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synced 2025-02-20 11:48:34 -06:00
774 lines
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774 lines
22 KiB
Executable File
import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot';
import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot.selection';
import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot.time';
import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot.stack';
import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot.stackpercent';
import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot.fillbelow';
import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot.crosshair';
import 'vendor/flot/jquery.flot.dashes';
import './jquery.flot.events';
import $ from 'jquery';
import _ from 'lodash';
import moment from 'moment';
import kbn from 'app/core/utils/kbn';
import { tickStep } from 'app/core/utils/ticks';
import { appEvents, coreModule, updateLegendValues } from 'app/core/core';
import GraphTooltip from './graph_tooltip';
import { ThresholdManager } from './threshold_manager';
import { EventManager } from 'app/features/annotations/all';
import { convertToHistogramData } from './histogram';
import { alignYLevel } from './align_yaxes';
import config from 'app/core/config';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Legend, GraphLegendProps } from './Legend/Legend';
import { GraphCtrl } from './module';
class GraphElement {
ctrl: GraphCtrl;
tooltip: any;
dashboard: any;
annotations: object[];
panel: any;
plot: any;
sortedSeries: any[];
data: any[];
panelWidth: number;
eventManager: EventManager;
thresholdManager: ThresholdManager;
constructor(private scope, private elem, private timeSrv) {
this.ctrl = scope.ctrl;
this.dashboard = this.ctrl.dashboard;
this.panel = this.ctrl.panel;
this.annotations = [];
this.panelWidth = 0;
this.eventManager = new EventManager(this.ctrl);
this.thresholdManager = new ThresholdManager(this.ctrl);
this.tooltip = new GraphTooltip(this.elem, this.ctrl.dashboard, this.scope, () => {
return this.sortedSeries;
// panel events
this.ctrl.events.on('panel-teardown', this.onPanelteardown.bind(this));
* Split graph rendering into two parts.
* First, calculate series stats in buildFlotPairs() function. Then legend rendering started
* (see ctrl.events.on('render') in legend.ts).
* When legend is rendered it emits 'legend-rendering-complete' and graph rendered.
this.ctrl.events.on('render', this.onRender.bind(this));
this.ctrl.events.on('legend-rendering-complete', this.onLegendRenderingComplete.bind(this));
// global events
appEvents.on('graph-hover', this.onGraphHover.bind(this), scope);
appEvents.on('graph-hover-clear', this.onGraphHoverClear.bind(this), scope);
this.elem.bind('plotselected', this.onPlotSelected.bind(this));
this.elem.bind('plotclick', this.onPlotClick.bind(this));
scope.$on('$destroy', this.onScopeDestroy.bind(this));
onRender(renderData) {
this.data = renderData || this.data;
if (!this.data) {
this.annotations = this.ctrl.annotations || [];
const graphHeight = this.elem.height();
updateLegendValues(this.data, this.panel, graphHeight);
// this.ctrl.events.emit('render-legend');
const { values, min, max, avg, current, total } = this.panel.legend;
const { alignAsTable, rightSide, sideWidth, sort, sortDesc, hideEmpty, hideZero } = this.panel.legend;
const legendOptions = { alignAsTable, rightSide, sideWidth, sort, sortDesc, hideEmpty, hideZero };
const valueOptions = { values, min, max, avg, current, total };
const legendProps: GraphLegendProps = {
seriesList: this.data,
hiddenSeries: this.ctrl.hiddenSeries,
onToggleSeries: this.ctrl.toggleSeries.bind(this.ctrl),
onToggleSort: this.ctrl.toggleSort.bind(this.ctrl),
onColorChange: this.ctrl.changeSeriesColor.bind(this.ctrl),
onToggleAxis: this.ctrl.toggleAxis.bind(this.ctrl),
const legendReactElem = React.createElement(Legend, legendProps);
const legendElem = this.elem.parent().find('.graph-legend');
ReactDOM.render(legendReactElem, legendElem[0]);
onGraphHover(evt) {
// ignore other graph hover events if shared tooltip is disabled
if (!this.dashboard.sharedTooltipModeEnabled()) {
// ignore if we are the emitter
if (!this.plot || evt.panel.id === this.panel.id || this.ctrl.otherPanelInFullscreenMode()) {
onPanelteardown() {
this.thresholdManager = null;
if (this.plot) {
this.plot = null;
onLegendRenderingComplete() {
onGraphHoverClear(event, info) {
if (this.plot) {
onPlotSelected(event, ranges) {
if (this.panel.xaxis.mode !== 'time') {
// Skip if panel in histogram or series mode
if ((ranges.ctrlKey || ranges.metaKey) && (this.dashboard.meta.canEdit || this.dashboard.meta.canMakeEditable)) {
// Add annotation
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
} else {
this.scope.$apply(() => {
from: moment.utc(ranges.xaxis.from),
to: moment.utc(ranges.xaxis.to),
onPlotClick(event, pos, item) {
if (this.panel.xaxis.mode !== 'time') {
// Skip if panel in histogram or series mode
if ((pos.ctrlKey || pos.metaKey) && (this.dashboard.meta.canEdit || this.dashboard.meta.canMakeEditable)) {
// Skip if range selected (added in "plotselected" event handler)
const isRangeSelection = pos.x !== pos.x1;
if (!isRangeSelection) {
setTimeout(() => {
this.eventManager.updateTime({ from: pos.x, to: null });
}, 100);
onScopeDestroy() {
shouldAbortRender() {
if (!this.data) {
return true;
if (this.panelWidth === 0) {
return true;
return false;
drawHook(plot) {
// add left axis labels
if (this.panel.yaxes[0].label && this.panel.yaxes[0].show) {
$("<div class='axisLabel left-yaxis-label flot-temp-elem'></div>")
// add right axis labels
if (this.panel.yaxes[1].label && this.panel.yaxes[1].show) {
$("<div class='axisLabel right-yaxis-label flot-temp-elem'></div>")
if (this.ctrl.dataWarning) {
$(`<div class="datapoints-warning flot-temp-elem">${this.ctrl.dataWarning.title}</div>`).appendTo(this.elem);
processOffsetHook(plot, gridMargin) {
const left = this.panel.yaxes[0];
const right = this.panel.yaxes[1];
if (left.show && left.label) {
gridMargin.left = 20;
if (right.show && right.label) {
gridMargin.right = 20;
// apply y-axis min/max options
const yaxis = plot.getYAxes();
for (let i = 0; i < yaxis.length; i++) {
const axis = yaxis[i];
const panelOptions = this.panel.yaxes[i];
axis.options.max = axis.options.max !== null ? axis.options.max : panelOptions.max;
axis.options.min = axis.options.min !== null ? axis.options.min : panelOptions.min;
processRangeHook(plot) {
const yAxes = plot.getYAxes();
const align = this.panel.yaxis.align || false;
if (yAxes.length > 1 && align === true) {
const level = this.panel.yaxis.alignLevel || 0;
alignYLevel(yAxes, parseFloat(level));
// Series could have different timeSteps,
// let's find the smallest one so that bars are correctly rendered.
// In addition, only take series which are rendered as bars for this.
getMinTimeStepOfSeries(data) {
let min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (!data[i].stats.timeStep) {
if (this.panel.bars) {
if (data[i].bars && data[i].bars.show === false) {
} else {
if (typeof data[i].bars === 'undefined' || typeof data[i].bars.show === 'undefined' || !data[i].bars.show) {
if (data[i].stats.timeStep < min) {
min = data[i].stats.timeStep;
return min;
// Function for rendering panel
render_panel() {
this.panelWidth = this.elem.width();
if (this.shouldAbortRender()) {
// give space to alert editing
this.thresholdManager.prepare(this.elem, this.data);
// un-check dashes if lines are unchecked
this.panel.dashes = this.panel.lines ? this.panel.dashes : false;
// Populate element
const options: any = this.buildFlotOptions(this.panel);
this.prepareXAxis(options, this.panel);
this.configureYAxisOptions(this.data, options);
this.thresholdManager.addFlotOptions(options, this.panel);
this.eventManager.addFlotEvents(this.annotations, options);
this.sortedSeries = this.sortSeries(this.data, this.panel);
this.callPlot(options, true);
buildFlotPairs(data) {
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
const series = data[i];
series.data = series.getFlotPairs(series.nullPointMode || this.panel.nullPointMode);
// if hidden remove points and disable stack
if (this.ctrl.hiddenSeries[series.alias]) {
series.data = [];
series.stack = false;
prepareXAxis(options, panel) {
switch (panel.xaxis.mode) {
case 'series': {
options.series.bars.barWidth = 0.7;
options.series.bars.align = 'center';
for (let i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++) {
const series = this.data[i];
series.data = [[i + 1, series.stats[panel.xaxis.values[0]]]];
case 'histogram': {
let bucketSize: number;
if (this.data.length) {
const histMin = _.min(_.map(this.data, s => s.stats.min));
const histMax = _.max(_.map(this.data, s => s.stats.max));
const ticks = panel.xaxis.buckets || this.panelWidth / 50;
bucketSize = tickStep(histMin, histMax, ticks);
options.series.bars.barWidth = bucketSize * 0.8;
this.data = convertToHistogramData(this.data, bucketSize, this.ctrl.hiddenSeries, histMin, histMax);
} else {
bucketSize = 0;
this.addXHistogramAxis(options, bucketSize);
case 'table': {
options.series.bars.barWidth = 0.7;
options.series.bars.align = 'center';
default: {
options.series.bars.barWidth = this.getMinTimeStepOfSeries(this.data) / 1.5;
callPlot(options, incrementRenderCounter) {
try {
this.plot = $.plot(this.elem, this.sortedSeries, options);
if (this.ctrl.renderError) {
delete this.ctrl.error;
delete this.ctrl.inspector;
} catch (e) {
console.log('flotcharts error', e);
this.ctrl.error = e.message || 'Render Error';
this.ctrl.renderError = true;
this.ctrl.inspector = { error: e };
if (incrementRenderCounter) {
buildFlotOptions(panel) {
let gridColor = '#c8c8c8';
if (config.bootData.user.lightTheme === true) {
gridColor = '#a1a1a1';
const stack = panel.stack ? true : null;
const options = {
hooks: {
draw: [this.drawHook.bind(this)],
processOffset: [this.processOffsetHook.bind(this)],
processRange: [this.processRangeHook.bind(this)],
legend: { show: false },
series: {
stackpercent: panel.stack ? panel.percentage : false,
stack: panel.percentage ? null : stack,
lines: {
show: panel.lines,
zero: false,
fill: this.translateFillOption(panel.fill),
lineWidth: panel.dashes ? 0 : panel.linewidth,
steps: panel.steppedLine,
dashes: {
show: panel.dashes,
lineWidth: panel.linewidth,
dashLength: [panel.dashLength, panel.spaceLength],
bars: {
show: panel.bars,
fill: 1,
barWidth: 1,
zero: false,
lineWidth: 0,
points: {
show: panel.points,
fill: 1,
fillColor: false,
radius: panel.points ? panel.pointradius : 2,
shadowSize: 0,
yaxes: [],
xaxis: {},
grid: {
minBorderMargin: 0,
markings: [],
backgroundColor: null,
borderWidth: 0,
hoverable: true,
clickable: true,
color: gridColor,
margin: { left: 0, right: 0 },
labelMarginX: 0,
selection: {
mode: 'x',
color: '#666',
crosshair: {
mode: 'x',
return options;
sortSeries(series, panel) {
const sortBy = panel.legend.sort;
const sortOrder = panel.legend.sortDesc;
const haveSortBy = sortBy !== null && sortBy !== undefined;
const haveSortOrder = sortOrder !== null && sortOrder !== undefined;
const shouldSortBy = panel.stack && haveSortBy && haveSortOrder;
const sortDesc = panel.legend.sortDesc === true ? -1 : 1;
if (shouldSortBy) {
return _.sortBy(series, s => s.stats[sortBy] * sortDesc);
} else {
return _.sortBy(series, s => s.zindex);
translateFillOption(fill) {
if (this.panel.percentage && this.panel.stack) {
return fill === 0 ? 0.001 : fill / 10;
} else {
return fill / 10;
addTimeAxis(options) {
const ticks = this.panelWidth / 100;
const min = _.isUndefined(this.ctrl.range.from) ? null : this.ctrl.range.from.valueOf();
const max = _.isUndefined(this.ctrl.range.to) ? null : this.ctrl.range.to.valueOf();
options.xaxis = {
timezone: this.dashboard.getTimezone(),
show: this.panel.xaxis.show,
mode: 'time',
min: min,
max: max,
label: 'Datetime',
ticks: ticks,
timeformat: this.time_format(ticks, min, max),
addXSeriesAxis(options) {
const ticks = _.map(this.data, (series, index) => {
return [index + 1, series.alias];
options.xaxis = {
timezone: this.dashboard.getTimezone(),
show: this.panel.xaxis.show,
mode: null,
min: 0,
max: ticks.length + 1,
label: 'Datetime',
ticks: ticks,
addXHistogramAxis(options, bucketSize) {
let ticks, min, max;
const defaultTicks = this.panelWidth / 50;
if (this.data.length && bucketSize) {
const tickValues = [];
for (const d of this.data) {
for (const point of d.data) {
tickValues[point[0]] = true;
ticks = Object.keys(tickValues).map(v => Number(v));
min = _.min(ticks);
max = _.max(ticks);
// Adjust tick step
let tickStep = bucketSize;
let ticksNum = Math.floor((max - min) / tickStep);
while (ticksNum > defaultTicks) {
tickStep = tickStep * 2;
ticksNum = Math.ceil((max - min) / tickStep);
// Expand ticks for pretty view
min = Math.floor(min / tickStep) * tickStep;
// 1.01 is 101% - ensure we have enough space for last bar
max = Math.ceil(max * 1.01 / tickStep) * tickStep;
ticks = [];
for (let i = min; i <= max; i += tickStep) {
} else {
// Set defaults if no data
ticks = defaultTicks / 2;
min = 0;
max = 1;
options.xaxis = {
timezone: this.dashboard.getTimezone(),
show: this.panel.xaxis.show,
mode: null,
min: min,
max: max,
label: 'Histogram',
ticks: ticks,
// Use 'short' format for histogram values
this.configureAxisMode(options.xaxis, 'short');
addXTableAxis(options) {
let ticks = _.map(this.data, (series, seriesIndex) => {
return _.map(series.datapoints, (point, pointIndex) => {
const tickIndex = seriesIndex * series.datapoints.length + pointIndex;
return [tickIndex + 1, point[1]];
ticks = _.flatten(ticks, true);
options.xaxis = {
timezone: this.dashboard.getTimezone(),
show: this.panel.xaxis.show,
mode: null,
min: 0,
max: ticks.length + 1,
label: 'Datetime',
ticks: ticks,
configureYAxisOptions(data, options) {
const defaults = {
position: 'left',
show: this.panel.yaxes[0].show,
index: 1,
logBase: this.panel.yaxes[0].logBase || 1,
min: this.parseNumber(this.panel.yaxes[0].min),
max: this.parseNumber(this.panel.yaxes[0].max),
tickDecimals: this.panel.yaxes[0].decimals,
if (_.find(data, { yaxis: 2 })) {
const secondY = _.clone(defaults);
secondY.index = 2;
secondY.show = this.panel.yaxes[1].show;
secondY.logBase = this.panel.yaxes[1].logBase || 1;
secondY.position = 'right';
secondY.min = this.parseNumber(this.panel.yaxes[1].min);
secondY.max = this.parseNumber(this.panel.yaxes[1].max);
secondY.tickDecimals = this.panel.yaxes[1].decimals;
this.applyLogScale(options.yaxes[1], data);
this.panel.percentage && this.panel.stack ? 'percent' : this.panel.yaxes[1].format
this.applyLogScale(options.yaxes[0], data);
this.panel.percentage && this.panel.stack ? 'percent' : this.panel.yaxes[0].format
parseNumber(value: any) {
if (value === null || typeof value === 'undefined') {
return null;
return _.toNumber(value);
applyLogScale(axis, data) {
if (axis.logBase === 1) {
const minSetToZero = axis.min === 0;
if (axis.min < Number.MIN_VALUE) {
axis.min = null;
if (axis.max < Number.MIN_VALUE) {
axis.max = null;
let series, i;
let max = axis.max,
min = axis.min;
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
series = data[i];
if (series.yaxis === axis.index) {
if (!max || max < series.stats.max) {
max = series.stats.max;
if (!min || min > series.stats.logmin) {
min = series.stats.logmin;
axis.transform = v => {
return v < Number.MIN_VALUE ? null : Math.log(v) / Math.log(axis.logBase);
axis.inverseTransform = v => {
return Math.pow(axis.logBase, v);
if (!max && !min) {
max = axis.inverseTransform(+2);
min = axis.inverseTransform(-2);
} else if (!max) {
max = min * axis.inverseTransform(+4);
} else if (!min) {
min = max * axis.inverseTransform(-4);
if (axis.min) {
min = axis.inverseTransform(Math.ceil(axis.transform(axis.min)));
} else {
min = axis.min = axis.inverseTransform(Math.floor(axis.transform(min)));
if (axis.max) {
max = axis.inverseTransform(Math.floor(axis.transform(axis.max)));
} else {
max = axis.max = axis.inverseTransform(Math.ceil(axis.transform(max)));
if (!min || min < Number.MIN_VALUE || !max || max < Number.MIN_VALUE) {
if (Number.isFinite(min) && Number.isFinite(max)) {
if (minSetToZero) {
axis.min = 0.1;
min = 1;
axis.ticks = this.generateTicksForLogScaleYAxis(min, max, axis.logBase);
if (minSetToZero) {
if (axis.ticks[axis.ticks.length - 1] > axis.max) {
axis.max = axis.ticks[axis.ticks.length - 1];
} else {
axis.ticks = [1, 2];
delete axis.min;
delete axis.max;
generateTicksForLogScaleYAxis(min, max, logBase) {
let ticks = [];
let nextTick;
for (nextTick = min; nextTick <= max; nextTick *= logBase) {
const maxNumTicks = Math.ceil(this.ctrl.height / 25);
const numTicks = ticks.length;
if (numTicks > maxNumTicks) {
const factor = Math.ceil(numTicks / maxNumTicks) * logBase;
ticks = [];
for (nextTick = min; nextTick <= max * factor; nextTick *= factor) {
return ticks;
configureAxisMode(axis, format) {
axis.tickFormatter = (val, axis) => {
if (!kbn.valueFormats[format]) {
throw new Error(`Unit '${format}' is not supported`);
return kbn.valueFormats[format](val, axis.tickDecimals, axis.scaledDecimals);
time_format(ticks, min, max) {
if (min && max && ticks) {
const range = max - min;
const secPerTick = range / ticks / 1000;
// Need have 10 milisecond margin on the day range
// As sometimes last 24 hour dashboard evaluates to more than 86400000
const oneDay = 86400010;
const oneYear = 31536000000;
if (secPerTick <= 45) {
return '%H:%M:%S';
if (secPerTick <= 7200 || range <= oneDay) {
return '%H:%M';
if (secPerTick <= 80000) {
return '%m/%d %H:%M';
if (secPerTick <= 2419200 || range <= oneYear) {
return '%m/%d';
return '%Y-%m';
return '%H:%M';
/** @ngInject */
function graphDirective(timeSrv, popoverSrv, contextSrv) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
template: '',
link: (scope, elem) => {
return new GraphElement(scope, elem, timeSrv);
coreModule.directive('grafanaGraph', graphDirective);
export { GraphElement, graphDirective };