This commit is contained in:
James Nugent 2016-04-15 12:22:22 -07:00
parent d7d39702c0
commit 02b397f43e

View File

@ -5,72 +5,72 @@ FEATURES:
* **New command:** `terraform fmt` to automatically normalize config file style [GH-4955]
* **New interpolation function:** `jsonencode` [GH-5890]
* **New provider:** `fastly` [GH-5814]
* **New resource:** `aws_cloudfront_distribution` [GH-5221]
* **New resource:** `aws_cloudfront_origin_access_identity` [GH-5221]
* **New resource:** `aws_iam_user_ssh_key` [GH-5774]
* **New resource:** `aws_s3_bucket_notification` [GH-5473]
* **New resource:** `cloudstack_static_nat` [GH-6004]
* **New resource:** `consul_key_prefix` [GH-5988]
* **New resource:** `triton_fabric` [GH-5920]
* **New resource:** `triton_vlan` [GH-5920]
* **New resource:** `aws_cloudfront_distribution` [GH-5221]
* **New resource:** `aws_cloudfront_origin_access_identity` [GH-5221]
* command/apply: Output will now show periodic status updates of slow
resources. [GH-6163]
* command/apply: Output will now show periodic status updates of slow resources. [GH-6163]
* core: Variables passed between modules are now type checked [GH-6185]
* provider/aws: Add support for Step Scaling in `aws_autoscaling_policy` [GH-4277]
* provider/aws: Add support for `cname_prefix` to `aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment` resource [GH-5966]
* provider/aws: Add support for trigger_configuration to `aws_codedeploy_deployment_group` [GH-5599]
* provider/aws: Adding outputs for elastic_beanstalk_environment resource [GH-5915]
* provider/aws: Adds `wait_for_ready_timeout` option to `aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment` [GH-5967]
* provider/aws: Allow `aws_db_subnet_group` description to be updated [GH-5921]
* provider/aws: Allow multiple EIPs to associate to single ENI [GH-6070]
* provider/aws: Change `aws_elb` access_logs to list type [GH-5065]
* provider/aws: Check that InternetGateway exists before returning from creation [GH-6105]
* provider/aws: Don't Base64-encode EC2 userdata if it is already Base64 encoded [GH-6140]
* provider/aws: Making the Cloudwatch Event Rule Target `target_id` optional [GH-5787]
* provider/aws: Timeouts for `elasticsearch_domain` are increased [GH-5910]
* provider/aws: `aws_codecommit_repository` set `default_branch` only if defined [GH-5904]
* provider/aws: `aws_redshift_cluster` allows usernames with underscore in it [GH-5935]
* provider/aws: normalize json for `aws_cloudwatch_event_rule` [GH-6025]
* provider/aws: normalise json for `aws_sns_topic` [GH-6089]
* provider/aws: Allow multiple EIPs to associate to single ENI [GH-6070]
* provider/aws: Check that InternetGateway exists before returning from creation [GH-6105]
* provider/aws: Add support for trigger_configuration to `aws_codedeploy_deployment_group` [GH-5599]
* provider/aws: Don't Base64-encode EC2 userdata if it is already Base64 encoded [GH-6140]
* provider/aws: normalize json for `aws_cloudwatch_event_rule` [GH-6025]
* provider/clc: Override default `account` alias in provider config [GH-5785]
* provider/cloudstack: Deprecate `ipaddress` in favour of `ip_address` in all resources [GH-6010]
* provider/cloudstack: Deprecate allowing names (instead of IDs) for parameters that reference other resources [GH-6123]
* provider/datadog: Add heredoc support to message, escalation_message, and query [GH-5788]
* provider/docker: Add support for docker run --user option [GH-5300]
* provider/google: Accept GOOGLE_CLOUD_KEYFILE_JSON env var for credentials [GH-6007]
* provider/google: Make "project" attribute on provider configuration optional [GH-6112]
* provider/google: Add "project" argument and attribute to all GCP compute resources which inherit from the provider's value [GH-6112]
*provider/google: Deprecate unused "region" attribute in `global_forwarding_rule`; this attribute was never used anywhere in the computation of the resource [GH-6112]
* provider/google: Read more common configuration values from the environment and clarify precedence ordering [GH-6114]
* provider/github: Add support for privacy to `github_team` [GH-6116]
* provider/cloudstack: Deprecate `ipaddress` in favour of `ip_address` in all resources [GH-6010]
* provider/openstack: Allow subnets with no gateway [GH-6060]
* provider/openstack: Add value_specs argument and attribute for routers [GH-4898]
* provider/cloudstack: Deprecate allowing names (instead of IDs) for parameters that reference other resources [GH-6123]
* provider/vsphere: Support for linked clones and Windows-specific guest config options [GH-6087]
* provider/google: Accept GOOGLE_CLOUD_KEYFILE_JSON env var for credentials [GH-6007]
* provider/google: Add "project" argument and attribute to all GCP compute resources which inherit from the provider's value [GH-6112]
* provider/google: Make "project" attribute on provider configuration optional [GH-6112]
* provider/google: Read more common configuration values from the environment and clarify precedence ordering [GH-6114]
* provider/google: `addons_config` and `subnetwork` added as attributes to `google_container_cluster` [GH-5871]
* provider/openstack: Add value_specs argument and attribute for routers [GH-4898]
* provider/openstack: Allow subnets with no gateway [GH-6060]
* provider/vsphere: Support for linked clones and Windows-specific guest config options [GH-6087]
*provider/google: Deprecate unused "region" attribute in `global_forwarding_rule`; this attribute was never used anywhere in the computation of the resource [GH-6112]
* provider/aws: Convert protocols to standard format for Security Groups [GH-5881]
* provider/aws: Fix Lambda VPC integration (missing `vpc_id` field in schema) [GH-6157]
* provider/aws: Fix `aws_route panic` when destination CIDR block is nil [GH-5781]
* provider/aws: Fix issue re-creating deleted VPC peering connections [GH-5959]
* provider/aws: Fix issue with changing iops when also changing storage type to io1 on RDS [GH-5676]
* provider/aws: Fix issue with retrying deletion of Network ACLs [GH-5954]
* provider/aws: Fix Lambda VPC integration (missing `vpc_id` field in schema) [GH-6157]
* provider/aws: Fix potential crash when receiving malformed `aws_route` API responses [GH-5867]
* provider/aws: Guard against empty responses from Lambda Permissions [GH-5838]
* provider/aws: Normalize and compact SQS Redrive, Policy JSON [GH-5888]
* provider/aws: Remove CloudTrail Trail from state if not found [GH-6024]
* provider/aws: Report better error message in `aws_route53_record` when `set_identifier` is required [GH-5777]
* provider/aws: set ASG `health_check_grace_period` default to 300 [GH-5830]
* provider/aws: Show human-readable error message when failing to read an EBS volume [GH-6038]
* provider/aws: set ASG `health_check_grace_period` default to 300 [GH-5830]
* provider/azurerm: Fix detection of `azurerm_storage_account` resources removed manually [GH-5878]
* provider/docker: Docker Image will be deleted on destroy [GH-5801]
* provider/openstack: Fix resizing when Flavor Name changes [GH-6020]
* provider/openstack: Fix Disabling DHCP on Subnets [GH-6052]
* provider/vsphere: Add error handling to `vsphere_folder` [GH-6095]
* provider/openstack: Fix resizing when Flavor Name changes [GH-6020]
* provider/triton: Firewall status on `triton_machine` resources is reflected correctly [GH-6119]
* provider/vsphere: Add error handling to `vsphere_folder` [GH-6095]
## 0.6.14 (March 21, 2016)