Jeff Levin eacee08135
public dashboards: move into into its own service (#51358)
This PR moves public dashboards into its own self contained service including API, Service, Database, and Models. Routes are mounted on the Grafana HTTPServer by the API service at injection time with wire.go. The main  route that loads the frontend for public dashboards is still handled by the API package.

Co-authored-by: Jesse Weaver <>
Co-authored-by: Owen Smallwood <>
2022-07-06 17:51:44 -06:00

447 lines
12 KiB

// Code generated by mockery v2.12.2. DO NOT EDIT.
package dashboards
import (
context "context"
models ""
mock ""
testing "testing"
// FakeDashboardStore is an autogenerated mock type for the Store type
type FakeDashboardStore struct {
// DeleteDashboard provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, cmd
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) DeleteDashboard(ctx context.Context, cmd *models.DeleteDashboardCommand) error {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, cmd)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *models.DeleteDashboardCommand) error); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, cmd)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// DeleteOrphanedProvisionedDashboards provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, cmd
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) DeleteOrphanedProvisionedDashboards(ctx context.Context, cmd *models.DeleteOrphanedProvisionedDashboardsCommand) error {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, cmd)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *models.DeleteOrphanedProvisionedDashboardsCommand) error); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, cmd)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// FindDashboards provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, query
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) FindDashboards(ctx context.Context, query *models.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery) ([]DashboardSearchProjection, error) {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, query)
var r0 []DashboardSearchProjection
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *models.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery) []DashboardSearchProjection); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, query)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).([]DashboardSearchProjection)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *models.FindPersistedDashboardsQuery) error); ok {
r1 = rf(ctx, query)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// GetDashboard provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, query
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) GetDashboard(ctx context.Context, query *models.GetDashboardQuery) (*models.Dashboard, error) {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, query)
var r0 *models.Dashboard
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *models.GetDashboardQuery) *models.Dashboard); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, query)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*models.Dashboard)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, *models.GetDashboardQuery) error); ok {
r1 = rf(ctx, query)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// GetDashboardAclInfoList provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, query
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) GetDashboardAclInfoList(ctx context.Context, query *models.GetDashboardAclInfoListQuery) error {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, query)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *models.GetDashboardAclInfoListQuery) error); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, query)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// GetDashboardTags provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, query
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) GetDashboardTags(ctx context.Context, query *models.GetDashboardTagsQuery) error {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, query)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *models.GetDashboardTagsQuery) error); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, query)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// GetDashboardUIDById provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, query
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) GetDashboardUIDById(ctx context.Context, query *models.GetDashboardRefByIdQuery) error {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, query)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *models.GetDashboardRefByIdQuery) error); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, query)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// GetDashboards provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, query
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) GetDashboards(ctx context.Context, query *models.GetDashboardsQuery) error {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, query)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *models.GetDashboardsQuery) error); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, query)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// GetDashboardsByPluginID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, query
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) GetDashboardsByPluginID(ctx context.Context, query *models.GetDashboardsByPluginIdQuery) error {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, query)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *models.GetDashboardsByPluginIdQuery) error); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, query)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// GetFolderByID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orgID, id
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) GetFolderByID(ctx context.Context, orgID int64, id int64) (*models.Folder, error) {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, orgID, id)
var r0 *models.Folder
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, int64, int64) *models.Folder); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, orgID, id)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*models.Folder)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, int64, int64) error); ok {
r1 = rf(ctx, orgID, id)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// GetFolderByTitle provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orgID, title
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) GetFolderByTitle(ctx context.Context, orgID int64, title string) (*models.Folder, error) {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, orgID, title)
var r0 *models.Folder
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, int64, string) *models.Folder); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, orgID, title)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*models.Folder)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, int64, string) error); ok {
r1 = rf(ctx, orgID, title)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// GetFolderByUID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, orgID, uid
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) GetFolderByUID(ctx context.Context, orgID int64, uid string) (*models.Folder, error) {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, orgID, uid)
var r0 *models.Folder
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, int64, string) *models.Folder); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, orgID, uid)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*models.Folder)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(context.Context, int64, string) error); ok {
r1 = rf(ctx, orgID, uid)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// GetProvisionedDashboardData provides a mock function with given fields: name
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) GetProvisionedDashboardData(name string) ([]*models.DashboardProvisioning, error) {
ret := _m.Called(name)
var r0 []*models.DashboardProvisioning
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(string) []*models.DashboardProvisioning); ok {
r0 = rf(name)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).([]*models.DashboardProvisioning)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(string) error); ok {
r1 = rf(name)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// GetProvisionedDataByDashboardID provides a mock function with given fields: dashboardID
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) GetProvisionedDataByDashboardID(dashboardID int64) (*models.DashboardProvisioning, error) {
ret := _m.Called(dashboardID)
var r0 *models.DashboardProvisioning
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(int64) *models.DashboardProvisioning); ok {
r0 = rf(dashboardID)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*models.DashboardProvisioning)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(int64) error); ok {
r1 = rf(dashboardID)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// GetProvisionedDataByDashboardUID provides a mock function with given fields: orgID, dashboardUID
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) GetProvisionedDataByDashboardUID(orgID int64, dashboardUID string) (*models.DashboardProvisioning, error) {
ret := _m.Called(orgID, dashboardUID)
var r0 *models.DashboardProvisioning
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(int64, string) *models.DashboardProvisioning); ok {
r0 = rf(orgID, dashboardUID)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*models.DashboardProvisioning)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(int64, string) error); ok {
r1 = rf(orgID, dashboardUID)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// HasAdminPermissionInDashboardsOrFolders provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, query
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) HasAdminPermissionInDashboardsOrFolders(ctx context.Context, query *models.HasAdminPermissionInDashboardsOrFoldersQuery) error {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, query)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *models.HasAdminPermissionInDashboardsOrFoldersQuery) error); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, query)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// HasEditPermissionInFolders provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, query
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) HasEditPermissionInFolders(ctx context.Context, query *models.HasEditPermissionInFoldersQuery) error {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, query)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, *models.HasEditPermissionInFoldersQuery) error); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, query)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// SaveAlerts provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, dashID, alerts
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) SaveAlerts(ctx context.Context, dashID int64, alerts []*models.Alert) error {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, dashID, alerts)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, int64, []*models.Alert) error); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, dashID, alerts)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// SaveDashboard provides a mock function with given fields: cmd
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) SaveDashboard(cmd models.SaveDashboardCommand) (*models.Dashboard, error) {
ret := _m.Called(cmd)
var r0 *models.Dashboard
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(models.SaveDashboardCommand) *models.Dashboard); ok {
r0 = rf(cmd)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*models.Dashboard)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(models.SaveDashboardCommand) error); ok {
r1 = rf(cmd)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// SaveProvisionedDashboard provides a mock function with given fields: cmd, provisioning
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) SaveProvisionedDashboard(cmd models.SaveDashboardCommand, provisioning *models.DashboardProvisioning) (*models.Dashboard, error) {
ret := _m.Called(cmd, provisioning)
var r0 *models.Dashboard
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(models.SaveDashboardCommand, *models.DashboardProvisioning) *models.Dashboard); ok {
r0 = rf(cmd, provisioning)
} else {
if ret.Get(0) != nil {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(*models.Dashboard)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(models.SaveDashboardCommand, *models.DashboardProvisioning) error); ok {
r1 = rf(cmd, provisioning)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// UnprovisionDashboard provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, id
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) UnprovisionDashboard(ctx context.Context, id int64) error {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, id)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, int64) error); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, id)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// UpdateDashboardACL provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, uid, items
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) UpdateDashboardACL(ctx context.Context, uid int64, items []*models.DashboardAcl) error {
ret := _m.Called(ctx, uid, items)
var r0 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(context.Context, int64, []*models.DashboardAcl) error); ok {
r0 = rf(ctx, uid, items)
} else {
r0 = ret.Error(0)
return r0
// ValidateDashboardBeforeSave provides a mock function with given fields: dashboard, overwrite
func (_m *FakeDashboardStore) ValidateDashboardBeforeSave(dashboard *models.Dashboard, overwrite bool) (bool, error) {
ret := _m.Called(dashboard, overwrite)
var r0 bool
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*models.Dashboard, bool) bool); ok {
r0 = rf(dashboard, overwrite)
} else {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(bool)
var r1 error
if rf, ok := ret.Get(1).(func(*models.Dashboard, bool) error); ok {
r1 = rf(dashboard, overwrite)
} else {
r1 = ret.Error(1)
return r0, r1
// NewFakeDashboardStore creates a new instance of FakeDashboardStore. It also registers the testing.TB interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
func NewFakeDashboardStore(t testing.TB) *FakeDashboardStore {
mock := &FakeDashboardStore{}
t.Cleanup(func() { mock.AssertExpectations(t) })
return mock