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export PATH := $(abspath bin/):${PATH}
# Dependency versions
# run Go tests and generate a coverage report
# The coverage counters are to be updated atomically,
# which is useful for tests that run in parallel.
.PHONY: test-with-coverage
go test -coverprofile=coverage.out -covermode=atomic ./...
go tool cover -html=coverage.out -o coverage.html
# run the unit tests across all packages in the tofu project
.PHONY: test
go test -v ./...
# build tofu binary in the current directory with the version set to the git tag
# or commit hash if there is no tag.
.PHONY: build
go build -ldflags "-X main.version=$(shell git describe --tags --always --dirty)" -o tofu ./cmd/tofu
2015-01-26 20:19:22 -06:00
# generate runs `go generate` to build the dynamically generated
# source files, except the protobuf stubs which are built instead with
# "make protobuf".
.PHONY: generate
2020-09-23 15:57:36 -05:00
go generate ./...
# We separate the protobuf generation because most development tasks on
# OpenTofu do not involve changing protobuf files and protoc is not a
# go-gettable dependency and so getting it installed can be inconvenient.
build: Centralize our protobuf compilation steps We have a few different .proto files in this repository that all need to get recompiled into .pb.go files each time we change them, but we were previously handling that with some scripts that just assumed that protoc and the relevant plugins were already installed on the system somewhere, at the right versions. In practice we've been constantly flopping between different versions of these tools due to folks having different versions installed in their development environments. In particular, the state of the .pb.go files in the prior commit wasn't reproducible by any single version of the tools because they've all slightly diverged from one another. In the interests of being more consistent here and avoiding accidental inconsistencies, we'll now centralize the protocol buffer compile steps all into a single tool that knows how to fetch and install the expected versions of the various tools we need and then run those tools with the right options to get a stable result. If we want to upgrade to either a newer protoc or a newer protoc-gen-go in future then we'll do that in a central location and update all of the .pb.go files at the same time, so that we're always consistently tracking the same version of protocol buffers everywhere. While doing this I attempted to keep as close as possible to the toolchain we'd most recently used, but since they were not consistent with each other they've now all changed which version numbers they record at minimum, and the planproto stub in particular now also has a slightly different descriptor serialization but is otherwise offering the same API.
2021-08-20 18:07:18 -05:00
# If you are working on changes to protobuf interfaces, run this Makefile
# target to be sure to regenerate all of the protobuf stubs using the expected
# versions of protoc and the protoc Go plugins.
.PHONY: protobuf
build: Centralize our protobuf compilation steps We have a few different .proto files in this repository that all need to get recompiled into .pb.go files each time we change them, but we were previously handling that with some scripts that just assumed that protoc and the relevant plugins were already installed on the system somewhere, at the right versions. In practice we've been constantly flopping between different versions of these tools due to folks having different versions installed in their development environments. In particular, the state of the .pb.go files in the prior commit wasn't reproducible by any single version of the tools because they've all slightly diverged from one another. In the interests of being more consistent here and avoiding accidental inconsistencies, we'll now centralize the protocol buffer compile steps all into a single tool that knows how to fetch and install the expected versions of the various tools we need and then run those tools with the right options to get a stable result. If we want to upgrade to either a newer protoc or a newer protoc-gen-go in future then we'll do that in a central location and update all of the .pb.go files at the same time, so that we're always consistently tracking the same version of protocol buffers everywhere. While doing this I attempted to keep as close as possible to the toolchain we'd most recently used, but since they were not consistent with each other they've now all changed which version numbers they record at minimum, and the planproto stub in particular now also has a slightly different descriptor serialization but is otherwise offering the same API.
2021-08-20 18:07:18 -05:00
go run ./tools/protobuf-compile .
# Golangci-lint
.PHONY: golangci-lint
go run run --timeout 60m --new-from-rev dd5f9afe8948186c76fe6b8b1193d7a8f46919d8 ./...
# Run license check
.PHONY: license-check
go mod vendor
licensei cache --debug
licensei check --debug
licensei header --debug
rm -rf vendor/
git diff --exit-code
# Install dependencies
deps: bin/licensei
bin/licensei: bin/licensei-${LICENSEI_VERSION}
@ln -sf licensei-${LICENSEI_VERSION} bin/licensei
@mkdir -p bin
curl -sfL | bash -s v${LICENSEI_VERSION}
@mv bin/licensei $@
2017-02-17 17:31:20 -06:00
# disallow any parallelism (-j) for Make. This is necessary since some
# commands during the build process create temporary files that collide
# under parallel conditions.
# Integration tests
.PHONY: list-integration-tests
list-integration-tests: ## Lists tests.
@ grep -h -E '^(test|integration)-.+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[1m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
# integration test with s3 as backend
.PHONY: test-s3
define infoTestS3
Test requires:
* AWS Credentials to be configured
* IAM Permissions in us-west-2
- S3 CRUD operations on buckets which will follow the pattern tofu-test-*
- DynamoDB CRUD operations on a Table named dynamoTable
test-s3: ## Runs tests with s3 bucket as the backend.
@ $(info $(infoTestS3))
@ TF_S3_TEST=1 go test ./internal/backend/remote-state/s3/...
# integration test with gcp as backend
.PHONY: test-gcp
define infoTestGCP
This test requires a working set of default credentials on the host.
You can configure those by running `gcloud auth application-default login`.
Additionally, you'll need to set the following environment variables:
- GOOGLE_REGION to a valid GCP region, e.g. us-west1
- GOOGLE_PROJECT to a valid GCP project ID
Note: The GCP tests leave behind a keyring, because those can't easily be deleted. It will be reused across test runs.
test-gcp: ## Runs tests with gcp as the backend.
@ $(info $(infoTestGCP))
@ TF_ACC=1 go test ./internal/backend/remote-state/gcs/...
@ echo "Note: this test has left behind a keyring, because those can't easily be deleted. It will be reused across test runs."
# integration test with postgres as backend
.PHONY: test-pg test-pg-clean
PG_PORT := 5432
define infoTestPg
Test requires:
* Docker:
* Port: $(PG_PORT)
test-pg: ## Runs tests with local Postgres instance as the backend.
@ $(info $(infoTestPg))
@ echo "Starting database"
@ make test-pg-clean
@ docker run --rm -d --name tofu-pg \
-p $(PG_PORT):5432 \
postgres:16-alpine3.17 1> /dev/null
@ docker exec tofu-pg /bin/bash -c 'until psql -U tofu -c "\q" 2> /dev/null; do echo "Database is getting ready, waiting"; sleep 1; done'
@ DATABASE_URL="postgres://tofu:tofu@localhost:$(PG_PORT)/tofu?sslmode=disable" \
TF_PG_TEST=1 go test ./internal/backend/remote-state/pg/...
test-pg-clean: ## Cleans environment after `test-pg`.
@ docker rm -f tofu-pg 2> /dev/null
# integration test with Azure as backend
.PHONY: test-azure
test-azure: ## Directs the developer to follow a runbook describing how to run Azure integration tests.
@ echo "To run Azure integration tests, please follow the runbook in internal/backend/remote-state/azure/".
@ exit 1 # don't want the user to miss this
# integration test with Consul as backend
.PHONY: test-consul test-consul-clean
define infoTestConsul
Test requires:
* Docker:
GO_VER := `cat $(PWD)/.go-version`
test-consul: ## Runs tests using in docker container using Consul as the backend.
@ $(info $(infoTestConsul))
@ echo "Build docker image with Consul and Go v$(GO_VER)"
@ cd ./internal/backend/remote-state/consul &&\
docker build --build-arg="GO_VERSION=${GO_VER}" -t tofu-consul --progress=plain . &> /dev/null
@ echo "Run tests"
@ docker run --rm --name tofu-consul -v $(PWD):/app -e TF_CONSUL_TEST=1 -t tofu-consul \
test ./internal/backend/remote-state/consul/...
test-consul-clean: ## Cleans environment after `test-consul`.
@ docker rmi -f tofu-consul:latest
# integration test with kubernetes as backend
.PHONY: test-kubernetes test-kubernetes-clean
define infoTestK8s
Test requires:
* Git client
* Docker:
Note! Please make sure that the docker configurations satisfy requirements:
KIND_VERSION := v0.20.0
test-kubernetes: test-kubernetes-clean ## Runs tests with a local kubernetes cluster as the backend.
@ $(info $(infoTestK8s))
@ echo "Installing KinD $(KIND_VERSION):"
@ git clone -c advice.detachedHead=false -q -b $(KIND_VERSION) /tmp/kind-repo 1> /dev/null && \
cd /tmp/kind-repo &&\
make build 1> /dev/null &&\
mv ./bin/kind /tmp/tofuk8s &&\
cd .. && rm -rf kind-repo
@ echo "Provisioning a cluster"
@ /tmp/tofuk8s -q create cluster --name tofu-kubernetes
@ /tmp/tofuk8s -q export kubeconfig --name tofu-kubernetes --kubeconfig /tmp/tofu-k8s-config
@ echo "Running tests"
@ KUBE_CONFIG_PATHS=/tmp/tofu-k8s-config TF_K8S_TEST=1 go test ./internal/backend/remote-state/kubernetes/...
@ echo "Deleting provisioned cluster"
@ make test-kubernetes-clean
test-kubernetes-clean: ## Cleans environment after `test-kubernetes`.
@ test -s /tmp/tofu-k8s-config && rm /tmp/tofu-k8s-config || echo "" > /dev/null
@ test -s /tmp/tofuk8s && (/tmp/tofuk8s -q delete cluster --name tofu-kubernetes && rm /tmp/tofuk8s) || echo "" > /dev/null
@cd "$(CURDIR)/website/docs/intro/install" && ./
integration-tests: test-s3 test-pg test-consul test-kubernetes integration-tests-clean ## Runs all integration tests test.
integration-tests-clean: test-pg-clean test-consul-clean test-kubernetes-clean ## Cleans environment after all integration tests.
.PHONY: help
help: ## Prints this help message.
@echo ""
@echo "Opentofu Makefile"
@echo ""
@echo "Usage: make [target]"
@echo ""
@echo "The available targets for execution are listed below."
@echo ""
@echo "Targets:"
@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*$$"; OFS = ""} \
/^# .*$$/ { doc=$$0; sub(/^# /, "", doc); next } \
/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*## .*$$/ { target=$$1; sub(/:$$/, "", target); desc=$$0; sub(/^[^#]*## /, "", desc); if (!seen[target]++) { printf "\033[1m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", target, desc } } \
/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*$$/ { target=$$1; sub(/:$$/, "", target); if (!seen[target]++) { if (doc != "") { printf "\033[1m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", target, doc; doc="" } else { printf "\033[1m%-30s\033[0m\n", target } } }' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)