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import { I18n, i18n } from '@lingui/core';
import { I18nProvider as LinguiI18nProvider } from '@lingui/react';
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import config from 'app/core/config';
import { messages as fallbackMessages } from '../../../locales/en-US/messages';
import { DEFAULT_LOCALE, VALID_LOCALES } from './constants';
let i18nInstance: I18n;
export async function initI18n(localInput: string = DEFAULT_LOCALE) {
const validatedLocale = VALID_LOCALES.includes(localInput) ? localInput : DEFAULT_LOCALE;
if (i18nInstance && i18nInstance.locale === validatedLocale) {
return i18nInstance;
// Dynamically load the messages for the user's locale
const imp =
config.featureToggles.internationalization &&
(await import(`../../../locales/${validatedLocale}/messages`).catch((err) => {
// TODO: Properly return an error if we can't find the messages for a locale
return err;
i18n.load(validatedLocale, imp?.messages || fallbackMessages);
// Browser support for Intl.PluralRules is good and covers what we support in .browserlistrc,
// but because this could potentially be in a the critical path of loading the frontend lets
// be extra careful
// If this isnt loaded, Lingui will log a warning and plurals will not be translated correctly.
const supportsPluralRules = 'Intl' in window && 'PluralRules' in Intl;
if (supportsPluralRules) {
const pluralsOrdinal = new Intl.PluralRules(validatedLocale, { type: 'ordinal' });
const pluralsCardinal = new Intl.PluralRules(validatedLocale, { type: 'cardinal' });
i18n.loadLocaleData(validatedLocale, {
plurals(count: number, ordinal: boolean) {
return (ordinal ? pluralsOrdinal : pluralsCardinal).select(count);
i18nInstance = i18n;
return i18nInstance;
interface I18nProviderProps {
children: React.ReactNode;
export function I18nProvider({ children }: I18nProviderProps) {
useEffect(() => {
const locale = config.featureToggles.internationalization ? config.bootData.user.locale : DEFAULT_LOCALE;
}, []);
return (
<LinguiI18nProvider i18n={i18n} forceRenderOnLocaleChange={false}>
// This is only really used for ModalManager, as that creates a new react root we need to make sure is localisable.
export function provideI18n<P extends {}>(WrappedWithI18N: React.ComponentType<P>) {
const I18nProviderWrapper = (props: P) => {
return (
<WrappedWithI18N {...props} />
return I18nProviderWrapper;