2018-08-07 21:01:41 +02:00

571 lines
14 KiB

package tsdb
import (
// SqlMacroEngine interpolates macros into sql. It takes in the Query to have access to query context and
// timeRange to be able to generate queries that use from and to.
type SqlMacroEngine interface {
Interpolate(query *Query, timeRange *TimeRange, sql string) (string, error)
// SqlTableRowTransformer transforms a query result row to RowValues with proper types.
type SqlTableRowTransformer interface {
Transform(columnTypes []*sql.ColumnType, rows *core.Rows) (RowValues, error)
type engineCacheType struct {
cache map[int64]*xorm.Engine
versions map[int64]int
var engineCache = engineCacheType{
cache: make(map[int64]*xorm.Engine),
versions: make(map[int64]int),
var NewXormEngine = func(driverName string, connectionString string) (*xorm.Engine, error) {
return xorm.NewEngine(driverName, connectionString)
type sqlQueryEndpoint struct {
macroEngine SqlMacroEngine
rowTransformer SqlTableRowTransformer
engine *xorm.Engine
timeColumnNames []string
metricColumnTypes []string
log log.Logger
type SqlQueryEndpointConfiguration struct {
DriverName string
Datasource *models.DataSource
ConnectionString string
TimeColumnNames []string
MetricColumnTypes []string
var NewSqlQueryEndpoint = func(config *SqlQueryEndpointConfiguration, rowTransformer SqlTableRowTransformer, macroEngine SqlMacroEngine, log log.Logger) (TsdbQueryEndpoint, error) {
queryEndpoint := sqlQueryEndpoint{
rowTransformer: rowTransformer,
macroEngine: macroEngine,
timeColumnNames: []string{"time"},
log: log,
if len(config.TimeColumnNames) > 0 {
queryEndpoint.timeColumnNames = config.TimeColumnNames
if len(config.MetricColumnTypes) > 0 {
queryEndpoint.metricColumnTypes = config.MetricColumnTypes
defer engineCache.Unlock()
if engine, present := engineCache.cache[config.Datasource.Id]; present {
if version := engineCache.versions[config.Datasource.Id]; version == config.Datasource.Version {
queryEndpoint.engine = engine
return &queryEndpoint, nil
engine, err := NewXormEngine(config.DriverName, config.ConnectionString)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
engineCache.versions[config.Datasource.Id] = config.Datasource.Version
engineCache.cache[config.Datasource.Id] = engine
queryEndpoint.engine = engine
return &queryEndpoint, nil
const rowLimit = 1000000
// Query is the main function for the SqlQueryEndpoint
func (e *sqlQueryEndpoint) Query(ctx context.Context, dsInfo *models.DataSource, tsdbQuery *TsdbQuery) (*Response, error) {
result := &Response{
Results: make(map[string]*QueryResult),
session := e.engine.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
db := session.DB()
for _, query := range tsdbQuery.Queries {
rawSQL := query.Model.Get("rawSql").MustString()
if rawSQL == "" {
queryResult := &QueryResult{Meta: simplejson.New(), RefId: query.RefId}
result.Results[query.RefId] = queryResult
rawSQL, err := e.macroEngine.Interpolate(query, tsdbQuery.TimeRange, rawSQL)
if err != nil {
queryResult.Error = err
queryResult.Meta.Set("sql", rawSQL)
rows, err := db.Query(rawSQL)
if err != nil {
queryResult.Error = err
defer rows.Close()
format := query.Model.Get("format").MustString("time_series")
switch format {
case "time_series":
err := e.transformToTimeSeries(query, rows, queryResult, tsdbQuery)
if err != nil {
queryResult.Error = err
case "table":
err := e.transformToTable(query, rows, queryResult, tsdbQuery)
if err != nil {
queryResult.Error = err
return result, nil
func (e *sqlQueryEndpoint) transformToTable(query *Query, rows *core.Rows, result *QueryResult, tsdbQuery *TsdbQuery) error {
columnNames, err := rows.Columns()
columnCount := len(columnNames)
if err != nil {
return err
rowCount := 0
timeIndex := -1
table := &Table{
Columns: make([]TableColumn, columnCount),
Rows: make([]RowValues, 0),
for i, name := range columnNames {
table.Columns[i].Text = name
for _, tc := range e.timeColumnNames {
if name == tc {
timeIndex = i
columnTypes, err := rows.ColumnTypes()
if err != nil {
return err
for ; rows.Next(); rowCount++ {
if rowCount > rowLimit {
return fmt.Errorf("query row limit exceeded, limit %d", rowLimit)
values, err := e.rowTransformer.Transform(columnTypes, rows)
if err != nil {
return err
// converts column named time to unix timestamp in milliseconds
// to make native mssql datetime types and epoch dates work in
// annotation and table queries.
ConvertSqlTimeColumnToEpochMs(values, timeIndex)
table.Rows = append(table.Rows, values)
result.Tables = append(result.Tables, table)
result.Meta.Set("rowCount", rowCount)
return nil
func (e *sqlQueryEndpoint) transformToTimeSeries(query *Query, rows *core.Rows, result *QueryResult, tsdbQuery *TsdbQuery) error {
pointsBySeries := make(map[string]*TimeSeries)
seriesByQueryOrder := list.New()
columnNames, err := rows.Columns()
if err != nil {
return err
columnTypes, err := rows.ColumnTypes()
if err != nil {
return err
rowCount := 0
timeIndex := -1
metricIndex := -1
metricPrefix := false
var metricPrefixValue string
// check columns of resultset: a column named time is mandatory
// the first text column is treated as metric name unless a column named metric is present
for i, col := range columnNames {
for _, tc := range e.timeColumnNames {
if col == tc {
timeIndex = i
switch col {
case "metric":
metricIndex = i
if metricIndex == -1 {
columnType := columnTypes[i].DatabaseTypeName()
for _, mct := range e.metricColumnTypes {
if columnType == mct {
metricIndex = i
// use metric column as prefix with multiple value columns
if metricIndex != -1 && len(columnNames) > 3 {
metricPrefix = true
if timeIndex == -1 {
return fmt.Errorf("Found no column named %s", strings.Join(e.timeColumnNames, " or "))
fillMissing := query.Model.Get("fill").MustBool(false)
var fillInterval float64
fillValue := null.Float{}
fillPrevious := false
if fillMissing {
fillInterval = query.Model.Get("fillInterval").MustFloat64() * 1000
switch query.Model.Get("fillMode").MustString() {
case "null":
case "previous":
fillPrevious = true
case "value":
fillValue.Float64 = query.Model.Get("fillValue").MustFloat64()
fillValue.Valid = true
for rows.Next() {
var timestamp float64
var value null.Float
var metric string
if rowCount > rowLimit {
return fmt.Errorf("query row limit exceeded, limit %d", rowLimit)
values, err := e.rowTransformer.Transform(columnTypes, rows)
if err != nil {
return err
// converts column named time to unix timestamp in milliseconds to make
// native mysql datetime types and epoch dates work in
// annotation and table queries.
ConvertSqlTimeColumnToEpochMs(values, timeIndex)
switch columnValue := values[timeIndex].(type) {
case int64:
timestamp = float64(columnValue)
case float64:
timestamp = columnValue
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid type for column time, must be of type timestamp or unix timestamp, got: %T %v", columnValue, columnValue)
if metricIndex >= 0 {
if columnValue, ok := values[metricIndex].(string); ok {
if metricPrefix {
metricPrefixValue = columnValue
} else {
metric = columnValue
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Column metric must be of type %s. metric column name: %s type: %s but datatype is %T", strings.Join(e.metricColumnTypes, ", "), columnNames[metricIndex], columnTypes[metricIndex].DatabaseTypeName(), values[metricIndex])
for i, col := range columnNames {
if i == timeIndex || i == metricIndex {
if value, err = ConvertSqlValueColumnToFloat(col, values[i]); err != nil {
return err
if metricIndex == -1 {
metric = col
} else if metricPrefix {
metric = metricPrefixValue + " " + col
series, exist := pointsBySeries[metric]
if !exist {
series = &TimeSeries{Name: metric}
pointsBySeries[metric] = series
if fillMissing {
var intervalStart float64
if !exist {
intervalStart = float64(tsdbQuery.TimeRange.MustGetFrom().UnixNano() / 1e6)
} else {
intervalStart = series.Points[len(series.Points)-1][1].Float64 + fillInterval
if fillPrevious {
if len(series.Points) > 0 {
fillValue = series.Points[len(series.Points)-1][0]
} else {
fillValue.Valid = false
// align interval start
intervalStart = math.Floor(intervalStart/fillInterval) * fillInterval
for i := intervalStart; i < timestamp; i += fillInterval {
series.Points = append(series.Points, TimePoint{fillValue, null.FloatFrom(i)})
series.Points = append(series.Points, TimePoint{value, null.FloatFrom(timestamp)})
e.log.Debug("Rows", "metric", metric, "time", timestamp, "value", value)
for elem := seriesByQueryOrder.Front(); elem != nil; elem = elem.Next() {
key := elem.Value.(string)
result.Series = append(result.Series, pointsBySeries[key])
if fillMissing {
series := pointsBySeries[key]
// fill in values from last fetched value till interval end
intervalStart := series.Points[len(series.Points)-1][1].Float64
intervalEnd := float64(tsdbQuery.TimeRange.MustGetTo().UnixNano() / 1e6)
if fillPrevious {
if len(series.Points) > 0 {
fillValue = series.Points[len(series.Points)-1][0]
} else {
fillValue.Valid = false
// align interval start
intervalStart = math.Floor(intervalStart/fillInterval) * fillInterval
for i := intervalStart + fillInterval; i < intervalEnd; i += fillInterval {
series.Points = append(series.Points, TimePoint{fillValue, null.FloatFrom(i)})
result.Meta.Set("rowCount", rowCount)
return nil
// ConvertSqlTimeColumnToEpochMs converts column named time to unix timestamp in milliseconds
// to make native datetime types and epoch dates work in annotation and table queries.
func ConvertSqlTimeColumnToEpochMs(values RowValues, timeIndex int) {
if timeIndex >= 0 {
switch value := values[timeIndex].(type) {
case time.Time:
values[timeIndex] = float64(value.UnixNano()) / float64(time.Millisecond)
case *time.Time:
if value != nil {
values[timeIndex] = float64((*value).UnixNano()) / float64(time.Millisecond)
case int64:
values[timeIndex] = int64(EpochPrecisionToMs(float64(value)))
case *int64:
if value != nil {
values[timeIndex] = int64(EpochPrecisionToMs(float64(*value)))
case uint64:
values[timeIndex] = int64(EpochPrecisionToMs(float64(value)))
case *uint64:
if value != nil {
values[timeIndex] = int64(EpochPrecisionToMs(float64(*value)))
case int32:
values[timeIndex] = int64(EpochPrecisionToMs(float64(value)))
case *int32:
if value != nil {
values[timeIndex] = int64(EpochPrecisionToMs(float64(*value)))
case uint32:
values[timeIndex] = int64(EpochPrecisionToMs(float64(value)))
case *uint32:
if value != nil {
values[timeIndex] = int64(EpochPrecisionToMs(float64(*value)))
case float64:
values[timeIndex] = EpochPrecisionToMs(value)
case *float64:
if value != nil {
values[timeIndex] = EpochPrecisionToMs(*value)
case float32:
values[timeIndex] = EpochPrecisionToMs(float64(value))
case *float32:
if value != nil {
values[timeIndex] = EpochPrecisionToMs(float64(*value))
// ConvertSqlValueColumnToFloat converts timeseries value column to float.
func ConvertSqlValueColumnToFloat(columnName string, columnValue interface{}) (null.Float, error) {
var value null.Float
switch typedValue := columnValue.(type) {
case int:
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(typedValue))
case *int:
if typedValue == nil {
value.Valid = false
} else {
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(*typedValue))
case int64:
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(typedValue))
case *int64:
if typedValue == nil {
value.Valid = false
} else {
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(*typedValue))
case int32:
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(typedValue))
case *int32:
if typedValue == nil {
value.Valid = false
} else {
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(*typedValue))
case int16:
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(typedValue))
case *int16:
if typedValue == nil {
value.Valid = false
} else {
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(*typedValue))
case int8:
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(typedValue))
case *int8:
if typedValue == nil {
value.Valid = false
} else {
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(*typedValue))
case uint:
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(typedValue))
case *uint:
if typedValue == nil {
value.Valid = false
} else {
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(*typedValue))
case uint64:
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(typedValue))
case *uint64:
if typedValue == nil {
value.Valid = false
} else {
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(*typedValue))
case uint32:
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(typedValue))
case *uint32:
if typedValue == nil {
value.Valid = false
} else {
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(*typedValue))
case uint16:
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(typedValue))
case *uint16:
if typedValue == nil {
value.Valid = false
} else {
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(*typedValue))
case uint8:
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(typedValue))
case *uint8:
if typedValue == nil {
value.Valid = false
} else {
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(*typedValue))
case float64:
value = null.FloatFrom(typedValue)
case *float64:
value = null.FloatFromPtr(typedValue)
case float32:
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(typedValue))
case *float32:
if typedValue == nil {
value.Valid = false
} else {
value = null.FloatFrom(float64(*typedValue))
case nil:
value.Valid = false
return null.NewFloat(0, false), fmt.Errorf("Value column must have numeric datatype, column: %s type: %T value: %v", columnName, typedValue, typedValue)
return value, nil