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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
Merge pull request #30401 from hashicorp/f-preconditions-postconditions-rebased
Preconditions and Postconditions
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
package configs
import (
// CheckRule represents a configuration-defined validation rule, precondition,
// or postcondition. Blocks of this sort can appear in a few different places
// in configuration, including "validation" blocks for variables,
// and "precondition" and "postcondition" blocks for resources.
type CheckRule struct {
// Condition is an expression that must evaluate to true if the condition
// holds or false if it does not. If the expression produces an error then
// that's considered to be a bug in the module defining the check.
// The available variables in a condition expression vary depending on what
// a check is attached to. For example, validation rules attached to
// input variables can only refer to the variable that is being validated.
Condition hcl.Expression
// ErrorMessage is one or more full sentences, which would need to be in
// English for consistency with the rest of the error message output but
// can in practice be in any language as long as it ends with a period.
// The message should describe what is required for the condition to return
// true in a way that would make sense to a caller of the module.
ErrorMessage string
DeclRange hcl.Range
// decodeCheckRuleBlock decodes the contents of the given block as a check rule.
// Unlike most of our "decode..." functions, this one can be applied to blocks
// of various types as long as their body structures are "check-shaped". The
// function takes the containing block only because some error messages will
// refer to its location, and the returned object's DeclRange will be the
// block's header.
func decodeCheckRuleBlock(block *hcl.Block, override bool) (*CheckRule, hcl.Diagnostics) {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
cr := &CheckRule{
DeclRange: block.DefRange,
if override {
// For now we'll just forbid overriding check blocks, to simplify
// the initial design. If we can find a clear use-case for overriding
// checks in override files and there's a way to define it that
// isn't confusing then we could relax this.
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Can't override %s blocks", block.Type),
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Override files cannot override %q blocks.", block.Type),
Subject: cr.DeclRange.Ptr(),
return cr, diags
content, moreDiags := block.Body.Content(checkRuleBlockSchema)
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
if attr, exists := content.Attributes["condition"]; exists {
cr.Condition = attr.Expr
if len(cr.Condition.Variables()) == 0 {
// A condition expression that doesn't refer to any variable is
// pointless, because its result would always be a constant.
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid %s expression", block.Type),
Detail: "The condition expression must refer to at least one object from elsewhere in the configuration, or else its result would not be checking anything.",
Subject: cr.Condition.Range().Ptr(),
if attr, exists := content.Attributes["error_message"]; exists {
moreDiags := gohcl.DecodeExpression(attr.Expr, nil, &cr.ErrorMessage)
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
if !moreDiags.HasErrors() {
const errSummary = "Invalid validation error message"
switch {
case cr.ErrorMessage == "":
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: errSummary,
Detail: "An empty string is not a valid nor useful error message.",
Subject: attr.Expr.Range().Ptr(),
case !looksLikeSentences(cr.ErrorMessage):
// Because we're going to include this string verbatim as part
// of a bigger error message written in our usual style in
// English, we'll require the given error message to conform
// to that. We might relax this in future if e.g. we start
// presenting these error messages in a different way, or if
// Terraform starts supporting producing error messages in
// other human languages, etc.
// For pragmatism we also allow sentences ending with
// exclamation points, but we don't mention it explicitly here
// because that's not really consistent with the Terraform UI
// writing style.
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: errSummary,
Detail: "The validation error message must be at least one full sentence starting with an uppercase letter and ending with a period or question mark.\n\nYour given message will be included as part of a larger Terraform error message, written as English prose. For broadly-shared modules we suggest using a similar writing style so that the overall result will be consistent.",
Subject: attr.Expr.Range().Ptr(),
return cr, diags
// looksLikeSentence is a simple heuristic that encourages writing error
// messages that will be presentable when included as part of a larger
// Terraform error diagnostic whose other text is written in the Terraform
// UI writing style.
// This is intentionally not a very strong validation since we're assuming
// that module authors want to write good messages and might just need a nudge
// about Terraform's specific style, rather than that they are going to try
// to work around these rules to write a lower-quality message.
func looksLikeSentences(s string) bool {
if len(s) < 1 {
return false
runes := []rune(s) // HCL guarantees that all strings are valid UTF-8
first := runes[0]
last := runes[len(runes)-1]
// If the first rune is a letter then it must be an uppercase letter.
// (This will only see the first rune in a multi-rune combining sequence,
// but the first rune is generally the letter if any are, and if not then
// we'll just ignore it because we're primarily expecting English messages
// right now anyway, for consistency with all of Terraform's other output.)
if unicode.IsLetter(first) && !unicode.IsUpper(first) {
return false
// The string must be at least one full sentence, which implies having
// sentence-ending punctuation.
// (This assumes that if a sentence ends with quotes then the period
// will be outside the quotes, which is consistent with Terraform's UI
// writing style.)
return last == '.' || last == '?' || last == '!'
var checkRuleBlockSchema = &hcl.BodySchema{
Attributes: []hcl.AttributeSchema{
Name: "condition",
Required: true,
Name: "error_message",
Required: true,
@ -209,6 +209,55 @@ func checkModuleExperiments(m *Module) hcl.Diagnostics {
if !m.ActiveExperiments.Has(experiments.PreconditionsPostconditions) {
for _, r := range m.ManagedResources {
for _, c := range r.Preconditions {
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Preconditions are experimental",
Detail: "The resource preconditions feature is currently an opt-in experiment, subject to change in future releases based on feedback.\n\nActivate the feature for this module by adding preconditions_postconditions to the list of active experiments.",
Subject: c.DeclRange.Ptr(),
for _, c := range r.Postconditions {
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Postconditions are experimental",
Detail: "The resource preconditions feature is currently an opt-in experiment, subject to change in future releases based on feedback.\n\nActivate the feature for this module by adding preconditions_postconditions to the list of active experiments.",
Subject: c.DeclRange.Ptr(),
for _, r := range m.DataResources {
for _, c := range r.Preconditions {
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Preconditions are experimental",
Detail: "The resource preconditions feature is currently an opt-in experiment, subject to change in future releases based on feedback.\n\nActivate the feature for this module by adding preconditions_postconditions to the list of active experiments.",
Subject: c.DeclRange.Ptr(),
for _, c := range r.Postconditions {
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Postconditions are experimental",
Detail: "The resource preconditions feature is currently an opt-in experiment, subject to change in future releases based on feedback.\n\nActivate the feature for this module by adding preconditions_postconditions to the list of active experiments.",
Subject: c.DeclRange.Ptr(),
for _, o := range m.Outputs {
for _, c := range o.Preconditions {
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Preconditions are experimental",
Detail: "The output value preconditions feature is currently an opt-in experiment, subject to change in future releases based on feedback.\n\nActivate the feature for this module by adding preconditions_postconditions to the list of active experiments.",
Subject: c.DeclRange.Ptr(),
return diags
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package configs
import (
@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ type Variable struct {
ConstraintType cty.Type
ParsingMode VariableParsingMode
Validations []*VariableValidation
Validations []*CheckRule
Sensitive bool
DescriptionSet bool
@ -308,53 +307,12 @@ func (m VariableParsingMode) Parse(name, value string) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnosti
// VariableValidation represents a configuration-defined validation rule
// for a particular input variable, given as a "validation" block inside
// a "variable" block.
type VariableValidation struct {
// Condition is an expression that refers to the variable being tested
// and contains no other references. The expression must return true
// to indicate that the value is valid or false to indicate that it is
// invalid. If the expression produces an error, that's considered a bug
// in the module defining the validation rule, not an error in the caller.
Condition hcl.Expression
// ErrorMessage is one or more full sentences, which would need to be in
// English for consistency with the rest of the error message output but
// can in practice be in any language as long as it ends with a period.
// The message should describe what is required for the condition to return
// true in a way that would make sense to a caller of the module.
ErrorMessage string
DeclRange hcl.Range
func decodeVariableValidationBlock(varName string, block *hcl.Block, override bool) (*VariableValidation, hcl.Diagnostics) {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
vv := &VariableValidation{
DeclRange: block.DefRange,
if override {
// For now we'll just forbid overriding validation blocks, to simplify
// the initial design. If we can find a clear use-case for overriding
// validations in override files and there's a way to define it that
// isn't confusing then we could relax this.
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Can't override variable validation rules",
Detail: "Variable \"validation\" blocks cannot be used in override files.",
Subject: vv.DeclRange.Ptr(),
return vv, diags
content, moreDiags := block.Body.Content(variableValidationBlockSchema)
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
if attr, exists := content.Attributes["condition"]; exists {
vv.Condition = attr.Expr
// decodeVariableValidationBlock is a wrapper around decodeCheckRuleBlock
// that imposes the additional rule that the condition expression can refer
// only to an input variable of the given name.
func decodeVariableValidationBlock(varName string, block *hcl.Block, override bool) (*CheckRule, hcl.Diagnostics) {
vv, diags := decodeCheckRuleBlock(block, override)
if vv.Condition != nil {
// The validation condition can only refer to the variable itself,
// to ensure that the variable declaration can't create additional
// edges in the dependency graph.
@ -382,83 +340,14 @@ func decodeVariableValidationBlock(varName string, block *hcl.Block, override bo
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid variable validation condition",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The condition for variable %q must refer to var.%s in order to test incoming values.", varName, varName),
Subject: attr.Expr.Range().Ptr(),
Subject: vv.Condition.Range().Ptr(),
if attr, exists := content.Attributes["error_message"]; exists {
moreDiags := gohcl.DecodeExpression(attr.Expr, nil, &vv.ErrorMessage)
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
if !moreDiags.HasErrors() {
const errSummary = "Invalid validation error message"
switch {
case vv.ErrorMessage == "":
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: errSummary,
Detail: "An empty string is not a valid nor useful error message.",
Subject: attr.Expr.Range().Ptr(),
case !looksLikeSentences(vv.ErrorMessage):
// Because we're going to include this string verbatim as part
// of a bigger error message written in our usual style in
// English, we'll require the given error message to conform
// to that. We might relax this in future if e.g. we start
// presenting these error messages in a different way, or if
// Terraform starts supporting producing error messages in
// other human languages, etc.
// For pragmatism we also allow sentences ending with
// exclamation points, but we don't mention it explicitly here
// because that's not really consistent with the Terraform UI
// writing style.
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: errSummary,
Detail: "The validation error message must be at least one full sentence starting with an uppercase letter and ending with a period or question mark.\n\nYour given message will be included as part of a larger Terraform error message, written as English prose. For broadly-shared modules we suggest using a similar writing style so that the overall result will be consistent.",
Subject: attr.Expr.Range().Ptr(),
return vv, diags
// looksLikeSentence is a simple heuristic that encourages writing error
// messages that will be presentable when included as part of a larger
// Terraform error diagnostic whose other text is written in the Terraform
// UI writing style.
// This is intentionally not a very strong validation since we're assuming
// that module authors want to write good messages and might just need a nudge
// about Terraform's specific style, rather than that they are going to try
// to work around these rules to write a lower-quality message.
func looksLikeSentences(s string) bool {
if len(s) < 1 {
return false
runes := []rune(s) // HCL guarantees that all strings are valid UTF-8
first := runes[0]
last := runes[len(runes)-1]
// If the first rune is a letter then it must be an uppercase letter.
// (This will only see the first rune in a multi-rune combining sequence,
// but the first rune is generally the letter if any are, and if not then
// we'll just ignore it because we're primarily expecting English messages
// right now anyway, for consistency with all of Terraform's other output.)
if unicode.IsLetter(first) && !unicode.IsUpper(first) {
return false
// The string must be at least one full sentence, which implies having
// sentence-ending punctuation.
// (This assumes that if a sentence ends with quotes then the period
// will be outside the quotes, which is consistent with Terraform's UI
// writing style.)
return last == '.' || last == '?' || last == '!'
// Output represents an "output" block in a module or file.
type Output struct {
Name string
@ -467,6 +356,8 @@ type Output struct {
DependsOn []hcl.Traversal
Sensitive bool
Preconditions []*CheckRule
DescriptionSet bool
SensitiveSet bool
@ -520,6 +411,26 @@ func decodeOutputBlock(block *hcl.Block, override bool) (*Output, hcl.Diagnostic
o.DependsOn = append(o.DependsOn, deps...)
for _, block := range content.Blocks {
switch block.Type {
case "precondition":
cr, moreDiags := decodeCheckRuleBlock(block, override)
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
o.Preconditions = append(o.Preconditions, cr)
case "postcondition":
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Postconditions are not allowed",
Detail: "Output values can only have preconditions, not postconditions.",
Subject: block.TypeRange.Ptr(),
// The cases above should be exhaustive for all block types
// defined in the block type schema, so this shouldn't happen.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected lifecycle sub-block type %q", block.Type))
return o, diags
@ -592,19 +503,6 @@ var variableBlockSchema = &hcl.BodySchema{
var variableValidationBlockSchema = &hcl.BodySchema{
Attributes: []hcl.AttributeSchema{
Name: "condition",
Required: true,
Name: "error_message",
Required: true,
var outputBlockSchema = &hcl.BodySchema{
Attributes: []hcl.AttributeSchema{
@ -621,4 +519,8 @@ var outputBlockSchema = &hcl.BodySchema{
Name: "sensitive",
Blocks: []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{
{Type: "precondition"},
{Type: "postcondition"},
@ -142,14 +142,14 @@ func (p *Parser) loadConfigFile(path string, override bool) (*File, hcl.Diagnost
case "resource":
cfg, cfgDiags := decodeResourceBlock(block)
cfg, cfgDiags := decodeResourceBlock(block, override)
diags = append(diags, cfgDiags...)
if cfg != nil {
file.ManagedResources = append(file.ManagedResources, cfg)
case "data":
cfg, cfgDiags := decodeDataBlock(block)
cfg, cfgDiags := decodeDataBlock(block, override)
diags = append(diags, cfgDiags...)
if cfg != nil {
file.DataResources = append(file.DataResources, cfg)
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ func TestParserLoadConfigFileFailureMessages(t *testing.T) {
"Unsupported lifecycle block",
"Invalid data resource lifecycle argument",
@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ type Resource struct {
ProviderConfigRef *ProviderConfigRef
Provider addrs.Provider
Preconditions []*CheckRule
Postconditions []*CheckRule
DependsOn []hcl.Traversal
// Managed is populated only for Mode = addrs.ManagedResourceMode,
@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ func (r *Resource) ProviderConfigAddr() addrs.LocalProviderConfig {
func decodeResourceBlock(block *hcl.Block) (*Resource, hcl.Diagnostics) {
func decodeResourceBlock(block *hcl.Block, override bool) (*Resource, hcl.Diagnostics) {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
r := &Resource{
Mode: addrs.ManagedResourceMode,
@ -237,6 +240,24 @@ func decodeResourceBlock(block *hcl.Block) (*Resource, hcl.Diagnostics) {
for _, block := range lcContent.Blocks {
switch block.Type {
case "precondition", "postcondition":
cr, moreDiags := decodeCheckRuleBlock(block, override)
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
switch block.Type {
case "precondition":
r.Preconditions = append(r.Preconditions, cr)
case "postcondition":
r.Postconditions = append(r.Postconditions, cr)
// The cases above should be exhaustive for all block types
// defined in the lifecycle schema, so this shouldn't happen.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected lifecycle sub-block type %q", block.Type))
case "connection":
if seenConnection != nil {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
@ -307,7 +328,7 @@ func decodeResourceBlock(block *hcl.Block) (*Resource, hcl.Diagnostics) {
return r, diags
func decodeDataBlock(block *hcl.Block) (*Resource, hcl.Diagnostics) {
func decodeDataBlock(block *hcl.Block, override bool) (*Resource, hcl.Diagnostics) {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
r := &Resource{
Mode: addrs.DataResourceMode,
@ -368,6 +389,7 @@ func decodeDataBlock(block *hcl.Block) (*Resource, hcl.Diagnostics) {
var seenEscapeBlock *hcl.Block
var seenLifecycle *hcl.Block
for _, block := range content.Blocks {
switch block.Type {
@ -391,21 +413,59 @@ func decodeDataBlock(block *hcl.Block) (*Resource, hcl.Diagnostics) {
// will see a blend of both.
r.Config = hcl.MergeBodies([]hcl.Body{r.Config, block.Body})
// The rest of these are just here to reserve block type names for future use.
case "lifecycle":
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Unsupported lifecycle block",
Detail: "Data resources do not have lifecycle settings, so a lifecycle block is not allowed.",
Subject: &block.DefRange,
if seenLifecycle != nil {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Duplicate lifecycle block",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("This resource already has a lifecycle block at %s.", seenLifecycle.DefRange),
Subject: block.DefRange.Ptr(),
seenLifecycle = block
lcContent, lcDiags := block.Body.Content(resourceLifecycleBlockSchema)
diags = append(diags, lcDiags...)
// All of the attributes defined for resource lifecycle are for
// managed resources only, so we can emit a common error message
// for any given attributes that HCL accepted.
for name, attr := range lcContent.Attributes {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid data resource lifecycle argument",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The lifecycle argument %q is defined only for managed resources (\"resource\" blocks), and is not valid for data resources.", name),
Subject: attr.NameRange.Ptr(),
for _, block := range lcContent.Blocks {
switch block.Type {
case "precondition", "postcondition":
cr, moreDiags := decodeCheckRuleBlock(block, override)
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
switch block.Type {
case "precondition":
r.Preconditions = append(r.Preconditions, cr)
case "postcondition":
r.Postconditions = append(r.Postconditions, cr)
// The cases above should be exhaustive for all block types
// defined in the lifecycle schema, so this shouldn't happen.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected lifecycle sub-block type %q", block.Type))
// Any other block types are ones we're reserving for future use,
// but don't have any defined meaning today.
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Reserved block type name in data block",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The block type name %q is reserved for use by Terraform in a future version.", block.Type),
Subject: &block.TypeRange,
Subject: block.TypeRange.Ptr(),
@ -551,13 +611,17 @@ var resourceBlockSchema = &hcl.BodySchema{
var dataBlockSchema = &hcl.BodySchema{
Attributes: commonResourceAttributes,
Blocks: []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{
{Type: "lifecycle"}, // reserved for future use
{Type: "locals"}, // reserved for future use
{Type: "_"}, // meta-argument escaping block
{Type: "lifecycle"},
{Type: "locals"}, // reserved for future use
{Type: "_"}, // meta-argument escaping block
var resourceLifecycleBlockSchema = &hcl.BodySchema{
// We tell HCL that these elements are all valid for both "resource"
// and "data" lifecycle blocks, but the rules are actually more restrictive
// than that. We deal with that after decoding so that we can return
// more specific error messages than HCL would typically return itself.
Attributes: []hcl.AttributeSchema{
Name: "create_before_destroy",
@ -569,4 +633,8 @@ var resourceLifecycleBlockSchema = &hcl.BodySchema{
Name: "ignore_changes",
Blocks: []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{
{Type: "precondition"},
{Type: "postcondition"},
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
resource "test" "test" {
lifecycle {
precondition {
condition = true # ERROR: Invalid precondition expression
error_message = "Must be true."
postcondition {
condition = true # ERROR: Invalid postcondition expression
error_message = "Must be true."
data "test" "test" {
lifecycle {
precondition {
condition = true # ERROR: Invalid precondition expression
error_message = "Must be true."
postcondition {
condition = true # ERROR: Invalid postcondition expression
error_message = "Must be true."
output "test" {
value = ""
precondition {
condition = true # ERROR: Invalid precondition expression
error_message = "Must be true."
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
data "test" "foo" {
lifecycle {}
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
data "example" "example" {
lifecycle {
# This block intentionally left blank
# The lifecycle arguments are not valid for data resources:
# only the precondition and postcondition blocks are allowed.
ignore_changes = []
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
resource "test" "test" {
lifecycle {
precondition { # ERROR: Preconditions are experimental
condition = path.module != ""
error_message = "Must be true."
postcondition { # ERROR: Postconditions are experimental
condition = path.module != ""
error_message = "Must be true."
data "test" "test" {
lifecycle {
precondition { # ERROR: Preconditions are experimental
condition = path.module != ""
error_message = "Must be true."
postcondition { # ERROR: Postconditions are experimental
condition = path.module != ""
error_message = "Must be true."
output "test" {
value = ""
precondition { # ERROR: Preconditions are experimental
condition = path.module != ""
error_message = "Must be true."
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
terraform {
experiments = [preconditions_postconditions] # WARNING: Experimental feature "preconditions_postconditions" is active
resource "test" "test" {
lifecycle {
precondition {
condition = path.module != ""
error_message = "Must be true."
postcondition {
condition = path.module != ""
error_message = "Must be true."
data "test" "test" {
lifecycle {
precondition {
condition = path.module != ""
error_message = "Must be true."
postcondition {
condition = path.module != ""
error_message = "Must be true."
output "test" {
value = ""
precondition {
condition = path.module != ""
error_message = "Must be true."
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ const (
ModuleVariableOptionalAttrs = Experiment("module_variable_optional_attrs")
SuppressProviderSensitiveAttrs = Experiment("provider_sensitive_attrs")
ConfigDrivenMove = Experiment("config_driven_move")
PreconditionsPostconditions = Experiment("preconditions_postconditions")
func init() {
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ func init() {
registerConcludedExperiment(SuppressProviderSensitiveAttrs, "Provider-defined sensitive attributes are now redacted by default, without enabling an experiment.")
registerConcludedExperiment(ConfigDrivenMove, "Declarations of moved resource instances using \"moved\" blocks can now be used by default, without enabling an experiment.")
// GetCurrent takes an experiment name and returns the experiment value
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ func (s *Scope) evalContext(refs []*addrs.Reference, selfAddr addrs.Referenceabl
// this codepath doesn't really "know about". If the "self"
// object starts being supported in more contexts later then
// we'll need to adjust this message.
Detail: `The "self" object is not available in this context. This object can be used only in resource provisioner and connection blocks.`,
Detail: `The "self" object is not available in this context. This object can be used only in resource provisioner, connection, and postcondition blocks.`,
Subject: ref.SourceRange.ToHCL().Ptr(),
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
@ -736,3 +737,182 @@ resource "test_object" "b" {
t.Fatal("expected cycle error from apply")
func TestContext2Apply_resourcePostcondition(t *testing.T) {
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"main.tf": `
terraform {
experiments = [preconditions_postconditions]
variable "boop" {
type = string
resource "test_resource" "a" {
value = var.boop
resource "test_resource" "b" {
value = test_resource.a.output
lifecycle {
postcondition {
condition = self.output != ""
error_message = "Output must not be blank."
resource "test_resource" "c" {
value = test_resource.b.output
p := testProvider("test")
p.GetProviderSchemaResponse = getProviderSchemaResponseFromProviderSchema(&ProviderSchema{
ResourceTypes: map[string]*configschema.Block{
"test_resource": {
Attributes: map[string]*configschema.Attribute{
"value": {
Type: cty.String,
Required: true,
"output": {
Type: cty.String,
Computed: true,
p.PlanResourceChangeFn = func(req providers.PlanResourceChangeRequest) (resp providers.PlanResourceChangeResponse) {
m := req.ProposedNewState.AsValueMap()
m["output"] = cty.UnknownVal(cty.String)
resp.PlannedState = cty.ObjectVal(m)
resp.LegacyTypeSystem = true
return resp
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
t.Run("condition pass", func(t *testing.T) {
plan, diags := ctx.Plan(m, states.NewState(), &PlanOpts{
Mode: plans.NormalMode,
SetVariables: InputValues{
"boop": &InputValue{
Value: cty.StringVal("boop"),
SourceType: ValueFromCLIArg,
assertNoErrors(t, diags)
if len(plan.Changes.Resources) != 3 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected plan changes: %#v", plan.Changes)
p.ApplyResourceChangeFn = func(req providers.ApplyResourceChangeRequest) (resp providers.ApplyResourceChangeResponse) {
m := req.PlannedState.AsValueMap()
m["output"] = cty.StringVal(fmt.Sprintf("new-%s", m["value"].AsString()))
resp.NewState = cty.ObjectVal(m)
return resp
state, diags := ctx.Apply(plan, m)
assertNoErrors(t, diags)
wantResourceAttrs := map[string]struct{ value, output string }{
"a": {"boop", "new-boop"},
"b": {"new-boop", "new-new-boop"},
"c": {"new-new-boop", "new-new-new-boop"},
for name, attrs := range wantResourceAttrs {
addr := mustResourceInstanceAddr(fmt.Sprintf("test_resource.%s", name))
r := state.ResourceInstance(addr)
rd, err := r.Current.Decode(cty.Object(map[string]cty.Type{
"value": cty.String,
"output": cty.String,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error decoding test_resource.a: %s", err)
want := cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{
"value": cty.StringVal(attrs.value),
"output": cty.StringVal(attrs.output),
if !cmp.Equal(want, rd.Value, valueComparer) {
t.Errorf("wrong attrs for %s\n%s", addr, cmp.Diff(want, rd.Value, valueComparer))
t.Run("condition fail", func(t *testing.T) {
plan, diags := ctx.Plan(m, states.NewState(), &PlanOpts{
Mode: plans.NormalMode,
SetVariables: InputValues{
"boop": &InputValue{
Value: cty.StringVal("boop"),
SourceType: ValueFromCLIArg,
assertNoErrors(t, diags)
if len(plan.Changes.Resources) != 3 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected plan changes: %#v", plan.Changes)
p.ApplyResourceChangeFn = func(req providers.ApplyResourceChangeRequest) (resp providers.ApplyResourceChangeResponse) {
m := req.PlannedState.AsValueMap()
// For the resource with a constraint, fudge the output to make the
// condition fail.
if value := m["value"].AsString(); value == "new-boop" {
m["output"] = cty.StringVal("")
} else {
m["output"] = cty.StringVal(fmt.Sprintf("new-%s", value))
resp.NewState = cty.ObjectVal(m)
return resp
state, diags := ctx.Apply(plan, m)
if !diags.HasErrors() {
t.Fatal("succeeded; want errors")
if got, want := diags.Err().Error(), "Resource postcondition failed: Output must not be blank."; got != want {
t.Fatalf("wrong error:\ngot: %s\nwant: %q", got, want)
// Resources a and b should still be recorded in state
wantResourceAttrs := map[string]struct{ value, output string }{
"a": {"boop", "new-boop"},
"b": {"new-boop", ""},
for name, attrs := range wantResourceAttrs {
addr := mustResourceInstanceAddr(fmt.Sprintf("test_resource.%s", name))
r := state.ResourceInstance(addr)
rd, err := r.Current.Decode(cty.Object(map[string]cty.Type{
"value": cty.String,
"output": cty.String,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error decoding test_resource.a: %s", err)
want := cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{
"value": cty.StringVal(attrs.value),
"output": cty.StringVal(attrs.output),
if !cmp.Equal(want, rd.Value, valueComparer) {
t.Errorf("wrong attrs for %s\n%s", addr, cmp.Diff(want, rd.Value, valueComparer))
// Resource c should not be in state
if state.ResourceInstance(mustResourceInstanceAddr("test_resource.c")) != nil {
t.Error("test_resource.c should not exist in state, but is")
@ -2178,3 +2178,438 @@ func TestContext2Plan_moduleExpandOrphansResourceInstance(t *testing.T) {
func TestContext2Plan_resourcePreconditionPostcondition(t *testing.T) {
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"main.tf": `
terraform {
experiments = [preconditions_postconditions]
variable "boop" {
type = string
resource "test_resource" "a" {
value = var.boop
lifecycle {
precondition {
condition = var.boop == "boop"
error_message = "Wrong boop."
postcondition {
condition = self.output != ""
error_message = "Output must not be blank."
p := testProvider("test")
p.GetProviderSchemaResponse = getProviderSchemaResponseFromProviderSchema(&ProviderSchema{
ResourceTypes: map[string]*configschema.Block{
"test_resource": {
Attributes: map[string]*configschema.Attribute{
"value": {
Type: cty.String,
Required: true,
"output": {
Type: cty.String,
Computed: true,
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
t.Run("conditions pass", func(t *testing.T) {
p.PlanResourceChangeFn = func(req providers.PlanResourceChangeRequest) (resp providers.PlanResourceChangeResponse) {
m := req.ProposedNewState.AsValueMap()
m["output"] = cty.StringVal("bar")
resp.PlannedState = cty.ObjectVal(m)
resp.LegacyTypeSystem = true
return resp
plan, diags := ctx.Plan(m, states.NewState(), &PlanOpts{
Mode: plans.NormalMode,
SetVariables: InputValues{
"boop": &InputValue{
Value: cty.StringVal("boop"),
SourceType: ValueFromCLIArg,
assertNoErrors(t, diags)
for _, res := range plan.Changes.Resources {
switch res.Addr.String() {
case "test_resource.a":
if res.Action != plans.Create {
t.Fatalf("unexpected %s change for %s", res.Action, res.Addr)
t.Fatalf("unexpected %s change for %s", res.Action, res.Addr)
t.Run("precondition fail", func(t *testing.T) {
_, diags := ctx.Plan(m, states.NewState(), &PlanOpts{
Mode: plans.NormalMode,
SetVariables: InputValues{
"boop": &InputValue{
Value: cty.StringVal("nope"),
SourceType: ValueFromCLIArg,
if !diags.HasErrors() {
t.Fatal("succeeded; want errors")
if got, want := diags.Err().Error(), "Resource precondition failed: Wrong boop."; got != want {
t.Fatalf("wrong error:\ngot: %s\nwant: %q", got, want)
if p.PlanResourceChangeCalled {
t.Errorf("Provider's PlanResourceChange was called; should'nt've been")
t.Run("postcondition fail", func(t *testing.T) {
p.PlanResourceChangeFn = func(req providers.PlanResourceChangeRequest) (resp providers.PlanResourceChangeResponse) {
m := req.ProposedNewState.AsValueMap()
m["output"] = cty.StringVal("")
resp.PlannedState = cty.ObjectVal(m)
resp.LegacyTypeSystem = true
return resp
_, diags := ctx.Plan(m, states.NewState(), &PlanOpts{
Mode: plans.NormalMode,
SetVariables: InputValues{
"boop": &InputValue{
Value: cty.StringVal("boop"),
SourceType: ValueFromCLIArg,
if !diags.HasErrors() {
t.Fatal("succeeded; want errors")
if got, want := diags.Err().Error(), "Resource postcondition failed: Output must not be blank."; got != want {
t.Fatalf("wrong error:\ngot: %s\nwant: %q", got, want)
if !p.PlanResourceChangeCalled {
t.Errorf("Provider's PlanResourceChangeCalled wasn't called; should've been")
func TestContext2Plan_dataSourcePreconditionPostcondition(t *testing.T) {
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"main.tf": `
terraform {
experiments = [preconditions_postconditions]
variable "boop" {
type = string
data "test_data_source" "a" {
foo = var.boop
lifecycle {
precondition {
condition = var.boop == "boop"
error_message = "Wrong boop."
postcondition {
condition = length(self.results) > 0
error_message = "Results cannot be empty."
resource "test_resource" "a" {
value = data.test_data_source.a.results[0]
p := testProvider("test")
p.GetProviderSchemaResponse = getProviderSchemaResponseFromProviderSchema(&ProviderSchema{
ResourceTypes: map[string]*configschema.Block{
"test_resource": {
Attributes: map[string]*configschema.Attribute{
"value": {
Type: cty.String,
Required: true,
DataSources: map[string]*configschema.Block{
"test_data_source": {
Attributes: map[string]*configschema.Attribute{
"foo": {
Type: cty.String,
Required: true,
"results": {
Type: cty.List(cty.String),
Computed: true,
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
t.Run("conditions pass", func(t *testing.T) {
p.ReadDataSourceResponse = &providers.ReadDataSourceResponse{
State: cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{
"foo": cty.StringVal("boop"),
"results": cty.ListVal([]cty.Value{cty.StringVal("boop")}),
plan, diags := ctx.Plan(m, states.NewState(), &PlanOpts{
Mode: plans.NormalMode,
SetVariables: InputValues{
"boop": &InputValue{
Value: cty.StringVal("boop"),
SourceType: ValueFromCLIArg,
assertNoErrors(t, diags)
for _, res := range plan.Changes.Resources {
switch res.Addr.String() {
case "test_resource.a":
if res.Action != plans.Create {
t.Fatalf("unexpected %s change for %s", res.Action, res.Addr)
case "data.test_data_source.a":
if res.Action != plans.Read {
t.Fatalf("unexpected %s change for %s", res.Action, res.Addr)
t.Fatalf("unexpected %s change for %s", res.Action, res.Addr)
t.Run("precondition fail", func(t *testing.T) {
_, diags := ctx.Plan(m, states.NewState(), &PlanOpts{
Mode: plans.NormalMode,
SetVariables: InputValues{
"boop": &InputValue{
Value: cty.StringVal("nope"),
SourceType: ValueFromCLIArg,
if !diags.HasErrors() {
t.Fatal("succeeded; want errors")
if got, want := diags.Err().Error(), "Resource precondition failed: Wrong boop."; got != want {
t.Fatalf("wrong error:\ngot: %s\nwant: %q", got, want)
if p.ReadDataSourceCalled {
t.Errorf("Provider's ReadResource was called; should'nt've been")
t.Run("postcondition fail", func(t *testing.T) {
p.ReadDataSourceResponse = &providers.ReadDataSourceResponse{
State: cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{
"foo": cty.StringVal("boop"),
"results": cty.ListValEmpty(cty.String),
_, diags := ctx.Plan(m, states.NewState(), &PlanOpts{
Mode: plans.NormalMode,
SetVariables: InputValues{
"boop": &InputValue{
Value: cty.StringVal("boop"),
SourceType: ValueFromCLIArg,
if !diags.HasErrors() {
t.Fatal("succeeded; want errors")
if got, want := diags.Err().Error(), "Resource postcondition failed: Results cannot be empty."; got != want {
t.Fatalf("wrong error:\ngot: %s\nwant: %q", got, want)
if !p.ReadDataSourceCalled {
t.Errorf("Provider's ReadDataSource wasn't called; should've been")
func TestContext2Plan_outputPrecondition(t *testing.T) {
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{
"main.tf": `
terraform {
experiments = [preconditions_postconditions]
variable "boop" {
type = string
output "a" {
value = var.boop
precondition {
condition = var.boop == "boop"
error_message = "Wrong boop."
p := testProvider("test")
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
t.Run("condition pass", func(t *testing.T) {
plan, diags := ctx.Plan(m, states.NewState(), &PlanOpts{
Mode: plans.NormalMode,
SetVariables: InputValues{
"boop": &InputValue{
Value: cty.StringVal("boop"),
SourceType: ValueFromCLIArg,
assertNoErrors(t, diags)
addr := addrs.RootModuleInstance.OutputValue("a")
outputPlan := plan.Changes.OutputValue(addr)
if outputPlan == nil {
t.Fatalf("no plan for %s at all", addr)
if got, want := outputPlan.Addr, addr; !got.Equal(want) {
t.Errorf("wrong current address\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", got, want)
if got, want := outputPlan.Action, plans.Create; got != want {
t.Errorf("wrong planned action\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", got, want)
t.Run("condition fail", func(t *testing.T) {
_, diags := ctx.Plan(m, states.NewState(), &PlanOpts{
Mode: plans.NormalMode,
SetVariables: InputValues{
"boop": &InputValue{
Value: cty.StringVal("nope"),
SourceType: ValueFromCLIArg,
if !diags.HasErrors() {
t.Fatal("succeeded; want errors")
if got, want := diags.Err().Error(), "Module output value precondition failed: Wrong boop."; got != want {
t.Fatalf("wrong error:\ngot: %s\nwant: %q", got, want)
func TestContext2Plan_preconditionErrors(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
condition string
wantSummary string
wantDetail string
"Invalid reference",
`The "data" object must be followed by two attribute names`,
`Invalid "self" reference`,
"only in resource provisioner, connection, and postcondition blocks",
"Reference to undeclared resource",
`A data resource "foo" "bar" has not been declared in the root module`,
"Invalid condition result",
"Condition expression must return either true or false",
"Invalid condition result",
"Invalid validation condition result value: a bool is required",
p := testProvider("test")
ctx := testContext2(t, &ContextOpts{
Providers: map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory{
addrs.NewDefaultProvider("test"): testProviderFuncFixed(p),
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.condition, func(t *testing.T) {
main := fmt.Sprintf(`
terraform {
experiments = [preconditions_postconditions]
resource "test_resource" "a" {
value = var.boop
lifecycle {
precondition {
condition = %s
error_message = "Not relevant."
resource "test_resource" "b" {
value = null
resource "test_resource" "c" {
value = "bar"
`, tc.condition)
m := testModuleInline(t, map[string]string{"main.tf": main})
_, diags := ctx.Plan(m, states.NewState(), DefaultPlanOpts)
if !diags.HasErrors() {
t.Fatal("succeeded; want errors")
diag := diags[0]
if got, want := diag.Description().Summary, tc.wantSummary; got != want {
t.Errorf("unexpected summary\n got: %s\nwant: %s", got, want)
if got, want := diag.Description().Detail, tc.wantDetail; !strings.Contains(got, want) {
t.Errorf("unexpected summary\ngot: %s\nwant to contain %q", got, want)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
package terraform
import (
type checkType int
const (
checkInvalid checkType = 0
checkResourcePrecondition checkType = 1
checkResourcePostcondition checkType = 2
checkOutputPrecondition checkType = 3
func (c checkType) FailureSummary() string {
switch c {
case checkResourcePrecondition:
return "Resource precondition failed"
case checkResourcePostcondition:
return "Resource postcondition failed"
case checkOutputPrecondition:
return "Module output value precondition failed"
// This should not happen
return "Failed condition for invalid check type"
// evalCheckRules ensures that all of the given check rules pass against
// the given HCL evaluation context.
// If any check rules produce an unknown result then they will be silently
// ignored on the assumption that the same checks will be run again later
// with fewer unknown values in the EvalContext.
// If any of the rules do not pass, the returned diagnostics will contain
// errors. Otherwise, it will either be empty or contain only warnings.
func evalCheckRules(typ checkType, rules []*configs.CheckRule, ctx EvalContext, self addrs.Referenceable, keyData instances.RepetitionData) (diags tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
if len(rules) == 0 {
// Nothing to do
return nil
for _, rule := range rules {
const errInvalidCondition = "Invalid condition result"
var ruleDiags tfdiags.Diagnostics
refs, moreDiags := lang.ReferencesInExpr(rule.Condition)
ruleDiags = ruleDiags.Append(moreDiags)
scope := ctx.EvaluationScope(self, keyData)
hclCtx, moreDiags := scope.EvalContext(refs)
ruleDiags = ruleDiags.Append(moreDiags)
result, hclDiags := rule.Condition.Value(hclCtx)
ruleDiags = ruleDiags.Append(hclDiags)
diags = diags.Append(ruleDiags)
if ruleDiags.HasErrors() {
log.Printf("[TRACE] evalCheckRules: %s: %s", typ.FailureSummary(), ruleDiags.Err().Error())
if !result.IsKnown() {
continue // We'll wait until we've learned more, then.
if result.IsNull() {
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: errInvalidCondition,
Detail: "Condition expression must return either true or false, not null.",
Subject: rule.Condition.Range().Ptr(),
Expression: rule.Condition,
EvalContext: hclCtx,
var err error
result, err = convert.Convert(result, cty.Bool)
if err != nil {
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: errInvalidCondition,
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Invalid validation condition result value: %s.", tfdiags.FormatError(err)),
Subject: rule.Condition.Range().Ptr(),
Expression: rule.Condition,
EvalContext: hclCtx,
if result.False() {
diags = diags.Append(&hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: typ.FailureSummary(),
Detail: rule.ErrorMessage,
Subject: rule.Condition.Range().Ptr(),
Expression: rule.Condition,
EvalContext: hclCtx,
return diags
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ func (d *evaluationStateData) staticValidateReference(ref *addrs.Reference, self
// this codepath doesn't really "know about". If the "self"
// object starts being supported in more contexts later then
// we'll need to adjust this message.
Detail: `The "self" object is not available in this context. This object can be used only in resource provisioner and connection blocks.`,
Detail: `The "self" object is not available in this context. This object can be used only in resource provisioner, connection, and postcondition blocks.`,
Subject: ref.SourceRange.ToHCL().Ptr(),
return diags
@ -237,8 +237,11 @@ func referencesForOutput(c *configs.Output) []*addrs.Reference {
refs := make([]*addrs.Reference, 0, l)
refs = append(refs, impRefs...)
refs = append(refs, expRefs...)
for _, check := range c.Preconditions {
checkRefs, _ := lang.ReferencesInExpr(check.Condition)
refs = append(refs, checkRefs...)
return refs
// GraphNodeReferencer
@ -267,6 +270,16 @@ func (n *NodeApplyableOutput) Execute(ctx EvalContext, op walkOperation) (diags
checkDiags := evalCheckRules(
ctx, nil, EvalDataForNoInstanceKey,
diags = diags.Append(checkDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return diags // failed preconditions prevent further evaluation
// If there was no change recorded, or the recorded change was not wholly
// known, then we need to re-evaluate the output
if !changeRecorded || !val.IsWhollyKnown() {
@ -172,6 +172,16 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResource) References() []*addrs.Reference {
result = append(result, refs...)
for _, check := range c.Preconditions {
refs, _ := lang.ReferencesInExpr(check.Condition)
result = append(result, refs...)
for _, check := range c.Postconditions {
refs, _ := lang.ReferencesInExpr(check.Condition)
result = append(result, refs...)
return result
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
@ -638,16 +639,17 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) plan(
plannedChange *plans.ResourceInstanceChange,
currentState *states.ResourceInstanceObject,
createBeforeDestroy bool,
forceReplace []addrs.AbsResourceInstance) (*plans.ResourceInstanceChange, *states.ResourceInstanceObject, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
forceReplace []addrs.AbsResourceInstance) (*plans.ResourceInstanceChange, *states.ResourceInstanceObject, instances.RepetitionData, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
var state *states.ResourceInstanceObject
var plan *plans.ResourceInstanceChange
var keyData instances.RepetitionData
config := *n.Config
resource := n.Addr.Resource.Resource
provider, providerSchema, err := getProvider(ctx, n.ResolvedProvider)
if err != nil {
return plan, state, diags.Append(err)
return plan, state, keyData, diags.Append(err)
if plannedChange != nil {
@ -657,7 +659,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) plan(
if providerSchema == nil {
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("provider schema is unavailable for %s", n.Addr))
return plan, state, diags
return plan, state, keyData, diags
// Evaluate the configuration
@ -665,22 +667,33 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) plan(
if schema == nil {
// Should be caught during validation, so we don't bother with a pretty error here
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("provider does not support resource type %q", resource.Type))
return plan, state, diags
return plan, state, keyData, diags
forEach, _ := evaluateForEachExpression(n.Config.ForEach, ctx)
keyData := EvalDataForInstanceKey(n.ResourceInstanceAddr().Resource.Key, forEach)
keyData = EvalDataForInstanceKey(n.ResourceInstanceAddr().Resource.Key, forEach)
checkDiags := evalCheckRules(
ctx, nil, keyData,
diags = diags.Append(checkDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return plan, state, keyData, diags // failed preconditions prevent further evaluation
origConfigVal, _, configDiags := ctx.EvaluateBlock(config.Config, schema, nil, keyData)
diags = diags.Append(configDiags)
if configDiags.HasErrors() {
return plan, state, diags
return plan, state, keyData, diags
metaConfigVal, metaDiags := n.providerMetas(ctx)
diags = diags.Append(metaDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return plan, state, diags
return plan, state, keyData, diags
var priorVal cty.Value
@ -723,7 +736,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) plan(
diags = diags.Append(validateResp.Diagnostics.InConfigBody(config.Config, n.Addr.String()))
if diags.HasErrors() {
return plan, state, diags
return plan, state, keyData, diags
// ignore_changes is meant to only apply to the configuration, so it must
@ -736,7 +749,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) plan(
configValIgnored, ignoreChangeDiags := n.processIgnoreChanges(priorVal, origConfigVal)
diags = diags.Append(ignoreChangeDiags)
if ignoreChangeDiags.HasErrors() {
return plan, state, diags
return plan, state, keyData, diags
// Create an unmarked version of our config val and our prior val.
@ -752,7 +765,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) plan(
return h.PreDiff(n.Addr, states.CurrentGen, priorVal, proposedNewVal)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return plan, state, diags
return plan, state, keyData, diags
resp := provider.PlanResourceChange(providers.PlanResourceChangeRequest{
@ -765,7 +778,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) plan(
diags = diags.Append(resp.Diagnostics.InConfigBody(config.Config, n.Addr.String()))
if diags.HasErrors() {
return plan, state, diags
return plan, state, keyData, diags
plannedNewVal := resp.PlannedState
@ -793,7 +806,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) plan(
if diags.HasErrors() {
return plan, state, diags
return plan, state, keyData, diags
if errs := objchange.AssertPlanValid(schema, unmarkedPriorVal, unmarkedConfigVal, plannedNewVal); len(errs) > 0 {
@ -823,7 +836,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) plan(
return plan, state, diags
return plan, state, keyData, diags
@ -840,7 +853,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) plan(
plannedNewVal, ignoreChangeDiags = n.processIgnoreChanges(unmarkedPriorVal, plannedNewVal)
diags = diags.Append(ignoreChangeDiags)
if ignoreChangeDiags.HasErrors() {
return plan, state, diags
return plan, state, keyData, diags
@ -907,7 +920,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) plan(
if diags.HasErrors() {
return plan, state, diags
return plan, state, keyData, diags
@ -1001,7 +1014,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) plan(
// append these new diagnostics if there's at least one error inside.
if resp.Diagnostics.HasErrors() {
diags = diags.Append(resp.Diagnostics.InConfigBody(config.Config, n.Addr.String()))
return plan, state, diags
return plan, state, keyData, diags
plannedNewVal = resp.PlannedState
plannedPrivate = resp.PlannedPrivate
@ -1021,7 +1034,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) plan(
if diags.HasErrors() {
return plan, state, diags
return plan, state, keyData, diags
@ -1064,7 +1077,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) plan(
return h.PostDiff(n.Addr, states.CurrentGen, action, priorVal, plannedNewVal)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return plan, state, diags
return plan, state, keyData, diags
// Update our return plan
@ -1098,7 +1111,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) plan(
Private: plannedPrivate,
return plan, state, diags
return plan, state, keyData, diags
func (n *NodeAbstractResource) processIgnoreChanges(prior, config cty.Value) (cty.Value, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
@ -1470,16 +1483,17 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) providerMetas(ctx EvalContext) (cty.Value
// value, but it still matches the previous state, then we can record a NoNop
// change. If the states don't match then we record a Read change so that the
// new value is applied to the state.
func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) planDataSource(ctx EvalContext, currentState *states.ResourceInstanceObject) (*plans.ResourceInstanceChange, *states.ResourceInstanceObject, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) planDataSource(ctx EvalContext, currentState *states.ResourceInstanceObject) (*plans.ResourceInstanceChange, *states.ResourceInstanceObject, instances.RepetitionData, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
var keyData instances.RepetitionData
var configVal cty.Value
_, providerSchema, err := getProvider(ctx, n.ResolvedProvider)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, diags.Append(err)
return nil, nil, keyData, diags.Append(err)
if providerSchema == nil {
return nil, nil, diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("provider schema not available for %s", n.Addr))
return nil, nil, keyData, diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("provider schema not available for %s", n.Addr))
config := *n.Config
@ -1487,7 +1501,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) planDataSource(ctx EvalContext, currentSt
if schema == nil {
// Should be caught during validation, so we don't bother with a pretty error here
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("provider %q does not support data source %q", n.ResolvedProvider, n.Addr.ContainingResource().Resource.Type))
return nil, nil, diags
return nil, nil, keyData, diags
objTy := schema.ImpliedType()
@ -1497,13 +1511,26 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) planDataSource(ctx EvalContext, currentSt
forEach, _ := evaluateForEachExpression(config.ForEach, ctx)
keyData := EvalDataForInstanceKey(n.ResourceInstanceAddr().Resource.Key, forEach)
keyData = EvalDataForInstanceKey(n.ResourceInstanceAddr().Resource.Key, forEach)
checkDiags := evalCheckRules(
ctx, nil, keyData,
diags = diags.Append(checkDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
diags = diags.Append(ctx.Hook(func(h Hook) (HookAction, error) {
return h.PostApply(n.Addr, states.CurrentGen, priorVal, diags.Err())
return nil, nil, keyData, diags // failed preconditions prevent further evaluation
var configDiags tfdiags.Diagnostics
configVal, _, configDiags = ctx.EvaluateBlock(config.Config, schema, nil, keyData)
diags = diags.Append(configDiags)
if configDiags.HasErrors() {
return nil, nil, diags
return nil, nil, keyData, diags
unmarkedConfigVal, configMarkPaths := configVal.UnmarkDeepWithPaths()
@ -1529,7 +1556,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) planDataSource(ctx EvalContext, currentSt
return h.PreDiff(n.Addr, states.CurrentGen, priorVal, proposedNewVal)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return nil, nil, diags
return nil, nil, keyData, diags
proposedNewVal = proposedNewVal.MarkWithPaths(configMarkPaths)
@ -1555,7 +1582,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) planDataSource(ctx EvalContext, currentSt
return h.PostDiff(n.Addr, states.CurrentGen, plans.Read, priorVal, proposedNewVal)
return plannedChange, plannedNewState, diags
return plannedChange, plannedNewState, keyData, diags
// While this isn't a "diff", continue to call this for data sources.
@ -1563,14 +1590,14 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) planDataSource(ctx EvalContext, currentSt
return h.PreDiff(n.Addr, states.CurrentGen, priorVal, configVal)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return nil, nil, diags
return nil, nil, keyData, diags
// We have a complete configuration with no dependencies to wait on, so we
// can read the data source into the state.
newVal, readDiags := n.readDataSource(ctx, configVal)
diags = diags.Append(readDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return nil, nil, diags
return nil, nil, keyData, diags
// if we have a prior value, we can check for any irregularities in the response
@ -1603,7 +1630,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) planDataSource(ctx EvalContext, currentSt
diags = diags.Append(ctx.Hook(func(h Hook) (HookAction, error) {
return h.PostDiff(n.Addr, states.CurrentGen, plans.Update, priorVal, newVal)
return nil, plannedNewState, diags
return nil, plannedNewState, keyData, diags
// forcePlanReadData determines if we need to override the usual behavior of
@ -1649,15 +1676,16 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) forcePlanReadData(ctx EvalContext) bool {
// apply deals with the main part of the data resource lifecycle: either
// actually reading from the data source or generating a plan to do so.
func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) applyDataSource(ctx EvalContext, planned *plans.ResourceInstanceChange) (*states.ResourceInstanceObject, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) applyDataSource(ctx EvalContext, planned *plans.ResourceInstanceChange) (*states.ResourceInstanceObject, instances.RepetitionData, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
var keyData instances.RepetitionData
_, providerSchema, err := getProvider(ctx, n.ResolvedProvider)
if err != nil {
return nil, diags.Append(err)
return nil, keyData, diags.Append(err)
if providerSchema == nil {
return nil, diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("provider schema not available for %s", n.Addr))
return nil, keyData, diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("provider schema not available for %s", n.Addr))
if planned != nil && planned.Action != plans.Read {
@ -1667,14 +1695,14 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) applyDataSource(ctx EvalContext, planned
"invalid action %s for %s: only Read is supported (this is a bug in Terraform; please report it!)",
planned.Action, n.Addr,
return nil, diags
return nil, keyData, diags
diags = diags.Append(ctx.Hook(func(h Hook) (HookAction, error) {
return h.PreApply(n.Addr, states.CurrentGen, planned.Action, planned.Before, planned.After)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return nil, diags
return nil, keyData, diags
config := *n.Config
@ -1682,22 +1710,35 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) applyDataSource(ctx EvalContext, planned
if schema == nil {
// Should be caught during validation, so we don't bother with a pretty error here
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("provider %q does not support data source %q", n.ResolvedProvider, n.Addr.ContainingResource().Resource.Type))
return nil, diags
return nil, keyData, diags
forEach, _ := evaluateForEachExpression(config.ForEach, ctx)
keyData := EvalDataForInstanceKey(n.Addr.Resource.Key, forEach)
keyData = EvalDataForInstanceKey(n.Addr.Resource.Key, forEach)
checkDiags := evalCheckRules(
ctx, nil, keyData,
diags = diags.Append(checkDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
diags = diags.Append(ctx.Hook(func(h Hook) (HookAction, error) {
return h.PostApply(n.Addr, states.CurrentGen, planned.Before, diags.Err())
return nil, keyData, diags // failed preconditions prevent further evaluation
configVal, _, configDiags := ctx.EvaluateBlock(config.Config, schema, nil, keyData)
diags = diags.Append(configDiags)
if configDiags.HasErrors() {
return nil, diags
return nil, keyData, diags
newVal, readDiags := n.readDataSource(ctx, configVal)
diags = diags.Append(readDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return nil, diags
return nil, keyData, diags
state := &states.ResourceInstanceObject{
@ -1709,7 +1750,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) applyDataSource(ctx EvalContext, planned
return h.PostApply(n.Addr, states.CurrentGen, newVal, diags.Err())
return state, diags
return state, keyData, diags
// evalApplyProvisioners determines if provisioners need to be run, and if so
@ -1981,22 +2022,23 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) apply(
state *states.ResourceInstanceObject,
change *plans.ResourceInstanceChange,
applyConfig *configs.Resource,
createBeforeDestroy bool) (*states.ResourceInstanceObject, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
createBeforeDestroy bool) (*states.ResourceInstanceObject, instances.RepetitionData, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
var keyData instances.RepetitionData
if state == nil {
state = &states.ResourceInstanceObject{}
provider, providerSchema, err := getProvider(ctx, n.ResolvedProvider)
if err != nil {
return nil, diags.Append(err)
return nil, keyData, diags.Append(err)
schema, _ := providerSchema.SchemaForResourceType(n.Addr.Resource.Resource.Mode, n.Addr.Resource.Resource.Type)
if schema == nil {
// Should be caught during validation, so we don't bother with a pretty error here
diags = diags.Append(fmt.Errorf("provider does not support resource type %q", n.Addr.Resource.Resource.Type))
return nil, diags
return nil, keyData, diags
log.Printf("[INFO] Starting apply for %s", n.Addr)
@ -2005,11 +2047,11 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) apply(
if applyConfig != nil {
var configDiags tfdiags.Diagnostics
forEach, _ := evaluateForEachExpression(applyConfig.ForEach, ctx)
keyData := EvalDataForInstanceKey(n.ResourceInstanceAddr().Resource.Key, forEach)
keyData = EvalDataForInstanceKey(n.ResourceInstanceAddr().Resource.Key, forEach)
configVal, _, configDiags = ctx.EvaluateBlock(applyConfig.Config, schema, nil, keyData)
diags = diags.Append(configDiags)
if configDiags.HasErrors() {
return nil, diags
return nil, keyData, diags
@ -2018,13 +2060,13 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) apply(
"configuration for %s still contains unknown values during apply (this is a bug in Terraform; please report it!)",
return nil, diags
return nil, keyData, diags
metaConfigVal, metaDiags := n.providerMetas(ctx)
diags = diags.Append(metaDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return nil, diags
return nil, keyData, diags
log.Printf("[DEBUG] %s: applying the planned %s change", n.Addr, change.Action)
@ -2052,7 +2094,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) apply(
Status: state.Status,
Value: change.After,
return newState, diags
return newState, keyData, diags
resp := provider.ApplyResourceChange(providers.ApplyResourceChangeRequest{
@ -2123,7 +2165,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) apply(
// Bail early in this particular case, because an object that doesn't
// conform to the schema can't be saved in the state anyway -- the
// serializer will reject it.
return nil, diags
return nil, keyData, diags
// After this point we have a type-conforming result object and so we
@ -2249,7 +2291,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) apply(
// prior state as the new value, making this effectively a no-op. If
// the item really _has_ been deleted then our next refresh will detect
// that and fix it up.
return state.DeepCopy(), diags
return state.DeepCopy(), keyData, diags
case diags.HasErrors() && !newVal.IsNull():
// if we have an error, make sure we restore the object status in the new state
@ -2266,7 +2308,7 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) apply(
newState.Dependencies = state.Dependencies
return newState, diags
return newState, keyData, diags
case !newVal.IsNull():
// Non error case with a new state
@ -2276,11 +2318,11 @@ func (n *NodeAbstractResourceInstance) apply(
Private: resp.Private,
CreateBeforeDestroy: createBeforeDestroy,
return newState, diags
return newState, keyData, diags
// Non error case, were the object was deleted
return nil, diags
return nil, keyData, diags
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ func (n *NodeApplyableResourceInstance) dataResourceExecute(ctx EvalContext) (di
// In this particular call to applyDataSource we include our planned
// change, which signals that we expect this read to complete fully
// with no unknown values; it'll produce an error if not.
state, applyDiags := n.applyDataSource(ctx, change)
state, repeatData, applyDiags := n.applyDataSource(ctx, change)
diags = diags.Append(applyDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return diags
@ -174,6 +174,19 @@ func (n *NodeApplyableResourceInstance) dataResourceExecute(ctx EvalContext) (di
diags = diags.Append(n.writeChange(ctx, nil, ""))
diags = diags.Append(updateStateHook(ctx))
// Post-conditions might block further progress. We intentionally do this
// _after_ writing the state/diff because we want to check against
// the result of the operation, and to fail on future operations
// until the user makes the condition succeed.
checkDiags := evalCheckRules(
ctx, n.ResourceInstanceAddr().Resource,
diags = diags.Append(checkDiags)
return diags
@ -238,7 +251,7 @@ func (n *NodeApplyableResourceInstance) managedResourceExecute(ctx EvalContext)
// Make a new diff, in case we've learned new values in the state
// during apply which we can now incorporate.
diffApply, _, planDiags := n.plan(ctx, diff, state, false, n.forceReplace)
diffApply, _, _, planDiags := n.plan(ctx, diff, state, false, n.forceReplace)
diags = diags.Append(planDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return diags
@ -269,7 +282,7 @@ func (n *NodeApplyableResourceInstance) managedResourceExecute(ctx EvalContext)
return diags
state, applyDiags := n.apply(ctx, state, diffApply, n.Config, n.CreateBeforeDestroy())
state, repeatData, applyDiags := n.apply(ctx, state, diffApply, n.Config, n.CreateBeforeDestroy())
diags = diags.Append(applyDiags)
// We clear the change out here so that future nodes don't see a change
@ -339,6 +352,18 @@ func (n *NodeApplyableResourceInstance) managedResourceExecute(ctx EvalContext)
diags = diags.Append(n.postApplyHook(ctx, state, diags.Err()))
diags = diags.Append(updateStateHook(ctx))
// Post-conditions might block further progress. We intentionally do this
// _after_ writing the state because we want to check against
// the result of the operation, and to fail on future operations
// until the user makes the condition succeed.
checkDiags := evalCheckRules(
ctx, addr, repeatData,
diags = diags.Append(checkDiags)
return diags
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ func (n *NodeDestroyResourceInstance) managedResourceExecute(ctx EvalContext) (d
// Managed resources need to be destroyed, while data sources
// are only removed from state.
// we pass a nil configuration to apply because we are destroying
s, d := n.apply(ctx, state, changeApply, nil, false)
s, _, d := n.apply(ctx, state, changeApply, nil, false)
state, diags = s, diags.Append(d)
// we don't return immediately here on error, so that the state can be
// finalized
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ func (n *NodeDestroyDeposedResourceInstanceObject) Execute(ctx EvalContext, op w
// we pass a nil configuration to apply because we are destroying
state, applyDiags := n.apply(ctx, state, change, nil, false)
state, _, applyDiags := n.apply(ctx, state, change, nil, false)
diags = diags.Append(applyDiags)
// don't return immediately on errors, we need to handle the state
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ func (n *NodePlannableResourceInstance) dataResourceExecute(ctx EvalContext) (di
return diags
change, state, planDiags := n.planDataSource(ctx, state)
change, state, repeatData, planDiags := n.planDataSource(ctx, state)
diags = diags.Append(planDiags)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return diags
@ -113,6 +113,18 @@ func (n *NodePlannableResourceInstance) dataResourceExecute(ctx EvalContext) (di
diags = diags.Append(n.writeChange(ctx, change, ""))
// Post-conditions might block further progress. We intentionally do this
// _after_ writing the state/diff because we want to check against
// the result of the operation, and to fail on future operations
// until the user makes the condition succeed.
checkDiags := evalCheckRules(
ctx, addr.Resource, repeatData,
diags = diags.Append(checkDiags)
return diags
@ -193,7 +205,7 @@ func (n *NodePlannableResourceInstance) managedResourceExecute(ctx EvalContext)
// Plan the instance, unless we're in the refresh-only mode
if !n.skipPlanChanges {
change, instancePlanState, planDiags := n.plan(
change, instancePlanState, repeatData, planDiags := n.plan(
ctx, change, instanceRefreshState, n.ForceCreateBeforeDestroy, n.forceReplace,
diags = diags.Append(planDiags)
@ -240,6 +252,19 @@ func (n *NodePlannableResourceInstance) managedResourceExecute(ctx EvalContext)
return diags
// Post-conditions might block completion. We intentionally do this
// _after_ writing the state/diff because we want to check against
// the result of the operation, and to fail on future operations
// until the user makes the condition succeed.
// (Note that some preconditions will end up being skipped during
// planning, because their conditions depend on values not yet known.)
checkDiags := evalCheckRules(
ctx, addr.Resource, repeatData,
diags = diags.Append(checkDiags)
} else {
// Even if we don't plan changes, we do still need to at least update
// the working state to reflect the refresh result. If not, then e.g.
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ func TestNodeRootVariableExecute(t *testing.T) {
Name: "foo",
Type: cty.Number,
ConstraintType: cty.Number,
Validations: []*configs.VariableValidation{
Validations: []*configs.CheckRule{
Condition: fakeHCLExpressionFunc(func(ctx *hcl.EvalContext) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
// This returns true only if the given variable value
@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
page_title: Preconditions and Postconditions - Configuration Language
# Preconditions and Postconditions
Terraform providers can automatically detect and report problems related to
the remote system they are interacting with, but they typically do so using
language that describes implementation details of the target system, which
can sometimes make it hard to find the root cause of the problem in your
Terraform configuration.
Preconditions and postconditions allow you to optionally describe the
assumptions you are making as a module author, so that Terraform can detect
situations where those assumptions don't hold and potentially return an
error earlier or an error with better context about where the problem
Preconditions and postconditions both follow a similar structure, and differ
only in when Terraform evaluates them: Terraform checks a precondition prior
to evaluating the object it is associated with, and a postcondition _after_
evaluating the object. That means that preconditions are useful for stating
assumptions about data from elsewhere that the resource configuration relies
on, while postconditions are more useful for stating assumptions about the
result of the resource itself.
The following example shows some different possible uses of preconditions and
variable "aws_ami_id" {
type = string
# Input variable validation can check that the AMI ID is syntactically valid.
validation {
condition = can(regex("^ami-", var.aws_ami_id))
error_message = "The AMI ID must have the prefix \"ami-\"."
data "aws_ami" "example" {
id = var.aws_ami_id
lifecycle {
# A data resource with a postcondition can ensure that the selected AMI
# meets this module's expectations, by reacting to the dynamically-loaded
# AMI attributes.
postcondition {
condition = self.tags["Component"] == "nomad-server"
error_message = "The selected AMI must be tagged with the Component value \"nomad-server\"."
resource "aws_instance" "example" {
instance_type = "t2.micro"
ami = "ami-abc123"
lifecycle {
# A resource with a precondition can ensure that the selected AMI
# is set up correctly to work with the instance configuration.
precondition {
condition = data.aws_ami.example.architecture == "x86_64"
error_message = "The selected AMI must be for the x86_64 architecture."
# A resource with a postcondition can react to server-decided values
# during the apply step and halt work immediately if the result doesn't
# meet expectations.
postcondition {
condition = self.private_dns != ""
error_message = "EC2 instance must be in a VPC that has private DNS hostnames enabled."
data "aws_ebs_volume" "example" {
# We can use data resources that refer to other resources in order to
# load extra data that isn't directly exported by a resource.
# This example reads the details about the root storage volume for
# the EC2 instance declared by aws_instance.example, using the exported ID.
filter {
name = "volume-id"
values = [aws_instance.example.root_block_device.volume_id]
output "api_base_url" {
value = "https://${aws_instance.example.private_dns}:8433/"
# An output value with a precondition can check the object that the
# output value is describing to make sure it meets expectations before
# any caller of this module can use it.
precondition {
condition = data.aws_ebs_volume.example.encrypted
error_message = "The server's root volume is not encrypted."
The input variable validation rule, preconditions, and postconditions in the
above example declare explicitly some assumptions and guarantees that the
module developer is making in the design of this module:
* The caller of the module must provide a syntactically-valid AMI ID in the
`aws_ami_id` input variable.
This would detect if the caller accidentally assigned an AMI name to the
argument, instead of an AMI ID.
* The AMI ID must refer to an AMI that exists and that has been tagged as
being intended for the component "nomad-server".
This would detect if the caller accidentally provided an AMI intended for
some other system component, which might otherwise be detected only after
booting the EC2 instance and noticing that the expected network service
isn't running. Terraform can therefore detect that problem earlier and
return a more actionable error message for it.
* The AMI ID must refer to an AMI which contains an operating system for the
`x86_64` architecture.
This would detect if the caller accidentally built an AMI for a different
architecture, which might therefore not be able to run the software this
virtual machine is intended to host.
* The EC2 instance must be allocated a private DNS hostname.
In AWS, EC2 instances are assigned private DNS hostnames only if they
belong to a virtual network configured in a certain way. This would
detect if the selected virtual network is not configured correctly,
giving explicit feedback to prompt the user to debug the network settings.
* The EC2 instance will have an encrypted root volume.
This ensures that the root volume is encrypted even though the software
running in this EC2 instance would probably still operate as expected
on an unencrypted volume. Therefore Terraform can draw attention to the
problem immediately, before any other components rely on the
insecurely-configured component.
Writing explicit preconditions and postconditions is always optional, but it
can be helpful to users and future maintainers of a Terraform module by
capturing assumptions that might otherwise be only implied, and by allowing
Terraform to check those assumptions and halt more quickly if they don't
hold in practice for a particular set of input variables.
## Precondition and Postcondition Locations
Terraform supports preconditions and postconditions in a number of different
locations in a module:
* The `lifecycle` block inside a `resource` or `data` block can include both
`precondition` and `postcondition` blocks associated with the containing
Terraform evaluates resource preconditions before evaluating the resource's
configuration arguments. Resource preconditions can take precedence over
argument evaluation errors.
Terraform evaluates resource postconditions after planning and after
applying changes to a managed resource, or after reading from a data
resource. Resource postcondition failures will therefore prevent applying
changes to other resources that depend on the failing resource.
* An `output` block declaring an output value can include a `precondition`
Terraform evaluates output value preconditions before evaluating the
`value` expression to finalize the result. Output value preconditions
can take precedence over potential errors in the `value` expression.
Output value preconditions can be particularly useful in a root module,
to prevent saving an invalid new output value in the state and to preserve
the value from the previous apply, if any.
Output value preconditions can serve a symmetrical purpose to input
variable `validation` blocks: whereas input variable validation checks
assumptions the module makes about its inputs, output value preconditions
check guarantees that the module makes about its outputs.
## Condition Expressions
`precondition` and `postcondition` blocks both require an argument named
`condition`, whose value is a boolean expression which should return `true`
if the intended assumption holds or `false` if it does not.
Preconditions and postconditions can both refer to any other objects in the
same module, as long as the references don't create any cyclic dependencies.
Resource postconditions can additionally refer to attributes of each instance
of the resource where they are configured, using the special symbol `self`.
For example, `self.private_dns` refers to the `private_dns` attribute of
each instance of the containing resource.
Condition expressions are otherwise just normal Terraform expressions, and
so you can use any of Terraform's built-in functions or language operators
as long as the expression is valid and returns a boolean result.
### Common Condition Expression Features
Because condition expressions must produce boolean results, they can often
use built-in functions and language features that are less common elsewhere
in the Terraform language. The following language features are particularly
useful when writing condition expressions:
* You can use the built-in function `contains` to test whether a given
value is one of a set of predefined valid values:
condition = contains(["STAGE", "PROD"], var.environment)
* You can use the boolean operators `&&` (AND), `||` (OR), and `!` (NOT) to
combine multiple simpler conditions together:
condition = var.name != "" && lower(var.name) == var.name
* You can require a non-empty list or map by testing the collection's length:
condition = length(var.items) != 0
This is a better approach than directly comparing with another collection
using `==` or `!=`, because the comparison operators can only return `true`
if both operands have exactly the same type, which is often ambiguous
for empty collections.
* You can use `for` expressions which produce lists of boolean results
themselves in conjunction with the functions `alltrue` and `anytrue` to
test whether a condition holds for all or for any elements of a collection:
condition = alltrue([
for v in var.instances : contains(["t2.micro", "m3.medium"], v.type)
* You can use the `can` function to concisely use the validity of an expression
as a condition. It returns `true` if its given expression evaluates
successfully and `false` if it returns any error, so you can use various
other functions that typically return errors as a part of your condition
For example, you can use `can` with `regex` to test if a string matches
a particular pattern, because `regex` returns an error when given a
non-matching string:
condition = can(regex("^[a-z]+$", var.name)
You can also use `can` with the type conversion functions to test whether
a value is convertible to a type or type constraint:
# This remote output value must have a value that can
# be used as a string, which includes strings themselves
# but also allows numbers and boolean values.
condition = can(tostring(data.terraform_remote_state.example.outputs["name"]))
# This remote output value must be convertible to a list
# type of with element type.
condition = can(tolist(data.terraform_remote_state.example.outputs["items"]))
You can also use `can` with attribute access or index operators to
concisely test whether a collection or structural value has a particular
element or index:
# var.example must have an attribute named "foo"
condition = can(var.example.foo)
# var.example must be a sequence with at least one element
condition = can(var.example[0])
# (although it would typically be clearer to write this as a
# test like length(var.example) > 0 to better represent the
# intent of the condition.)
## Early Evaluation
Terraform will evaluate conditions as early as possible.
If the condition expression depends on a resource attribute that won't be known
until the apply phase then Terraform will delay checking the condition until
the apply phase, but Terraform can check all other expressions during the
planning phase, and therefore block applying a plan that would violate the
In the earlier example on this page, Terraform would typically be able to
detect invalid AMI tags during the planning phase, as long as `var.aws_ami_id`
is not itself derived from another resource. However, Terraform will not
detect a non-encrypted root volume until the EC2 instance was already created
during the apply step, because that condition depends on the root volume's
assigned ID, which AWS decides only when the EC2 instance is actually started.
For conditions which Terraform must defer to the apply phase, a _precondition_
will prevent taking whatever action was planned for a related resource, whereas
a _postcondition_ will merely halt processing after that action was already
taken, preventing any downstream actions that rely on it but not undoing the
Terraform typically has less information during the initial creation of a
full configuration than when applying subsequent changes to that configuration.
Conditions checked only during apply during initial creation may therefore
be checked during planning on subsequent updates, detecting problems sooner
in that case.
## Error Messages
Each `precondition` or `postcondition` block must include an argument
`error_message`, which provides some custom error sentences that Terraform
will include as part of error messages when it detects an unmet condition.
Error: Resource postcondition failed
with data.aws_ami.example,
on ec2.tf line 19, in data "aws_ami" "example":
72: condition = self.tags["Component"] == "nomad-server"
| self.tags["Component"] is "consul-server"
The selected AMI must be tagged with the Component value "nomad-server".
The `error_message` argument must always be a literal string, and should
typically be written as a full sentence in a style similar to Terraform's own
error messages. Terraform will show the given message alongside the name
of the resource that detected the problem and any outside values used as part
of the condition expression.
## Preconditions or Postconditions?
Because preconditions can refer to the result attributes of other resources
in the same module, it's typically true that a particular check could be
implemented either as a postcondition of the resource producing the data
or as a precondition of a resource or output value using the data.
To decide which is most appropriate for a particular situation, consider
whether the check is representing either an assumption or a guarantee:
* An _assumption_ is a condition that must be true in order for the
configuration of a particular resource to be usable. In the earlier
example on this page, the `aws_instance` configuration had the _assumption_
that the given AMI will always be for the `x86_64` CPU architecture.
Assumptions should typically be written as preconditions, so that future
maintainers can find them close to the other expressions that rely on
that condition, and thus know more about what different variations that
resource is intended to allow.
* A _guarantee_ is a characteristic or behavior of an object that the rest of
the configuration ought to be able to rely on. In the earlier example on
this page, the `aws_instance` configuration had the _guarantee_ that the
EC2 instance will be running in a network that assigns it a private DNS
Guarantees should typically be written as postconditions, so that
future maintainers can find them close to the resource configuration that
is responsible for implementing those guarantees and more easily see
which behaviors are important to preserve when changing the configuration.
In practice though, the distinction between these two is subjective: is the
AMI being tagged as Component `"nomad-server"` a guarantee about the AMI or
an assumption made by the EC2 instance? To decide, it might help to consider
which resource or output value would be most helpful to report in a resulting
error message, because Terraform will always report errors in the location
where the condition was declared.
The decision between the two may also be a matter of convenience. If a
particular resource has many dependencies that _all_ make an assumption about
that resource then it can be pragmatic to declare that just once as a
post-condition of the resource, rather than many times as preconditions on
each of the dependencies.
It may sometimes be helpful to declare the same or similar conditions as both
preconditions _and_ postconditions, particularly if the postcondition is
in a different module than the precondition, so that they can verify one
another as the two modules evolve independently.
Reference in New Issue
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