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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
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import config from 'app/core/config';
import $ from 'jquery';
import _ from 'lodash';
import kbn from 'app/core/utils/kbn';
import { PanelCtrl } from 'app/features/panel/panel_ctrl';
import * as rangeUtil from 'app/core/utils/rangeutil';
import * as dateMath from 'app/core/utils/datemath';
import { metricsTabDirective } from './metrics_tab';
class MetricsPanelCtrl extends PanelCtrl {
scope: any;
datasource: any;
datasourceName: any;
$q: any;
$timeout: any;
datasourceSrv: any;
timeSrv: any;
templateSrv: any;
timing: any;
range: any;
interval: any;
intervalMs: any;
resolution: any;
timeInfo: any;
skipDataOnInit: boolean;
dataStream: any;
dataSubscription: any;
dataList: any;
nextRefId: string;
constructor($scope, $injector) {
super($scope, $injector);
// make metrics tab the default
this.editorTabIndex = 1;
this.$q = $injector.get('$q');
this.datasourceSrv = $injector.get('datasourceSrv');
this.timeSrv = $injector.get('timeSrv');
this.templateSrv = $injector.get('templateSrv');
this.scope = $scope;
this.panel.datasource = this.panel.datasource || null;
if (!this.panel.targets) {
this.panel.targets = [{}];
this.events.on('refresh', this.onMetricsPanelRefresh.bind(this));
this.events.on('init-edit-mode', this.onInitMetricsPanelEditMode.bind(this));
this.events.on('panel-teardown', this.onPanelTearDown.bind(this));
private onPanelTearDown() {
if (this.dataSubscription) {
this.dataSubscription = null;
private onInitMetricsPanelEditMode() {
this.addEditorTab('Metrics', metricsTabDirective);
this.addEditorTab('Time range', 'public/app/features/panel/partials/panelTime.html');
private onMetricsPanelRefresh() {
// ignore fetching data if another panel is in fullscreen
if (this.otherPanelInFullscreenMode()) {
// if we have snapshot data use that
if (this.panel.snapshotData) {
var data = this.panel.snapshotData;
// backward compatability
if (!_.isArray(data)) {
data = data.data;
this.events.emit('data-snapshot-load', data);
// // ignore if we have data stream
if (this.dataStream) {
// clear loading/error state
delete this.error;
this.loading = true;
// load datasource service
.catch(err => {
// if cancelled keep loading set to true
if (err.cancelled) {
console.log('Panel request cancelled', err);
this.loading = false;
this.error = err.message || 'Request Error';
this.inspector = { error: err };
if (err.data) {
if (err.data.message) {
this.error = err.data.message;
if (err.data.error) {
this.error = err.data.error;
this.events.emit('data-error', err);
console.log('Panel data error:', err);
setTimeQueryStart() {
this.timing.queryStart = new Date().getTime();
setTimeQueryEnd() {
this.timing.queryEnd = new Date().getTime();
updateTimeRange(datasource?) {
this.datasource = datasource || this.datasource;
this.range = this.timeSrv.timeRange();
if (this.panel.maxDataPoints) {
this.resolution = this.panel.maxDataPoints;
} else {
this.resolution = Math.ceil($(window).width() * (this.panel.gridPos.w / 24));
return this.datasource;
calculateInterval() {
var intervalOverride = this.panel.interval;
// if no panel interval check datasource
if (intervalOverride) {
intervalOverride = this.templateSrv.replace(intervalOverride, this.panel.scopedVars);
} else if (this.datasource && this.datasource.interval) {
intervalOverride = this.datasource.interval;
var res = kbn.calculateInterval(this.range, this.resolution, intervalOverride);
this.interval = res.interval;
this.intervalMs = res.intervalMs;
applyPanelTimeOverrides() {
this.timeInfo = '';
// check panel time overrrides
if (this.panel.timeFrom) {
var timeFromInterpolated = this.templateSrv.replace(this.panel.timeFrom, this.panel.scopedVars);
var timeFromInfo = rangeUtil.describeTextRange(timeFromInterpolated);
if (timeFromInfo.invalid) {
this.timeInfo = 'invalid time override';
if (_.isString(this.range.raw.from)) {
var timeFromDate = dateMath.parse(timeFromInfo.from);
this.timeInfo = timeFromInfo.display;
this.range.from = timeFromDate;
this.range.to = dateMath.parse(timeFromInfo.to);
this.range.raw.from = timeFromInfo.from;
this.range.raw.to = timeFromInfo.to;
if (this.panel.timeShift) {
var timeShiftInterpolated = this.templateSrv.replace(this.panel.timeShift, this.panel.scopedVars);
var timeShiftInfo = rangeUtil.describeTextRange(timeShiftInterpolated);
if (timeShiftInfo.invalid) {
this.timeInfo = 'invalid timeshift';
var timeShift = '-' + timeShiftInterpolated;
this.timeInfo += ' timeshift ' + timeShift;
this.range.from = dateMath.parseDateMath(timeShift, this.range.from, false);
this.range.to = dateMath.parseDateMath(timeShift, this.range.to, true);
this.range.raw = { from: this.range.from, to: this.range.to };
if (this.panel.hideTimeOverride) {
this.timeInfo = '';
issueQueries(datasource) {
this.datasource = datasource;
if (!this.panel.targets || this.panel.targets.length === 0) {
return this.$q.when([]);
// make shallow copy of scoped vars,
// and add built in variables interval and interval_ms
var scopedVars = Object.assign({}, this.panel.scopedVars, {
__interval: { text: this.interval, value: this.interval },
__interval_ms: { text: this.intervalMs, value: this.intervalMs },
var metricsQuery = {
timezone: this.dashboard.getTimezone(),
panelId: this.panel.id,
range: this.range,
rangeRaw: this.range.raw,
interval: this.interval,
intervalMs: this.intervalMs,
targets: this.panel.targets,
maxDataPoints: this.resolution,
scopedVars: scopedVars,
cacheTimeout: this.panel.cacheTimeout,
return datasource.query(metricsQuery);
handleQueryResult(result) {
this.loading = false;
// check for if data source returns subject
if (result && result.subscribe) {
if (this.dashboard.snapshot) {
this.panel.snapshotData = result.data;
if (!result || !result.data) {
console.log('Data source query result invalid, missing data field:', result);
result = { data: [] };
this.events.emit('data-received', result.data);
handleDataStream(stream) {
// if we already have a connection
if (this.dataStream) {
console.log('two stream observables!');
this.dataStream = stream;
this.dataSubscription = stream.subscribe({
next: data => {
console.log('dataSubject next!');
if (data.range) {
this.range = data.range;
this.events.emit('data-received', data.data);
error: error => {
this.events.emit('data-error', error);
console.log('panel: observer got error');
complete: () => {
console.log('panel: observer got complete');
this.dataStream = null;
setDatasource(datasource) {
// switching to mixed
if (datasource.meta.mixed) {
_.each(this.panel.targets, target => {
target.datasource = this.panel.datasource;
if (!target.datasource) {
target.datasource = config.defaultDatasource;
} else if (this.datasource && this.datasource.meta.mixed) {
_.each(this.panel.targets, target => {
delete target.datasource;
this.panel.datasource = datasource.value;
this.datasourceName = datasource.name;
this.datasource = null;
addQuery(target) {
target.refId = this.dashboard.getNextQueryLetter(this.panel);
this.nextRefId = this.dashboard.getNextQueryLetter(this.panel);
removeQuery(target) {
var index = _.indexOf(this.panel.targets, target);
this.panel.targets.splice(index, 1);
this.nextRefId = this.dashboard.getNextQueryLetter(this.panel);
moveQuery(target, direction) {
var index = _.indexOf(this.panel.targets, target);
_.move(this.panel.targets, index, index + direction);
export { MetricsPanelCtrl };