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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
364 lines
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364 lines
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package cloudmonitoring
import (
func (timeSeriesQuery cloudMonitoringTimeSeriesQuery) run(ctx context.Context, req *backend.QueryDataRequest,
s *Service, dsInfo datasourceInfo, tracer tracing.Tracer) (*backend.DataResponse, cloudMonitoringResponse, string, error) {
dr := &backend.DataResponse{}
projectName := timeSeriesQuery.ProjectName
if projectName == "" {
var err error
projectName, err = s.getDefaultProject(ctx, dsInfo)
if err != nil {
dr.Error = err
return dr, cloudMonitoringResponse{}, "", nil
slog.Info("No project name set on query, using project name from datasource", "projectName", projectName)
intervalCalculator := intervalv2.NewCalculator(intervalv2.CalculatorOptions{})
interval := intervalCalculator.Calculate(req.Queries[0].TimeRange, time.Duration(timeSeriesQuery.IntervalMS/1000)*time.Second, req.Queries[0].MaxDataPoints)
from := req.Queries[0].TimeRange.From
to := req.Queries[0].TimeRange.To
timeFormat := "2006/01/02-15:04:05"
timeSeriesQuery.Query += fmt.Sprintf(" | graph_period %s | within d'%s', d'%s'", interval.Text, from.UTC().Format(timeFormat), to.UTC().Format(timeFormat))
buf, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
"query": timeSeriesQuery.Query,
if err != nil {
dr.Error = err
return dr, cloudMonitoringResponse{}, "", nil
r, err := s.createRequest(ctx, &dsInfo, path.Join("/v3/projects", projectName, "timeSeries:query"), bytes.NewBuffer(buf))
if err != nil {
dr.Error = err
return dr, cloudMonitoringResponse{}, "", nil
ctx, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "cloudMonitoring MQL query")
span.SetAttributes("query", timeSeriesQuery.Query, attribute.Key("query").String(timeSeriesQuery.Query))
span.SetAttributes("from", req.Queries[0].TimeRange.From, attribute.Key("from").String(req.Queries[0].TimeRange.From.String()))
span.SetAttributes("until", req.Queries[0].TimeRange.To, attribute.Key("until").String(req.Queries[0].TimeRange.To.String()))
defer span.End()
tracer.Inject(ctx, r.Header, span)
r = r.WithContext(ctx)
res, err := dsInfo.services[cloudMonitor].client.Do(r)
if err != nil {
dr.Error = err
return dr, cloudMonitoringResponse{}, "", nil
d, err := unmarshalResponse(res)
if err != nil {
dr.Error = err
return dr, cloudMonitoringResponse{}, "", nil
return dr, d, timeSeriesQuery.Query, nil
func (timeSeriesQuery cloudMonitoringTimeSeriesQuery) parseResponse(queryRes *backend.DataResponse,
response cloudMonitoringResponse, executedQueryString string) error {
frames := data.Frames{}
for _, series := range response.TimeSeriesData {
seriesLabels := make(map[string]string)
frame := data.NewFrameOfFieldTypes("", len(series.PointData), data.FieldTypeTime, data.FieldTypeFloat64)
frame.RefID = timeSeriesQuery.RefID
frame.Meta = &data.FrameMeta{
ExecutedQueryString: executedQueryString,
labels := make(map[string]string)
for n, d := range response.TimeSeriesDescriptor.LabelDescriptors {
key := toSnakeCase(d.Key)
key = strings.Replace(key, ".", ".label.", 1)
labelValue := series.LabelValues[n]
switch d.ValueType {
case "BOOL":
strVal := strconv.FormatBool(labelValue.BoolValue)
labels[key] = strVal
seriesLabels[key] = strVal
case "INT64":
labels[key] = labelValue.Int64Value
seriesLabels[key] = labelValue.Int64Value
labels[key] = labelValue.StringValue
seriesLabels[key] = labelValue.StringValue
for n, d := range response.TimeSeriesDescriptor.PointDescriptors {
// If more than 1 pointdescriptor was returned, three aggregations are returned per time series - min, mean and max.
// This is a because the period for the given table is less than half the duration which is used in the graph_period MQL function.
// See https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/mql/reference#graph_period-tabop
// When this is the case, we'll just ignore the min and max and use the mean value in the frame
if len(response.TimeSeriesDescriptor.PointDescriptors) > 1 && !strings.HasSuffix(d.Key, ".mean") {
labels["metric.name"] = d.Key
seriesLabels["metric.name"] = d.Key
defaultMetricName := d.Key
// process non-distribution series
if d.ValueType != "DISTRIBUTION" {
// reverse the order to be ascending
for i := len(series.PointData) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
point := series.PointData[i]
value := point.Values[n].DoubleValue
if d.ValueType == "INT64" {
parsedValue, err := strconv.ParseFloat(point.Values[n].Int64Value, 64)
if err == nil {
value = parsedValue
} else if d.ValueType == "BOOL" {
if point.Values[n].BoolValue {
value = 1
} else {
value = 0
frame.SetRow(len(series.PointData)-1-i, series.PointData[i].TimeInterval.EndTime, value)
metricName := formatLegendKeys(d.Key, defaultMetricName, seriesLabels, nil,
ProjectName: timeSeriesQuery.ProjectName, AliasBy: timeSeriesQuery.AliasBy,
dataField := frame.Fields[1]
dataField.Name = metricName
dataField.Labels = seriesLabels
frames = append(frames, frame)
// process distribution series
buckets := make(map[int]*data.Frame)
// reverse the order to be ascending
for i := len(series.PointData) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
point := series.PointData[i]
if len(point.Values[n].DistributionValue.BucketCounts) == 0 {
maxKey := 0
for i := 0; i < len(point.Values[n].DistributionValue.BucketCounts); i++ {
value, err := strconv.ParseFloat(point.Values[n].DistributionValue.BucketCounts[i], 64)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := buckets[i]; !ok {
// set lower bounds
// https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/api/ref_v3/rest/v3/TimeSeries#Distribution
bucketBound := calcBucketBound(point.Values[n].DistributionValue.BucketOptions, i)
additionalLabels := map[string]string{"bucket": bucketBound}
timeField := data.NewField(data.TimeSeriesTimeFieldName, nil, []time.Time{})
valueField := data.NewField(data.TimeSeriesValueFieldName, nil, []float64{})
frameName := formatLegendKeys(d.Key, defaultMetricName, nil, additionalLabels, &cloudMonitoringTimeSeriesFilter{ProjectName: timeSeriesQuery.ProjectName, AliasBy: timeSeriesQuery.AliasBy})
valueField.Name = frameName
valueField.Labels = seriesLabels
buckets[i] = &data.Frame{
Name: frameName,
Fields: []*data.Field{
RefID: timeSeriesQuery.RefID,
if maxKey < i {
maxKey = i
buckets[i].AppendRow(point.TimeInterval.EndTime, value)
// fill empty bucket
for i := 0; i < maxKey; i++ {
if _, ok := buckets[i]; !ok {
bucketBound := calcBucketBound(point.Values[n].DistributionValue.BucketOptions, i)
additionalLabels := data.Labels{"bucket": bucketBound}
timeField := data.NewField(data.TimeSeriesTimeFieldName, nil, []time.Time{})
valueField := data.NewField(data.TimeSeriesValueFieldName, nil, []float64{})
frameName := formatLegendKeys(d.Key, defaultMetricName, seriesLabels, additionalLabels, &cloudMonitoringTimeSeriesFilter{ProjectName: timeSeriesQuery.ProjectName, AliasBy: timeSeriesQuery.AliasBy})
valueField.Name = frameName
valueField.Labels = seriesLabels
buckets[i] = &data.Frame{
Name: frameName,
Fields: []*data.Field{
RefID: timeSeriesQuery.RefID,
for i := 0; i < len(buckets); i++ {
frames = append(frames, buckets[i])
customFrameMeta := map[string]interface{}{}
customFrameMeta["labels"] = labels
if frame.Meta != nil {
frame.Meta.Custom = customFrameMeta
} else {
frame.SetMeta(&data.FrameMeta{Custom: customFrameMeta})
if len(response.TimeSeriesData) > 0 {
dl := timeSeriesQuery.buildDeepLink()
frames = addConfigData(frames, dl, response.Unit)
queryRes.Frames = frames
return nil
func (timeSeriesQuery cloudMonitoringTimeSeriesQuery) parseToAnnotations(queryRes *backend.DataResponse,
data cloudMonitoringResponse, title, text string) error {
annotations := make([]map[string]string, 0)
for _, series := range data.TimeSeriesData {
metricLabels := make(map[string]string)
resourceLabels := make(map[string]string)
for n, d := range data.TimeSeriesDescriptor.LabelDescriptors {
key := toSnakeCase(d.Key)
labelValue := series.LabelValues[n]
value := ""
switch d.ValueType {
case "BOOL":
strVal := strconv.FormatBool(labelValue.BoolValue)
value = strVal
case "INT64":
value = labelValue.Int64Value
value = labelValue.StringValue
if strings.Index(key, "metric.") == 0 {
key = key[len("metric."):]
metricLabels[key] = value
} else if strings.Index(key, "resource.") == 0 {
key = key[len("resource."):]
resourceLabels[key] = value
for n, d := range data.TimeSeriesDescriptor.PointDescriptors {
// reverse the order to be ascending
for i := len(series.PointData) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
point := series.PointData[i]
value := strconv.FormatFloat(point.Values[n].DoubleValue, 'f', 6, 64)
if d.ValueType == "STRING" {
value = point.Values[n].StringValue
annotation := make(map[string]string)
annotation["time"] = point.TimeInterval.EndTime.UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
annotation["title"] = formatAnnotationText(title, value, d.MetricKind, metricLabels, resourceLabels)
annotation["tags"] = ""
annotation["text"] = formatAnnotationText(text, value, d.MetricKind, metricLabels, resourceLabels)
annotations = append(annotations, annotation)
timeSeriesQuery.transformAnnotationToFrame(annotations, queryRes)
return nil
func (timeSeriesQuery cloudMonitoringTimeSeriesQuery) buildDeepLink() string {
u, err := url.Parse("https://console.cloud.google.com/monitoring/metrics-explorer")
if err != nil {
slog.Error("Failed to generate deep link: unable to parse metrics explorer URL", "projectName", timeSeriesQuery.ProjectName, "query", timeSeriesQuery.RefID)
return ""
q := u.Query()
q.Set("project", timeSeriesQuery.ProjectName)
q.Set("Grafana_deeplink", "true")
pageState := map[string]interface{}{
"xyChart": map[string]interface{}{
"constantLines": []string{},
"dataSets": []map[string]interface{}{
"timeSeriesQuery": timeSeriesQuery.Query,
"targetAxis": "Y1",
"plotType": "LINE",
"timeshiftDuration": "0s",
"y1Axis": map[string]string{
"label": "y1Axis",
"scale": "LINEAR",
"timeSelection": map[string]string{
"timeRange": "custom",
"start": timeSeriesQuery.timeRange.From.Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
"end": timeSeriesQuery.timeRange.To.Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
blob, err := json.Marshal(pageState)
if err != nil {
slog.Error("Failed to generate deep link", "pageState", pageState, "ProjectName", timeSeriesQuery.ProjectName, "query", timeSeriesQuery.RefID)
return ""
q.Set("pageState", string(blob))
u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
accountChooserURL, err := url.Parse("https://accounts.google.com/AccountChooser")
if err != nil {
slog.Error("Failed to generate deep link: unable to parse account chooser URL", "ProjectName", timeSeriesQuery.ProjectName, "query", timeSeriesQuery.RefID)
return ""
accountChooserQuery := accountChooserURL.Query()
accountChooserQuery.Set("continue", u.String())
accountChooserURL.RawQuery = accountChooserQuery.Encode()
return accountChooserURL.String()
func (timeSeriesQuery cloudMonitoringTimeSeriesQuery) getRefID() string {
return timeSeriesQuery.RefID