Josh Hunt f917fbfe42
NestedFolders: Enable new nested folder picker by default for nested folders (#72129)
NestedFolders: Enable new nested folder picker by default
2023-07-24 13:51:00 +00:00

346 lines
9.8 KiB

package featuremgmt
import (
func TestFeatureToggleFiles(t *testing.T) {
legacyNames := map[string]bool{
"httpclientprovider_azure_auth": true,
"service-accounts": true,
"database_metrics": true,
"live-service-web-worker": true,
"k8s": true, // Camel case does not like this one
t.Run("check registry constraints", func(t *testing.T) {
for _, flag := range standardFeatureFlags {
if flag.Expression == "true" && flag.Stage != FeatureStageGeneralAvailability {
t.Errorf("only FeatureStageGeneralAvailability features can be enabled by default. See: %s", flag.Name)
if flag.RequiresDevMode && flag.Stage != FeatureStageExperimental {
t.Errorf("only alpha features can require dev mode. See: %s", flag.Name)
if flag.Stage == FeatureStageUnknown {
t.Errorf("standard toggles should not have an unknown state. See: %s", flag.Name)
if flag.Description != strings.TrimSpace(flag.Description) {
t.Errorf("flag Description should not start/end with spaces. See: %s", flag.Name)
if flag.Name != strings.TrimSpace(flag.Name) {
t.Errorf("flag Name should not start/end with spaces. See: %s", flag.Name)
t.Run("all new features should have an owner", func(t *testing.T) {
for _, flag := range standardFeatureFlags {
if flag.Owner == "" {
t.Errorf("feature %s does not have an owner. please fill the FeatureFlag.Owner property", flag.Name)
t.Run("verify files", func(t *testing.T) {
// Typescript files
// Golang files
// Docs files
// CSV Analytics
t.Run("check feature naming convention", func(t *testing.T) {
invalidNames := make([]string, 0)
for _, f := range standardFeatureFlags {
if legacyNames[f.Name] {
if f.Name != strcase.ToLowerCamel(f.Name) {
invalidNames = append(invalidNames, f.Name)
require.Empty(t, invalidNames, "%s feature names should be camel cased", invalidNames)
// acronyms can be configured as needed via `ConfigureAcronym` function from `./strcase/camel.go`
func verifyAndGenerateFile(t *testing.T, fpath string, gen string) {
// nolint:gosec
// We can ignore the gosec G304 warning since this is a test and the function is only called explicitly above
body, err := os.ReadFile(fpath)
if err == nil {
if diff := cmp.Diff(gen, string(body)); diff != "" {
str := fmt.Sprintf("body mismatch (-want +got):\n%s\n", diff)
err = fmt.Errorf(str)
if err != nil {
e2 := os.WriteFile(fpath, []byte(gen), 0644)
if e2 != nil {
t.Errorf("error writing file: %s", e2.Error())
abs, _ := filepath.Abs(fpath)
t.Errorf("feature toggle do not match: %s (%s)", err.Error(), abs)
func generateTypeScript() string {
buf := `// NOTE: This file was auto generated. DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY!
// To change feature flags, edit:
// pkg/services/featuremgmt/registry.go
// Then run tests in:
// pkg/services/featuremgmt/toggles_gen_test.go
* Describes available feature toggles in Grafana. These can be configured via
* conf/custom.ini to enable features under development or not yet available in
* stable version.
* Only enabled values will be returned in this interface.
* NOTE: the possible values may change between versions without notice, although
* this may cause compilation issues when depending on removed feature keys, the
* runtime state will continue to work.
* @public
export interface FeatureToggles {
for _, flag := range standardFeatureFlags {
buf += " " + getTypeScriptKey(flag.Name) + "?: boolean;\n"
buf += "}\n"
return buf
func getTypeScriptKey(key string) string {
if strings.Contains(key, "-") || strings.Contains(key, ".") {
return "['" + key + "']"
return key
func generateRegistry(t *testing.T) string {
tmpl, err := template.New("fn").Parse(`
{{"\t"}}// Flag{{.CamelCase}}{{.Ext}}
{{"\t"}}Flag{{.CamelCase}} = "{{.Flag.Name}}"
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error reading template", "error", err.Error())
return ""
data := struct {
CamelCase string
Flag FeatureFlag
Ext string
CamelCase: "?",
var buff bytes.Buffer
buff.WriteString(`// NOTE: This file was auto generated. DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY!
// To change feature flags, edit:
// pkg/services/featuremgmt/registry.go
// Then run tests in:
// pkg/services/featuremgmt/toggles_gen_test.go
package featuremgmt
const (`)
for _, flag := range standardFeatureFlags {
data.CamelCase = strcase.ToCamel(flag.Name)
data.Flag = flag
data.Ext = ""
if flag.Description != "" {
data.Ext += "\n\t// " + flag.Description
_ = tmpl.Execute(&buff, data)
return buff.String()
func generateCSV() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
w := csv.NewWriter(&buf)
if err := w.Write([]string{
"Stage", //flag.Stage.String(),
"Owner", //string(flag.Owner),
"requiresDevMode", //strconv.FormatBool(flag.RequiresDevMode),
"RequiresLicense", //strconv.FormatBool(flag.RequiresLicense),
"RequiresRestart", //strconv.FormatBool(flag.RequiresRestart),
"FrontendOnly", //strconv.FormatBool(flag.FrontendOnly),
}); err != nil {
log.Fatalln("error writing record to csv:", err)
for _, flag := range standardFeatureFlags {
if err := w.Write([]string{
}); err != nil {
log.Fatalln("error writing record to csv:", err)
return buf.String()
func generateDocsMD() string {
hasDeprecatedFlags := false
buf := `---
- /docs/grafana/latest/setup-grafana/configure-grafana/feature-toggles/
description: Learn about feature toggles, which you can enable or disable.
title: Configure feature toggles
weight: 150
<!-- DO NOT EDIT THIS PAGE, it is machine generated by running the test in -->
<!-- -->
# Configure feature toggles
You use feature toggles, also known as feature flags, to enable or disable features in Grafana. You can turn on feature toggles to try out new functionality in development or test environments.
This page contains a list of available feature toggles. To learn how to turn on feature toggles, refer to our [Configure Grafana documentation]({{< relref "../" >}}). Feature toggles are also available to Grafana Cloud Advanced customers. If you use Grafana Cloud Advanced, you can open a support ticket and specify the feature toggles and stack for which you want them enabled.
## Feature toggles
Some features are enabled by default. You can disable these feature by setting the feature flag to "false" in the configuration.
` + writeToggleDocsTable(func(flag FeatureFlag) bool {
return flag.Stage == FeatureStageGeneralAvailability
}, true)
buf += `
## Preview feature toggles
` + writeToggleDocsTable(func(flag FeatureFlag) bool {
return flag.Stage == FeatureStagePublicPreview
}, false)
if hasDeprecatedFlags {
buf += `
## Deprecated feature toggles
When features are slated for removal, they will be marked as Deprecated first.
` + writeToggleDocsTable(func(flag FeatureFlag) bool {
return flag.Stage == FeatureStageDeprecated
}, false)
buf += `
## Experimental feature toggles
These features are early in their development lifecycle and so are not yet supported in Grafana Cloud.
Experimental features might be changed or removed without prior notice.
` + writeToggleDocsTable(func(flag FeatureFlag) bool {
return flag.Stage == FeatureStageExperimental && !flag.RequiresDevMode
}, false)
buf += `
## Development feature toggles
The following toggles require explicitly setting Grafana's [app mode]({{< relref "../" >}}) to 'development' before you can enable this feature toggle. These features tend to be experimental.
` + writeToggleDocsTable(func(flag FeatureFlag) bool {
return flag.RequiresDevMode
}, false)
return buf
func writeToggleDocsTable(include func(FeatureFlag) bool, showEnableByDefault bool) string {
data := [][]string{}
for _, flag := range standardFeatureFlags {
if include(flag) && !flag.HideFromDocs {
row := []string{"`" + flag.Name + "`", flag.Description}
if showEnableByDefault {
on := ""
if flag.Expression == "true" {
on = "Yes"
row = append(row, on)
data = append(data, row)
header := []string{"Feature toggle name", "Description"}
if showEnableByDefault {
header = append(header, "Enabled by default")
sb := &strings.Builder{}
table := tablewriter.NewWriter(sb)
table.SetBorders(tablewriter.Border{Left: true, Top: false, Right: true, Bottom: false})
table.AppendBulk(data) // Add Bulk Data
// Markdown table formatting (from prittier)
v := strings.ReplaceAll(sb.String(), "|--", "| -")
return strings.ReplaceAll(v, "--|", "- |")