mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 00:55:47 -06:00
* Load Rich History when the container is opened * Store rich history for each pane separately * Do not update currently opened query history when an item is added It's impossible to figure out if the item should be added or not, because filters are applied in the backend. We don't want to replicate that filtering logic in frontend. One way to make it work could be by refreshing both panes. * Test starring and deleting query history items when both panes are open * Remove e2e dependency on ExploreId * Fix unit test * Assert exact queries * Simplify test * Fix e2e tests * Fix toolbar a11y * Reload the history after an item is added * Fix unit test * Remove references to Explore from generic PageToolbar component * Update test name * Fix test assertion * Add issue item to TODO * Improve test assertion * Simplify test setup
300 lines
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300 lines
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import React from 'react';
import { fireEvent, screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';
import { locationService } from '@grafana/runtime';
import { serializeStateToUrlParam } from '@grafana/data';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
import { splitOpen } from './state/main';
import { setupExplore, tearDown, waitForExplore } from './spec/helper/setup';
import { makeLogsQueryResponse, makeMetricsQueryResponse } from './spec/helper/query';
import { changeDatasource } from './spec/helper/interactions';
type Mock = jest.Mock;
jest.mock('app/core/core', () => {
return {
contextSrv: {
hasPermission: () => true,
appEvents: {
subscribe: () => {},
publish: () => {},
jest.mock('react-virtualized-auto-sizer', () => {
return {
__esModule: true,
default(props: any) {
return <div>{props.children({ width: 1000 })}</div>;
describe('Wrapper', () => {
afterEach(() => {
it('shows warning if there are no data sources', async () => {
setupExplore({ datasources: [] });
// Will throw if isn't found
screen.getByText(/Explore requires at least one data source/i);
it('inits url and renders editor but does not call query on empty url', async () => {
const { datasources } = setupExplore();
await waitForExplore();
// At this point url should be initialised to some defaults
orgId: '1',
left: serializeStateToUrlParam({
datasource: 'loki',
queries: [{ refId: 'A' }],
range: { from: 'now-1h', to: 'now' },
it('runs query when url contains query and renders results', async () => {
const urlParams = {
left: serializeStateToUrlParam({
datasource: 'loki',
queries: [{ refId: 'A', expr: '{ label="value"}' }],
range: { from: 'now-1h', to: 'now' },
const { datasources } = setupExplore({ urlParams });
(datasources.loki.query as Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse());
// Make sure we render the logs panel
await screen.findByText(/^Logs$/);
// Make sure we render the log line
await screen.findByText(/custom log line/i);
// And that the editor gets the expr from the url
await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`);
// We did not change the url
orgId: '1',
// We called the data source query method once
expect((datasources.loki.query as Mock).mock.calls[0][0]).toMatchObject({
targets: [{ expr: '{ label="value"}' }],
it('handles url change and runs the new query', async () => {
const urlParams = { left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]) };
const { datasources } = setupExplore({ urlParams });
(datasources.loki.query as Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse());
// Wait for rendering the logs
await screen.findByText(/custom log line/i);
(datasources.loki.query as Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse('different log'));
left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="different"}' }]),
// Editor renders the new query
await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="different"}`);
// Renders new response
await screen.findByText(/different log/i);
it('handles url change and runs the new query with different datasource', async () => {
const urlParams = { left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]) };
const { datasources } = setupExplore({ urlParams });
(datasources.loki.query as Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse());
// Wait for rendering the logs
await screen.findByText(/custom log line/i);
await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`);
(datasources.elastic.query as Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(makeMetricsQueryResponse());
left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'elastic', { expr: 'other query' }]),
// Editor renders the new query
await screen.findByText(`elastic Editor input: other query`);
// Renders graph
await screen.findByText(/Graph/i);
it('handles changing the datasource manually', async () => {
const urlParams = { left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}', refId: 'A' }]) };
const { datasources } = setupExplore({ urlParams });
(datasources.loki.query as Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse());
await waitForExplore();
await changeDatasource('elastic');
await screen.findByText('elastic Editor input:');
orgId: '1',
left: serializeStateToUrlParam({
datasource: 'elastic',
queries: [{ refId: 'A' }],
range: { from: 'now-1h', to: 'now' },
it('opens the split pane when split button is clicked', async () => {
// Wait for rendering the editor
const splitButton = await screen.findByText(/split/i);
await waitFor(() => {
const editors = screen.getAllByText('loki Editor input:');
it('inits with two panes if specified in url', async () => {
const urlParams = {
left: serializeStateToUrlParam({
datasource: 'loki',
queries: [{ refId: 'A', expr: '{ label="value"}' }],
range: { from: 'now-1h', to: 'now' },
right: serializeStateToUrlParam({
datasource: 'elastic',
queries: [{ refId: 'A', expr: 'error' }],
range: { from: 'now-1h', to: 'now' },
const { datasources } = setupExplore({ urlParams });
(datasources.loki.query as Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse());
(datasources.elastic.query as Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse());
// Make sure we render the logs panel
await waitFor(() => {
const logsPanels = screen.getAllByText(/^Logs$/);
// Make sure we render the log line
const logsLines = await screen.findAllByText(/custom log line/i);
// And that the editor gets the expr from the url
await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`);
await screen.findByText(`elastic Editor input: error`);
// We did not change the url
orgId: '1',
// We called the data source query method once
expect((datasources.loki.query as Mock).mock.calls[0][0]).toMatchObject({
targets: [{ expr: '{ label="value"}' }],
expect((datasources.elastic.query as Mock).mock.calls[0][0]).toMatchObject({
targets: [{ expr: 'error' }],
it('can close a pane from a split', async () => {
const urlParams = {
left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { refId: 'A' }]),
right: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'elastic', { refId: 'A' }]),
setupExplore({ urlParams });
const closeButtons = await screen.findAllByTitle(/Close split pane/i);
await waitFor(() => {
const logsPanels = screen.queryAllByTitle(/Close split pane/i);
it('handles url change to split view', async () => {
const urlParams = {
left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]),
const { datasources } = setupExplore({ urlParams });
(datasources.loki.query as Mock).mockReturnValue(makeLogsQueryResponse());
(datasources.elastic.query as Mock).mockReturnValue(makeLogsQueryResponse());
left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]),
right: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'elastic', { expr: 'error' }]),
// Editor renders the new query
await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`);
await screen.findByText(`elastic Editor input: error`);
it('handles opening split with split open func', async () => {
const urlParams = {
left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]),
const { datasources, store } = setupExplore({ urlParams });
(datasources.loki.query as Mock).mockReturnValue(makeLogsQueryResponse());
(datasources.elastic.query as Mock).mockReturnValue(makeLogsQueryResponse());
// This is mainly to wait for render so that the left pane state is initialized as that is needed for splitOpen
// to work
await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`);
store.dispatch(splitOpen<any>({ datasourceUid: 'elastic', query: { expr: 'error' } }) as any);
// Editor renders the new query
await screen.findByText(`elastic Editor input: error`);
await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`);
it('changes the document title of the explore page to include the datasource in use', async () => {
const urlParams = {
left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]),
const { datasources } = setupExplore({ urlParams });
(datasources.loki.query as Mock).mockReturnValue(makeLogsQueryResponse());
// This is mainly to wait for render so that the left pane state is initialized as that is needed for the title
// to include the datasource
await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`);
await waitFor(() => expect(document.title).toEqual('Explore - loki - Grafana'));
it('changes the document title to include the two datasources in use in split view mode', async () => {
const urlParams = {
left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]),
const { datasources, store } = setupExplore({ urlParams });
(datasources.loki.query as Mock).mockReturnValue(makeLogsQueryResponse());
(datasources.elastic.query as Mock).mockReturnValue(makeLogsQueryResponse());
// This is mainly to wait for render so that the left pane state is initialized as that is needed for splitOpen
// to work
await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`);
store.dispatch(splitOpen<any>({ datasourceUid: 'elastic', query: { expr: 'error' } }) as any);
await waitFor(() => expect(document.title).toEqual('Explore - loki | elastic - Grafana'));
it('removes `from` and `to` parameters from url when first mounted', async () => {
setupExplore({ searchParams: 'from=1&to=2&orgId=1' });
expect(locationService.getSearchObject()).toEqual(expect.not.objectContaining({ from: '1', to: '2' }));
expect(locationService.getSearchObject()).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ orgId: '1' }));