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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:37 -06:00
* Alerting: Refactor & fix unified alerting metrics structure Fixes and refactors the metrics structure we have for the ngalert service. Now, each component has its own metric struct that includes the JUST the metrics it uses. Additionally, I have fixed the configuration metrics and added new metrics to determine if we have discovered and started all the necessary configurations of an instance. This allows us to alert on `grafana_alerting_discovered_configurations - grafana_alerting_active_configurations != 0` to know whether an alertmanager instance did not start successfully.
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278 lines
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package state
import (
text_template "text/template"
ngModels "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/ngalert/models"
prometheusModel "github.com/prometheus/common/model"
type cache struct {
states map[int64]map[string]map[string]*State // orgID > alertRuleUID > stateID > state
mtxStates sync.RWMutex
log log.Logger
metrics *metrics.State
func newCache(logger log.Logger, metrics *metrics.State) *cache {
return &cache{
states: make(map[int64]map[string]map[string]*State),
log: logger,
metrics: metrics,
func (c *cache) getOrCreate(alertRule *ngModels.AlertRule, result eval.Result) *State {
defer c.mtxStates.Unlock()
// clone the labels so we don't change eval.Result
labels := result.Instance.Copy()
attachRuleLabels(labels, alertRule)
ruleLabels, annotations := c.expandRuleLabelsAndAnnotations(alertRule, labels, result)
// if duplicate labels exist, alertRule label will take precedence
lbs := mergeLabels(ruleLabels, result.Instance)
attachRuleLabels(lbs, alertRule)
il := ngModels.InstanceLabels(lbs)
id, err := il.StringKey()
if err != nil {
c.log.Error("error getting cacheId for entry", "err", err.Error())
if _, ok := c.states[alertRule.OrgID]; !ok {
c.states[alertRule.OrgID] = make(map[string]map[string]*State)
if _, ok := c.states[alertRule.OrgID][alertRule.UID]; !ok {
c.states[alertRule.OrgID][alertRule.UID] = make(map[string]*State)
if state, ok := c.states[alertRule.OrgID][alertRule.UID][id]; ok {
// Annotations can change over time for the same alert.
state.Annotations = annotations
c.states[alertRule.OrgID][alertRule.UID][id] = state
return state
// If the first result we get is alerting, set StartsAt to EvaluatedAt because we
// do not have data for determining StartsAt otherwise
newState := &State{
AlertRuleUID: alertRule.UID,
OrgID: alertRule.OrgID,
CacheId: id,
Labels: lbs,
Annotations: annotations,
EvaluationDuration: result.EvaluationDuration,
if result.State == eval.Alerting {
newState.StartsAt = result.EvaluatedAt
c.states[alertRule.OrgID][alertRule.UID][id] = newState
return newState
func attachRuleLabels(m map[string]string, alertRule *ngModels.AlertRule) {
m[ngModels.RuleUIDLabel] = alertRule.UID
m[ngModels.NamespaceUIDLabel] = alertRule.NamespaceUID
m[prometheusModel.AlertNameLabel] = alertRule.Title
func (c *cache) expandRuleLabelsAndAnnotations(alertRule *ngModels.AlertRule, labels map[string]string, alertInstance eval.Result) (map[string]string, map[string]string) {
expand := func(original map[string]string) map[string]string {
expanded := make(map[string]string, len(original))
for k, v := range original {
ev, err := expandTemplate(alertRule.Title, v, labels, alertInstance)
expanded[k] = ev
if err != nil {
c.log.Error("error in expanding template", "name", k, "value", v, "err", err.Error())
// Store the original template on error.
expanded[k] = v
return expanded
return expand(alertRule.Labels), expand(alertRule.Annotations)
// templateCaptureValue represents each value in .Values in the annotations
// and labels template.
type templateCaptureValue struct {
Labels map[string]string
Value float64
// String implements the Stringer interface to print the value of each RefID
// in the template via {{ $values.A }} rather than {{ $values.A.Value }}.
func (v templateCaptureValue) String() string {
return strconv.FormatFloat(v.Value, 'f', -1, 64)
func expandTemplate(name, text string, labels map[string]string, alertInstance eval.Result) (result string, resultErr error) {
name = "__alert_" + name
text = "{{- $labels := .Labels -}}{{- $values := .Values -}}{{- $value := .Value -}}" + text
// It'd better to have no alert description than to kill the whole process
// if there's a bug in the template.
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
var ok bool
resultErr, ok = r.(error)
if !ok {
resultErr = fmt.Errorf("panic expanding template %v: %v", name, r)
tmpl, err := text_template.New(name).Option("missingkey=error").Parse(text)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error parsing template %v: %s", name, err.Error())
var buffer bytes.Buffer
if err := tmpl.Execute(&buffer, struct {
Labels map[string]string
Values map[string]templateCaptureValue
Value string
Labels: labels,
Values: newTemplateCaptureValues(alertInstance.Values),
Value: alertInstance.EvaluationString,
}); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error executing template %v: %s", name, err.Error())
return buffer.String(), nil
func newTemplateCaptureValues(values map[string]eval.NumberValueCapture) map[string]templateCaptureValue {
m := make(map[string]templateCaptureValue)
for k, v := range values {
var f float64
if v.Value != nil {
f = *v.Value
} else {
f = math.NaN()
m[k] = templateCaptureValue{
Labels: v.Labels,
Value: f,
return m
func (c *cache) set(entry *State) {
defer c.mtxStates.Unlock()
if _, ok := c.states[entry.OrgID]; !ok {
c.states[entry.OrgID] = make(map[string]map[string]*State)
if _, ok := c.states[entry.OrgID][entry.AlertRuleUID]; !ok {
c.states[entry.OrgID][entry.AlertRuleUID] = make(map[string]*State)
c.states[entry.OrgID][entry.AlertRuleUID][entry.CacheId] = entry
func (c *cache) get(orgID int64, alertRuleUID, stateId string) (*State, error) {
defer c.mtxStates.RUnlock()
if state, ok := c.states[orgID][alertRuleUID][stateId]; ok {
return state, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no entry for %s:%s was found", alertRuleUID, stateId)
func (c *cache) getAll(orgID int64) []*State {
var states []*State
defer c.mtxStates.RUnlock()
for _, v1 := range c.states[orgID] {
for _, v2 := range v1 {
states = append(states, v2)
return states
func (c *cache) getStatesForRuleUID(orgID int64, alertRuleUID string) []*State {
var ruleStates []*State
defer c.mtxStates.RUnlock()
for _, state := range c.states[orgID][alertRuleUID] {
ruleStates = append(ruleStates, state)
return ruleStates
// removeByRuleUID deletes all entries in the state cache that match the given UID.
func (c *cache) removeByRuleUID(orgID int64, uid string) {
defer c.mtxStates.Unlock()
delete(c.states[orgID], uid)
func (c *cache) reset() {
defer c.mtxStates.Unlock()
c.states = make(map[int64]map[string]map[string]*State)
func (c *cache) recordMetrics() {
defer c.mtxStates.RUnlock()
// Set default values to zero such that gauges are reset
// after all values from a single state disappear.
ct := map[eval.State]int{
eval.Normal: 0,
eval.Alerting: 0,
eval.Pending: 0,
eval.NoData: 0,
eval.Error: 0,
for org, orgMap := range c.states {
for _, rule := range orgMap {
for _, state := range rule {
n := ct[state.State]
ct[state.State] = n + 1
for k, n := range ct {
// if duplicate labels exist, keep the value from the first set
func mergeLabels(a, b data.Labels) data.Labels {
newLbs := data.Labels{}
for k, v := range a {
newLbs[k] = v
for k, v := range b {
if _, ok := newLbs[k]; !ok {
newLbs[k] = v
return newLbs
func (c *cache) deleteEntry(orgID int64, alertRuleUID, cacheID string) {
defer c.mtxStates.Unlock()
delete(c.states[orgID][alertRuleUID], cacheID)