2021-07-12 14:23:10 -05:00
package refactoring
import (
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type MoveResult struct {
From, To addrs.AbsResourceInstance
// ApplyMoves modifies in-place the given state object so that any existing
// objects that are matched by a "from" argument of one of the move statements
// will be moved to instead appear at the "to" argument of that statement.
// The result is a map from the unique key of each absolute address that was
// either the source or destination of a move to a MoveResult describing
// what happened at that address.
// ApplyMoves does not have any error situations itself, and will instead just
// ignore any unresolvable move statements. Validation of a set of moves is
// a separate concern applied to the configuration, because validity of
// moves is always dependent only on the configuration, not on the state.
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// ApplyMoves expects exclusive access to the given state while it's running.
// Don't read or write any part of the state structure until ApplyMoves returns.
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func ApplyMoves(stmts []MoveStatement, state *states.State) map[addrs.UniqueKey]MoveResult {
2021-08-02 16:20:06 -05:00
results := make(map[addrs.UniqueKey]MoveResult)
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// The methodology here is to construct a small graph of all of the move
// statements where the edges represent where a particular statement
// is either chained from or nested inside the effect of another statement.
// That then means we can traverse the graph in topological sort order
// to gradually move objects through potentially multiple moves each.
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g := buildMoveStatementGraph(stmts)
// If there are any cycles in the graph then we'll not take any action
// at all. The separate validation step should detect this and return
// an error.
if len(g.Cycles()) != 0 {
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return results
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// The starting nodes are the ones that don't depend on any other nodes.
startNodes := make(dag.Set, len(stmts))
for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
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if len(g.DownEdges(v)) == 0 {
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if startNodes.Len() == 0 {
log.Println("[TRACE] refactoring.ApplyMoves: No 'moved' statements to consider in this configuration")
return results
log.Printf("[TRACE] refactoring.ApplyMoves: Processing 'moved' statements in the configuration\n%s", logging.Indent(g.String()))
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g.ReverseDepthFirstWalk(startNodes, func(v dag.Vertex, depth int) error {
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stmt := v.(*MoveStatement)
for _, ms := range state.Modules {
modAddr := ms.Addr
if !stmt.From.SelectsModule(modAddr) {
// We now know that the current module is relevant but what
// we'll do with it depends on the object kind.
switch kind := stmt.ObjectKind(); kind {
case addrs.MoveEndpointModule:
// For a module endpoint we just try the module address
// directly.
if newAddr, matches := modAddr.MoveDestination(stmt.From, stmt.To); matches {
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log.Printf("[TRACE] refactoring.ApplyMoves: %s has moved to %s", modAddr, newAddr)
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// We need to visit all of the resource instances in the
// module and record them individually as results.
for _, rs := range ms.Resources {
relAddr := rs.Addr.Resource
for key := range rs.Instances {
oldInst := relAddr.Instance(key).Absolute(modAddr)
newInst := relAddr.Instance(key).Absolute(newAddr)
result := MoveResult{
From: oldInst,
To: newInst,
results[oldInst.UniqueKey()] = result
results[newInst.UniqueKey()] = result
state.MoveModuleInstance(modAddr, newAddr)
case addrs.MoveEndpointResource:
// For a resource endpoint we need to search each of the
// resources and resource instances in the module.
for _, rs := range ms.Resources {
rAddr := rs.Addr
if newAddr, matches := rAddr.MoveDestination(stmt.From, stmt.To); matches {
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log.Printf("[TRACE] refactoring.ApplyMoves: resource %s has moved to %s", rAddr, newAddr)
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for key := range rs.Instances {
oldInst := rAddr.Instance(key)
newInst := newAddr.Instance(key)
result := MoveResult{
From: oldInst,
To: newInst,
results[oldInst.UniqueKey()] = result
results[newInst.UniqueKey()] = result
state.MoveAbsResource(rAddr, newAddr)
for key := range rs.Instances {
iAddr := rAddr.Instance(key)
if newAddr, matches := iAddr.MoveDestination(stmt.From, stmt.To); matches {
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log.Printf("[TRACE] refactoring.ApplyMoves: resource instance %s has moved to %s", iAddr, newAddr)
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result := MoveResult{From: iAddr, To: newAddr}
results[iAddr.UniqueKey()] = result
results[newAddr.UniqueKey()] = result
state.MoveAbsResourceInstance(iAddr, newAddr)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled move object kind %s", kind))
return nil
// FIXME: In the case of either chained or nested moves, "results" will
// be left in a pretty interesting shape where the "old" address will
// refer to a result that describes only the first step, while the "new"
// address will refer to a result that describes only the last step.
// To make that actually useful we'll need a different strategy where
// the result describes the _effective_ source and destination, skipping
// over any intermediate steps we took to get there, so that ultimately
// we'll have enough information to annotate items in the plan with the
// addresses the originally moved from.
return results
// buildMoveStatementGraph constructs a dependency graph of the given move
// statements, where the nodes are all pointers to statements in the given
// slice and the edges represent either chaining or nesting relationships.
// buildMoveStatementGraph doesn't do any validation of the graph, so it
// may contain cycles and other sorts of invalidity.
func buildMoveStatementGraph(stmts []MoveStatement) *dag.AcyclicGraph {
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g := &dag.AcyclicGraph{}
2021-08-03 15:53:45 -05:00
for i := range stmts {
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// The graph nodes are pointers to the actual statements directly.
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// Now we'll add the edges representing chaining and nesting relationships.
// We assume that a reasonable configuration will have at most tens of
// move statements and thus this N*M algorithm is acceptable.
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for dependerI := range stmts {
depender := &stmts[dependerI]
for dependeeI := range stmts {
dependee := &stmts[dependeeI]
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dependeeTo := dependee.To
dependerFrom := depender.From
if dependerFrom.CanChainFrom(dependeeTo) || dependerFrom.NestedWithin(dependeeTo) {
g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(depender, dependee))
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return g
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