
193 lines
5.8 KiB

package api
import (
apiv1 ""
ngmodels ""
apimodels ""
type PrometheusSrv struct {
log log.Logger
manager *state.Manager
store store.RuleStore
func (srv PrometheusSrv) RouteGetAlertStatuses(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
alertResponse := apimodels.AlertResponse{
DiscoveryBase: apimodels.DiscoveryBase{
Status: "success",
Data: apimodels.AlertDiscovery{
Alerts: []*apimodels.Alert{},
for _, alertState := range srv.manager.GetAll(c.OrgId) {
startsAt := alertState.StartsAt
valString := ""
if len(alertState.Results) > 0 && alertState.State == eval.Alerting {
valString = alertState.Results[0].EvaluationString
alertResponse.Data.Alerts = append(alertResponse.Data.Alerts, &apimodels.Alert{
Labels: map[string]string(alertState.Labels),
Annotations: map[string]string{}, //TODO: Once annotations are added to the evaluation result, set them here
State: alertState.State.String(),
ActiveAt: &startsAt,
Value: valString,
return response.JSON(http.StatusOK, alertResponse)
func (srv PrometheusSrv) RouteGetRuleStatuses(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
ruleResponse := apimodels.RuleResponse{
DiscoveryBase: apimodels.DiscoveryBase{
Status: "success",
Data: apimodels.RuleDiscovery{
RuleGroups: []*apimodels.RuleGroup{},
namespaceMap, err :=, c.OrgId, c.SignedInUser)
if err != nil {
return ErrResp(http.StatusInternalServerError, err, "failed to get namespaces visible to the user")
namespaceUIDs := make([]string, len(namespaceMap))
for k := range namespaceMap {
namespaceUIDs = append(namespaceUIDs, k)
ruleGroupQuery := ngmodels.ListOrgRuleGroupsQuery{
OrgID: c.SignedInUser.OrgId,
NamespaceUIDs: namespaceUIDs,
if err :=; err != nil {
ruleResponse.DiscoveryBase.Status = "error"
ruleResponse.DiscoveryBase.Error = fmt.Sprintf("failure getting rule groups: %s", err.Error())
ruleResponse.DiscoveryBase.ErrorType = apiv1.ErrServer
return response.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, ruleResponse)
alertRuleQuery := ngmodels.ListAlertRulesQuery{
OrgID: c.SignedInUser.OrgId,
if err :=; err != nil {
ruleResponse.DiscoveryBase.Status = "error"
ruleResponse.DiscoveryBase.Error = fmt.Sprintf("failure getting rules: %s", err.Error())
ruleResponse.DiscoveryBase.ErrorType = apiv1.ErrServer
return response.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, ruleResponse)
groupMap := make(map[string]*apimodels.RuleGroup)
for _, r := range ruleGroupQuery.Result {
if len(r) < 3 {
groupId, namespaceUID, namespace := r[0], r[1], r[2]
newGroup := &apimodels.RuleGroup{
Name: groupId,
// This doesn't make sense in our architecture
// so we use this field for passing to the frontend the namespace
File: namespace,
LastEvaluation: time.Time{},
EvaluationTime: 0, // TODO: see if we are able to pass this along with evaluation results
groupMap[groupId+"-"+namespaceUID] = newGroup
ruleResponse.Data.RuleGroups = append(ruleResponse.Data.RuleGroups, newGroup)
for _, rule := range alertRuleQuery.Result {
newGroup, ok := groupMap[rule.RuleGroup+"-"+rule.NamespaceUID]
if !ok {
var queryStr string
encodedQuery, err := json.Marshal(rule.Data)
if err != nil {
queryStr = err.Error()
} else {
queryStr = string(encodedQuery)
alertingRule := apimodels.AlertingRule{
State: "inactive",
Name: rule.Title,
Query: queryStr,
Duration: rule.For.Seconds(),
Annotations: rule.Annotations,
newRule := apimodels.Rule{
Name: rule.Title,
Labels: rule.Labels,
Health: "ok",
Type: apiv1.RuleTypeAlerting,
LastEvaluation: time.Time{},
for _, alertState := range srv.manager.GetStatesForRuleUID(c.OrgId, rule.UID) {
activeAt := alertState.StartsAt
valString := ""
if len(alertState.Results) > 0 && alertState.State == eval.Alerting {
valString = alertState.Results[0].EvaluationString
alert := &apimodels.Alert{
Labels: map[string]string(alertState.Labels),
Annotations: alertState.Annotations,
State: alertState.State.String(),
ActiveAt: &activeAt,
Value: valString, // TODO: set this once it is added to the evaluation results
if alertState.LastEvaluationTime.After(newRule.LastEvaluation) {
newRule.LastEvaluation = alertState.LastEvaluationTime
newGroup.LastEvaluation = alertState.LastEvaluationTime
newRule.EvaluationTime = alertState.EvaluationDuration.Seconds()
switch alertState.State {
case eval.Normal:
case eval.Pending:
if alertingRule.State == "inactive" {
alertingRule.State = "pending"
case eval.Alerting:
alertingRule.State = "firing"
case eval.Error:
newRule.Health = "error"
case eval.NoData:
newRule.Health = "nodata"
if alertState.Error != nil {
newRule.LastError = alertState.Error.Error()
newRule.Health = "error"
alertingRule.Alerts = append(alertingRule.Alerts, alert)
alertingRule.Rule = newRule
newGroup.Rules = append(newGroup.Rules, alertingRule)
newGroup.Interval = float64(rule.IntervalSeconds)
return response.JSON(http.StatusOK, ruleResponse)