2020-10-06 19:29:35 -05:00
package command
import (
2021-05-17 14:00:50 -05:00
2020-10-06 19:29:35 -05:00
2021-05-17 12:11:06 -05:00
2020-10-06 19:29:35 -05:00
2022-07-20 07:27:24 -05:00
type providersLockChangeType string
const (
providersLockChangeTypeNoChange providersLockChangeType = "providersLockChangeTypeNoChange"
providersLockChangeTypeNewProvider providersLockChangeType = "providersLockChangeTypeNewProvider"
providersLockChangeTypeNewHashes providersLockChangeType = "providersLockChangeTypeNewHashes"
2020-10-06 19:29:35 -05:00
// ProvidersLockCommand is a Command implementation that implements the
// "terraform providers lock" command, which creates or updates the current
// configuration's dependency lock file using information from upstream
// registries, regardless of the provider installation configuration that
// is configured for normal provider installation.
type ProvidersLockCommand struct {
func ( c * ProvidersLockCommand ) Synopsis ( ) string {
2020-10-23 18:55:32 -05:00
return "Write out dependency locks for the configured providers"
2020-10-06 19:29:35 -05:00
func ( c * ProvidersLockCommand ) Run ( args [ ] string ) int {
args = c . Meta . process ( args )
cmdFlags := c . Meta . defaultFlagSet ( "providers lock" )
var optPlatforms FlagStringSlice
var fsMirrorDir string
var netMirrorURL string
cmdFlags . Var ( & optPlatforms , "platform" , "target platform" )
cmdFlags . StringVar ( & fsMirrorDir , "fs-mirror" , "" , "filesystem mirror directory" )
cmdFlags . StringVar ( & netMirrorURL , "net-mirror" , "" , "network mirror base URL" )
cmdFlags . Usage = func ( ) { c . Ui . Error ( c . Help ( ) ) }
if err := cmdFlags . Parse ( args ) ; err != nil {
c . Ui . Error ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Error parsing command-line flags: %s\n" , err . Error ( ) ) )
return 1
var diags tfdiags . Diagnostics
if fsMirrorDir != "" && netMirrorURL != "" {
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"Invalid installation method options" ,
"The -fs-mirror and -net-mirror command line options are mutually-exclusive." ,
) )
c . showDiagnostics ( diags )
return 1
providerStrs := cmdFlags . Args ( )
var platforms [ ] getproviders . Platform
if len ( optPlatforms ) == 0 {
platforms = [ ] getproviders . Platform { getproviders . CurrentPlatform }
} else {
platforms = make ( [ ] getproviders . Platform , 0 , len ( optPlatforms ) )
for _ , platformStr := range optPlatforms {
platform , err := getproviders . ParsePlatform ( platformStr )
if err != nil {
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"Invalid target platform" ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "The string %q given in the -platform option is not a valid target platform: %s." , platformStr , err ) ,
) )
platforms = append ( platforms , platform )
// Unlike other commands, this command ignores the installation methods
// selected in the CLI configuration and instead chooses an installation
// method based on CLI options.
// This is so that folks who use a local mirror for everyday use can
// use this command to populate their lock files from upstream so
// subsequent "terraform init" calls can then verify the local mirror
// against the upstream checksums.
var source getproviders . Source
switch {
case fsMirrorDir != "" :
source = getproviders . NewFilesystemMirrorSource ( fsMirrorDir )
case netMirrorURL != "" :
u , err := url . Parse ( netMirrorURL )
if err != nil || u . Scheme != "https" {
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"Invalid network mirror URL" ,
"The -net-mirror option requires a valid https: URL as the mirror base URL." ,
) )
c . showDiagnostics ( diags )
return 1
source = getproviders . NewHTTPMirrorSource ( u , c . Services . CredentialsSource ( ) )
default :
// With no special options we consult upstream registries directly,
// because that gives us the most information to produce as complete
// and portable as possible a lock entry.
source = getproviders . NewRegistrySource ( c . Services )
config , confDiags := c . loadConfig ( "." )
diags = diags . Append ( confDiags )
reqs , hclDiags := config . ProviderRequirements ( )
diags = diags . Append ( hclDiags )
// If we have explicit provider selections on the command line then
// we'll modify "reqs" to only include those. Modifying this is okay
// because config.ProviderRequirements generates a fresh map result
// for each call.
if len ( providerStrs ) != 0 {
providers := map [ addrs . Provider ] struct { } { }
for _ , raw := range providerStrs {
addr , moreDiags := addrs . ParseProviderSourceString ( raw )
diags = diags . Append ( moreDiags )
if moreDiags . HasErrors ( ) {
providers [ addr ] = struct { } { }
if _ , exists := reqs [ addr ] ; ! exists {
// Can't request a provider that isn't required by the
// current configuration.
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
2021-05-19 11:56:16 -05:00
"Invalid provider argument" ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "The provider %s is not required by the current configuration." , addr . String ( ) ) ,
2020-10-06 19:29:35 -05:00
) )
for addr := range reqs {
if _ , exists := providers [ addr ] ; ! exists {
delete ( reqs , addr )
// We'll also ignore any providers that don't participate in locking.
for addr := range reqs {
if ! depsfile . ProviderIsLockable ( addr ) {
delete ( reqs , addr )
// We'll start our work with whatever locks we already have, so that
// we'll honor any existing version selections and just add additional
// hashes for them.
oldLocks , moreDiags := c . lockedDependencies ( )
diags = diags . Append ( moreDiags )
// If we have any error diagnostics already then we won't proceed further.
if diags . HasErrors ( ) {
c . showDiagnostics ( diags )
return 1
// Our general strategy here is to install the requested providers into
// a separate temporary directory -- thus ensuring that the results won't
// ever be inadvertently executed by other Terraform commands -- and then
// use the results of that installation to update the lock file for the
// current working directory. Because we throwaway the packages we
// downloaded after completing our work, a subsequent "terraform init" will
// then respect the CLI configuration's provider installation strategies
// but will verify the packages against the hashes we found upstream.
// Because our Installer abstraction is a per-platform idea, we'll
// instantiate one for each of the platforms the user requested, and then
// merge all of the generated locks together at the end.
updatedLocks := map [ getproviders . Platform ] * depsfile . Locks { }
selectedVersions := map [ addrs . Provider ] getproviders . Version { }
ctx , cancel := c . InterruptibleContext ( )
defer cancel ( )
for _ , platform := range platforms {
tempDir , err := ioutil . TempDir ( "" , "terraform-providers-lock" )
if err != nil {
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"Could not create temporary directory" ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "Failed to create a temporary directory for staging the requested provider packages: %s." , err ) ,
) )
defer os . RemoveAll ( tempDir )
evts := & providercache . InstallerEvents {
// Our output from this command is minimal just to show that
// we're making progress, rather than just silently hanging.
FetchPackageBegin : func ( provider addrs . Provider , version getproviders . Version , loc getproviders . PackageLocation ) {
c . Ui . Output ( fmt . Sprintf ( "- Fetching %s %s for %s..." , provider . ForDisplay ( ) , version , platform ) )
if prevVersion , exists := selectedVersions [ provider ] ; exists && version != prevVersion {
// This indicates a weird situation where we ended up
// selecting a different version for one platform than
// for another. We won't be able to merge the result
// in that case, so we'll generate an error.
// This could potentially happen if there's a provider
// we've not previously recorded in the lock file and
// the available versions change while we're running. To
// avoid that would require pre-locking all of the
// providers, which is complicated to do with the building
// blocks we have here, and so we'll wait to do it only
// if this situation arises often in practice.
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"Inconsistent provider versions" ,
fmt . Sprintf (
"The version constraint for %s selected inconsistent versions for different platforms, which is unexpected.\n\nThe upstream registry may have changed its available versions during Terraform's work. If so, re-running this command may produce a successful result." ,
provider ,
) ,
) )
selectedVersions [ provider ] = version
} ,
FetchPackageSuccess : func ( provider addrs . Provider , version getproviders . Version , localDir string , auth * getproviders . PackageAuthenticationResult ) {
var keyID string
if auth != nil && auth . ThirdPartySigned ( ) {
keyID = auth . KeyID
if keyID != "" {
keyID = c . Colorize ( ) . Color ( fmt . Sprintf ( ", key ID [reset][bold]%s[reset]" , keyID ) )
2022-07-20 07:27:24 -05:00
c . Ui . Output ( fmt . Sprintf ( "- Retrieved %s %s for %s (%s%s)" , provider . ForDisplay ( ) , version , platform , auth , keyID ) )
2020-10-06 19:29:35 -05:00
} ,
ctx := evts . OnContext ( ctx )
dir := providercache . NewDirWithPlatform ( tempDir , platform )
installer := providercache . NewInstaller ( dir , source )
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newLocks , err := installer . EnsureProviderVersions ( ctx , oldLocks , reqs , providercache . InstallNewProvidersForce )
2020-10-06 19:29:35 -05:00
if err != nil {
diags = diags . Append ( tfdiags . Sourceless (
tfdiags . Error ,
"Could not retrieve providers for locking" ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "Terraform failed to fetch the requested providers for %s in order to calculate their checksums: %s." , platform , err ) ,
) )
updatedLocks [ platform ] = newLocks
// If we have any error diagnostics from installation then we won't
// proceed to merging and updating the lock file on disk.
if diags . HasErrors ( ) {
c . showDiagnostics ( diags )
return 1
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// Track whether we've made any changes to the lock file as part of this
// operation. We can customise the final message based on our actions.
madeAnyChange := false
2020-10-06 19:29:35 -05:00
// We now have a separate updated locks object for each platform. We need
// to merge those all together so that the final result has the union of
// all of the checksums we saw for each of the providers we've worked on.
// We'll copy the old locks first because we want to retain any existing
// locks for providers that we _didn't_ visit above.
newLocks := oldLocks . DeepCopy ( )
for provider := range reqs {
oldLock := oldLocks . Provider ( provider )
var version getproviders . Version
var constraints getproviders . VersionConstraints
var hashes [ ] getproviders . Hash
if oldLock != nil {
version = oldLock . Version ( )
constraints = oldLock . VersionConstraints ( )
hashes = append ( hashes , oldLock . AllHashes ( ) ... )
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for platform , platformLocks := range updatedLocks {
2020-10-06 19:29:35 -05:00
platformLock := platformLocks . Provider ( provider )
if platformLock == nil {
continue // weird, but we'll tolerate it to avoid crashing
version = platformLock . Version ( )
constraints = platformLock . VersionConstraints ( )
// We don't make any effort to deduplicate hashes between different
// platforms here, because the SetProvider method we call below
// handles that automatically.
hashes = append ( hashes , platformLock . AllHashes ( ) ... )
2022-07-20 07:27:24 -05:00
// At this point, we've merged all the hashes for this (provider, platform)
// combo into the combined hashes for this provider. Let's take this
// opportunity to print out a summary for this particular combination.
switch providersLockCalculateChangeType ( oldLock , platformLock ) {
case providersLockChangeTypeNewProvider :
madeAnyChange = true
c . Ui . Output (
fmt . Sprintf (
"- Obtained %s checksums for %s; This was a new provider and the checksums for this platform are now tracked in the lock file" ,
provider . ForDisplay ( ) ,
platform ) )
case providersLockChangeTypeNewHashes :
madeAnyChange = true
c . Ui . Output (
fmt . Sprintf (
"- Obtained %s checksums for %s; Additional checksums for this platform are now tracked in the lock file" ,
provider . ForDisplay ( ) ,
platform ) )
case providersLockChangeTypeNoChange :
c . Ui . Output (
fmt . Sprintf (
"- Obtained %s checksums for %s; All checksums for this platform were already tracked in the lock file" ,
provider . ForDisplay ( ) ,
platform ) )
2020-10-06 19:29:35 -05:00
newLocks . SetProvider ( provider , version , constraints , hashes )
moreDiags = c . replaceLockedDependencies ( newLocks )
diags = diags . Append ( moreDiags )
c . showDiagnostics ( diags )
if diags . HasErrors ( ) {
return 1
2022-07-20 07:27:24 -05:00
if madeAnyChange {
c . Ui . Output ( c . Colorize ( ) . Color ( "\n[bold][green]Success![reset] [bold]Terraform has updated the lock file.[reset]" ) )
c . Ui . Output ( "\nReview the changes in .terraform.lock.hcl and then commit to your\nversion control system to retain the new checksums.\n" )
} else {
c . Ui . Output ( c . Colorize ( ) . Color ( "\n[bold][green]Success![reset] [bold]Terraform has validated the lock file and found no need for changes.[reset]" ) )
2020-10-06 19:29:35 -05:00
return 0
func ( c * ProvidersLockCommand ) Help ( ) string {
return `
2021-02-22 08:25:56 -06:00
Usage : terraform [ global options ] providers lock [ options ] [ providers ... ]
2020-10-06 19:29:35 -05:00
Normally the dependency lock file ( . terraform . lock . hcl ) is updated
automatically by "terraform init" , but the information available to the
normal provider installer can be constrained when you ' re installing providers
from filesystem or network mirrors , and so the generated lock file can end
up incomplete .
The "providers lock" subcommand addresses that by updating the lock file
based on the official packages available in the origin registry , ignoring
the currently - configured installation strategy .
After this command succeeds , the lock file will contain suitable checksums
to allow installation of the providers needed by the current configuration
on all of the selected platforms .
By default this command updates the lock file for every provider declared
in the configuration . You can override that behavior by providing one or
more provider source addresses on the command line .
Options :
- fs - mirror = dir Consult the given filesystem mirror directory instead
of the origin registry for each of the given providers .
This would be necessary to generate lock file entries for
a provider that is available only via a mirror , and not
published in an upstream registry . In this case , the set
of valid checksums will be limited only to what Terraform
can learn from the data in the mirror directory .
- net - mirror = url Consult the given network mirror ( given as a base URL )
instead of the origin registry for each of the given
providers .
This would be necessary to generate lock file entries for
a provider that is available only via a mirror , and not
published in an upstream registry . In this case , the set
of valid checksums will be limited only to what Terraform
can learn from the data in the mirror indices .
- platform = os_arch Choose a target platform to request package checksums
for .
By default Terraform will request package checksums
suitable only for the platform where you run this
command . Use this option multiple times to include
checksums for multiple target systems .
Target names consist of an operating system and a CPU
architecture . For example , "linux_amd64" selects the
Linux operating system running on an AMD64 or x86_64
CPU . Each provider is available only for a limited
set of target platforms .
2022-07-20 07:27:24 -05:00
// providersLockCalculateChangeType works out whether there is any difference
// between oldLock and newLock and returns a variable the main function can use
// to decide on which message to print.
// One assumption made here that is not obvious without the context from the
// main function is that while platformLock contains the lock information for a
// single platform after the current run, oldLock contains the combined
// information of all platforms from when the versions were last checked. A
// simple equality check is not sufficient for deciding on change as we expect
// that oldLock will be a superset of platformLock if no new hashes have been
// found.
// We've separated this function out so we can write unit tests around the
// logic. This function assumes the platformLock is not nil, as the main
// function explicitly checks this before calling this function.
func providersLockCalculateChangeType ( oldLock * depsfile . ProviderLock , platformLock * depsfile . ProviderLock ) providersLockChangeType {
if oldLock == nil {
return providersLockChangeTypeNewProvider
if oldLock . ContainsAll ( platformLock ) {
return providersLockChangeTypeNoChange
return providersLockChangeTypeNewHashes