diff --git a/.hashibot.hcl b/.hashibot.hcl
index ee0c93886e..9186c1a059 100644
--- a/.hashibot.hcl
+++ b/.hashibot.hcl
@@ -32,5 +32,5 @@ poll "label_issue_migrater" "provider_migrater" {
- migrated_comment = "This issue has been automatically migrated to ${var.repository}#${var.number} because it looks like an issue with that provider. If you believe this is _not_ an issue with the provider, please reply to ${var.repository}#${var.issue_number}."
+ migrated_comment = "This issue has been automatically migrated to ${var.repository}#${var.issue_number} because it looks like an issue with that provider. If you believe this is _not_ an issue with the provider, please reply to ${var.repository}#${var.issue_number}."