Dominik Prokop f659bc1f40
Dashboard: Allow disabling dashboard grid lazy loading (#89280)
* Schema update

* Dashboard: Allow opting out from dashboard panels lazy loading

* Locale

* Lint fix

* Snaps fix
2024-07-03 16:00:45 +02:00

746 lines
35 KiB
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package kind
import (
t "time"
name: "Dashboard"
maturity: "experimental"
description: "A Grafana dashboard."
crd: dummySchema: true
lineage: schemas: [{
version: [0, 0]
schema: {
spec: {
// Unique numeric identifier for the dashboard.
// `id` is internal to a specific Grafana instance. `uid` should be used to identify a dashboard across Grafana instances.
id?: int64 | null // TODO eliminate this null option
// Unique dashboard identifier that can be generated by anyone. string (8-40)
uid?: string
// Title of dashboard.
title?: string
// Description of dashboard.
description?: string
// This property should only be used in dashboards defined by plugins. It is a quick check
// to see if the version has changed since the last time.
revision?: int64
// ID of a dashboard imported from the portal
gnetId?: string
// Tags associated with dashboard.
tags?: [...string]
// Timezone of dashboard. Accepted values are IANA TZDB zone ID or "browser" or "utc".
timezone?: string | *"browser"
// Whether a dashboard is editable or not.
editable?: bool | *true
// Configuration of dashboard cursor sync behavior.
// Accepted values are 0 (sync turned off), 1 (shared crosshair), 2 (shared crosshair and tooltip).
graphTooltip?: #DashboardCursorSync
// Time range for dashboard.
// Accepted values are relative time strings like {from: 'now-6h', to: 'now'} or absolute time strings like {from: '2020-07-10T08:00:00.000Z', to: '2020-07-10T14:00:00.000Z'}.
time?: {
from: string | *"now-6h"
to: string | *"now"
// Configuration of the time picker shown at the top of a dashboard.
timepicker?: #TimePickerConfig
// The month that the fiscal year starts on. 0 = January, 11 = December
fiscalYearStartMonth?: uint8 & <12 | *0
// When set to true, the dashboard will redraw panels at an interval matching the pixel width.
// This will keep data "moving left" regardless of the query refresh rate. This setting helps
// avoid dashboards presenting stale live data
liveNow?: bool
// Day when the week starts. Expressed by the name of the day in lowercase, e.g. "monday".
weekStart?: string
// Refresh rate of dashboard. Represented via interval string, e.g. "5s", "1m", "1h", "1d".
refresh?: string
// Version of the JSON schema, incremented each time a Grafana update brings
// changes to said schema.
schemaVersion: uint16 | *39
// Version of the dashboard, incremented each time the dashboard is updated.
version?: uint32
// List of dashboard panels
panels?: [...(#Panel | #RowPanel)]
// Configured template variables
templating?: {
// List of configured template variables with their saved values along with some other metadata
list?: [...#VariableModel]
// Contains the list of annotations that are associated with the dashboard.
// Annotations are used to overlay event markers and overlay event tags on graphs.
// Grafana comes with a native annotation store and the ability to add annotation events directly from the graph panel or via the HTTP API.
// See
annotations?: #AnnotationContainer
// Links with references to other dashboards or external websites.
links?: [...#DashboardLink]
// Snapshot options. They are present only if the dashboard is a snapshot.
snapshot?: #Snapshot @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// When set to true, the dashboard will load all panels in the dashboard when it's loaded.
preload?: bool
} @cuetsy(kind="interface") @grafana(TSVeneer="type")
// Definitions (referenced above) are declared below
// TODO: this should be a regular DataQuery that depends on the selected dashboard
// these match the properties of the "grafana" datasouce that is default in most dashboards
#AnnotationTarget: {
// Only required/valid for the grafana datasource...
// but code+tests is already depending on it so hard to change
limit: int64
// Only required/valid for the grafana datasource...
// but code+tests is already depending on it so hard to change
matchAny: bool
// Only required/valid for the grafana datasource...
// but code+tests is already depending on it so hard to change
tags: [...string]
// Only required/valid for the grafana datasource...
// but code+tests is already depending on it so hard to change
type: string
... // datasource will stick their raw DataQuery here
} @cuetsy(kind="interface") @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
#AnnotationPanelFilter: {
// Should the specified panels be included or excluded
exclude?: bool | *false
// Panel IDs that should be included or excluded
ids: [...uint8]
} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
// Contains the list of annotations that are associated with the dashboard.
// Annotations are used to overlay event markers and overlay event tags on graphs.
// Grafana comes with a native annotation store and the ability to add annotation events directly from the graph panel or via the HTTP API.
// See
#AnnotationContainer: {
// List of annotations
list?: [...#AnnotationQuery]
} @cuetsy(kind="interface") @grafana(TSVeneer="type")
// TODO docs
// FROM: AnnotationQuery in grafana-data/src/types/annotations.ts
#AnnotationQuery: {
// Name of annotation.
name: string
// Datasource where the annotations data is
datasource: #DataSourceRef
// When enabled the annotation query is issued with every dashboard refresh
enable: bool | *true
// Annotation queries can be toggled on or off at the top of the dashboard.
// When hide is true, the toggle is not shown in the dashboard.
hide?: bool | *false
// Color to use for the annotation event markers
iconColor: string
// Filters to apply when fetching annotations
filter?: #AnnotationPanelFilter
// TODO.. this should just be a normal query target
target?: #AnnotationTarget
// TODO -- this should not exist here, it is based on the --grafana-- datasource
type?: string @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Set to 1 for the standard annotation query all dashboards have by default.
builtIn?: number | *0
// unless datasources have migrated to the target+mapping,
// they just spread their query into the base object :(
} @cuetsy(kind="interface") @grafana(TSVeneer="type") @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// A variable is a placeholder for a value. You can use variables in metric queries and in panel titles.
#VariableModel: {
// Type of variable
type: #VariableType
// Name of variable
name: string
// Optional display name
label?: string
// Visibility configuration for the variable
hide?: #VariableHide
// Whether the variable value should be managed by URL query params or not
skipUrlSync?: bool | *false
// Description of variable. It can be defined but `null`.
description?: string
// Query used to fetch values for a variable
query?: string | {...}
// Data source used to fetch values for a variable. It can be defined but `null`.
datasource?: #DataSourceRef
// Shows current selected variable text/value on the dashboard
current?: #VariableOption
// Whether multiple values can be selected or not from variable value list
multi?: bool | *false
// Options that can be selected for a variable.
options?: [...#VariableOption]
// Options to config when to refresh a variable
refresh?: #VariableRefresh
// Options sort order
sort?: #VariableSort
// Whether all value option is available or not
includeAll?: bool | *false
// Custom all value
allValue?: string
// Optional field, if you want to extract part of a series name or metric node segment.
// Named capture groups can be used to separate the display text and value.
regex?: string
} @cuetsy(kind="interface") @grafana(TSVeneer="type") @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Option to be selected in a variable.
#VariableOption: {
// Whether the option is selected or not
selected?: bool
// Text to be displayed for the option
text: string | [...string]
// Value of the option
value: string | [...string]
} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
// Options to config when to refresh a variable
// `0`: Never refresh the variable
// `1`: Queries the data source every time the dashboard loads.
// `2`: Queries the data source when the dashboard time range changes.
#VariableRefresh: 0 | 1 | 2 @cuetsy(kind="enum",memberNames="never|onDashboardLoad|onTimeRangeChanged")
// Determine if the variable shows on dashboard
// Accepted values are 0 (show label and value), 1 (show value only), 2 (show nothing).
#VariableHide: 0 | 1 | 2 @cuetsy(kind="enum",memberNames="dontHide|hideLabel|hideVariable") @grafana(TSVeneer="type")
// Sort variable options
// Accepted values are:
// `0`: No sorting
// `1`: Alphabetical ASC
// `2`: Alphabetical DESC
// `3`: Numerical ASC
// `4`: Numerical DESC
// `5`: Alphabetical Case Insensitive ASC
// `6`: Alphabetical Case Insensitive DESC
// `7`: Natural ASC
// `8`: Natural DESC
#VariableSort: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 @cuetsy(kind="enum",memberNames="disabled|alphabeticalAsc|alphabeticalDesc|numericalAsc|numericalDesc|alphabeticalCaseInsensitiveAsc|alphabeticalCaseInsensitiveDesc|naturalAsc|naturalDesc")
// Ref to a DataSource instance
#DataSourceRef: {
// The plugin type-id
type?: string
// Specific datasource instance
uid?: string
} @cuetsy(kind="interface") @grafana(TSVeneer="type")
// Links with references to other dashboards or external resources
#DashboardLink: {
// Title to display with the link
title: string
// Link type. Accepted values are dashboards (to refer to another dashboard) and link (to refer to an external resource)
type: #DashboardLinkType
// Icon name to be displayed with the link
icon: string
// Tooltip to display when the user hovers their mouse over it
tooltip: string
// Link URL. Only required/valid if the type is link
url?: string
// List of tags to limit the linked dashboards. If empty, all dashboards will be displayed. Only valid if the type is dashboards
tags: [...string]
// If true, all dashboards links will be displayed in a dropdown. If false, all dashboards links will be displayed side by side. Only valid if the type is dashboards
asDropdown: bool | *false
// If true, the link will be opened in a new tab
targetBlank: bool | *false
// If true, includes current template variables values in the link as query params
includeVars: bool | *false
// If true, includes current time range in the link as query params
keepTime: bool | *false
} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
// Dashboard Link type. Accepted values are dashboards (to refer to another dashboard) and link (to refer to an external resource)
#DashboardLinkType: "link" | "dashboards" @cuetsy(kind="type")
// Dashboard variable type
// `query`: Query-generated list of values such as metric names, server names, sensor IDs, data centers, and so on.
// `adhoc`: Key/value filters that are automatically added to all metric queries for a data source (Prometheus, Loki, InfluxDB, and Elasticsearch only).
// `constant`: Define a hidden constant.
// `datasource`: Quickly change the data source for an entire dashboard.
// `interval`: Interval variables represent time spans.
// `textbox`: Display a free text input field with an optional default value.
// `custom`: Define the variable options manually using a comma-separated list.
// `system`: Variables defined by Grafana. See:
#VariableType: "query" | "adhoc" | "groupby" | "constant" | "datasource" | "interval" | "textbox" | "custom" | "system" @cuetsy(kind="type") @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Color mode for a field. You can specify a single color, or select a continuous (gradient) color schemes, based on a value.
// Continuous color interpolates a color using the percentage of a value relative to min and max.
// Accepted values are:
// `thresholds`: From thresholds. Informs Grafana to take the color from the matching threshold
// `palette-classic`: Classic palette. Grafana will assign color by looking up a color in a palette by series index. Useful for Graphs and pie charts and other categorical data visualizations
// `palette-classic-by-name`: Classic palette (by name). Grafana will assign color by looking up a color in a palette by series name. Useful for Graphs and pie charts and other categorical data visualizations
// `continuous-GrYlRd`: ontinuous Green-Yellow-Red palette mode
// `continuous-RdYlGr`: Continuous Red-Yellow-Green palette mode
// `continuous-BlYlRd`: Continuous Blue-Yellow-Red palette mode
// `continuous-YlRd`: Continuous Yellow-Red palette mode
// `continuous-BlPu`: Continuous Blue-Purple palette mode
// `continuous-YlBl`: Continuous Yellow-Blue palette mode
// `continuous-blues`: Continuous Blue palette mode
// `continuous-reds`: Continuous Red palette mode
// `continuous-greens`: Continuous Green palette mode
// `continuous-purples`: Continuous Purple palette mode
// `shades`: Shades of a single color. Specify a single color, useful in an override rule.
// `fixed`: Fixed color mode. Specify a single color, useful in an override rule.
#FieldColorModeId: "thresholds" | "palette-classic" | "palette-classic-by-name" | "continuous-GrYlRd" | "continuous-RdYlGr" | "continuous-BlYlRd" | "continuous-YlRd" | "continuous-BlPu" | "continuous-YlBl" | "continuous-blues" | "continuous-reds" | "continuous-greens" | "continuous-purples" | "fixed" | "shades" @cuetsy(kind="enum",memberNames="Thresholds|PaletteClassic|PaletteClassicByName|ContinuousGrYlRd|ContinuousRdYlGr|ContinuousBlYlRd|ContinuousYlRd|ContinuousBlPu|ContinuousYlBl|ContinuousBlues|ContinuousReds|ContinuousGreens|ContinuousPurples|Fixed|Shades") @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Defines how to assign a series color from "by value" color schemes. For example for an aggregated data points like a timeseries, the color can be assigned by the min, max or last value.
#FieldColorSeriesByMode: "min" | "max" | "last" @cuetsy(kind="type")
// Map a field to a color.
#FieldColor: {
// The main color scheme mode.
mode: #FieldColorModeId
// The fixed color value for fixed or shades color modes.
fixedColor?: string
// Some visualizations need to know how to assign a series color from by value color schemes.
seriesBy?: #FieldColorSeriesByMode
} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
// Position and dimensions of a panel in the grid
#GridPos: {
// Panel height. The height is the number of rows from the top edge of the panel.
h: uint32 & >0 | *9
// Panel width. The width is the number of columns from the left edge of the panel.
w: uint32 & >0 & <=24 | *12
// Panel x. The x coordinate is the number of columns from the left edge of the grid
x: uint32 & >=0 & <24 | *0
// Panel y. The y coordinate is the number of rows from the top edge of the grid
y: uint32 & >=0 | *0
// Whether the panel is fixed within the grid. If true, the panel will not be affected by other panels' interactions
static?: bool
} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
// User-defined value for a metric that triggers visual changes in a panel when this value is met or exceeded
// They are used to conditionally style and color visualizations based on query results , and can be applied to most visualizations.
#Threshold: {
// Value represents a specified metric for the threshold, which triggers a visual change in the dashboard when this value is met or exceeded.
// Nulls currently appear here when serializing -Infinity to JSON.
value: number | null @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Color represents the color of the visual change that will occur in the dashboard when the threshold value is met or exceeded.
color: string @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
} @cuetsy(kind="interface") @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Thresholds can either be `absolute` (specific number) or `percentage` (relative to min or max, it will be values between 0 and 1).
#ThresholdsMode: "absolute" | "percentage" @cuetsy(kind="enum",memberNames="Absolute|Percentage")
// Thresholds configuration for the panel
#ThresholdsConfig: {
// Thresholds mode.
mode: #ThresholdsMode
// Must be sorted by 'value', first value is always -Infinity
steps: [...#Threshold] @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
} @cuetsy(kind="interface") @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Allow to transform the visual representation of specific data values in a visualization, irrespective of their original units
#ValueMapping: #ValueMap | #RangeMap | #RegexMap | #SpecialValueMap @cuetsy(kind="type") @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Supported value mapping types
// `value`: Maps text values to a color or different display text and color. For example, you can configure a value mapping so that all instances of the value 10 appear as Perfection! rather than the number.
// `range`: Maps numerical ranges to a display text and color. For example, if a value is within a certain range, you can configure a range value mapping to display Low or High rather than the number.
// `regex`: Maps regular expressions to replacement text and a color. For example, if a value is, you can configure a regex value mapping so that Grafana displays www and truncates the domain.
// `special`: Maps special values like Null, NaN (not a number), and boolean values like true and false to a display text and color. See SpecialValueMatch to see the list of special values. For example, you can configure a special value mapping so that null values appear as N/A.
#MappingType: "value" | "range" | "regex" | "special" @cuetsy(kind="enum",memberNames="ValueToText|RangeToText|RegexToText|SpecialValue") @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Maps text values to a color or different display text and color.
// For example, you can configure a value mapping so that all instances of the value 10 appear as Perfection! rather than the number.
#ValueMap: {
type: #MappingType & "value"
// Map with <value_to_match>: ValueMappingResult. For example: { "10": { text: "Perfection!", color: "green" } }
options: [string]: #ValueMappingResult
} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
// Maps numerical ranges to a display text and color.
// For example, if a value is within a certain range, you can configure a range value mapping to display Low or High rather than the number.
#RangeMap: {
type: #MappingType & "range"
// Range to match against and the result to apply when the value is within the range
options: {
// Min value of the range. It can be null which means -Infinity
from: float64 | null
// Max value of the range. It can be null which means +Infinity
to: float64 | null
// Config to apply when the value is within the range
result: #ValueMappingResult
} @cuetsy(kind="interface") @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Maps regular expressions to replacement text and a color.
// For example, if a value is, you can configure a regex value mapping so that Grafana displays www and truncates the domain.
#RegexMap: {
type: #MappingType & "regex"
// Regular expression to match against and the result to apply when the value matches the regex
options: {
// Regular expression to match against
pattern: string
// Config to apply when the value matches the regex
result: #ValueMappingResult
} @cuetsy(kind="interface") @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Maps special values like Null, NaN (not a number), and boolean values like true and false to a display text and color.
// See SpecialValueMatch to see the list of special values.
// For example, you can configure a special value mapping so that null values appear as N/A.
#SpecialValueMap: {
type: #MappingType & "special"
options: {
// Special value to match against
match: #SpecialValueMatch
// Config to apply when the value matches the special value
result: #ValueMappingResult
} @cuetsy(kind="interface") @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Special value types supported by the `SpecialValueMap`
#SpecialValueMatch: "true" | "false" | "null" | "nan" | "null+nan" | "empty" @cuetsy(kind="enum",memberNames="True|False|Null|NaN|NullAndNan|Empty")
// Result used as replacement with text and color when the value matches
#ValueMappingResult: {
// Text to display when the value matches
text?: string
// Text to use when the value matches
color?: string
// Icon to display when the value matches. Only specific visualizations.
icon?: string
// Position in the mapping array. Only used internally.
index?: int32
} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
// Transformations allow to manipulate data returned by a query before the system applies a visualization.
// Using transformations you can: rename fields, join time series data, perform mathematical operations across queries,
// use the output of one transformation as the input to another transformation, etc.
#DataTransformerConfig: {
// Unique identifier of transformer
id: string
// Disabled transformations are skipped
disabled?: bool
// Optional frame matcher. When missing it will be applied to all results
filter?: #MatcherConfig
// Where to pull DataFrames from as input to transformation
topic?: "series" | "annotations" | "alertStates" // replaced with common.DataTopic
// Options to be passed to the transformer
// Valid options depend on the transformer id
options: _
} @cuetsy(kind="interface") @grafana(TSVeneer="type")
// Time picker configuration
// It defines the default config for the time picker and the refresh picker for the specific dashboard.
#TimePickerConfig: {
// Whether timepicker is visible or not.
hidden?: bool | *false
// Interval options available in the refresh picker dropdown.
refresh_intervals?: [...string] | *["5s", "10s", "30s", "1m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "1h", "2h", "1d"]
// Selectable options available in the time picker dropdown. Has no effect on provisioned dashboard.
time_options?: [...string] | *["5m", "15m", "1h", "6h", "12h", "24h", "2d", "7d", "30d"]
// Override the now time by entering a time delay. Use this option to accommodate known delays in data aggregation to avoid null values.
nowDelay?: string
} @cuetsy(kind="interface") @grafana(TSVeneer="type")
// 0 for no shared crosshair or tooltip (default).
// 1 for shared crosshair.
// 2 for shared crosshair AND shared tooltip.
#DashboardCursorSync: *0 | 1 | 2 @cuetsy(kind="enum",memberNames="Off|Crosshair|Tooltip")
// Schema for panel targets is specified by datasource
// plugins. We use a placeholder definition, which the Go
// schema loader either left open/as-is with the Base
// variant of the Dashboard and Panel families, or filled
// with types derived from plugins in the Instance variant.
// When working directly from CUE, importers can extend this
// type directly to achieve the same effect.
#Target: {...}
// A dashboard snapshot shares an interactive dashboard publicly.
// It is a read-only version of a dashboard, and is not editable.
// It is possible to create a snapshot of a snapshot.
// Grafana strips away all sensitive information from the dashboard.
// Sensitive information stripped: queries (metric, template,annotation) and panel links.
#Snapshot: {
// Time when the snapshot was created
created: string & t.Time
// Time when the snapshot expires, default is never to expire
expires: string @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Is the snapshot saved in an external grafana instance
external: bool @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// external url, if snapshot was shared in external grafana instance
externalUrl: string @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// original url, url of the dashboard that was snapshotted
originalUrl: string @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Unique identifier of the snapshot
id: uint32 @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Optional, defined the unique key of the snapshot, required if external is true
key: string @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Optional, name of the snapshot
name: string @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// org id of the snapshot
orgId: uint32 @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// last time when the snapshot was updated
updated: string & t.Time
// url of the snapshot, if snapshot was shared internally
url?: string @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// user id of the snapshot creator
userId: uint32 @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
} @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Dashboard panels are the basic visualization building blocks.
#Panel: {
// The panel plugin type id. This is used to find the plugin to display the panel.
type: string & strings.MinRunes(1)
// Unique identifier of the panel. Generated by Grafana when creating a new panel. It must be unique within a dashboard, but not globally.
id?: uint32
// The version of the plugin that is used for this panel. This is used to find the plugin to display the panel and to migrate old panel configs.
pluginVersion?: string
// Depends on the panel plugin. See the plugin documentation for details.
targets?: [...#Target]
// Panel title.
title?: string
// Panel description.
description?: string
// Whether to display the panel without a background.
transparent?: bool | *false
// The datasource used in all targets.
datasource?: #DataSourceRef
// Grid position.
gridPos?: #GridPos
// Panel links.
links?: [...#DashboardLink]
// Name of template variable to repeat for.
repeat?: string
// Direction to repeat in if 'repeat' is set.
// `h` for horizontal, `v` for vertical.
repeatDirection?: *"h" | "v"
// Option for repeated panels that controls max items per row
// Only relevant for horizontally repeated panels
maxPerRow?: number
// The maximum number of data points that the panel queries are retrieving.
maxDataPoints?: number
// List of transformations that are applied to the panel data before rendering.
// When there are multiple transformations, Grafana applies them in the order they are listed.
// Each transformation creates a result set that then passes on to the next transformation in the processing pipeline.
transformations?: [...#DataTransformerConfig]
// The min time interval setting defines a lower limit for the $__interval and $__interval_ms variables.
// This value must be formatted as a number followed by a valid time
// identifier like: "40s", "3d", etc.
// See:
interval?: string
// Overrides the relative time range for individual panels,
// which causes them to be different than what is selected in
// the dashboard time picker in the top-right corner of the dashboard. You can use this to show metrics from different
// time periods or days on the same dashboard.
// The value is formatted as time operation like: `now-5m` (Last 5 minutes), `now/d` (the day so far),
// `now-5d/d`(Last 5 days), `now/w` (This week so far), `now-2y/y` (Last 2 years).
// Note: Panel time overrides have no effect when the dashboards time range is absolute.
// See:
timeFrom?: string
// Overrides the time range for individual panels by shifting its start and end relative to the time picker.
// For example, you can shift the time range for the panel to be two hours earlier than the dashboard time picker setting `2h`.
// Note: Panel time overrides have no effect when the dashboards time range is absolute.
// See:
timeShift?: string
// Controls if the timeFrom or timeShift overrides are shown in the panel header
hideTimeOverride?: bool
// Dynamically load the panel
libraryPanel?: #LibraryPanelRef
// Sets panel queries cache timeout.
cacheTimeout?: string
// Overrides the data source configured time-to-live for a query cache item in milliseconds
queryCachingTTL?: number
// It depends on the panel plugin. They are specified by the Options field in panel plugin schemas.
options?: {...} @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Field options allow you to change how the data is displayed in your visualizations.
fieldConfig?: #FieldConfigSource
} @cuetsy(kind="interface") @grafana(TSVeneer="type") @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// The data model used in Grafana, namely the data frame, is a columnar-oriented table structure that unifies both time series and table query results.
// Each column within this structure is called a field. A field can represent a single time series or table column.
// Field options allow you to change how the data is displayed in your visualizations.
#FieldConfigSource: {
// Defaults are the options applied to all fields.
defaults: #FieldConfig
// Overrides are the options applied to specific fields overriding the defaults.
overrides: [...{
matcher: #MatcherConfig
properties: [...#DynamicConfigValue]
}] @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
} @cuetsy(kind="interface") @grafana(TSVeneer="type") @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// A library panel is a reusable panel that you can use in any dashboard.
// When you make a change to a library panel, that change propagates to all instances of where the panel is used.
// Library panels streamline reuse of panels across multiple dashboards.
#LibraryPanelRef: {
// Library panel name
name: string
// Library panel uid
uid: string
} @cuetsy(kind="interface")
// Matcher is a predicate configuration. Based on the config a set of field(s) or values is filtered in order to apply override / transformation.
// It comes with in id ( to resolve implementation from registry) and a configuration thats specific to a particular matcher type.
#MatcherConfig: {
// The matcher id. This is used to find the matcher implementation from registry.
id: string | *"" @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// The matcher options. This is specific to the matcher implementation.
options?: _ @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
} @cuetsy(kind="interface") @grafana(TSVeneer="type")
#DynamicConfigValue: {
id: string | *"" @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
value?: _ @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// The data model used in Grafana, namely the data frame, is a columnar-oriented table structure that unifies both time series and table query results.
// Each column within this structure is called a field. A field can represent a single time series or table column.
// Field options allow you to change how the data is displayed in your visualizations.
#FieldConfig: {
// The display value for this field. This supports template variables blank is auto
displayName?: string @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// This can be used by data sources that return and explicit naming structure for values and labels
// When this property is configured, this value is used rather than the default naming strategy.
displayNameFromDS?: string @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Human readable field metadata
description?: string @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// An explicit path to the field in the datasource. When the frame meta includes a path,
// This will default to `${frame.meta.path}/${}
// When defined, this value can be used as an identifier within the datasource scope, and
// may be used to update the results
path?: string @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// True if data source can write a value to the path. Auth/authz are supported separately
writeable?: bool @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// True if data source field supports ad-hoc filters
filterable?: bool @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Unit a field should use. The unit you select is applied to all fields except time.
// You can use the units ID availables in Grafana or a custom unit.
// Available units in Grafana:
// As custom unit, you can use the following formats:
// `suffix:<suffix>` for custom unit that should go after value.
// `prefix:<prefix>` for custom unit that should go before value.
// `time:<format>` For custom date time formats type for example `time:YYYY-MM-DD`.
// `si:<base scale><unit characters>` for custom SI units. For example: `si: mF`. This one is a bit more advanced as you can specify both a unit and the source data scale. So if your source data is represented as milli (thousands of) something prefix the unit with that SI scale character.
// `count:<unit>` for a custom count unit.
// `currency:<unit>` for custom a currency unit.
unit?: string @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Specify the number of decimals Grafana includes in the rendered value.
// If you leave this field blank, Grafana automatically truncates the number of decimals based on the value.
// For example 1.1234 will display as 1.12 and 100.456 will display as 100.
// To display all decimals, set the unit to `String`.
decimals?: number @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// The minimum value used in percentage threshold calculations. Leave blank for auto calculation based on all series and fields.
min?: number @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// The maximum value used in percentage threshold calculations. Leave blank for auto calculation based on all series and fields.
max?: number @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Convert input values into a display string
mappings?: [...#ValueMapping] @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Map numeric values to states
thresholds?: #ThresholdsConfig @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Panel color configuration
color?: #FieldColor
// The behavior when clicking on a result
links?: [...] @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Alternative to empty string
noValue?: string @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// custom is specified by the FieldConfig field
// in panel plugin schemas.
custom?: {...} @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
} @cuetsy(kind="interface") @grafana(TSVeneer="type") @grafanamaturity(NeedsExpertReview)
// Row panel
#RowPanel: {
// The panel type
type: "row"
// Whether this row should be collapsed or not.
collapsed: bool | *false
// Row title
title?: string
// Name of default datasource for the row
datasource?: #DataSourceRef
// Row grid position
gridPos?: #GridPos
// Unique identifier of the panel. Generated by Grafana when creating a new panel. It must be unique within a dashboard, but not globally.
id: uint32
// List of panels in the row
panels: [...#Panel]
// Name of template variable to repeat for.
repeat?: string
} @cuetsy(kind="interface") @grafana(TSVeneer="type")