2020-04-24 17:54:43 -05:00
package command
import (
// ProvidersMirrorCommand is a Command implementation that implements the
// "terraform providers mirror" command, which populates a directory with
// local copies of provider plugins needed by the current configuration so
// that the mirror can be used to work offline, or similar.
type ProvidersMirrorCommand struct {
func ( c * ProvidersMirrorCommand ) Synopsis ( ) string {
2020-10-23 18:55:32 -05:00
return "Save local copies of all required provider plugins"
2020-04-24 17:54:43 -05:00
func ( c * ProvidersMirrorCommand ) Run ( args [ ] string ) int {
args = c . Meta . process ( args )
cmdFlags := c . Meta . defaultFlagSet ( "providers mirror" )
var optPlatforms FlagStringSlice
cmdFlags . Var ( & optPlatforms , "platform" , "target platform" )
cmdFlags . Usage = func ( ) { c . Ui . Error ( c . Help ( ) ) }
if err := cmdFlags . Parse ( args ) ; err != nil {
c . Ui . Error ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Error parsing command-line flags: %s\n" , err . Error ( ) ) )
return 1
var diags tfdiags . Diagnostics
args = cmdFlags . Args ( )
if len ( args ) != 1 {
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"No output directory specified" ,
"The providers mirror command requires an output directory as a command-line argument." ,
) )
c . showDiagnostics ( diags )
return 1
outputDir := args [ 0 ]
var platforms [ ] getproviders . Platform
if len ( optPlatforms ) == 0 {
platforms = [ ] getproviders . Platform { getproviders . CurrentPlatform }
} else {
platforms = make ( [ ] getproviders . Platform , 0 , len ( optPlatforms ) )
for _ , platformStr := range optPlatforms {
platform , err := getproviders . ParsePlatform ( platformStr )
if err != nil {
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"Invalid target platform" ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "The string %q given in the -platform option is not a valid target platform: %s." , platformStr , err ) ,
) )
platforms = append ( platforms , platform )
config , confDiags := c . loadConfig ( "." )
diags = diags . Append ( confDiags )
reqs , moreDiags := config . ProviderRequirements ( )
diags = diags . Append ( moreDiags )
// If we have any error diagnostics already then we won't proceed further.
if diags . HasErrors ( ) {
c . showDiagnostics ( diags )
return 1
// Unlike other commands, this command always consults the origin registry
// for every provider so that it can be used to update a local mirror
// directory without needing to first disable that local mirror
// in the CLI configuration.
source := getproviders . NewMemoizeSource (
getproviders . NewRegistrySource ( c . Services ) ,
// Providers from registries always use HTTP, so we don't need the full
// generality of go-getter but it's still handy to use the HTTP getter
// as an easy way to download over HTTP into a file on disk.
httpGetter := getter . HttpGetter {
Client : httpclient . New ( ) ,
Netrc : true ,
// The following logic is similar to that used by the provider installer
// in package providercache, but different in a few ways:
// - It produces the packed directory layout rather than the unpacked
// layout we require in provider cache directories.
// - It generates JSON index files that can be read by the
// getproviders.HTTPMirrorSource installation method if the result were
// copied into the docroot of an HTTP server.
// - It can mirror packages for potentially many different target platforms,
// so that we can construct a multi-platform mirror regardless of which
// platform we run this command on.
// - It ignores what's already present and just always downloads everything
// that the configuration requires. This is a command intended to be run
// infrequently to update a mirror, so it doesn't need to optimize away
// fetches of packages that might already be present.
2020-09-28 19:13:32 -05:00
ctx , cancel := c . InterruptibleContext ( )
defer cancel ( )
2020-04-24 17:54:43 -05:00
for provider , constraints := range reqs {
if provider . IsBuiltIn ( ) {
c . Ui . Output ( fmt . Sprintf ( "- Skipping %s because it is built in to Terraform CLI" , provider . ForDisplay ( ) ) )
constraintsStr := getproviders . VersionConstraintsString ( constraints )
c . Ui . Output ( fmt . Sprintf ( "- Mirroring %s..." , provider . ForDisplay ( ) ) )
// First we'll look for the latest version that matches the given
// constraint, which we'll then try to mirror for each target platform.
acceptable := versions . MeetingConstraints ( constraints )
2020-09-28 19:13:32 -05:00
avail , _ , err := source . AvailableVersions ( ctx , provider )
2020-04-24 17:54:43 -05:00
candidates := avail . Filter ( acceptable )
if err == nil && len ( candidates ) == 0 {
err = fmt . Errorf ( "no releases match the given constraints %s" , constraintsStr )
if err != nil {
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"Provider not available" ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "Failed to download %s from its origin registry: %s." , provider . String ( ) , err ) ,
) )
selected := candidates . Newest ( )
if len ( constraintsStr ) > 0 {
c . Ui . Output ( fmt . Sprintf ( " - Selected v%s to meet constraints %s" , selected . String ( ) , constraintsStr ) )
} else {
c . Ui . Output ( fmt . Sprintf ( " - Selected v%s with no constraints" , selected . String ( ) ) )
for _ , platform := range platforms {
c . Ui . Output ( fmt . Sprintf ( " - Downloading package for %s..." , platform . String ( ) ) )
2020-09-28 19:13:32 -05:00
meta , err := source . PackageMeta ( ctx , provider , selected , platform )
2020-04-24 17:54:43 -05:00
if err != nil {
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"Provider release not available" ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "Failed to download %s v%s for %s: %s." , provider . String ( ) , selected . String ( ) , platform . String ( ) , err ) ,
) )
urlStr , ok := meta . Location . ( getproviders . PackageHTTPURL )
if ! ok {
// We don't expect to get non-HTTP locations here because we're
// using the registry source, so this seems like a bug in the
// registry source.
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"Provider release not available" ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "Failed to download %s v%s for %s: Terraform's provider registry client returned unexpected location type %T. This is a bug in Terraform." , provider . String ( ) , selected . String ( ) , platform . String ( ) , meta . Location ) ,
) )
urlObj , err := url . Parse ( string ( urlStr ) )
if err != nil {
// We don't expect to get non-HTTP locations here because we're
// using the registry source, so this seems like a bug in the
// registry source.
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"Invalid URL for provider release" ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "The origin registry for %s returned an invalid URL for v%s on %s: %s." , provider . String ( ) , selected . String ( ) , platform . String ( ) , err ) ,
) )
// targetPath is the path where we ultimately want to place the
// downloaded archive, but we'll place it initially at stagingPath
// so we can verify its checksums and signatures before making
// it discoverable to mirror clients. (stagingPath intentionally
// does not follow the filesystem mirror file naming convention.)
targetPath := meta . PackedFilePath ( outputDir )
stagingPath := filepath . Join ( filepath . Dir ( targetPath ) , "." + filepath . Base ( targetPath ) )
err = httpGetter . GetFile ( stagingPath , urlObj )
if err != nil {
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"Cannot download provider release" ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "Failed to download %s v%s for %s: %s." , provider . String ( ) , selected . String ( ) , platform . String ( ) , err ) ,
) )
if meta . Authentication != nil {
result , err := meta . Authentication . AuthenticatePackage ( getproviders . PackageLocalArchive ( stagingPath ) )
if err != nil {
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"Invalid provider package" ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "Failed to authenticate %s v%s for %s: %s." , provider . String ( ) , selected . String ( ) , platform . String ( ) , err ) ,
) )
c . Ui . Output ( fmt . Sprintf ( " - Package authenticated: %s" , result ) )
os . Remove ( targetPath ) // okay if it fails because we're going to try to rename over it next anyway
err = os . Rename ( stagingPath , targetPath )
if err != nil {
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"Cannot download provider release" ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "Failed to place %s package into mirror directory: %s." , provider . String ( ) , err ) ,
) )
// Now we'll generate or update the JSON index files in the directory.
// We do this by scanning the directory to see what is present, rather than
// by relying on the selections we made above, because we want to still
// include in the indices any packages that were already present and
// not affected by the changes we just made.
available , err := getproviders . SearchLocalDirectory ( outputDir )
if err != nil {
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"Failed to update indexes" ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "Could not scan the output directory to get package metadata for the JSON indexes: %s." , err ) ,
) )
available = nil // the following loop will be a no-op
for provider , metas := range available {
if len ( metas ) == 0 {
continue // should never happen, but we'll be resilient
// The index files live in the same directory as the package files,
// so to figure that out without duplicating the path-building logic
// we'll ask the getproviders package to build an archive filename
// for a fictitious package and then use the directory portion of it.
indexDir := filepath . Dir ( getproviders . PackedFilePathForPackage (
outputDir , provider , versions . Unspecified , getproviders . CurrentPlatform ,
) )
indexVersions := map [ string ] interface { } { }
indexArchives := map [ getproviders . Version ] map [ string ] interface { } { }
for _ , meta := range metas {
archivePath , ok := meta . Location . ( getproviders . PackageLocalArchive )
if ! ok {
// only archive files are eligible to be included in JSON
// indices for a network mirror.
archiveFilename := filepath . Base ( string ( archivePath ) )
version := meta . Version
platform := meta . TargetPlatform
hash , err := meta . Hash ( )
if err != nil {
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"Failed to update indexes" ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "Failed to determine a hash value for %s v%s on %s: %s." , provider , version , platform , err ) ,
) )
indexVersions [ meta . Version . String ( ) ] = map [ string ] interface { } { }
if _ , ok := indexArchives [ version ] ; ! ok {
indexArchives [ version ] = map [ string ] interface { } { }
indexArchives [ version ] [ platform . String ( ) ] = map [ string ] interface { } {
2020-09-23 16:27:09 -05:00
"url" : archiveFilename , // a relative URL from the index file's URL
"hashes" : [ ] string { hash . String ( ) } , // an array to allow for additional hash formats in future
2020-04-24 17:54:43 -05:00
mainIndex := map [ string ] interface { } {
"versions" : indexVersions ,
mainIndexJSON , err := json . MarshalIndent ( mainIndex , "" , " " )
if err != nil {
// Should never happen because the input here is entirely under
// our control.
panic ( fmt . Sprintf ( "failed to encode main index: %s" , err ) )
// TODO: Ideally we would do these updates as atomic swap operations by
// creating a new file and then renaming it over the old one, in case
// this directory is the docroot of a live mirror. An atomic swap
// requires platform-specific code though: os.Rename alone can't do it
// when running on Windows as of Go 1.13. We should revisit this once
// we're supporting network mirrors, to avoid having them briefly
// become corrupted during updates.
err = ioutil . WriteFile ( filepath . Join ( indexDir , "index.json" ) , mainIndexJSON , 0644 )
if err != nil {
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"Failed to update indexes" ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "Failed to write an updated JSON index for %s: %s." , provider , err ) ,
) )
for version , archiveIndex := range indexArchives {
versionIndex := map [ string ] interface { } {
"archives" : archiveIndex ,
versionIndexJSON , err := json . MarshalIndent ( versionIndex , "" , " " )
if err != nil {
// Should never happen because the input here is entirely under
// our control.
panic ( fmt . Sprintf ( "failed to encode version index: %s" , err ) )
err = ioutil . WriteFile ( filepath . Join ( indexDir , version . String ( ) + ".json" ) , versionIndexJSON , 0644 )
if err != nil {
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"Failed to update indexes" ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "Failed to write an updated JSON index for %s v%s: %s." , provider , version , err ) ,
) )
c . showDiagnostics ( diags )
if diags . HasErrors ( ) {
return 1
return 0
func ( c * ProvidersMirrorCommand ) Help ( ) string {
return `
2021-02-22 08:25:56 -06:00
Usage : terraform [ global options ] providers mirror [ options ] < target - dir >
2020-04-24 17:54:43 -05:00
Populates a local directory with copies of the provider plugins needed for
the current configuration , so that the directory can be used either directly
as a filesystem mirror or as the basis for a network mirror and thus obtain
those providers without access to their origin registries in future .
The mirror directory will contain JSON index files that can be published
along with the mirrored packages on a static HTTP file server to produce
a network mirror . Those index files will be ignored if the directory is
used instead as a local filesystem mirror .
Options :
- platform = os_arch Choose which target platform to build a mirror for .
By default Terraform will obtain plugin packages
suitable for the platform where you run this command .
Use this flag multiple times to include packages for
multiple target systems .
Target names consist of an operating system and a CPU
architecture . For example , "linux_amd64" selects the
Linux operating system running on an AMD64 or x86_64
CPU . Each provider is available only for a limited
set of target platforms .