Repository, ds dashboards.DashboardService, rs historian.RuleStore, met *metrics.Historian, l log.Logger) (Historian, error) {
if !cfg.Enabled {
return historian.NewNopHistorian(), nil
backend, err := historian.ParseBackendType(cfg.Backend)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if backend == historian.BackendTypeMultiple {
primaryCfg := cfg
primaryCfg.Backend = cfg.MultiPrimary
primary, err := configureHistorianBackend(ctx, primaryCfg, ar, ds, rs, met, l)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("multi-backend target \"%s\" was misconfigured: %w", cfg.MultiPrimary, err)
var secondaries []historian.Backend
for _, b := range cfg.MultiSecondaries {
secCfg := cfg
secCfg.Backend = b
sec, err := configureHistorianBackend(ctx, secCfg, ar, ds, rs, met, l)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("multi-backend target \"%s\" was miconfigured: %w", b, err)
secondaries = append(secondaries, sec)
l.Info("State history is operating in multi-backend mode", "primary", cfg.MultiPrimary, "secondaries", cfg.MultiSecondaries)
return historian.NewMultipleBackend(primary, secondaries...), nil
if backend == historian.BackendTypeAnnotations {
return historian.NewAnnotationBackend(ar, ds, rs, met), nil
if backend == historian.BackendTypeLoki {
lcfg, err := historian.NewLokiConfig(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid remote loki configuration: %w", err)
req := historian.NewRequester()
backend := historian.NewRemoteLokiBackend(lcfg, req, met)
testConnCtx, cancelFunc := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 10*time.Second)
defer cancelFunc()
if err := backend.TestConnection(testConnCtx); err != nil {
l.Error("Failed to communicate with configured remote Loki backend, state history may not be persisted", "error", err)
return backend, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized state history backend: %s", backend)
// applyStateHistoryFeatureToggles edits state history configuration to comply with currently active feature toggles.
func applyStateHistoryFeatureToggles(cfg *setting.UnifiedAlertingStateHistorySettings, ft featuremgmt.FeatureToggles, logger log.Logger) {
backend, _ := historian.ParseBackendType(cfg.Backend)
// These feature toggles represent specific, common backend configurations.
// If all toggles are enabled, we listen to the state history config as written.
// If any of them are disabled, we ignore the configured backend and treat the toggles as an override.
// If multiple toggles are disabled, we go with the most "restrictive" one.
if !ft.IsEnabled(featuremgmt.FlagAlertStateHistoryLokiSecondary) {
// If we cannot even treat Loki as a secondary, we must use annotations only.
if backend == historian.BackendTypeMultiple || backend == historian.BackendTypeLoki {
logger.Info("Forcing Annotation backend due to state history feature toggles")
cfg.Backend = historian.BackendTypeAnnotations.String()
cfg.MultiPrimary = ""
cfg.MultiSecondaries = make([]string, 0)
if !ft.IsEnabled(featuremgmt.FlagAlertStateHistoryLokiPrimary) {
// If we're using multiple backends, Loki must be the secondary.
if backend == historian.BackendTypeMultiple {
logger.Info("Coercing Loki to a secondary backend due to state history feature toggles")
cfg.MultiPrimary = historian.BackendTypeAnnotations.String()
cfg.MultiSecondaries = []string{historian.BackendTypeLoki.String()}
// If we're using loki, we are only allowed to use it as a secondary. Dual write to it, plus annotations.
if backend == historian.BackendTypeLoki {
logger.Info("Coercing Loki to dual writes with a secondary backend due to state history feature toggles")
cfg.Backend = historian.BackendTypeMultiple.String()
cfg.MultiPrimary = historian.BackendTypeAnnotations.String()
cfg.MultiSecondaries = []string{historian.BackendTypeLoki.String()}
if !ft.IsEnabled(featuremgmt.FlagAlertStateHistoryLokiOnly) {
// If we're not allowed to use Loki only, make it the primary but keep the annotation writes.
if backend == historian.BackendTypeLoki {
logger.Info("Forcing dual writes to Loki and Annotations due to state history feature toggles")
cfg.Backend = historian.BackendTypeMultiple.String()
cfg.MultiPrimary = historian.BackendTypeLoki.String()
cfg.MultiSecondaries = []string{historian.BackendTypeAnnotations.String()}