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synced 2025-02-11 16:15:42 -06:00
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function (angular, _, kbn, InfluxSeries, InfluxQueryBuilder) {
'use strict';
var module = angular.module('grafana.services');
module.factory('InfluxDatasource_08', function($q, $http, templateSrv) {
function InfluxDatasource(datasource) {
this.urls = _.map(datasource.url.split(','), function(url) {
return url.trim();
this.username = datasource.username;
this.password = datasource.password;
this.name = datasource.name;
this.basicAuth = datasource.basicAuth;
InfluxDatasource.prototype.query = function(options) {
var timeFilter = getTimeFilter(options);
var promises = _.map(options.targets, function(target) {
if (target.hide || !((target.series && target.column) || target.query)) {
return [];
// build query
var queryBuilder = new InfluxQueryBuilder(target);
var query = queryBuilder.build();
// replace grafana variables
query = query.replace('$timeFilter', timeFilter);
query = query.replace(/\$interval/g, (target.interval || options.interval));
// replace templated variables
query = templateSrv.replace(query);
var alias = target.alias ? templateSrv.replace(target.alias) : '';
var handleResponse = _.partial(handleInfluxQueryResponse, alias, queryBuilder.groupByField);
return this._seriesQuery(query).then(handleResponse);
}, this);
return $q.all(promises).then(function(results) {
return { data: _.flatten(results) };
InfluxDatasource.prototype.annotationQuery = function(annotation, rangeUnparsed) {
var timeFilter = getTimeFilter({ range: rangeUnparsed });
var query = annotation.query.replace('$timeFilter', timeFilter);
query = templateSrv.replace(query);
return this._seriesQuery(query).then(function(results) {
return new InfluxSeries({ seriesList: results, annotation: annotation }).getAnnotations();
InfluxDatasource.prototype.listColumns = function(seriesName) {
seriesName = templateSrv.replace(seriesName);
if(!seriesName.match('^/.*/') && !seriesName.match(/^merge\(.*\)/)) {
seriesName = '"' + seriesName+ '"';
return this._seriesQuery('select * from ' + seriesName + ' limit 1').then(function(data) {
if (!data) {
return [];
return data[0].columns.map(function(item) {
return /^\w+$/.test(item) ? item : ('"' + item + '"');
InfluxDatasource.prototype.listSeries = function(query) {
// wrap in regex
if (query && query.length > 0 && query[0] !== '/') {
query = '/' + query + '/';
return this._seriesQuery('list series ' + query).then(function(data) {
if (!data || data.length === 0) {
return [];
return _.map(data[0].points, function(point) {
return point[1];
InfluxDatasource.prototype.metricFindQuery = function (query) {
var interpolated;
try {
interpolated = templateSrv.replace(query);
catch (err) {
return $q.reject(err);
return this._seriesQuery(interpolated)
.then(function (results) {
if (!results || results.length === 0) { return []; }
return _.map(results[0].points, function (metric) {
return {
text: metric[1],
expandable: false
function retry(deferred, callback, delay) {
return callback().then(undefined, function(reason) {
if (reason.status !== 0 || reason.status >= 300) {
reason.message = 'InfluxDB Error: <br/>' + reason.data;
else {
setTimeout(function() {
return retry(deferred, callback, Math.min(delay * 2, 30000));
}, delay);
InfluxDatasource.prototype._seriesQuery = function(query) {
return this._influxRequest('GET', '/series', {
q: query,
InfluxDatasource.prototype._influxRequest = function(method, url, data) {
var _this = this;
var deferred = $q.defer();
retry(deferred, function() {
var currentUrl = _this.urls.shift();
var params = {
u: _this.username,
p: _this.password,
if (method === 'GET') {
_.extend(params, data);
data = null;
var options = {
method: method,
url: currentUrl + url,
params: params,
data: data,
inspect: { type: 'influxdb' },
options.headers = options.headers || {};
if (_this.basicAuth) {
options.headers.Authorization = 'Basic ' + _this.basicAuth;
return $http(options).success(function (data) {
}, 10);
return deferred.promise;
InfluxDatasource.prototype.saveDashboard = function(dashboard) {
var tags = dashboard.tags.join(',');
var title = dashboard.title;
var temp = dashboard.temp;
var id = kbn.slugifyForUrl(title);
if (temp) { delete dashboard.temp; }
var data = [{
name: 'grafana.dashboard_' + btoa(id),
columns: ['time', 'sequence_number', 'title', 'tags', 'dashboard', 'id'],
points: [[1000000000000, 1, title, tags, angular.toJson(dashboard), id]]
if (temp) {
return this._saveDashboardTemp(data, title, id);
else {
var self = this;
return this._influxRequest('POST', '/series', data).then(function() {
self._removeUnslugifiedDashboard(id, title, false);
return { title: title, url: '/dashboard/db/' + id };
}, function(err) {
throw 'Failed to save dashboard to InfluxDB: ' + err.data;
InfluxDatasource.prototype._removeUnslugifiedDashboard = function(id, title, isTemp) {
if (id === title) { return; }
var self = this;
self._getDashboardInternal(title, isTemp).then(function(dashboard) {
if (dashboard !== null) {
InfluxDatasource.prototype._saveDashboardTemp = function(data, title, id) {
data[0].name = 'grafana.temp_dashboard_' + btoa(id);
return this._influxRequest('POST', '/series', data).then(function() {
var baseUrl = window.location.href.replace(window.location.hash,'');
var url = baseUrl + "#dashboard/temp/" + id;
return { title: title, url: url };
}, function(err) {
throw 'Failed to save shared dashboard to InfluxDB: ' + err.data;
InfluxDatasource.prototype._getTempDashboardExpiresDate = function() {
var ttlLength = this.saveTempTTL.substring(0, this.saveTempTTL.length - 1);
var ttlTerm = this.saveTempTTL.substring(this.saveTempTTL.length - 1, this.saveTempTTL.length).toLowerCase();
var expires = Date.now();
switch(ttlTerm) {
case "m":
expires += ttlLength * 60000;
case "d":
expires += ttlLength * 86400000;
case "w":
expires += ttlLength * 604800000;
throw "Unknown ttl duration format";
return expires;
InfluxDatasource.prototype._getDashboardInternal = function(id, isTemp) {
var queryString = 'select dashboard from "grafana.dashboard_' + btoa(id) + '"';
if (isTemp) {
queryString = 'select dashboard from "grafana.temp_dashboard_' + btoa(id) + '"';
return this._seriesQuery(queryString).then(function(results) {
if (!results || !results.length) {
return null;
var dashCol = _.indexOf(results[0].columns, 'dashboard');
var dashJson = results[0].points[0][dashCol];
return angular.fromJson(dashJson);
}, function() {
return null;
InfluxDatasource.prototype.getDashboard = function(id, isTemp) {
var self = this;
return this._getDashboardInternal(id, isTemp).then(function(dashboard) {
if (dashboard !== null) {
return dashboard;
// backward compatible load for unslugified ids
var slug = kbn.slugifyForUrl(id);
if (slug !== id) {
return self.getDashboard(slug, isTemp);
throw "Dashboard not found";
}, function(err) {
throw "Could not load dashboard, " + err.data;
InfluxDatasource.prototype.deleteDashboard = function(id) {
return this._seriesQuery('drop series "grafana.dashboard_' + btoa(id) + '"').then(function(results) {
if (!results) {
throw "Could not delete dashboard";
return id;
}, function(err) {
throw "Could not delete dashboard, " + err.data;
InfluxDatasource.prototype.searchDashboards = function(queryString) {
var influxQuery = 'select * from /grafana.dashboard_.*/ where ';
var tagsOnly = queryString.indexOf('tags!:') === 0;
if (tagsOnly) {
var tagsQuery = queryString.substring(6, queryString.length);
influxQuery = influxQuery + 'tags =~ /.*' + tagsQuery + '.*/i';
else {
var titleOnly = queryString.indexOf('title:') === 0;
if (titleOnly) {
var titleQuery = queryString.substring(6, queryString.length);
influxQuery = influxQuery + ' title =~ /.*' + titleQuery + '.*/i';
else {
influxQuery = influxQuery + '(tags =~ /.*' + queryString + '.*/i or title =~ /.*' + queryString + '.*/i)';
return this._seriesQuery(influxQuery).then(function(results) {
var hits = { dashboards: [], tags: [], tagsOnly: false };
if (!results || !results.length) {
return hits;
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var dashCol = _.indexOf(results[i].columns, 'title');
var tagsCol = _.indexOf(results[i].columns, 'tags');
var idCol = _.indexOf(results[i].columns, 'id');
var hit = {
id: results[i].points[0][dashCol],
title: results[i].points[0][dashCol],
tags: results[i].points[0][tagsCol].split(",")
if (idCol !== -1) {
hit.id = results[i].points[0][idCol];
hit.tags = hit.tags[0] ? hit.tags : [];
return hits;
function handleInfluxQueryResponse(alias, groupByField, seriesList) {
var influxSeries = new InfluxSeries({
seriesList: seriesList,
alias: alias,
groupByField: groupByField
return influxSeries.getTimeSeries();
function getTimeFilter(options) {
var from = getInfluxTime(options.range.from);
var until = getInfluxTime(options.range.to);
var fromIsAbsolute = from[from.length-1] === 's';
if (until === 'now()' && !fromIsAbsolute) {
return 'time > ' + from;
return 'time > ' + from + ' and time < ' + until;
function getInfluxTime(date) {
if (_.isString(date)) {
return date.replace('now', 'now()');
return to_utc_epoch_seconds(date);
function to_utc_epoch_seconds(date) {
return (date.getTime() / 1000).toFixed(0) + 's';
return InfluxDatasource;