mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 23:25:33 -06:00
provider/fastly: Add support for Request Headers (#6197)
* provider/fastly: Add support for managing Headers Adds support for managing Headers in a Fastly configuration. * update acc test * update website with example of adding a header block
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
@ -156,6 +157,110 @@ func resourceServiceV1() *schema.Resource {
Type: schema.TypeBool,
Optional: true,
"header": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeSet,
Optional: true,
Elem: &schema.Resource{
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
// required fields
"name": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
Description: "A name to refer to this Header object",
"action": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
Description: "One of set, append, delete, regex, or regex_repeat",
ValidateFunc: func(v interface{}, k string) (ws []string, es []error) {
var found bool
for _, t := range []string{"set", "append", "delete", "regex", "regex_repeat"} {
if v.(string) == t {
found = true
if !found {
es = append(es, fmt.Errorf(
"Fastly Header action is case sensitive and must be one of 'set', 'append', 'delete', 'regex', or 'regex_repeat'; found: %s", v.(string)))
"type": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
Description: "Type to manipulate: request, fetch, cache, response",
ValidateFunc: func(v interface{}, k string) (ws []string, es []error) {
var found bool
for _, t := range []string{"request", "fetch", "cache", "response"} {
if v.(string) == t {
found = true
if !found {
es = append(es, fmt.Errorf(
"Fastly Header type is case sensitive and must be one of 'request', 'fetch', 'cache', or 'response'; found: %s", v.(string)))
"destination": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
Description: "Header this affects",
// Optional fields, defaults where they exist
"ignore_if_set": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeBool,
Optional: true,
Default: false,
Description: "Don't add the header if it is already. (Only applies to 'set' action.). Default `false`",
"source": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
Description: "Variable to be used as a source for the header content (Does not apply to 'delete' action.)",
"regex": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
Description: "Regular expression to use (Only applies to 'regex' and 'regex_repeat' actions.)",
"substitution": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Computed: true,
Description: "Value to substitute in place of regular expression. (Only applies to 'regex' and 'regex_repeat'.)",
"priority": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeInt,
Optional: true,
Default: 100,
Description: "Lower priorities execute first. (Default: 100.)",
// These fields represent Fastly options that Terraform does not
// currently support
"request_condition": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
Description: "Optional name of a RequestCondition to apply.",
"cache_condition": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
Description: "Optional name of a CacheCondition to apply.",
"response_condition": &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
Description: "Optional name of a ResponseCondition to apply.",
@ -194,7 +299,7 @@ func resourceServiceV1Update(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
// DefaultTTL, a new Version must be created first, and updates posted to that
// Version. Loop these attributes and determine if we need to create a new version first
var needsChange bool
for _, v := range []string{"domain", "backend", "default_host", "default_ttl"} {
for _, v := range []string{"domain", "backend", "default_host", "default_ttl", "header"} {
if d.HasChange(v) {
needsChange = true
@ -369,6 +474,60 @@ func resourceServiceV1Update(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
if d.HasChange("header") {
// Note: we don't utilize the PUT endpoint to update a Header, we simply
// destroy it and create a new one. This is how Terraform works with nested
// sub resources, we only get the full diff not a partial set item diff.
// Because this is done on a new version of the configuration, this is
// considered safe
oh, nh := d.GetChange("header")
if oh == nil {
oh = new(schema.Set)
if nh == nil {
nh = new(schema.Set)
ohs := oh.(*schema.Set)
nhs := nh.(*schema.Set)
remove := ohs.Difference(nhs).List()
add := nhs.Difference(ohs).List()
// Delete removed headers
for _, dRaw := range remove {
df := dRaw.(map[string]interface{})
opts := gofastly.DeleteHeaderInput{
Service: d.Id(),
Version: latestVersion,
Name: df["name"].(string),
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Fastly Header Removal opts: %#v", opts)
err := conn.DeleteHeader(&opts)
if err != nil {
return err
// POST new Headers
for _, dRaw := range add {
opts, err := buildHeader(dRaw.(map[string]interface{}))
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Error building Header: %s", err)
return err
opts.Service = d.Id()
opts.Version = latestVersion
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Fastly Header Addition opts: %#v", opts)
_, err = conn.CreateHeader(opts)
if err != nil {
return err
// validate version
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Validating Fastly Service (%s), Version (%s)", d.Id(), latestVersion)
valid, msg, err := conn.ValidateVersion(&gofastly.ValidateVersionInput{
@ -447,6 +606,7 @@ func resourceServiceV1Read(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
// TODO: update go-fastly to support an ActiveVersion struct, which contains
// domain and backend info in the response. Here we do 2 additional queries
// to find out that info
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Refreshing Domains for (%s)", d.Id())
domainList, err := conn.ListDomains(&gofastly.ListDomainsInput{
Service: d.Id(),
Version: s.ActiveVersion.Number,
@ -464,6 +624,7 @@ func resourceServiceV1Read(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
// Refresh Backends
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Refreshing Backends for (%s)", d.Id())
backendList, err := conn.ListBackends(&gofastly.ListBackendsInput{
Service: d.Id(),
Version: s.ActiveVersion.Number,
@ -478,6 +639,24 @@ func resourceServiceV1Read(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
if err := d.Set("backend", bl); err != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] Error setting Backends for (%s): %s", d.Id(), err)
// refresh headers
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Refreshing Headers for (%s)", d.Id())
headerList, err := conn.ListHeaders(&gofastly.ListHeadersInput{
Service: d.Id(),
Version: s.ActiveVersion.Number,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("[ERR] Error looking up Headers for (%s), version (%s): %s", d.Id(), s.ActiveVersion.Number, err)
hl := flattenHeaders(headerList)
if err := d.Set("header", hl); err != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] Error setting Headers for (%s): %s", d.Id(), err)
} else {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] Active Version for Service (%s) is empty, no state to refresh", d.Id())
@ -590,7 +769,7 @@ func findService(id string, meta interface{}) (*gofastly.Service, error) {
l, err := conn.ListServices(&gofastly.ListServicesInput{})
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("[WARN] Error listing servcies when deleting Fastly Service (%s): %s", id, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("[WARN] Error listing services when deleting Fastly Service (%s): %s", id, err)
for _, s := range l {
@ -602,3 +781,77 @@ func findService(id string, meta interface{}) (*gofastly.Service, error) {
return nil, fastlyNoServiceFoundErr
func flattenHeaders(headerList []*gofastly.Header) []map[string]interface{} {
var hl []map[string]interface{}
for _, h := range headerList {
// Convert Header to a map for saving to state.
nh := map[string]interface{}{
"name": h.Name,
"action": h.Action,
"ignore_if_set": h.IgnoreIfSet,
"type": h.Type,
"destination": h.Destination,
"source": h.Source,
"regex": h.Regex,
"substitution": h.Substitution,
"priority": int(h.Priority),
"request_condition": h.RequestCondition,
"cache_condition": h.CacheCondition,
"response_condition": h.ResponseCondition,
for k, v := range nh {
if v == "" {
delete(nh, k)
hl = append(hl, nh)
return hl
func buildHeader(headerMap interface{}) (*gofastly.CreateHeaderInput, error) {
df := headerMap.(map[string]interface{})
opts := gofastly.CreateHeaderInput{
Name: df["name"].(string),
IgnoreIfSet: df["ignore_if_set"].(bool),
Destination: df["destination"].(string),
Priority: uint(df["priority"].(int)),
Source: df["source"].(string),
Regex: df["regex"].(string),
Substitution: df["substitution"].(string),
RequestCondition: df["request_condition"].(string),
CacheCondition: df["cache_condition"].(string),
ResponseCondition: df["response_condition"].(string),
act := strings.ToLower(df["action"].(string))
switch act {
case "set":
opts.Action = gofastly.HeaderActionSet
case "append":
opts.Action = gofastly.HeaderActionAppend
case "delete":
opts.Action = gofastly.HeaderActionDelete
case "regex":
opts.Action = gofastly.HeaderActionRegex
case "regex_repeat":
opts.Action = gofastly.HeaderActionRegexRepeat
ty := strings.ToLower(df["type"].(string))
switch ty {
case "request":
opts.Type = gofastly.HeaderTypeRequest
case "fetch":
opts.Type = gofastly.HeaderTypeFetch
case "cache":
opts.Type = gofastly.HeaderTypeCache
case "response":
opts.Type = gofastly.HeaderTypeResponse
return &opts, nil
@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
package fastly
import (
gofastly "github.com/sethvargo/go-fastly"
func TestFastlyServiceV1_BuildHeaders(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
remote *gofastly.CreateHeaderInput
local map[string]interface{}
remote: &gofastly.CreateHeaderInput{
Name: "someheadder",
Action: gofastly.HeaderActionDelete,
IgnoreIfSet: true,
Type: gofastly.HeaderTypeCache,
Destination: "http.aws-id",
Priority: uint(100),
local: map[string]interface{}{
"name": "someheadder",
"action": "delete",
"ignore_if_set": true,
"destination": "http.aws-id",
"priority": 100,
"source": "",
"regex": "",
"substitution": "",
"request_condition": "",
"cache_condition": "",
"response_condition": "",
"type": "cache",
remote: &gofastly.CreateHeaderInput{
Name: "someheadder",
Action: gofastly.HeaderActionSet,
Type: gofastly.HeaderTypeCache,
Destination: "http.aws-id",
Priority: uint(100),
Source: "http.server-name",
local: map[string]interface{}{
"name": "someheadder",
"action": "set",
"ignore_if_set": false,
"destination": "http.aws-id",
"priority": 100,
"source": "http.server-name",
"regex": "",
"substitution": "",
"request_condition": "",
"cache_condition": "",
"response_condition": "",
"type": "cache",
for _, c := range cases {
out, _ := buildHeader(c.local)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(out, c.remote) {
t.Fatalf("Error matching:\nexpected: %#v\ngot: %#v", c.remote, out)
func TestAccFastlyServiceV1_headers_basic(t *testing.T) {
var service gofastly.ServiceDetail
name := fmt.Sprintf("tf-test-%s", acctest.RandString(10))
domainName1 := fmt.Sprintf("%s.notadomain.com", acctest.RandString(10))
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Providers: testAccProviders,
CheckDestroy: testAccCheckServiceV1Destroy,
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
Config: testAccServiceV1HeadersConfig(name, domainName1),
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
testAccCheckServiceV1Exists("fastly_service_v1.foo", &service),
testAccCheckFastlyServiceV1HeaderAttributes(&service, name, []string{"http.x-amz-request-id", "http.Server"}, nil),
"fastly_service_v1.foo", "name", name),
"fastly_service_v1.foo", "header.#", "2"),
Config: testAccServiceV1HeadersConfig_update(name, domainName1),
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
testAccCheckServiceV1Exists("fastly_service_v1.foo", &service),
testAccCheckFastlyServiceV1HeaderAttributes(&service, name, []string{"http.x-amz-request-id", "http.Server"}, []string{"http.server-name"}),
"fastly_service_v1.foo", "name", name),
"fastly_service_v1.foo", "header.#", "3"),
"fastly_service_v1.foo", "header.1147514417.source", "server.identity"),
func testAccCheckFastlyServiceV1HeaderAttributes(service *gofastly.ServiceDetail, name string, headersDeleted, headersAdded []string) resource.TestCheckFunc {
return func(s *terraform.State) error {
if service.Name != name {
return fmt.Errorf("Bad name, expected (%s), got (%s)", name, service.Name)
conn := testAccProvider.Meta().(*FastlyClient).conn
headersList, err := conn.ListHeaders(&gofastly.ListHeadersInput{
Service: service.ID,
Version: service.ActiveVersion.Number,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("[ERR] Error looking up Headers for (%s), version (%s): %s", service.Name, service.ActiveVersion.Number, err)
var deleted []string
var added []string
for _, h := range headersList {
if h.Action == gofastly.HeaderActionDelete {
deleted = append(deleted, h.Destination)
if h.Action == gofastly.HeaderActionSet {
added = append(added, h.Destination)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(headersDeleted, deleted) {
return fmt.Errorf("Deleted Headers did not match.\n\tExpected: (%#v)\n\tGot: (%#v)", headersDeleted, deleted)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(headersAdded, added) {
return fmt.Errorf("Added Headers did not match.\n\tExpected: (%#v)\n\tGot: (%#v)", headersAdded, added)
return nil
func testAccServiceV1HeadersConfig(name, domain string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`
resource "fastly_service_v1" "foo" {
name = "%s"
domain {
name = "%s"
comment = "tf-testing-domain"
backend {
address = "aws.amazon.com"
name = "amazon docs"
header {
destination = "http.x-amz-request-id"
type = "cache"
action = "delete"
name = "remove x-amz-request-id"
header {
destination = "http.Server"
type = "cache"
action = "delete"
name = "remove s3 server"
force_destroy = true
}`, name, domain)
func testAccServiceV1HeadersConfig_update(name, domain string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`
resource "fastly_service_v1" "foo" {
name = "%s"
domain {
name = "%s"
comment = "tf-testing-domain"
backend {
address = "aws.amazon.com"
name = "amazon docs"
header {
destination = "http.x-amz-request-id"
type = "cache"
action = "delete"
name = "remove x-amz-request-id"
header {
destination = "http.Server"
type = "cache"
action = "delete"
name = "DESTROY S3"
header {
destination = "http.server-name"
type = "request"
action = "set"
source = "server.identity"
name = "Add server name"
force_destroy = true
}`, name, domain)
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ resource "fastly_service_v1" "demo" {
Basic usage with an Amazon S3 Website:
Basic usage with an Amazon S3 Website, and removes the `x-amz-request-id` header:
resource "fastly_service_v1" "demo" {
@ -57,6 +57,13 @@ resource "fastly_service_v1" "demo" {
port = 80
header {
destination = "http.x-amz-request-id"
type = "cache"
action = "delete"
name = "remove x-amz-request-id"
default_host = "${aws_s3_bucket.website.name}.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com"
force_destroy = true
@ -76,7 +83,7 @@ resource "aws_s3_bucket" "website" {
**Note:** For an AWS S3 Bucket, the Backend address is
`<domain>.s3-website-<region>.amazonaws.com`. The `default_host` attribute
should be set to `<bucket_name>.s3-website-<region>.amazonaws.com`. See the
Fastly documentation on [Amazon S3][fastly-s3]
Fastly documentation on [Amazon S3][fastly-s3].
## Argument Reference
@ -87,6 +94,8 @@ The following arguments are supported:
Service. Defined below.
* `backend` - (Required) A set of Backends to service requests from your Domains.
Defined below.
* `header` - (Optional) A set of Headers to manipulate for each request. Defined
* `default_host` - (Optional) The default hostname
* `default_ttl` - (Optional) The default Time-to-live (TTL) for requests
* `force_destroy` - (Optional) Services that are active cannot be destroyed. In
@ -117,6 +126,25 @@ Default `200`
* `weight` - (Optional) How long to wait for the first bytes in milliseconds.
Default `100`
The `Header` block supports adding, removing, or modifying Request and Response
headers. See Fastly's documentation on
[Adding or modifying headers on HTTP requests and responses](https://docs.fastly.com/guides/basic-configuration/adding-or-modifying-headers-on-http-requests-and-responses#field-description-table) for more detailed information on any
of the properties below.
* `name` - (Required) A unique name to refer to this header attribute
* `action` - (Required) The Header manipulation action to take; must be one of
`set`, `append`, `delete`, `regex`, or `regex_repeat`
* `type` - (Required) The Request type to apply the selected Action on
* `destination` - (Required) The name of the header that is going to be affected
by the Action
* `ignore_if_set` - (Optional) Do not add the header if it is already present.
(Only applies to `set` action.). Default `false`
* `source` - (Optional) Variable to be used as a source for the header content
(Does not apply to `delete` action.)
* `regex` - (Optional) Regular expression to use (Only applies to `regex` and `regex_repeat` actions.)
* `substitution` - (Optional) Value to substitute in place of regular expression. (Only applies to `regex` and `regex_repeat`.)
* `priority` - (Optional) Lower priorities execute first. (Default: `100`.)
## Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
@ -126,6 +154,7 @@ The following attributes are exported:
* `active_version` - The currently active version of your Fastly Service
* `domain` – Set of Domains. See above for details
* `backend` – Set of Backends. See above for details
* `header` – Set of Headers. See above for details
* `default_host` – Default host specified
* `default_ttl` - Default TTL
* `force_destroy` - Force the destruction of the Service on delete
@ -133,4 +162,3 @@ The following attributes are exported:
[fastly-s3]: https://docs.fastly.com/guides/integrations/amazon-s3
[fastly-cname]: https://docs.fastly.com/guides/basic-setup/adding-cname-records
Reference in New Issue
Block a user