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// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
2023-09-20 07:16:53 -05:00
package tofu
import (
// evalCheckRules ensures that all of the given check rules pass against
// the given HCL evaluation context.
// If any check rules produce an unknown result then they will be silently
// ignored on the assumption that the same checks will be run again later
// with fewer unknown values in the EvalContext.
// If any of the rules do not pass, the returned diagnostics will contain
// errors. Otherwise, it will either be empty or contain only warnings.
func evalCheckRules(typ addrs.CheckRuleType, rules []*configs.CheckRule, ctx EvalContext, self addrs.Checkable, keyData instances.RepetitionData, diagSeverity tfdiags.Severity) tfdiags.Diagnostics {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
checkState := ctx.Checks()
if !checkState.ConfigHasChecks(self.ConfigCheckable()) {
// We have nothing to do if this object doesn't have any checks,
// but the "rules" slice should agree that we don't.
if ct := len(rules); ct != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("check state says that %s should have no rules, but it has %d", self, ct))
return diags
if len(rules) == 0 {
// Nothing to do
return nil
severity := diagSeverity.ToHCL()
for i, rule := range rules {
result, ruleDiags := evalCheckRule(addrs.NewCheckRule(self, typ, i), rule, ctx, keyData, severity)
diags = diags.Append(ruleDiags)
log.Printf("[TRACE] evalCheckRules: %s status is now %s", self, result.Status)
if result.Status == checks.StatusFail {
checkState.ReportCheckFailure(self, typ, i, result.FailureMessage)
} else {
checkState.ReportCheckResult(self, typ, i, result.Status)
return diags
type checkResult struct {
Status checks.Status
FailureMessage string
func validateCheckRule(addr addrs.CheckRule, rule *configs.CheckRule, ctx EvalContext, keyData instances.RepetitionData) (string, *hcl.EvalContext, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
refs, moreDiags := lang.ReferencesInExpr(addrs.ParseRef, rule.Condition)
diags = diags.Append(moreDiags)
moreRefs, moreDiags := lang.ReferencesInExpr(addrs.ParseRef, rule.ErrorMessage)
diags = diags.Append(moreDiags)
refs = append(refs, moreRefs...)
var selfReference, sourceReference addrs.Referenceable
switch addr.Type {
case addrs.ResourcePostcondition:
switch s := addr.Container.(type) {
case addrs.AbsResourceInstance:
// Only resource postconditions can refer to self
selfReference = s.Resource
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid self reference type %t", addr.Container))
case addrs.CheckAssertion:
switch s := addr.Container.(type) {
case addrs.AbsCheck:
// Only check blocks have scoped resources so need to specify their
// source.
sourceReference = s.Check
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid source reference type %t", addr.Container))
scope := ctx.EvaluationScope(selfReference, sourceReference, keyData)
hclCtx, moreDiags := scope.EvalContext(refs)
diags = diags.Append(moreDiags)
errorMessage, moreDiags := evalCheckErrorMessage(rule.ErrorMessage, hclCtx)
diags = diags.Append(moreDiags)
return errorMessage, hclCtx, diags
func evalCheckRule(addr addrs.CheckRule, rule *configs.CheckRule, ctx EvalContext, keyData instances.RepetitionData, severity hcl.DiagnosticSeverity) (checkResult, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
// NOTE: Intentionally not passing the caller's selected severity in here,
// because this reports errors in the configuration itself, not the failure
// of an otherwise-valid condition.
errorMessage, hclCtx, diags := validateCheckRule(addr, rule, ctx, keyData)
const errInvalidCondition = "Invalid condition result"
resultVal, hclDiags := rule.Condition.Value(hclCtx)
diags = diags.Append(hclDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
log.Printf("[TRACE] evalCheckRule: %s: %s", addr.Type, diags.Err().Error())
return checkResult{Status: checks.StatusError}, diags
if !resultVal.IsKnown() {
// Check assertions warn if a status is unknown.
if addr.Type == addrs.CheckAssertion {
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagWarning,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("%s known after apply", addr.Type.Description()),
Detail: "The condition could not be evaluated at this time, a result will be known when this plan is applied.",
Subject: rule.Condition.Range().Ptr(),
Expression: rule.Condition,
EvalContext: hclCtx,
Extra: &addrs.CheckRuleDiagnosticExtra{
CheckRule: addr,
// We'll wait until we've learned more, then.
return checkResult{Status: checks.StatusUnknown}, diags
if resultVal.IsNull() {
// NOTE: Intentionally not passing the caller's selected severity in here,
// because this reports errors in the configuration itself, not the failure
// of an otherwise-valid condition.
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: errInvalidCondition,
Detail: "Condition expression must return either true or false, not null.",
Subject: rule.Condition.Range().Ptr(),
Expression: rule.Condition,
EvalContext: hclCtx,
return checkResult{Status: checks.StatusError}, diags
var err error
resultVal, err = convert.Convert(resultVal, cty.Bool)
if err != nil {
// NOTE: Intentionally not passing the caller's selected severity in here,
// because this reports errors in the configuration itself, not the failure
// of an otherwise-valid condition.
detail := fmt.Sprintf("Invalid condition result value: %s.", tfdiags.FormatError(err))
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: errInvalidCondition,
Detail: detail,
Subject: rule.Condition.Range().Ptr(),
Expression: rule.Condition,
EvalContext: hclCtx,
return checkResult{Status: checks.StatusError}, diags
// The condition result may be marked if the expression refers to a
// sensitive value.
resultVal, _ = resultVal.Unmark()
status := checks.StatusForCtyValue(resultVal)
if status != checks.StatusFail {
return checkResult{Status: status}, diags
errorMessageForDiags := errorMessage
if errorMessageForDiags == "" {
errorMessageForDiags = "This check failed, but has an invalid error message as described in the other accompanying messages."
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
// The caller gets to choose the severity of this one, because we
// treat condition failures as warnings in the presence of
// certain special planning options.
Severity: severity,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("%s failed", addr.Type.Description()),
Detail: errorMessageForDiags,
Subject: rule.Condition.Range().Ptr(),
Expression: rule.Condition,
EvalContext: hclCtx,
Extra: &addrs.CheckRuleDiagnosticExtra{
CheckRule: addr,
return checkResult{
Status: status,
FailureMessage: errorMessage,
}, diags
// evalCheckErrorMessage makes a best effort to evaluate the given expression,
// as an error message string.
// It will either return a non-empty message string or it'll return diagnostics
// with either errors or warnings that explain why the given expression isn't
// acceptable.
func evalCheckErrorMessage(expr hcl.Expression, hclCtx *hcl.EvalContext) (string, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
val, hclDiags := expr.Value(hclCtx)
diags = diags.Append(hclDiags)
if hclDiags.HasErrors() {
return "", diags
val, err := convert.Convert(val, cty.String)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid error message",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Unsuitable value for error message: %s.", tfdiags.FormatError(err)),
Subject: expr.Range().Ptr(),
Expression: expr,
EvalContext: hclCtx,
return "", diags
if !val.IsKnown() {
return "", diags
if val.IsNull() {
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid error message",
Detail: "Unsuitable value for error message: must not be null.",
Subject: expr.Range().Ptr(),
Expression: expr,
EvalContext: hclCtx,
return "", diags
val, valMarks := val.Unmark()
if _, sensitive := valMarks[marks.Sensitive]; sensitive {
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagWarning,
Summary: "Error message refers to sensitive values",
Detail: `The error expression used to explain this condition refers to sensitive values, so OpenTofu will not display the resulting message.
You can correct this by removing references to sensitive values, or by carefully using the nonsensitive() function if the expression will not reveal the sensitive data.`,
Subject: expr.Range().Ptr(),
Expression: expr,
EvalContext: hclCtx,
return "", diags
// NOTE: We've discarded any other marks the string might have been carrying,
// aside from the sensitive mark.
return strings.TrimSpace(val.AsString()), diags