Ashley Harrison 1261345b81
Chore: Upgrade to react 18 (#64428)
* update react 18 related deps

* fix some types

* make sure we're on react-router-dom >= 5.3.3

* Use new root API

* Remove StrictMode for now - react 18 double rendering causes issues

* fix + ignore some @grafana/ui types

* fix some more types

* use renderHook from @testing-library/react in almost all cases

* fix storybook types

* rewrite useDashboardSave to not use useEffect

* make props optional

* only render if props are provided

* add correct type for useCallback

* make resourcepicker tests more robust

* fix ModalManager rendering

* fix some more unit tests

* store the click coordinates in a ref as setState is NOT synchronous

* fix remaining e2e tests

* rewrite dashboardpage tests to avoid act warnings

* undo lint ignores

* fix ExpanderCell types

* set SymbolCell type correctly

* fix QueryAndExpressionsStep

* looks like the types were actually wrong instead :D

* undo this for now...

* remove spinner waits

* more robust tests

* rewrite errorboundary test to not explicitly count the number of renders

* make urlParam expect async

* increase timeout in waitFor

* revert ExplorePage test changes

* Update public/app/features/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.test.tsx

Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <>

* Update public/app/features/dashboard/containers/PublicDashboardPage.test.tsx

Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <>

* Update public/app/features/dashboard/containers/PublicDashboardPage.test.tsx

Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <>

* Update public/app/features/dashboard/containers/PublicDashboardPage.test.tsx

Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <>

* skip fakeTimer test, ignore table types for now + other review comments

* update package peerDeps

* small tweak to resourcepicker test

* update lockfile...

* increase timeout in sharepublicdashboard tests

* ensure ExplorePaneContainer passes correct queries to initializeExplore

* fix LokiContextUI test

* fix unit tests

* make importDashboard flow more consistent

* wait for dashboard name before continuing

* more test fixes

* readd dashboard name to variable e2e tests

* wait for switches to be enabled before clicking

* fix modal rendering

* don't use @testing-library/dom directly

* quick fix for rendering of panels in firefox

* make PromQueryField test more robust

* don't wait for chartData - in react 18 this can happen before the wait code even gets executed


Co-authored-by: kay delaney <>
Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <>
2023-04-11 10:51:54 +01:00

196 lines
6.0 KiB

"author": "Grafana Labs",
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"name": "@grafana/ui",
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"description": "Grafana Components Library",
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