mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
Add 'aws_default_vpc_dhcp_options' resource. (#14475)
This commit is contained in:
@ -443,6 +443,7 @@ func Provider() terraform.ResourceProvider {
"aws_subnet": resourceAwsSubnet(),
"aws_volume_attachment": resourceAwsVolumeAttachment(),
"aws_vpc_dhcp_options_association": resourceAwsVpcDhcpOptionsAssociation(),
"aws_default_vpc_dhcp_options": resourceAwsDefaultVpcDhcpOptions(),
"aws_vpc_dhcp_options": resourceAwsVpcDhcpOptions(),
"aws_vpc_peering_connection": resourceAwsVpcPeeringConnection(),
"aws_vpc_peering_connection_accepter": resourceAwsVpcPeeringConnectionAccepter(),
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
package aws
import (
func resourceAwsDefaultVpcDhcpOptions() *schema.Resource {
// reuse aws_vpc_dhcp_options schema, and methods for READ, UPDATE
dvpc := resourceAwsVpcDhcpOptions()
dvpc.Create = resourceAwsDefaultVpcDhcpOptionsCreate
dvpc.Delete = resourceAwsDefaultVpcDhcpOptionsDelete
// domain_name is a computed value for Default Default DHCP Options Sets
dvpc.Schema["domain_name"] = &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
// domain_name_servers is a computed value for Default Default DHCP Options Sets
dvpc.Schema["domain_name_servers"] = &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
// ntp_servers is a computed value for Default Default DHCP Options Sets
dvpc.Schema["ntp_servers"] = &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
return dvpc
func resourceAwsDefaultVpcDhcpOptionsCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn
var domainName string
awsRegion := meta.(*AWSClient).region
if awsRegion == "us-east-1" {
domainName = "ec2.internal"
} else {
domainName = awsRegion + ".compute.internal"
req := &ec2.DescribeDhcpOptionsInput{
Filters: []*ec2.Filter{
Name: aws.String("key"),
Values: aws.StringSlice([]string{"domain-name"}),
Name: aws.String("value"),
Values: aws.StringSlice([]string{domainName}),
Name: aws.String("key"),
Values: aws.StringSlice([]string{"domain-name-servers"}),
Name: aws.String("value"),
Values: aws.StringSlice([]string{"AmazonProvidedDNS"}),
resp, err := conn.DescribeDhcpOptions(req)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(resp.DhcpOptions) != 1 || resp.DhcpOptions[0] == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Default DHCP Options Set not found")
if err := resourceAwsVpcDhcpOptionsUpdate(d, meta); err != nil {
return err
return resourceAwsVpcDhcpOptionsRead(d, meta)
func resourceAwsDefaultVpcDhcpOptionsDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
log.Printf("[WARN] Cannot destroy Default DHCP Options Set. Terraform will remove this resource from the state file, however resources may remain.")
return nil
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// make testacc TEST=./builtin/providers/aws/ TESTARGS='-run=TestAccAWSDefaultVpc_'
package aws
import (
func TestAccAWSDefaultVpcDhcpOptions_basic(t *testing.T) {
var d ec2.DhcpOptions
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Providers: testAccProviders,
CheckDestroy: testAccCheckAWSDefaultVpcDhcpOptionsDestroy,
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
Config: testAccAWSDefaultVpcDhcpOptionsConfigBasic,
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
testAccCheckDHCPOptionsExists("aws_default_vpc_dhcp_options.foo", &d),
"aws_default_vpc_dhcp_options.foo", "domain_name", "us-west-2.compute.internal"),
"aws_default_vpc_dhcp_options.foo", "domain_name_servers", "AmazonProvidedDNS"),
"aws_default_vpc_dhcp_options.foo", "tags.%", "1"),
"aws_default_vpc_dhcp_options.foo", "tags.Name", "Default DHCP Option Set"),
func testAccCheckAWSDefaultVpcDhcpOptionsDestroy(s *terraform.State) error {
// We expect DHCP Options Set to still exist
return nil
const testAccAWSDefaultVpcDhcpOptionsConfigBasic = `
provider "aws" {
region = "us-west-2"
resource "aws_default_vpc_dhcp_options" "foo" {
tags {
Name = "Default DHCP Option Set"
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
layout: "aws"
page_title: "AWS: aws_default_vpc_dhcp_options"
sidebar_current: "docs-aws-resource-default-vpc-dhcp-options"
description: |-
Manage the default VPC DHCP Options resource.
# aws\_default\_vpc\_dhcp\_options
Provides a resource to manage the [default AWS DHCP Options Set](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonVPC/latest/UserGuide/VPC_DHCP_Options.html#AmazonDNS)
in the current region.
Each AWS region comes with a default set of DHCP options.
**This is an advanced resource**, and has special caveats to be aware of when
using it. Please read this document in its entirety before using this resource.
The `aws_default_vpc_dhcp_options` behaves differently from normal resources, in that
Terraform does not _create_ this resource, but instead "adopts" it
into management.
## Example Usage
Basic usage with tags:
resource "aws_default_vpc_dhcp_options" "default" {
tags {
Name = "Default DHCP Option Set"
## Argument Reference
The arguments of an `aws_default_vpc_dhcp_options` differ slightly from `aws_vpc_dhcp_options` resources.
Namely, the `domain_name`, `domain_name_servers` and `ntp_servers` arguments are computed.
The following arguments are still supported:
* `netbios_name_servers` - (Optional) List of NETBIOS name servers.
* `netbios_node_type` - (Optional) The NetBIOS node type (1, 2, 4, or 8). AWS recommends to specify 2 since broadcast and multicast are not supported in their network. For more information about these node types, see [RFC 2132](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2132.txt).
* `tags` - (Optional) A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.
### Removing `aws_default_vpc_dhcp_options` from your configuration
The `aws_default_vpc_dhcp_options` resource allows you to manage a region's default DHCP Options Set,
but Terraform cannot destroy it. Removing this resource from your configuration
will remove it from your statefile and management, but will not destroy the DHCP Options Set.
You can resume managing the DHCP Options Set via the AWS Console.
## Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
* `id` - The ID of the DHCP Options Set.
@ -1344,11 +1344,15 @@
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