Joe Blubaugh 689ae96a0e
Alerting: Refactor API types generation with different names. (#51785)
This changes the API codegen template (controller-api.mustache) to simplify some names. When this package was created, most APIs "forked" to either a Grafana backend implementation or a "Lotex" remote implementation. As we have added APIs it's no longer the case. Provisioning, configuration, and testing APIs do not fork, and we are likely to add additional APIs that don't fork.

This change replaces {{classname}}ForkingService with {{classname}} for interface names, and names the concrete implementation {{classname}}Handler. It changes the implied implementation of a route handler from fork{{nickname}} to handle{{nickname}}. So PrometheusApiForkingService becomes PrometheusApi, ForkedPrometheusApi becomes PrometheusApiHandler and forkRouteGetGrafanaAlertStatuses becomes handleRouteGetGrafanaAlertStatuses

It also renames some files - APIs that do no forking go from forked_{{name}}.go to {{name}}.go and APIs that still fork go from forked_{{name}}.go to forking_{{name}}.go to capture the idea that those files a "doing forking" rather than "are a fork of something."

Signed-off-by: Joe Blubaugh <>
2022-07-18 03:08:08 -04:00

148 lines
5.5 KiB

package api
import (
apimodels ""
// timeNow makes it possible to test usage of time
var timeNow = time.Now
type ExternalAlertmanagerProvider interface {
AlertmanagersFor(orgID int64) []*url.URL
DroppedAlertmanagersFor(orgID int64) []*url.URL
type Alertmanager interface {
// Configuration
SaveAndApplyConfig(ctx context.Context, config *apimodels.PostableUserConfig) error
SaveAndApplyDefaultConfig(ctx context.Context) error
GetStatus() apimodels.GettableStatus
// Silences
CreateSilence(ps *apimodels.PostableSilence) (string, error)
DeleteSilence(silenceID string) error
GetSilence(silenceID string) (apimodels.GettableSilence, error)
ListSilences(filter []string) (apimodels.GettableSilences, error)
// Alerts
GetAlerts(active, silenced, inhibited bool, filter []string, receiver string) (apimodels.GettableAlerts, error)
GetAlertGroups(active, silenced, inhibited bool, filter []string, receiver string) (apimodels.AlertGroups, error)
// Testing
TestReceivers(ctx context.Context, c apimodels.TestReceiversConfigBodyParams) (*notifier.TestReceiversResult, error)
type AlertingStore interface {
GetLatestAlertmanagerConfiguration(ctx context.Context, query *models.GetLatestAlertmanagerConfigurationQuery) error
// API handlers.
type API struct {
Cfg *setting.Cfg
DatasourceCache datasources.CacheService
RouteRegister routing.RouteRegister
ExpressionService *expr.Service
QuotaService quota.Service
Schedule schedule.ScheduleService
TransactionManager provisioning.TransactionManager
ProvenanceStore provisioning.ProvisioningStore
RuleStore store.RuleStore
InstanceStore store.InstanceStore
AlertingStore AlertingStore
AdminConfigStore store.AdminConfigurationStore
DataProxy *datasourceproxy.DataSourceProxyService
MultiOrgAlertmanager *notifier.MultiOrgAlertmanager
StateManager *state.Manager
SecretsService secrets.Service
AccessControl accesscontrol.AccessControl
Policies *provisioning.NotificationPolicyService
ContactPointService *provisioning.ContactPointService
Templates *provisioning.TemplateService
MuteTimings *provisioning.MuteTimingService
AlertRules *provisioning.AlertRuleService
AlertsRouter *sender.AlertsRouter
// RegisterAPIEndpoints registers API handlers
func (api *API) RegisterAPIEndpoints(m *metrics.API) {
logger := log.New("ngalert.api")
proxy := &AlertingProxy{
DataProxy: api.DataProxy,
// Register endpoints for proxying to Alertmanager-compatible backends.
NewLotexAM(proxy, logger),
&AlertmanagerSrv{crypto: api.MultiOrgAlertmanager.Crypto, log: logger, ac: api.AccessControl, mam: api.MultiOrgAlertmanager},
), m)
// Register endpoints for proxying to Prometheus-compatible backends.
NewLotexProm(proxy, logger),
&PrometheusSrv{log: logger, manager: api.StateManager, store: api.RuleStore, ac: api.AccessControl},
), m)
// Register endpoints for proxying to Cortex Ruler-compatible backends.
NewLotexRuler(proxy, logger),
DatasourceCache: api.DatasourceCache,
QuotaService: api.QuotaService,
scheduleService: api.Schedule,
store: api.RuleStore,
provenanceStore: api.ProvenanceStore,
xactManager: api.TransactionManager,
log: logger,
cfg: &api.Cfg.UnifiedAlerting,
ac: api.AccessControl,
), m)
AlertingProxy: proxy,
DatasourceCache: api.DatasourceCache,
log: logger,
accessControl: api.AccessControl,
evaluator: eval.NewEvaluator(api.Cfg, log.New("ngalert.eval"), api.DatasourceCache, api.SecretsService, api.ExpressionService),
}), m)
store: api.AdminConfigStore,
log: logger,
alertmanagerProvider: api.AlertsRouter,
), m)
log: logger,
policies: api.Policies,
contactPointService: api.ContactPointService,
templates: api.Templates,
muteTimings: api.MuteTimings,
alertRules: api.AlertRules,
}), m)