mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
vendor: go get golang.org/x/mod
We'll be using this for its directory hashing algorithm, as used in go.sum in Go modules, and applying it also to Terraform provider packages.
This commit is contained in:
@ -127,11 +127,12 @@ require (
go.uber.org/atomic v1.3.2 // indirect
go.uber.org/multierr v1.1.0 // indirect
go.uber.org/zap v1.9.1 // indirect
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190701094942-4def268fd1a4
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20191011191535-87dc89f01550
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golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190628153133-6cdbf07be9d0
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20191119224855-298f0cb1881e
google.golang.org/api v0.9.0
google.golang.org/grpc v1.21.1
gopkg.in/ini.v1 v1.42.0 // indirect
@ -452,8 +452,8 @@ golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190222235706-ffb98f73852f/go.mod h1:6SG95UA2DQfeDnf
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190308221718-c2843e01d9a2/go.mod h1:djNgcEr1/C05ACkg1iLfiJU5Ep61QUkGW8qpdssI0+w=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190426145343-a29dc8fdc734/go.mod h1:yigFU9vqHzYiE8UmvKecakEJjdnWj3jj499lnFckfCI=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190605123033-f99c8df09eb5/go.mod h1:yigFU9vqHzYiE8UmvKecakEJjdnWj3jj499lnFckfCI=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190701094942-4def268fd1a4 h1:HuIa8hRrWRSrqYzx1qI49NNxhdi2PrY7gxVSq1JjLDc=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190701094942-4def268fd1a4/go.mod h1:yigFU9vqHzYiE8UmvKecakEJjdnWj3jj499lnFckfCI=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20191011191535-87dc89f01550 h1:ObdrDkeb4kJdCP557AjRjq69pTHfNouLtWZG7j9rPN8=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20191011191535-87dc89f01550/go.mod h1:yigFU9vqHzYiE8UmvKecakEJjdnWj3jj499lnFckfCI=
golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20190121172915-509febef88a4/go.mod h1:CJ0aWSM057203Lf6IL+f9T1iT9GByDxfZKAQTCR3kQA=
golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20190510132918-efd6b22b2522/go.mod h1:ZjyILWgesfNpC6sMxTJOJm9Kp84zZh5NQWvqDGG3Qr8=
golang.org/x/image v0.0.0-20190227222117-0694c2d4d067/go.mod h1:kZ7UVZpmo3dzQBMxlp+ypCbDeSB+sBbTgSJuh5dn5js=
@ -463,6 +463,8 @@ golang.org/x/lint v0.0.0-20190301231843-5614ed5bae6f/go.mod h1:UVdnD1Gm6xHRNCYTk
golang.org/x/lint v0.0.0-20190313153728-d0100b6bd8b3/go.mod h1:6SW0HCj/g11FgYtHlgUYUwCkIfeOF89ocIRzGO/8vkc=
golang.org/x/lint v0.0.0-20190409202823-959b441ac422/go.mod h1:6SW0HCj/g11FgYtHlgUYUwCkIfeOF89ocIRzGO/8vkc=
golang.org/x/mobile v0.0.0-20190312151609-d3739f865fa6/go.mod h1:z+o9i4GpDbdi3rU15maQ/Ox0txvL9dWGYEHz965HBQE=
golang.org/x/mod v0.2.0 h1:KU7oHjnv3XNWfa5COkzUifxZmxp1TyI7ImMXqFxLwvQ=
golang.org/x/mod v0.2.0/go.mod h1:s0Qsj1ACt9ePp/hMypM3fl4fZqREWJwdYDEqhRiZZUA=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20180724234803-3673e40ba225/go.mod h1:mL1N/T3taQHkDXs73rZJwtUhF3w3ftmwwsq0BUmARs4=
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@ -526,6 +528,10 @@ golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190506145303-2d16b83fe98c/go.mod h1:RgjU9mgBXZiqYHBn
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190606124116-d0a3d012864b/go.mod h1:/rFqwRUd4F7ZHNgwSSTFct+R/Kf4OFW1sUzUTQQTgfc=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190628153133-6cdbf07be9d0 h1:Dh6fw+p6FyRl5x/FvNswO1ji0lIGzm3KP8Y9VkS9PTE=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190628153133-6cdbf07be9d0/go.mod h1:/rFqwRUd4F7ZHNgwSSTFct+R/Kf4OFW1sUzUTQQTgfc=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20191119224855-298f0cb1881e h1:aZzprAO9/8oim3qStq3wc1Xuxx4QmAGriC4VU4ojemQ=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20191119224855-298f0cb1881e/go.mod h1:b+2E5dAYhXwXZwtnZ6UAqBI28+e2cm9otk0dWdXHAEo=
golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20190717185122-a985d3407aa7/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0=
golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20191011141410-1b5146add898/go.mod h1:I/5z698sn9Ka8TeJc9MKroUUfqBBauWjQqLJ2OPfmY0=
google.golang.org/api v0.4.0/go.mod h1:8k5glujaEP+g9n7WNsDg8QP6cUVNI86fCNMcbazEtwE=
google.golang.org/api v0.7.0/go.mod h1:WtwebWUNSVBH/HAw79HIFXZNqEvBhG+Ra+ax0hx3E3M=
google.golang.org/api v0.8.0/go.mod h1:o4eAsZoiT+ibD93RtjEohWalFOjRDx6CVaqeizhEnKg=
@ -1,779 +0,0 @@
package printer
import (
const (
blank = byte(' ')
newline = byte('\n')
tab = byte('\t')
infinity = 1 << 30 // offset or line
var (
unindent = []byte("\uE123") // in the private use space
type printer struct {
cfg Config
prev token.Pos
comments []*ast.CommentGroup // may be nil, contains all comments
standaloneComments []*ast.CommentGroup // contains all standalone comments (not assigned to any node)
enableTrace bool
indentTrace int
type ByPosition []*ast.CommentGroup
func (b ByPosition) Len() int { return len(b) }
func (b ByPosition) Swap(i, j int) { b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] }
func (b ByPosition) Less(i, j int) bool { return b[i].Pos().Before(b[j].Pos()) }
// collectComments comments all standalone comments which are not lead or line
// comment
func (p *printer) collectComments(node ast.Node) {
// first collect all comments. This is already stored in
// ast.File.(comments)
ast.Walk(node, func(nn ast.Node) (ast.Node, bool) {
switch t := nn.(type) {
case *ast.File:
p.comments = t.Comments
return nn, false
return nn, true
standaloneComments := make(map[token.Pos]*ast.CommentGroup, 0)
for _, c := range p.comments {
standaloneComments[c.Pos()] = c
// next remove all lead and line comments from the overall comment map.
// This will give us comments which are standalone, comments which are not
// assigned to any kind of node.
ast.Walk(node, func(nn ast.Node) (ast.Node, bool) {
switch t := nn.(type) {
case *ast.LiteralType:
if t.LeadComment != nil {
for _, comment := range t.LeadComment.List {
if _, ok := standaloneComments[comment.Pos()]; ok {
delete(standaloneComments, comment.Pos())
if t.LineComment != nil {
for _, comment := range t.LineComment.List {
if _, ok := standaloneComments[comment.Pos()]; ok {
delete(standaloneComments, comment.Pos())
case *ast.ObjectItem:
if t.LeadComment != nil {
for _, comment := range t.LeadComment.List {
if _, ok := standaloneComments[comment.Pos()]; ok {
delete(standaloneComments, comment.Pos())
if t.LineComment != nil {
for _, comment := range t.LineComment.List {
if _, ok := standaloneComments[comment.Pos()]; ok {
delete(standaloneComments, comment.Pos())
return nn, true
for _, c := range standaloneComments {
p.standaloneComments = append(p.standaloneComments, c)
// output prints creates b printable HCL output and returns it.
func (p *printer) output(n interface{}) []byte {
var buf bytes.Buffer
switch t := n.(type) {
case *ast.File:
// File doesn't trace so we add the tracing here
defer un(trace(p, "File"))
return p.output(t.Node)
case *ast.ObjectList:
defer un(trace(p, "ObjectList"))
var index int
for {
// Determine the location of the next actual non-comment
// item. If we're at the end, the next item is at "infinity"
var nextItem token.Pos
if index != len(t.Items) {
nextItem = t.Items[index].Pos()
} else {
nextItem = token.Pos{Offset: infinity, Line: infinity}
// Go through the standalone comments in the file and print out
// the comments that we should be for this object item.
for _, c := range p.standaloneComments {
// Go through all the comments in the group. The group
// should be printed together, not separated by double newlines.
printed := false
newlinePrinted := false
for _, comment := range c.List {
// We only care about comments after the previous item
// we've printed so that comments are printed in the
// correct locations (between two objects for example).
// And before the next item.
if comment.Pos().After(p.prev) && comment.Pos().Before(nextItem) {
// if we hit the end add newlines so we can print the comment
// we don't do this if prev is invalid which means the
// beginning of the file since the first comment should
// be at the first line.
if !newlinePrinted && p.prev.IsValid() && index == len(t.Items) {
buf.Write([]byte{newline, newline})
newlinePrinted = true
// Write the actual comment.
// Set printed to true to note that we printed something
printed = true
// If we're not at the last item, write a new line so
// that there is a newline separating this comment from
// the next object.
if printed && index != len(t.Items) {
if index == len(t.Items) {
if index != len(t.Items)-1 {
// Always write a newline to separate us from the next item
// Need to determine if we're going to separate the next item
// with a blank line. The logic here is simple, though there
// are a few conditions:
// 1. The next object is more than one line away anyways,
// so we need an empty line.
// 2. The next object is not a "single line" object, so
// we need an empty line.
// 3. This current object is not a single line object,
// so we need an empty line.
current := t.Items[index]
next := t.Items[index+1]
if next.Pos().Line != t.Items[index].Pos().Line+1 ||
!p.isSingleLineObject(next) ||
!p.isSingleLineObject(current) {
case *ast.ObjectKey:
case *ast.ObjectItem:
p.prev = t.Pos()
case *ast.LiteralType:
case *ast.ListType:
case *ast.ObjectType:
fmt.Printf(" unknown type: %T\n", n)
return buf.Bytes()
func (p *printer) literalType(lit *ast.LiteralType) []byte {
result := []byte(lit.Token.Text)
switch lit.Token.Type {
case token.HEREDOC:
// Clear the trailing newline from heredocs
if result[len(result)-1] == '\n' {
result = result[:len(result)-1]
// Poison lines 2+ so that we don't indent them
result = p.heredocIndent(result)
case token.STRING:
// If this is a multiline string, poison lines 2+ so we don't
// indent them.
if bytes.IndexRune(result, '\n') >= 0 {
result = p.heredocIndent(result)
return result
// objectItem returns the printable HCL form of an object item. An object type
// starts with one/multiple keys and has a value. The value might be of any
// type.
func (p *printer) objectItem(o *ast.ObjectItem) []byte {
defer un(trace(p, fmt.Sprintf("ObjectItem: %s", o.Keys[0].Token.Text)))
var buf bytes.Buffer
if o.LeadComment != nil {
for _, comment := range o.LeadComment.List {
for i, k := range o.Keys {
// reach end of key
if o.Assign.IsValid() && i == len(o.Keys)-1 && len(o.Keys) == 1 {
if o.Val.Pos().Line == o.Keys[0].Pos().Line && o.LineComment != nil {
for _, comment := range o.LineComment.List {
return buf.Bytes()
// objectType returns the printable HCL form of an object type. An object type
// begins with a brace and ends with a brace.
func (p *printer) objectType(o *ast.ObjectType) []byte {
defer un(trace(p, "ObjectType"))
var buf bytes.Buffer
var index int
var nextItem token.Pos
var commented, newlinePrinted bool
for {
// Determine the location of the next actual non-comment
// item. If we're at the end, the next item is the closing brace
if index != len(o.List.Items) {
nextItem = o.List.Items[index].Pos()
} else {
nextItem = o.Rbrace
// Go through the standalone comments in the file and print out
// the comments that we should be for this object item.
for _, c := range p.standaloneComments {
printed := false
var lastCommentPos token.Pos
for _, comment := range c.List {
// We only care about comments after the previous item
// we've printed so that comments are printed in the
// correct locations (between two objects for example).
// And before the next item.
if comment.Pos().After(p.prev) && comment.Pos().Before(nextItem) {
// If there are standalone comments and the initial newline has not
// been printed yet, do it now.
if !newlinePrinted {
newlinePrinted = true
// add newline if it's between other printed nodes
if index > 0 {
commented = true
// Store this position
lastCommentPos = comment.Pos()
// output the comment itself
// Set printed to true to note that we printed something
printed = true
if index != len(o.List.Items) {
buf.WriteByte(newline) // do not print on the end
// Stuff to do if we had comments
if printed {
// Always write a newline
// If there is another item in the object and our comment
// didn't hug it directly, then make sure there is a blank
// line separating them.
if nextItem != o.Rbrace && nextItem.Line != lastCommentPos.Line+1 {
if index == len(o.List.Items) {
p.prev = o.Rbrace
// At this point we are sure that it's not a totally empty block: print
// the initial newline if it hasn't been printed yet by the previous
// block about standalone comments.
if !newlinePrinted {
newlinePrinted = true
// check if we have adjacent one liner items. If yes we'll going to align
// the comments.
var aligned []*ast.ObjectItem
for _, item := range o.List.Items[index:] {
// we don't group one line lists
if len(o.List.Items) == 1 {
// one means a oneliner with out any lead comment
// two means a oneliner with lead comment
// anything else might be something else
cur := lines(string(p.objectItem(item)))
if cur > 2 {
curPos := item.Pos()
nextPos := token.Pos{}
if index != len(o.List.Items)-1 {
nextPos = o.List.Items[index+1].Pos()
prevPos := token.Pos{}
if index != 0 {
prevPos = o.List.Items[index-1].Pos()
// fmt.Println("DEBUG ----------------")
// fmt.Printf("prev = %+v prevPos: %s\n", prev, prevPos)
// fmt.Printf("cur = %+v curPos: %s\n", cur, curPos)
// fmt.Printf("next = %+v nextPos: %s\n", next, nextPos)
if curPos.Line+1 == nextPos.Line {
aligned = append(aligned, item)
if curPos.Line-1 == prevPos.Line {
aligned = append(aligned, item)
// finish if we have a new line or comment next. This happens
// if the next item is not adjacent
if curPos.Line+1 != nextPos.Line {
// put newlines if the items are between other non aligned items.
// newlines are also added if there is a standalone comment already, so
// check it too
if !commented && index != len(aligned) {
if len(aligned) >= 1 {
p.prev = aligned[len(aligned)-1].Pos()
items := p.alignedItems(aligned)
} else {
p.prev = o.List.Items[index].Pos()
return buf.Bytes()
func (p *printer) alignedItems(items []*ast.ObjectItem) []byte {
var buf bytes.Buffer
// find the longest key and value length, needed for alignment
var longestKeyLen int // longest key length
var longestValLen int // longest value length
for _, item := range items {
key := len(item.Keys[0].Token.Text)
val := len(p.output(item.Val))
if key > longestKeyLen {
longestKeyLen = key
if val > longestValLen {
longestValLen = val
for i, item := range items {
if item.LeadComment != nil {
for _, comment := range item.LeadComment.List {
for i, k := range item.Keys {
keyLen := len(k.Token.Text)
for i := 0; i < longestKeyLen-keyLen+1; i++ {
// reach end of key
if i == len(item.Keys)-1 && len(item.Keys) == 1 {
val := p.output(item.Val)
valLen := len(val)
if item.Val.Pos().Line == item.Keys[0].Pos().Line && item.LineComment != nil {
for i := 0; i < longestValLen-valLen+1; i++ {
for _, comment := range item.LineComment.List {
// do not print for the last item
if i != len(items)-1 {
return buf.Bytes()
// list returns the printable HCL form of an list type.
func (p *printer) list(l *ast.ListType) []byte {
var buf bytes.Buffer
var longestLine int
for _, item := range l.List {
// for now we assume that the list only contains literal types
if lit, ok := item.(*ast.LiteralType); ok {
lineLen := len(lit.Token.Text)
if lineLen > longestLine {
longestLine = lineLen
insertSpaceBeforeItem := false
lastHadLeadComment := false
for i, item := range l.List {
// Keep track of whether this item is a heredoc since that has
// unique behavior.
heredoc := false
if lit, ok := item.(*ast.LiteralType); ok && lit.Token.Type == token.HEREDOC {
heredoc = true
if item.Pos().Line != l.Lbrack.Line {
// multiline list, add newline before we add each item
insertSpaceBeforeItem = false
// If we have a lead comment, then we want to write that first
leadComment := false
if lit, ok := item.(*ast.LiteralType); ok && lit.LeadComment != nil {
leadComment = true
// If this isn't the first item and the previous element
// didn't have a lead comment, then we need to add an extra
// newline to properly space things out. If it did have a
// lead comment previously then this would be done
// automatically.
if i > 0 && !lastHadLeadComment {
for _, comment := range lit.LeadComment.List {
// also indent each line
val := p.output(item)
curLen := len(val)
// if this item is a heredoc, then we output the comma on
// the next line. This is the only case this happens.
comma := []byte{','}
if heredoc {
comma = p.indent(comma)
if lit, ok := item.(*ast.LiteralType); ok && lit.LineComment != nil {
// if the next item doesn't have any comments, do not align
buf.WriteByte(blank) // align one space
for i := 0; i < longestLine-curLen; i++ {
for _, comment := range lit.LineComment.List {
lastItem := i == len(l.List)-1
if lastItem {
if leadComment && !lastItem {
lastHadLeadComment = leadComment
} else {
if insertSpaceBeforeItem {
insertSpaceBeforeItem = false
// Output the item itself
// also indent each line
val := p.output(item)
curLen := len(val)
// If this is a heredoc item we always have to output a newline
// so that it parses properly.
if heredoc {
// If this isn't the last element, write a comma.
if i != len(l.List)-1 {
insertSpaceBeforeItem = true
if lit, ok := item.(*ast.LiteralType); ok && lit.LineComment != nil {
// if the next item doesn't have any comments, do not align
buf.WriteByte(blank) // align one space
for i := 0; i < longestLine-curLen; i++ {
for _, comment := range lit.LineComment.List {
return buf.Bytes()
// indent indents the lines of the given buffer for each non-empty line
func (p *printer) indent(buf []byte) []byte {
var prefix []byte
if p.cfg.SpacesWidth != 0 {
for i := 0; i < p.cfg.SpacesWidth; i++ {
prefix = append(prefix, blank)
} else {
prefix = []byte{tab}
var res []byte
bol := true
for _, c := range buf {
if bol && c != '\n' {
res = append(res, prefix...)
res = append(res, c)
bol = c == '\n'
return res
// unindent removes all the indentation from the tombstoned lines
func (p *printer) unindent(buf []byte) []byte {
var res []byte
for i := 0; i < len(buf); i++ {
skip := len(buf)-i <= len(unindent)
if !skip {
skip = !bytes.Equal(unindent, buf[i:i+len(unindent)])
if skip {
res = append(res, buf[i])
// We have a marker. we have to backtrace here and clean out
// any whitespace ahead of our tombstone up to a \n
for j := len(res) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
if res[j] == '\n' {
res = res[:j]
// Skip the entire unindent marker
i += len(unindent) - 1
return res
// heredocIndent marks all the 2nd and further lines as unindentable
func (p *printer) heredocIndent(buf []byte) []byte {
var res []byte
bol := false
for _, c := range buf {
if bol && c != '\n' {
res = append(res, unindent...)
res = append(res, c)
bol = c == '\n'
return res
// isSingleLineObject tells whether the given object item is a single
// line object such as "obj {}".
// A single line object:
// * has no lead comments (hence multi-line)
// * has no assignment
// * has no values in the stanza (within {})
func (p *printer) isSingleLineObject(val *ast.ObjectItem) bool {
// If there is a lead comment, can't be one line
if val.LeadComment != nil {
return false
// If there is assignment, we always break by line
if val.Assign.IsValid() {
return false
// If it isn't an object type, then its not a single line object
ot, ok := val.Val.(*ast.ObjectType)
if !ok {
return false
// If the object has no items, it is single line!
return len(ot.List.Items) == 0
func lines(txt string) int {
endline := 1
for i := 0; i < len(txt); i++ {
if txt[i] == '\n' {
return endline
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tracing support
func (p *printer) printTrace(a ...interface{}) {
if !p.enableTrace {
const dots = ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
const n = len(dots)
i := 2 * p.indentTrace
for i > n {
i -= n
// i <= n
func trace(p *printer, msg string) *printer {
p.printTrace(msg, "(")
return p
// Usage pattern: defer un(trace(p, "..."))
func un(p *printer) {
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
// Package printer implements printing of AST nodes to HCL format.
package printer
import (
var DefaultConfig = Config{
SpacesWidth: 2,
// A Config node controls the output of Fprint.
type Config struct {
SpacesWidth int // if set, it will use spaces instead of tabs for alignment
func (c *Config) Fprint(output io.Writer, node ast.Node) error {
p := &printer{
cfg: *c,
comments: make([]*ast.CommentGroup, 0),
standaloneComments: make([]*ast.CommentGroup, 0),
// enableTrace: true,
if _, err := output.Write(p.unindent(p.output(node))); err != nil {
return err
// flush tabwriter, if any
var err error
if tw, _ := output.(*tabwriter.Writer); tw != nil {
err = tw.Flush()
return err
// Fprint "pretty-prints" an HCL node to output
// It calls Config.Fprint with default settings.
func Fprint(output io.Writer, node ast.Node) error {
return DefaultConfig.Fprint(output, node)
// Format formats src HCL and returns the result.
func Format(src []byte) ([]byte, error) {
node, err := parser.Parse(src)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := DefaultConfig.Fprint(&buf, node); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add trailing newline to result
return buf.Bytes(), nil
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !ppc64le,!arm64,!s390x arm64,!go1.11 gccgo appengine
// +build !arm64,!s390x,!ppc64le arm64,!go1.11 gccgo appengine
package chacha20
@ -6,22 +6,24 @@
package chacha20
import "encoding/binary"
const (
bufSize = 256
haveAsm = true
import (
var haveAsm = true
const bufSize = 256
func chaCha20_ctr32_vmx(out, inp *byte, len int, key *[8]uint32, counter *uint32)
func chaCha20_ctr32_vsx(out, inp *byte, len int, key *[8]uint32, counter *uint32)
func (c *Cipher) xorKeyStreamAsm(dst, src []byte) {
// This implementation can handle buffers that aren't multiples of
// 256.
if len(src) >= bufSize {
chaCha20_ctr32_vmx(&dst[0], &src[0], len(src)-len(src)%bufSize, &c.key, &c.counter)
if len(src)%bufSize != 0 {
chaCha20_ctr32_vmx(&c.buf[0], &c.buf[0], bufSize, &c.key, &c.counter)
chaCha20_ctr32_vsx(&dst[0], &src[0], len(src), &c.key, &c.counter)
} else if len(src)%bufSize != 0 {
chaCha20_ctr32_vsx(&c.buf[0], &c.buf[0], bufSize, &c.key, &c.counter)
start := len(src) - len(src)%bufSize
ts, td, tb := src[start:], dst[start:], c.buf[:]
// Unroll loop to XOR 32 bytes per iteration.
@ -46,7 +48,6 @@ func (c *Cipher) xorKeyStreamAsm(dst, src []byte) {
td[i] = tb[i] ^ v
c.len = bufSize - (len(src) % bufSize)
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
package packet
import (
@ -78,8 +79,9 @@ func (e *EncryptedKey) Decrypt(priv *PrivateKey, config *Config) error {
// padding oracle attacks.
switch priv.PubKeyAlgo {
case PubKeyAlgoRSA, PubKeyAlgoRSAEncryptOnly:
k := priv.PrivateKey.(*rsa.PrivateKey)
b, err = rsa.DecryptPKCS1v15(config.Random(), k, padToKeySize(&k.PublicKey, e.encryptedMPI1.bytes))
// Supports both *rsa.PrivateKey and crypto.Decrypter
k := priv.PrivateKey.(crypto.Decrypter)
b, err = k.Decrypt(config.Random(), padToKeySize(k.Public().(*rsa.PublicKey), e.encryptedMPI1.bytes), nil)
case PubKeyAlgoElGamal:
c1 := new(big.Int).SetBytes(e.encryptedMPI1.bytes)
c2 := new(big.Int).SetBytes(e.encryptedMPI2.bytes)
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ type PrivateKey struct {
encryptedData []byte
cipher CipherFunction
s2k func(out, in []byte)
PrivateKey interface{} // An *{rsa|dsa|ecdsa}.PrivateKey or a crypto.Signer.
PrivateKey interface{} // An *{rsa|dsa|ecdsa}.PrivateKey or crypto.Signer/crypto.Decrypter (Decryptor RSA only).
sha1Checksum bool
iv []byte
@ -58,6 +58,14 @@ var serverForbiddenKexAlgos = map[string]struct{}{
kexAlgoDHGEXSHA256: {}, // server half implementation is only minimal to satisfy the automated tests
// preferredKexAlgos specifies the default preference for key-exchange algorithms
// in preference order.
var preferredKexAlgos = []string{
kexAlgoECDH256, kexAlgoECDH384, kexAlgoECDH521,
// supportedHostKeyAlgos specifies the supported host-key algorithms (i.e. methods
// of authenticating servers) in preference order.
var supportedHostKeyAlgos = []string{
@ -246,7 +254,7 @@ func (c *Config) SetDefaults() {
c.Ciphers = ciphers
if c.KeyExchanges == nil {
c.KeyExchanges = supportedKexAlgos
c.KeyExchanges = preferredKexAlgos
if c.MACs == nil {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Copyright (c) 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Additional IP Rights Grant (Patents)
"This implementation" means the copyrightable works distributed by
Google as part of the Go project.
Google hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive,
no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section)
patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import,
transfer and otherwise run, modify and propagate the contents of this
implementation of Go, where such license applies only to those patent
claims, both currently owned or controlled by Google and acquired in
the future, licensable by Google that are necessarily infringed by this
implementation of Go. This grant does not include claims that would be
infringed only as a consequence of further modification of this
implementation. If you or your agent or exclusive licensee institute or
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rights granted to you under this License for this implementation of Go
shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package dirhash defines hashes over directory trees.
// These hashes are recorded in go.sum files and in the Go checksum database,
// to allow verifying that a newly-downloaded module has the expected content.
package dirhash
import (
// DefaultHash is the default hash function used in new go.sum entries.
var DefaultHash Hash = Hash1
// A Hash is a directory hash function.
// It accepts a list of files along with a function that opens the content of each file.
// It opens, reads, hashes, and closes each file and returns the overall directory hash.
type Hash func(files []string, open func(string) (io.ReadCloser, error)) (string, error)
// Hash1 is the "h1:" directory hash function, using SHA-256.
// Hash1 is "h1:" followed by the base64-encoded SHA-256 hash of a summary
// prepared as if by the Unix command:
// find . -type f | sort | sha256sum
// More precisely, the hashed summary contains a single line for each file in the list,
// ordered by sort.Strings applied to the file names, where each line consists of
// the hexadecimal SHA-256 hash of the file content,
// two spaces (U+0020), the file name, and a newline (U+000A).
// File names with newlines (U+000A) are disallowed.
func Hash1(files []string, open func(string) (io.ReadCloser, error)) (string, error) {
h := sha256.New()
files = append([]string(nil), files...)
for _, file := range files {
if strings.Contains(file, "\n") {
return "", errors.New("dirhash: filenames with newlines are not supported")
r, err := open(file)
if err != nil {
return "", err
hf := sha256.New()
_, err = io.Copy(hf, r)
if err != nil {
return "", err
fmt.Fprintf(h, "%x %s\n", hf.Sum(nil), file)
return "h1:" + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)), nil
// HashDir returns the hash of the local file system directory dir,
// replacing the directory name itself with prefix in the file names
// used in the hash function.
func HashDir(dir, prefix string, hash Hash) (string, error) {
files, err := DirFiles(dir, prefix)
if err != nil {
return "", err
osOpen := func(name string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
return os.Open(filepath.Join(dir, strings.TrimPrefix(name, prefix)))
return hash(files, osOpen)
// DirFiles returns the list of files in the tree rooted at dir,
// replacing the directory name dir with prefix in each name.
// The resulting names always use forward slashes.
func DirFiles(dir, prefix string) ([]string, error) {
var files []string
dir = filepath.Clean(dir)
err := filepath.Walk(dir, func(file string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if info.IsDir() {
return nil
rel := file
if dir != "." {
rel = file[len(dir)+1:]
f := filepath.Join(prefix, rel)
files = append(files, filepath.ToSlash(f))
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return files, nil
// HashZip returns the hash of the file content in the named zip file.
// Only the file names and their contents are included in the hash:
// the exact zip file format encoding, compression method,
// per-file modification times, and other metadata are ignored.
func HashZip(zipfile string, hash Hash) (string, error) {
z, err := zip.OpenReader(zipfile)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer z.Close()
var files []string
zfiles := make(map[string]*zip.File)
for _, file := range z.File {
files = append(files, file.Name)
zfiles[file.Name] = file
zipOpen := func(name string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
f := zfiles[name]
if f == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("file %q not found in zip", name) // should never happen
return f.Open()
return hash(files, zipOpen)
@ -56,6 +56,13 @@
// where t is the lower-cased name of the first type listed. It can be overridden
// with the -output flag.
// The -linecomment flag tells stringer to generate the text of any line comment, trimmed
// of leading spaces, instead of the constant name. For instance, if the constants above had a
// Pill prefix, one could write
// PillAspirin // Aspirin
// to suppress it in the output.
package main // import "golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer"
import (
@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ package cover // import "golang.org/x/tools/cover"
import (
@ -64,11 +64,10 @@ func ParseProfiles(fileName string) ([]*Profile, error) {
mode = line[len(p):]
m := lineRe.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if m == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("line %q doesn't match expected format: %v", line, lineRe)
fn, b, err := parseLine(line)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("line %q doesn't match expected format: %v", line, err)
fn := m[1]
p := files[fn]
if p == nil {
p = &Profile{
@ -77,14 +76,7 @@ func ParseProfiles(fileName string) ([]*Profile, error) {
files[fn] = p
p.Blocks = append(p.Blocks, ProfileBlock{
StartLine: toInt(m[2]),
StartCol: toInt(m[3]),
EndLine: toInt(m[4]),
EndCol: toInt(m[5]),
NumStmt: toInt(m[6]),
Count: toInt(m[7]),
p.Blocks = append(p.Blocks, b)
if err := s.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -124,6 +116,64 @@ func ParseProfiles(fileName string) ([]*Profile, error) {
return profiles, nil
// parseLine parses a line from a coverage file.
// It is equivalent to the regex
// ^(.+):([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)$
// However, it is much faster: https://golang.org/cl/179377
func parseLine(l string) (fileName string, block ProfileBlock, err error) {
end := len(l)
b := ProfileBlock{}
b.Count, end, err = seekBack(l, ' ', end, "Count")
if err != nil {
return "", b, err
b.NumStmt, end, err = seekBack(l, ' ', end, "NumStmt")
if err != nil {
return "", b, err
b.EndCol, end, err = seekBack(l, '.', end, "EndCol")
if err != nil {
return "", b, err
b.EndLine, end, err = seekBack(l, ',', end, "EndLine")
if err != nil {
return "", b, err
b.StartCol, end, err = seekBack(l, '.', end, "StartCol")
if err != nil {
return "", b, err
b.StartLine, end, err = seekBack(l, ':', end, "StartLine")
if err != nil {
return "", b, err
fn := l[0:end]
if fn == "" {
return "", b, errors.New("a FileName cannot be blank")
return fn, b, nil
// seekBack searches backwards from end to find sep in l, then returns the
// value between sep and end as an integer.
// If seekBack fails, the returned error will reference what.
func seekBack(l string, sep byte, end int, what string) (value int, nextSep int, err error) {
// Since we're seeking backwards and we know only ASCII is legal for these values,
// we can ignore the possibility of non-ASCII characters.
for start := end - 1; start >= 0; start-- {
if l[start] == sep {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(l[start+1 : end])
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("couldn't parse %q: %v", what, err)
return i, start, nil
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("couldn't find a %s before %s", string(sep), what)
type blocksByStart []ProfileBlock
func (b blocksByStart) Len() int { return len(b) }
@ -133,16 +183,6 @@ func (b blocksByStart) Less(i, j int) bool {
return bi.StartLine < bj.StartLine || bi.StartLine == bj.StartLine && bi.StartCol < bj.StartCol
var lineRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^(.+):([0-9]+).([0-9]+),([0-9]+).([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)$`)
func toInt(s string) int {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
if err != nil {
return i
// Boundary represents the position in a source file of the beginning or end of a
// block as reported by the coverage profile. In HTML mode, it will correspond to
// the opening or closing of a <span> tag and will be used to colorize the source
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ func Read(in io.Reader, fset *token.FileSet, imports map[string]*types.Package,
// Write writes encoded type information for the specified package to out.
// The FileSet provides file position information for named objects.
func Write(out io.Writer, fset *token.FileSet, pkg *types.Package) error {
b, err := gcimporter.BExportData(fset, pkg)
b, err := gcimporter.IExportData(fset, pkg)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ func (p *importer) pos() token.Pos {
p.prevFile = file
p.prevLine = line
return p.fake.pos(file, line)
return p.fake.pos(file, line, 0)
// Synthesize a token.Pos
@ -341,7 +341,9 @@ type fakeFileSet struct {
files map[string]*token.File
func (s *fakeFileSet) pos(file string, line int) token.Pos {
func (s *fakeFileSet) pos(file string, line, column int) token.Pos {
// TODO(mdempsky): Make use of column.
// Since we don't know the set of needed file positions, we
// reserve maxlines positions per file.
const maxlines = 64 * 1024
@ -976,10 +978,11 @@ const (
var predeclOnce sync.Once
var predecl []types.Type // initialized lazily
func predeclared() []types.Type {
if predecl == nil {
predeclOnce.Do(func() {
// initialize lazily to be sure that all
// elements have been initialized before
predecl = []types.Type{ // basic types
@ -1026,7 +1029,7 @@ func predeclared() []types.Type {
// used internally by gc; never used by this package or in .a files
return predecl
@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
// This file was derived from $GOROOT/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/iexport.go;
// see that file for specification of the format.
// +build go1.11
package gcimporter
import (
@ -28,7 +26,10 @@ import (
const iexportVersion = 0
// IExportData returns the binary export data for pkg.
// If no file set is provided, position info will be missing.
// The package path of the top-level package will not be recorded,
// so that calls to IImportData can override with a provided package path.
func IExportData(fset *token.FileSet, pkg *types.Package) (b []byte, err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ func IExportData(fset *token.FileSet, pkg *types.Package) (b []byte, err error)
stringIndex: map[string]uint64{},
declIndex: map[types.Object]uint64{},
typIndex: map[types.Type]uint64{},
localpkg: pkg,
for i, pt := range predeclared() {
@ -73,7 +75,7 @@ func IExportData(fset *token.FileSet, pkg *types.Package) (b []byte, err error)
// Append indices to data0 section.
dataLen := uint64(p.data0.Len())
w := p.newWriter()
w.writeIndex(p.declIndex, pkg)
// Assemble header.
@ -95,14 +97,14 @@ func IExportData(fset *token.FileSet, pkg *types.Package) (b []byte, err error)
// we're writing out the main index, which is also read by
// non-compiler tools and includes a complete package description
// (i.e., name and height).
func (w *exportWriter) writeIndex(index map[types.Object]uint64, localpkg *types.Package) {
func (w *exportWriter) writeIndex(index map[types.Object]uint64) {
// Build a map from packages to objects from that package.
pkgObjs := map[*types.Package][]types.Object{}
// For the main index, make sure to include every package that
// we reference, even if we're not exporting (or reexporting)
// any symbols from it.
pkgObjs[localpkg] = nil
pkgObjs[w.p.localpkg] = nil
for pkg := range w.p.allPkgs {
pkgObjs[pkg] = nil
@ -121,12 +123,12 @@ func (w *exportWriter) writeIndex(index map[types.Object]uint64, localpkg *types
sort.Slice(pkgs, func(i, j int) bool {
return pkgs[i].Path() < pkgs[j].Path()
return w.exportPath(pkgs[i]) < w.exportPath(pkgs[j])
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
w.uint64(uint64(0)) // package height is not needed for go/types
@ -143,6 +145,8 @@ type iexporter struct {
fset *token.FileSet
out *bytes.Buffer
localpkg *types.Package
// allPkgs tracks all packages that have been referenced by
// the export data, so we can ensure to include them in the
// main index.
@ -195,6 +199,13 @@ type exportWriter struct {
prevLine int64
func (w *exportWriter) exportPath(pkg *types.Package) string {
if pkg == w.p.localpkg {
return ""
return pkg.Path()
func (p *iexporter) doDecl(obj types.Object) {
w := p.newWriter()
w.setPkg(obj.Pkg(), false)
@ -267,6 +278,11 @@ func (w *exportWriter) tag(tag byte) {
func (w *exportWriter) pos(pos token.Pos) {
if w.p.fset == nil {
p := w.p.fset.Position(pos)
file := p.Filename
line := int64(p.Line)
@ -299,7 +315,7 @@ func (w *exportWriter) pkg(pkg *types.Package) {
// Ensure any referenced packages are declared in the main index.
w.p.allPkgs[pkg] = true
func (w *exportWriter) qualifiedIdent(obj types.Object) {
@ -394,7 +410,7 @@ func (w *exportWriter) doTyp(t types.Type, pkg *types.Package) {
w.typ(f.Type(), pkg)
w.string(t.Tag(i)) // note (or tag)
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ const (
// If the export data version is not recognized or the format is otherwise
// compromised, an error is returned.
func IImportData(fset *token.FileSet, imports map[string]*types.Package, data []byte, path string) (_ int, pkg *types.Package, err error) {
const currentVersion = 0
version := -1
const currentVersion = 1
version := int64(-1)
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
if version > currentVersion {
@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ func IImportData(fset *token.FileSet, imports map[string]*types.Package, data []
r := &intReader{bytes.NewReader(data), path}
version = int(r.uint64())
version = int64(r.uint64())
switch version {
case currentVersion:
case currentVersion, 0:
errorf("unknown iexport format version %d", version)
@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ func IImportData(fset *token.FileSet, imports map[string]*types.Package, data []
r.Seek(sLen+dLen, io.SeekCurrent)
p := iimporter{
ipath: path,
ipath: path,
version: int(version),
stringData: stringData,
stringCache: make(map[uint64]string),
@ -142,20 +143,18 @@ func IImportData(fset *token.FileSet, imports map[string]*types.Package, data []
p.pkgIndex[pkg] = nameIndex
pkgList[i] = pkg
var localpkg *types.Package
for _, pkg := range pkgList {
if pkg.Path() == path {
localpkg = pkg
if len(pkgList) == 0 {
errorf("no packages found for %s", path)
names := make([]string, 0, len(p.pkgIndex[localpkg]))
for name := range p.pkgIndex[localpkg] {
p.ipkg = pkgList[0]
names := make([]string, 0, len(p.pkgIndex[p.ipkg]))
for name := range p.pkgIndex[p.ipkg] {
names = append(names, name)
for _, name := range names {
p.doDecl(localpkg, name)
p.doDecl(p.ipkg, name)
for _, typ := range p.interfaceList {
@ -165,17 +164,19 @@ func IImportData(fset *token.FileSet, imports map[string]*types.Package, data []
// record all referenced packages as imports
list := append(([]*types.Package)(nil), pkgList[1:]...)
// package was imported completely and without errors
consumed, _ := r.Seek(0, io.SeekCurrent)
return int(consumed), localpkg, nil
return int(consumed), p.ipkg, nil
type iimporter struct {
ipath string
ipath string
ipkg *types.Package
version int
stringData []byte
stringCache map[uint64]string
@ -226,6 +227,9 @@ func (p *iimporter) pkgAt(off uint64) *types.Package {
return pkg
path := p.stringAt(off)
if path == p.ipath {
return p.ipkg
errorf("missing package %q in %q", path, p.ipath)
return nil
@ -255,6 +259,7 @@ type importReader struct {
currPkg *types.Package
prevFile string
prevLine int64
prevColumn int64
func (r *importReader) obj(name string) {
@ -448,6 +453,19 @@ func (r *importReader) qualifiedIdent() (*types.Package, string) {
func (r *importReader) pos() token.Pos {
if r.p.version >= 1 {
} else {
if r.prevFile == "" && r.prevLine == 0 && r.prevColumn == 0 {
return token.NoPos
return r.p.fake.pos(r.prevFile, int(r.prevLine), int(r.prevColumn))
func (r *importReader) posv0() {
delta := r.int64()
if delta != deltaNewFile {
r.prevLine += delta
@ -457,12 +475,18 @@ func (r *importReader) pos() token.Pos {
r.prevFile = r.string()
r.prevLine = l
if r.prevFile == "" && r.prevLine == 0 {
return token.NoPos
func (r *importReader) posv1() {
delta := r.int64()
r.prevColumn += delta >> 1
if delta&1 != 0 {
delta = r.int64()
r.prevLine += delta >> 1
if delta&1 != 0 {
r.prevFile = r.string()
return r.p.fake.pos(r.prevFile, int(r.prevLine))
func (r *importReader) typ() types.Type {
@ -81,21 +81,35 @@ func GetSizesGolist(ctx context.Context, buildFlags, env []string, dir string, u
args := []string{"list", "-f", "{{context.GOARCH}} {{context.Compiler}}"}
args = append(args, buildFlags...)
args = append(args, "--", "unsafe")
stdout, err := InvokeGo(ctx, env, dir, usesExportData, args...)
stdout, stderr, err := invokeGo(ctx, env, dir, usesExportData, args...)
var goarch, compiler string
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "cannot find main module") {
// User's running outside of a module. All bets are off. Get GOARCH and guess compiler is gc.
// TODO(matloob): Is this a problem in practice?
envout, _, enverr := invokeGo(ctx, env, dir, usesExportData, "env", "GOARCH")
if enverr != nil {
return nil, err
goarch = strings.TrimSpace(envout.String())
compiler = "gc"
} else {
return nil, err
} else {
fields := strings.Fields(stdout.String())
if len(fields) < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse GOARCH and Go compiler in format \"<GOARCH> <compiler>\" from stdout of go command:\n%s\ndir: %s\nstdout: <<%s>>\nstderr: <<%s>>",
cmdDebugStr(env, args...), dir, stdout.String(), stderr.String())
goarch = fields[0]
compiler = fields[1]
fields := strings.Fields(stdout.String())
if len(fields) < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not determine GOARCH and Go compiler")
goarch := fields[0]
compiler := fields[1]
return types.SizesFor(compiler, goarch), nil
// InvokeGo returns the stdout of a go command invocation.
func InvokeGo(ctx context.Context, env []string, dir string, usesExportData bool, args ...string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
// invokeGo returns the stdout and stderr of a go command invocation.
func invokeGo(ctx context.Context, env []string, dir string, usesExportData bool, args ...string) (*bytes.Buffer, *bytes.Buffer, error) {
if debug {
defer func(start time.Time) { log.Printf("%s for %v", time.Since(start), cmdDebugStr(env, args...)) }(time.Now())
@ -118,7 +132,7 @@ func InvokeGo(ctx context.Context, env []string, dir string, usesExportData bool
// Catastrophic error:
// - executable not found
// - context cancellation
return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't exec 'go %v': %s %T", args, err, err)
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't exec 'go %v': %s %T", args, err, err)
// Export mode entails a build.
@ -126,7 +140,7 @@ func InvokeGo(ctx context.Context, env []string, dir string, usesExportData bool
// (despite the -e flag) and the Export field is blank.
// Do not fail in that case.
if !usesExportData {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("go %v: %s: %s", args, exitErr, stderr)
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("go %v: %s: %s", args, exitErr, stderr)
@ -145,7 +159,7 @@ func InvokeGo(ctx context.Context, env []string, dir string, usesExportData bool
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s stdout: <<%s>>\n", cmdDebugStr(env, args...), stdout)
return stdout, nil
return stdout, stderr, nil
func cmdDebugStr(envlist []string, args ...string) string {
@ -12,18 +12,34 @@ import (
// Driver
// The Driver Protocol
// The driver, given the inputs to a call to Load, returns metadata about the packages specified.
// This allows for different build systems to support go/packages by telling go/packages how the
// packages' source is organized.
// The driver is a binary, either specified by the GOPACKAGESDRIVER environment variable or in
// the path as gopackagesdriver. It's given the inputs to load in its argv. See the package
// documentation in doc.go for the full description of the patterns that need to be supported.
// A driver receives as a JSON-serialized driverRequest struct in standard input and will
// produce a JSON-serialized driverResponse (see definition in packages.go) in its standard output.
// driverRequest is used to provide the portion of Load's Config that is needed by a driver.
type driverRequest struct {
Command string `json:"command"`
Mode LoadMode `json:"mode"`
Env []string `json:"env"`
BuildFlags []string `json:"build_flags"`
Tests bool `json:"tests"`
Overlay map[string][]byte `json:"overlay"`
Mode LoadMode `json:"mode"`
// Env specifies the environment the underlying build system should be run in.
Env []string `json:"env"`
// BuildFlags are flags that should be passed to the underlying build system.
BuildFlags []string `json:"build_flags"`
// Tests specifies whether the patterns should also return test packages.
Tests bool `json:"tests"`
// Overlay maps file paths (relative to the driver's working directory) to the byte contents
// of overlay files.
Overlay map[string][]byte `json:"overlay"`
// findExternalDriver returns the file path of a tool that supplies
@ -61,12 +77,17 @@ func findExternalDriver(cfg *Config) driver {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
stderr := new(bytes.Buffer)
cmd := exec.CommandContext(cfg.Context, tool, words...)
cmd.Dir = cfg.Dir
cmd.Env = cfg.Env
cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewReader(req)
cmd.Stdout = buf
cmd.Stderr = new(bytes.Buffer)
cmd.Stderr = stderr
if len(stderr.Bytes()) != 0 && os.Getenv("GOPACKAGESPRINTDRIVERERRORS") != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s stderr: <<%s>>\n", cmdDebugStr(cmd, words...), stderr)
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v: %v: %s", tool, err, cmd.Stderr)
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (
@ -20,10 +21,12 @@ import (
// debug controls verbose logging.
@ -71,6 +74,28 @@ func (r *responseDeduper) addRoot(id string) {
r.dr.Roots = append(r.dr.Roots, id)
// goInfo contains global information from the go tool.
type goInfo struct {
rootDirs map[string]string
env goEnv
type goEnv struct {
modulesOn bool
func determineEnv(cfg *Config) goEnv {
buf, err := invokeGo(cfg, "env", "GOMOD")
if err != nil {
return goEnv{}
gomod := bytes.TrimSpace(buf.Bytes())
env := goEnv{}
env.modulesOn = len(gomod) > 0
return env
// goListDriver uses the go list command to interpret the patterns and produce
// the build system package structure.
// See driver for more details.
@ -85,6 +110,33 @@ func goListDriver(cfg *Config, patterns ...string) (*driverResponse, error) {
defer sizeswg.Wait()
// start fetching rootDirs
var info goInfo
var rootDirsReady, envReady = make(chan struct{}), make(chan struct{})
go func() {
info.rootDirs = determineRootDirs(cfg)
go func() {
info.env = determineEnv(cfg)
getGoInfo := func() *goInfo {
return &info
// Ensure that we don't leak goroutines: Load is synchronous, so callers will
// not expect it to access the fields of cfg after the call returns.
defer getGoInfo()
// always pass getGoInfo to golistDriver
golistDriver := func(cfg *Config, patterns ...string) (*driverResponse, error) {
return golistDriver(cfg, getGoInfo, patterns...)
// Determine files requested in contains patterns
var containFiles []string
@ -147,7 +199,7 @@ extractQueries:
var containsCandidates []string
if len(containFiles) != 0 {
if err := runContainsQueries(cfg, golistDriver, response, containFiles); err != nil {
if err := runContainsQueries(cfg, golistDriver, response, containFiles, getGoInfo); err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -158,7 +210,7 @@ extractQueries:
modifiedPkgs, needPkgs, err := processGolistOverlay(cfg, response)
modifiedPkgs, needPkgs, err := processGolistOverlay(cfg, response, getGoInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -166,7 +218,7 @@ extractQueries:
containsCandidates = append(containsCandidates, modifiedPkgs...)
containsCandidates = append(containsCandidates, needPkgs...)
if err := addNeededOverlayPackages(cfg, golistDriver, response, needPkgs); err != nil {
if err := addNeededOverlayPackages(cfg, golistDriver, response, needPkgs, getGoInfo); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check candidate packages for containFiles.
@ -198,28 +250,30 @@ extractQueries:
return response.dr, nil
func addNeededOverlayPackages(cfg *Config, driver driver, response *responseDeduper, pkgs []string) error {
func addNeededOverlayPackages(cfg *Config, driver driver, response *responseDeduper, pkgs []string, getGoInfo func() *goInfo) error {
if len(pkgs) == 0 {
return nil
dr, err := driver(cfg, pkgs...)
drivercfg := *cfg
if getGoInfo().env.modulesOn {
drivercfg.BuildFlags = append(drivercfg.BuildFlags, "-mod=readonly")
dr, err := driver(&drivercfg, pkgs...)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, pkg := range dr.Packages {
_, needPkgs, err := processGolistOverlay(cfg, response)
_, needPkgs, err := processGolistOverlay(cfg, response, getGoInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := addNeededOverlayPackages(cfg, driver, response, needPkgs); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return addNeededOverlayPackages(cfg, driver, response, needPkgs, getGoInfo)
func runContainsQueries(cfg *Config, driver driver, response *responseDeduper, queries []string) error {
func runContainsQueries(cfg *Config, driver driver, response *responseDeduper, queries []string, goInfo func() *goInfo) error {
for _, query := range queries {
// TODO(matloob): Do only one query per directory.
fdir := filepath.Dir(query)
@ -230,15 +284,42 @@ func runContainsQueries(cfg *Config, driver driver, response *responseDeduper, q
return fmt.Errorf("could not determine absolute path of file= query path %q: %v", query, err)
dirResponse, err := driver(cfg, pattern)
if err != nil || (len(dirResponse.Packages) == 1 && len(dirResponse.Packages[0].Errors) == 1) {
// There was an error loading the package. Try to load the file as an ad-hoc package.
// Usually the error will appear in a returned package, but may not if we're in modules mode
// and the ad-hoc is located outside a module.
if err != nil {
var queryErr error
dirResponse, queryErr = driver(cfg, query)
if queryErr != nil {
// Return the original error if the attempt to fall back failed.
return err
if dirResponse, queryErr = adHocPackage(cfg, driver, pattern, query); queryErr != nil {
return err // return the original error
// `go list` can report errors for files that are not listed as part of a package's GoFiles.
// In the case of an invalid Go file, we should assume that it is part of package if only
// one package is in the response. The file may have valid contents in an overlay.
if len(dirResponse.Packages) == 1 {
pkg := dirResponse.Packages[0]
for i, err := range pkg.Errors {
s := errorSpan(err)
if !s.IsValid() {
if len(pkg.CompiledGoFiles) == 0 {
dir := filepath.Dir(pkg.CompiledGoFiles[0])
filename := filepath.Join(dir, filepath.Base(s.URI().Filename()))
if info, err := os.Stat(filename); err != nil || info.IsDir() {
if !contains(pkg.CompiledGoFiles, filename) {
pkg.CompiledGoFiles = append(pkg.CompiledGoFiles, filename)
pkg.GoFiles = append(pkg.GoFiles, filename)
pkg.Errors = append(pkg.Errors[:i], pkg.Errors[i+1:]...)
// A final attempt to construct an ad-hoc package.
if len(dirResponse.Packages) == 1 && len(dirResponse.Packages[0].Errors) == 1 {
var queryErr error
if dirResponse, queryErr = adHocPackage(cfg, driver, pattern, query); queryErr != nil {
return err // return the original error
isRoot := make(map[string]bool, len(dirResponse.Roots))
@ -266,6 +347,75 @@ func runContainsQueries(cfg *Config, driver driver, response *responseDeduper, q
return nil
// adHocPackage attempts to construct an ad-hoc package given a query that failed.
func adHocPackage(cfg *Config, driver driver, pattern, query string) (*driverResponse, error) {
// There was an error loading the package. Try to load the file as an ad-hoc package.
// Usually the error will appear in a returned package, but may not if we're in modules mode
// and the ad-hoc is located outside a module.
dirResponse, err := driver(cfg, query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If we get nothing back from `go list`, try to make this file into its own ad-hoc package.
if len(dirResponse.Packages) == 0 && err == nil {
dirResponse.Packages = append(dirResponse.Packages, &Package{
ID: "command-line-arguments",
PkgPath: query,
GoFiles: []string{query},
CompiledGoFiles: []string{query},
Imports: make(map[string]*Package),
dirResponse.Roots = append(dirResponse.Roots, "command-line-arguments")
// Special case to handle issue #33482:
// If this is a file= query for ad-hoc packages where the file only exists on an overlay,
// and exists outside of a module, add the file in for the package.
if len(dirResponse.Packages) == 1 && (dirResponse.Packages[0].ID == "command-line-arguments" ||
filepath.ToSlash(dirResponse.Packages[0].PkgPath) == filepath.ToSlash(query)) {
if len(dirResponse.Packages[0].GoFiles) == 0 {
filename := filepath.Join(pattern, filepath.Base(query)) // avoid recomputing abspath
// TODO(matloob): check if the file is outside of a root dir?
for path := range cfg.Overlay {
if path == filename {
dirResponse.Packages[0].Errors = nil
dirResponse.Packages[0].GoFiles = []string{path}
dirResponse.Packages[0].CompiledGoFiles = []string{path}
return dirResponse, nil
func contains(files []string, filename string) bool {
for _, f := range files {
if f == filename {
return true
return false
// errorSpan attempts to parse a standard `go list` error message
// by stripping off the trailing error message.
// It works only on errors whose message is prefixed by colon,
// followed by a space (": "). For example:
// attributes.go:13:1: expected 'package', found 'type'
func errorSpan(err Error) span.Span {
if err.Pos == "" {
input := strings.TrimSpace(err.Msg)
msgIndex := strings.Index(input, ": ")
if msgIndex < 0 {
return span.Parse(input)
return span.Parse(input[:msgIndex])
return span.Parse(err.Pos)
// modCacheRegexp splits a path in a module cache into module, module version, and package.
var modCacheRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(.*)@([^/\\]*)(.*)`)
@ -316,9 +466,7 @@ func runNamedQueries(cfg *Config, driver driver, response *responseDeduper, quer
startWalk := time.Now()
gopathwalk.Walk(roots, add, gopathwalk.Options{ModulesEnabled: modRoot != "", Debug: debug})
if debug {
log.Printf("%v for walk", time.Since(startWalk))
cfg.Logf("%v for walk", time.Since(startWalk))
// Weird special case: the top-level package in a module will be in
// whatever directory the user checked the repository out into. It's
@ -331,6 +479,10 @@ func runNamedQueries(cfg *Config, driver driver, response *responseDeduper, quer
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(modRoot)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // See above.
for _, f := range files {
if strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), ".go") {
simpleMatches = append(simpleMatches, rel)
@ -398,7 +550,7 @@ func runNamedQueries(cfg *Config, driver driver, response *responseDeduper, quer
// We're only trying to look at stuff in the module cache, so
// disable the network. This should speed things up, and has
// prevented errors in at least one case, #28518.
tmpCfg.Env = append(append([]string{"GOPROXY=off"}, cfg.Env...))
tmpCfg.Env = append([]string{"GOPROXY=off"}, cfg.Env...)
var err error
tmpCfg.Dir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "gopackages-modquery")
@ -446,17 +598,29 @@ func roots(cfg *Config) ([]gopathwalk.Root, string, error) {
var roots []gopathwalk.Root
// Always add GOROOT.
roots = append(roots, gopathwalk.Root{filepath.Join(goroot, "/src"), gopathwalk.RootGOROOT})
roots = append(roots, gopathwalk.Root{
Path: filepath.Join(goroot, "/src"),
Type: gopathwalk.RootGOROOT,
// If modules are enabled, scan the module dir.
if modDir != "" {
roots = append(roots, gopathwalk.Root{modDir, gopathwalk.RootCurrentModule})
roots = append(roots, gopathwalk.Root{
Path: modDir,
Type: gopathwalk.RootCurrentModule,
// Add either GOPATH/src or GOPATH/pkg/mod, depending on module mode.
for _, p := range gopath {
if modDir != "" {
roots = append(roots, gopathwalk.Root{filepath.Join(p, "/pkg/mod"), gopathwalk.RootModuleCache})
roots = append(roots, gopathwalk.Root{
Path: filepath.Join(p, "/pkg/mod"),
Type: gopathwalk.RootModuleCache,
} else {
roots = append(roots, gopathwalk.Root{filepath.Join(p, "/src"), gopathwalk.RootGOPATH})
roots = append(roots, gopathwalk.Root{
Path: filepath.Join(p, "/src"),
Type: gopathwalk.RootGOPATH,
@ -569,13 +733,13 @@ func otherFiles(p *jsonPackage) [][]string {
// golistDriver uses the "go list" command to expand the pattern
// words and return metadata for the specified packages. dir may be
// "" and env may be nil, as per os/exec.Command.
func golistDriver(cfg *Config, words ...string) (*driverResponse, error) {
func golistDriver(cfg *Config, rootsDirs func() *goInfo, words ...string) (*driverResponse, error) {
// go list uses the following identifiers in ImportPath and Imports:
// "p" -- importable package or main (command)
// "q.test" -- q's test executable
// "q.test" -- q's test executable
// "p [q.test]" -- variant of p as built for q's test executable
// "q_test [q.test]" -- q's external test package
// "q_test [q.test]" -- q's external test package
// The packages p that are built differently for a test q.test
// are q itself, plus any helpers used by the external test q_test,
@ -610,6 +774,20 @@ func golistDriver(cfg *Config, words ...string) (*driverResponse, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("package missing import path: %+v", p)
// Work around https://golang.org/issue/33157:
// go list -e, when given an absolute path, will find the package contained at
// that directory. But when no package exists there, it will return a fake package
// with an error and the ImportPath set to the absolute path provided to go list.
// Try to convert that absolute path to what its package path would be if it's
// contained in a known module or GOPATH entry. This will allow the package to be
// properly "reclaimed" when overlays are processed.
if filepath.IsAbs(p.ImportPath) && p.Error != nil {
pkgPath, ok := getPkgPath(cfg, p.ImportPath, rootsDirs)
if ok {
p.ImportPath = pkgPath
if old, found := seen[p.ImportPath]; found {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(p, old) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: go list gives conflicting information for package %v", p.ImportPath)
@ -713,6 +891,44 @@ func golistDriver(cfg *Config, words ...string) (*driverResponse, error) {
return &response, nil
// getPkgPath finds the package path of a directory if it's relative to a root directory.
func getPkgPath(cfg *Config, dir string, goInfo func() *goInfo) (string, bool) {
absDir, err := filepath.Abs(dir)
if err != nil {
cfg.Logf("error getting absolute path of %s: %v", dir, err)
return "", false
for rdir, rpath := range goInfo().rootDirs {
absRdir, err := filepath.Abs(rdir)
if err != nil {
cfg.Logf("error getting absolute path of %s: %v", rdir, err)
// Make sure that the directory is in the module,
// to avoid creating a path relative to another module.
if !strings.HasPrefix(absDir, absRdir) {
cfg.Logf("%s does not have prefix %s", absDir, absRdir)
// TODO(matloob): This doesn't properly handle symlinks.
r, err := filepath.Rel(rdir, dir)
if err != nil {
if rpath != "" {
// We choose only one root even though the directory even it can belong in multiple modules
// or GOPATH entries. This is okay because we only need to work with absolute dirs when a
// file is missing from disk, for instance when gopls calls go/packages in an overlay.
// Once the file is saved, gopls, or the next invocation of the tool will get the correct
// result straight from golist.
// TODO(matloob): Implement module tiebreaking?
return path.Join(rpath, filepath.ToSlash(r)), true
return filepath.ToSlash(r), true
return "", false
// absJoin absolutizes and flattens the lists of files.
func absJoin(dir string, fileses ...[]string) (res []string) {
for _, files := range fileses {
@ -733,7 +949,7 @@ func golistargs(cfg *Config, words []string) []string {
fmt.Sprintf("-compiled=%t", cfg.Mode&(NeedCompiledGoFiles|NeedSyntax|NeedTypesInfo|NeedTypesSizes) != 0),
fmt.Sprintf("-test=%t", cfg.Tests),
fmt.Sprintf("-export=%t", usesExportData(cfg)),
fmt.Sprintf("-deps=%t", cfg.Mode&NeedDeps != 0),
fmt.Sprintf("-deps=%t", cfg.Mode&NeedImports != 0),
// go list doesn't let you pass -test and -find together,
// probably because you'd just get the TestMain.
fmt.Sprintf("-find=%t", !cfg.Tests && cfg.Mode&findFlags == 0),
@ -759,11 +975,9 @@ func invokeGo(cfg *Config, args ...string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
cmd.Dir = cfg.Dir
cmd.Stdout = stdout
cmd.Stderr = stderr
if debug {
defer func(start time.Time) {
log.Printf("%s for %v, stderr: <<%s>>\n", time.Since(start), cmdDebugStr(cmd, args...), stderr)
defer func(start time.Time) {
cfg.Logf("%s for %v, stderr: <<%s>> stdout: <<%s>>\n", time.Since(start), cmdDebugStr(cmd, args...), stderr, stdout)
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
// Check for 'go' executable not being found.
@ -783,6 +997,30 @@ func invokeGo(cfg *Config, args ...string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
return nil, goTooOldError{fmt.Errorf("unsupported version of go: %s: %s", exitErr, stderr)}
// Related to #24854
if len(stderr.String()) > 0 && strings.Contains(stderr.String(), "unexpected directory layout") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s", stderr.String())
// Is there an error running the C compiler in cgo? This will be reported in the "Error" field
// and should be suppressed by go list -e.
// This condition is not perfect yet because the error message can include other error messages than runtime/cgo.
isPkgPathRune := func(r rune) bool {
// From https://golang.org/ref/spec#Import_declarations:
// Implementation restriction: A compiler may restrict ImportPaths to non-empty strings
// using only characters belonging to Unicode's L, M, N, P, and S general categories
// (the Graphic characters without spaces) and may also exclude the
// characters !"#$%&'()*,:;<=>?[\]^`{|} and the Unicode replacement character U+FFFD.
return unicode.IsOneOf([]*unicode.RangeTable{unicode.L, unicode.M, unicode.N, unicode.P, unicode.S}, r) &&
!strings.ContainsRune("!\"#$%&'()*,:;<=>?[\\]^`{|}\uFFFD", r)
if len(stderr.String()) > 0 && strings.HasPrefix(stderr.String(), "# ") {
if strings.HasPrefix(strings.TrimLeftFunc(stderr.String()[len("# "):], isPkgPathRune), "\n") {
return stdout, nil
// This error only appears in stderr. See golang.org/cl/166398 for a fix in go list to show
// the error in the Err section of stdout in case -e option is provided.
// This fix is provided for backwards compatibility.
@ -792,17 +1030,58 @@ func invokeGo(cfg *Config, args ...string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
return bytes.NewBufferString(output), nil
// Similar to the previous error, but currently lacks a fix in Go.
if len(stderr.String()) > 0 && strings.Contains(stderr.String(), "named files must all be in one directory") {
output := fmt.Sprintf(`{"ImportPath": "command-line-arguments","Incomplete": true,"Error": {"Pos": "","Err": %q}}`,
strings.Trim(stderr.String(), "\n"))
return bytes.NewBufferString(output), nil
// Backwards compatibility for Go 1.11 because 1.12 and 1.13 put the directory in the ImportPath.
// If the package doesn't exist, put the absolute path of the directory into the error message,
// as Go 1.13 list does.
const noSuchDirectory = "no such directory"
if len(stderr.String()) > 0 && strings.Contains(stderr.String(), noSuchDirectory) {
errstr := stderr.String()
abspath := strings.TrimSpace(errstr[strings.Index(errstr, noSuchDirectory)+len(noSuchDirectory):])
output := fmt.Sprintf(`{"ImportPath": %q,"Incomplete": true,"Error": {"Pos": "","Err": %q}}`,
abspath, strings.Trim(stderr.String(), "\n"))
return bytes.NewBufferString(output), nil
// Workaround for #29280: go list -e has incorrect behavior when an ad-hoc package doesn't exist.
// Note that the error message we look for in this case is different that the one looked for above.
if len(stderr.String()) > 0 && strings.Contains(stderr.String(), "no such file or directory") {
output := fmt.Sprintf(`{"ImportPath": "command-line-arguments","Incomplete": true,"Error": {"Pos": "","Err": %q}}`,
strings.Trim(stderr.String(), "\n"))
return bytes.NewBufferString(output), nil
// Workaround for #34273. go list -e with GO111MODULE=on has incorrect behavior when listing a
// directory outside any module.
if len(stderr.String()) > 0 && strings.Contains(stderr.String(), "outside available modules") {
output := fmt.Sprintf(`{"ImportPath": %q,"Incomplete": true,"Error": {"Pos": "","Err": %q}}`,
// TODO(matloob): command-line-arguments isn't correct here.
"command-line-arguments", strings.Trim(stderr.String(), "\n"))
return bytes.NewBufferString(output), nil
// Another variation of the previous error
if len(stderr.String()) > 0 && strings.Contains(stderr.String(), "outside module root") {
output := fmt.Sprintf(`{"ImportPath": %q,"Incomplete": true,"Error": {"Pos": "","Err": %q}}`,
// TODO(matloob): command-line-arguments isn't correct here.
"command-line-arguments", strings.Trim(stderr.String(), "\n"))
return bytes.NewBufferString(output), nil
// Workaround for an instance of golang.org/issue/26755: go list -e will return a non-zero exit
// status if there's a dependency on a package that doesn't exist. But it should return
// a zero exit status and set an error on that package.
if len(stderr.String()) > 0 && strings.Contains(stderr.String(), "no Go files in") {
// Don't clobber stdout if `go list` actually returned something.
if len(stdout.String()) > 0 {
return stdout, nil
// try to extract package name from string
stderrStr := stderr.String()
var importPath string
@ -836,12 +1115,6 @@ func invokeGo(cfg *Config, args ...string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
if len(stderr.Bytes()) != 0 && os.Getenv("GOPACKAGESPRINTGOLISTERRORS") != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s stderr: <<%s>>\n", cmdDebugStr(cmd, args...), stderr)
// debugging
if false {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s stdout: <<%s>>\n", cmdDebugStr(cmd, args...), stdout)
return stdout, nil
@ -6,11 +6,9 @@ import (
// processGolistOverlay provides rudimentary support for adding
@ -18,7 +16,7 @@ import (
// sometimes incorrect.
// TODO(matloob): Handle unsupported cases, including the following:
// - determining the correct package to add given a new import path
func processGolistOverlay(cfg *Config, response *responseDeduper) (modifiedPkgs, needPkgs []string, err error) {
func processGolistOverlay(cfg *Config, response *responseDeduper, rootDirs func() *goInfo) (modifiedPkgs, needPkgs []string, err error) {
havePkgs := make(map[string]string) // importPath -> non-test package ID
needPkgsSet := make(map[string]bool)
modifiedPkgsSet := make(map[string]bool)
@ -29,9 +27,6 @@ func processGolistOverlay(cfg *Config, response *responseDeduper) (modifiedPkgs,
havePkgs[pkg.PkgPath] = pkg.ID
var rootDirs map[string]string
var onceGetRootDirs sync.Once
// If no new imports are added, it is safe to avoid loading any needPkgs.
// Otherwise, it's hard to tell which package is actually being loaded
// (due to vendoring) and whether any modified package will show up
@ -42,10 +37,10 @@ func processGolistOverlay(cfg *Config, response *responseDeduper) (modifiedPkgs,
for opath, contents := range cfg.Overlay {
base := filepath.Base(opath)
dir := filepath.Dir(opath)
var pkg *Package
var pkg *Package // if opath belongs to both a package and its test variant, this will be the test variant
var testVariantOf *Package // if opath is a test file, this is the package it is testing
var fileExists bool
isTest := strings.HasSuffix(opath, "_test.go")
isTestFile := strings.HasSuffix(opath, "_test.go")
pkgName, ok := extractPackageName(opath, contents)
if !ok {
// Don't bother adding a file that doesn't even have a parsable package statement
@ -54,20 +49,33 @@ func processGolistOverlay(cfg *Config, response *responseDeduper) (modifiedPkgs,
for _, p := range response.dr.Packages {
if pkgName != p.Name {
if pkgName != p.Name && p.ID != "command-line-arguments" {
for _, f := range p.GoFiles {
if !sameFile(filepath.Dir(f), dir) {
if isTest && !hasTestFiles(p) {
// Make sure to capture information on the package's test variant, if needed.
if isTestFile && !hasTestFiles(p) {
// TODO(matloob): Are there packages other than the 'production' variant
// of a package that this can match? This shouldn't match the test main package
// because the file is generated in another directory.
testVariantOf = p
continue nextPackage
if pkg != nil && p != pkg && pkg.PkgPath == p.PkgPath {
// If we've already seen the test variant,
// make sure to label which package it is a test variant of.
if hasTestFiles(pkg) {
testVariantOf = p
continue nextPackage
// If we have already seen the package of which this is a test variant.
if hasTestFiles(p) {
testVariantOf = pkg
pkg = p
if filepath.Base(f) == base {
fileExists = true
@ -76,37 +84,18 @@ func processGolistOverlay(cfg *Config, response *responseDeduper) (modifiedPkgs,
// The overlay could have included an entirely new package.
if pkg == nil {
onceGetRootDirs.Do(func() {
rootDirs = determineRootDirs(cfg)
// Try to find the module or gopath dir the file is contained in.
// Then for modules, add the module opath to the beginning.
var pkgPath string
for rdir, rpath := range rootDirs {
// TODO(matloob): This doesn't properly handle symlinks.
r, err := filepath.Rel(rdir, dir)
if err != nil {
pkgPath = filepath.ToSlash(r)
if rpath != "" {
pkgPath = path.Join(rpath, pkgPath)
// We only create one new package even it can belong in multiple modules or GOPATH entries.
// This is okay because tools (such as the LSP) that use overlays will recompute the overlay
// once the file is saved, and golist will do the right thing.
// TODO(matloob): Implement module tiebreaking?
pkgPath, ok := getPkgPath(cfg, dir, rootDirs)
if !ok {
if pkgPath == "" {
isXTest := strings.HasSuffix(pkgName, "_test")
if isXTest {
pkgPath += "_test"
id := pkgPath
if isTest && !isXTest {
if isTestFile && !isXTest {
id = fmt.Sprintf("%s [%s.test]", pkgPath, pkgPath)
// Try to reclaim a package with the same id if it exists in the response.
@ -122,7 +111,7 @@ func processGolistOverlay(cfg *Config, response *responseDeduper) (modifiedPkgs,
havePkgs[pkg.PkgPath] = id
// Add the production package's sources for a test variant.
if isTest && !isXTest && testVariantOf != nil {
if isTestFile && !isXTest && testVariantOf != nil {
pkg.GoFiles = append(pkg.GoFiles, testVariantOf.GoFiles...)
pkg.CompiledGoFiles = append(pkg.CompiledGoFiles, testVariantOf.CompiledGoFiles...)
@ -145,12 +134,16 @@ func processGolistOverlay(cfg *Config, response *responseDeduper) (modifiedPkgs,
if !found {
overlayAddsImports = true
// TODO(matloob): Handle cases when the following block isn't correct.
// These include imports of test variants, imports of vendored packages, etc.
// These include imports of vendored packages, etc.
id, ok := havePkgs[imp]
if !ok {
id = imp
pkg.Imports[imp] = &Package{ID: id}
// Add dependencies to the non-test variant version of this package as wel.
if testVariantOf != nil {
testVariantOf.Imports[imp] = &Package{ID: id}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package packages
import (
var allModes = []LoadMode{
var modeStrings = []string{
func (mod LoadMode) String() string {
m := mod
if m == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("LoadMode(0)")
var out []string
for i, x := range allModes {
if x > m {
if (m & x) != 0 {
out = append(out, modeStrings[i])
m = m ^ x
if m != 0 {
out = append(out, "Unknown")
return fmt.Sprintf("LoadMode(%s)", strings.Join(out, "|"))
@ -48,8 +48,7 @@ const (
// "placeholder" Packages with only the ID set.
// NeedDeps adds the fields requested by the LoadMode in the packages in Imports. If NeedImports
// is not set NeedDeps has no effect.
// NeedDeps adds the fields requested by the LoadMode in the packages in Imports.
// NeedExportsFile adds ExportsFile.
@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ const (
// Deprecated: LoadImports exists for historical compatibility
// and should not be used. Please directly specify the needed fields using the Need values.
LoadImports = LoadFiles | NeedImports | NeedDeps
LoadImports = LoadFiles | NeedImports
// Deprecated: LoadTypes exists for historical compatibility
// and should not be used. Please directly specify the needed fields using the Need values.
@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ const (
// Deprecated: LoadAllSyntax exists for historical compatibility
// and should not be used. Please directly specify the needed fields using the Need values.
LoadAllSyntax = LoadSyntax
LoadAllSyntax = LoadSyntax | NeedDeps
// A Config specifies details about how packages should be loaded.
@ -103,6 +102,12 @@ type Config struct {
// If Context is nil, the load cannot be cancelled.
Context context.Context
// Logf is the logger for the config.
// If the user provides a logger, debug logging is enabled.
// If the GOPACKAGESDEBUG environment variable is set to true,
// but the logger is nil, default to log.Printf.
Logf func(format string, args ...interface{})
// Dir is the directory in which to run the build system's query tool
// that provides information about the packages.
// If Dir is empty, the tool is run in the current directory.
@ -410,11 +415,13 @@ type loader struct {
parseCacheMu sync.Mutex
exportMu sync.Mutex // enforces mutual exclusion of exportdata operations
// TODO(matloob): Add an implied mode here and use that instead of mode.
// Implied mode would contain all the fields we need the data for so we can
// get the actually requested fields. We'll zero them out before returning
// packages to the user. This will make it easier for us to get the conditions
// where we need certain modes right.
// Config.Mode contains the implied mode (see impliedLoadMode).
// Implied mode contains all the fields we need the data for.
// In requestedMode there are the actually requested fields.
// We'll zero them out before returning packages to the user.
// This makes it easier for us to get the conditions where
// we need certain modes right.
requestedMode LoadMode
type parseValue struct {
@ -429,6 +436,17 @@ func newLoader(cfg *Config) *loader {
if cfg != nil {
ld.Config = *cfg
// If the user has provided a logger, use it.
ld.Config.Logf = cfg.Logf
if ld.Config.Logf == nil {
// If the GOPACKAGESDEBUG environment variable is set to true,
// but the user has not provided a logger, default to log.Printf.
if debug {
ld.Config.Logf = log.Printf
} else {
ld.Config.Logf = func(format string, args ...interface{}) {}
if ld.Config.Mode == 0 {
ld.Config.Mode = NeedName | NeedFiles | NeedCompiledGoFiles // Preserve zero behavior of Mode for backwards compatibility.
@ -445,7 +463,11 @@ func newLoader(cfg *Config) *loader {
if ld.Mode&NeedTypes != 0 {
// Save the actually requested fields. We'll zero them out before returning packages to the user.
ld.requestedMode = ld.Mode
ld.Mode = impliedLoadMode(ld.Mode)
if ld.Mode&NeedTypes != 0 || ld.Mode&NeedSyntax != 0 {
if ld.Fset == nil {
ld.Fset = token.NewFileSet()
@ -459,6 +481,7 @@ func newLoader(cfg *Config) *loader {
return ld
@ -479,8 +502,8 @@ func (ld *loader) refine(roots []string, list ...*Package) ([]*Package, error) {
lpkg := &loaderPackage{
Package: pkg,
needtypes: (ld.Mode&(NeedTypes|NeedTypesInfo) != 0 && rootIndex < 0) || rootIndex >= 0,
needsrc: (ld.Mode&(NeedSyntax|NeedTypesInfo) != 0 && rootIndex < 0) || rootIndex >= 0 ||
needtypes: (ld.Mode&(NeedTypes|NeedTypesInfo) != 0 && ld.Mode&NeedDeps != 0 && rootIndex < 0) || rootIndex >= 0,
needsrc: (ld.Mode&(NeedSyntax|NeedTypesInfo) != 0 && ld.Mode&NeedDeps != 0 && rootIndex < 0) || rootIndex >= 0 ||
len(ld.Overlay) > 0 || // Overlays can invalidate export data. TODO(matloob): make this check fine-grained based on dependencies on overlaid files
pkg.ExportFile == "" && pkg.PkgPath != "unsafe",
@ -528,8 +551,7 @@ func (ld *loader) refine(roots []string, list ...*Package) ([]*Package, error) {
stack = append(stack, lpkg) // push
stubs := lpkg.Imports // the structure form has only stubs with the ID in the Imports
// If NeedImports isn't set, the imports fields will all be zeroed out.
// If NeedDeps isn't also set we want to keep the stubs.
if ld.Mode&NeedImports != 0 && ld.Mode&NeedDeps != 0 {
if ld.Mode&NeedImports != 0 {
lpkg.Imports = make(map[string]*Package, len(stubs))
for importPath, ipkg := range stubs {
var importErr error
@ -566,7 +588,7 @@ func (ld *loader) refine(roots []string, list ...*Package) ([]*Package, error) {
return lpkg.needsrc
if ld.Mode&(NeedImports|NeedDeps) == 0 {
if ld.Mode&NeedImports == 0 {
// We do this to drop the stub import packages that we are not even going to try to resolve.
for _, lpkg := range initial {
lpkg.Imports = nil
@ -577,7 +599,7 @@ func (ld *loader) refine(roots []string, list ...*Package) ([]*Package, error) {
if ld.Mode&NeedDeps != 0 { // TODO(matloob): This is only the case if NeedTypes is also set, right?
if ld.Mode&NeedImports != 0 && ld.Mode&NeedTypes != 0 {
for _, lpkg := range srcPkgs {
// Complete type information is required for the
// immediate dependencies of each source package.
@ -587,9 +609,9 @@ func (ld *loader) refine(roots []string, list ...*Package) ([]*Package, error) {
// Load type data if needed, starting at
// Load type data and syntax if needed, starting at
// the initial packages (roots of the import DAG).
if ld.Mode&NeedTypes != 0 {
if ld.Mode&NeedTypes != 0 || ld.Mode&NeedSyntax != 0 {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, lpkg := range initial {
@ -602,54 +624,44 @@ func (ld *loader) refine(roots []string, list ...*Package) ([]*Package, error) {
result := make([]*Package, len(initial))
importPlaceholders := make(map[string]*Package)
for i, lpkg := range initial {
result[i] = lpkg.Package
for i := range ld.pkgs {
// Clear all unrequested fields, for extra de-Hyrum-ization.
if ld.Mode&NeedName == 0 {
if ld.requestedMode&NeedName == 0 {
ld.pkgs[i].Name = ""
ld.pkgs[i].PkgPath = ""
if ld.Mode&NeedFiles == 0 {
if ld.requestedMode&NeedFiles == 0 {
ld.pkgs[i].GoFiles = nil
ld.pkgs[i].OtherFiles = nil
if ld.Mode&NeedCompiledGoFiles == 0 {
if ld.requestedMode&NeedCompiledGoFiles == 0 {
ld.pkgs[i].CompiledGoFiles = nil
if ld.Mode&NeedImports == 0 {
if ld.requestedMode&NeedImports == 0 {
ld.pkgs[i].Imports = nil
if ld.Mode&NeedExportsFile == 0 {
if ld.requestedMode&NeedExportsFile == 0 {
ld.pkgs[i].ExportFile = ""
if ld.Mode&NeedTypes == 0 {
if ld.requestedMode&NeedTypes == 0 {
ld.pkgs[i].Types = nil
ld.pkgs[i].Fset = nil
ld.pkgs[i].IllTyped = false
if ld.Mode&NeedSyntax == 0 {
if ld.requestedMode&NeedSyntax == 0 {
ld.pkgs[i].Syntax = nil
if ld.Mode&NeedTypesInfo == 0 {
if ld.requestedMode&NeedTypesInfo == 0 {
ld.pkgs[i].TypesInfo = nil
if ld.Mode&NeedTypesSizes == 0 {
if ld.requestedMode&NeedTypesSizes == 0 {
ld.pkgs[i].TypesSizes = nil
if ld.Mode&NeedDeps == 0 {
for j, pkg := range ld.pkgs[i].Imports {
ph, ok := importPlaceholders[pkg.ID]
if !ok {
ph = &Package{ID: pkg.ID}
importPlaceholders[pkg.ID] = ph
ld.pkgs[i].Imports[j] = ph
return result, nil
@ -670,7 +682,6 @@ func (ld *loader) loadRecursive(lpkg *loaderPackage) {
@ -759,12 +770,23 @@ func (ld *loader) loadPackage(lpkg *loaderPackage) {
lpkg.Errors = append(lpkg.Errors, errs...)
if ld.Config.Mode&NeedTypes != 0 && len(lpkg.CompiledGoFiles) == 0 && lpkg.ExportFile != "" {
// The config requested loading sources and types, but sources are missing.
// Add an error to the package and fall back to loading from export data.
appendError(Error{"-", fmt.Sprintf("sources missing for package %s", lpkg.ID), ParseError})
return // can't get syntax trees for this package
files, errs := ld.parseFiles(lpkg.CompiledGoFiles)
for _, err := range errs {
lpkg.Syntax = files
if ld.Config.Mode&NeedTypes == 0 {
lpkg.TypesInfo = &types.Info{
Types: make(map[ast.Expr]types.TypeAndValue),
@ -797,7 +819,7 @@ func (ld *loader) loadPackage(lpkg *loaderPackage) {
if ipkg.Types != nil && ipkg.Types.Complete() {
return ipkg.Types, nil
log.Fatalf("internal error: nil Pkg importing %q from %q", path, lpkg)
log.Fatalf("internal error: package %q without types was imported from %q", path, lpkg)
@ -808,7 +830,7 @@ func (ld *loader) loadPackage(lpkg *loaderPackage) {
// Type-check bodies of functions only in non-initial packages.
// Example: for import graph A->B->C and initial packages {A,C},
// we can ignore function bodies in B.
IgnoreFuncBodies: (ld.Mode&(NeedDeps|NeedTypesInfo) == 0) && !lpkg.initial,
IgnoreFuncBodies: ld.Mode&NeedDeps == 0 && !lpkg.initial,
Error: appendError,
Sizes: ld.sizes,
@ -1070,6 +1092,25 @@ func (ld *loader) loadFromExportData(lpkg *loaderPackage) (*types.Package, error
return tpkg, nil
func usesExportData(cfg *Config) bool {
return cfg.Mode&NeedExportsFile != 0 || cfg.Mode&NeedTypes != 0 && cfg.Mode&NeedTypesInfo == 0
// impliedLoadMode returns loadMode with its dependencies.
func impliedLoadMode(loadMode LoadMode) LoadMode {
if loadMode&NeedTypesInfo != 0 && loadMode&NeedImports == 0 {
// If NeedTypesInfo, go/packages needs to do typechecking itself so it can
// associate type info with the AST. To do so, we need the export data
// for dependencies, which means we need to ask for the direct dependencies.
// NeedImports is used to ask for the direct dependencies.
loadMode |= NeedImports
if loadMode&NeedDeps != 0 && loadMode&NeedImports == 0 {
// With NeedDeps we need to load at least direct dependencies.
// NeedImports is used to ask for the direct dependencies.
loadMode |= NeedImports
return loadMode
func usesExportData(cfg *Config) bool {
return cfg.Mode&NeedExportsFile != 0 || cfg.Mode&NeedTypes != 0 && cfg.Mode&NeedDeps == 0
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import (
@ -59,24 +60,38 @@ func SrcDirsRoots(ctx *build.Context) []Root {
// paths of the containing source directory and the package directory.
// add will be called concurrently.
func Walk(roots []Root, add func(root Root, dir string), opts Options) {
WalkSkip(roots, add, func(Root, string) bool { return false }, opts)
// WalkSkip walks Go source directories ($GOROOT, $GOPATH, etc) to find packages.
// For each package found, add will be called (concurrently) with the absolute
// paths of the containing source directory and the package directory.
// For each directory that will be scanned, skip will be called (concurrently)
// with the absolute paths of the containing source directory and the directory.
// If skip returns false on a directory it will be processed.
// add will be called concurrently.
// skip will be called concurrently.
func WalkSkip(roots []Root, add func(root Root, dir string), skip func(root Root, dir string) bool, opts Options) {
for _, root := range roots {
walkDir(root, add, opts)
walkDir(root, add, skip, opts)
func walkDir(root Root, add func(Root, string), opts Options) {
func walkDir(root Root, add func(Root, string), skip func(root Root, dir string) bool, opts Options) {
if _, err := os.Stat(root.Path); os.IsNotExist(err) {
if opts.Debug {
log.Printf("skipping nonexistant directory: %v", root.Path)
log.Printf("skipping nonexistent directory: %v", root.Path)
start := time.Now()
if opts.Debug {
log.Printf("scanning %s", root.Path)
log.Printf("gopathwalk: scanning %s", root.Path)
w := &walker{
root: root,
add: add,
skip: skip,
opts: opts,
@ -85,15 +100,16 @@ func walkDir(root Root, add func(Root, string), opts Options) {
if opts.Debug {
log.Printf("scanned %s", root.Path)
log.Printf("gopathwalk: scanned %s in %v", root.Path, time.Since(start))
// walker is the callback for fastwalk.Walk.
type walker struct {
root Root // The source directory to scan.
add func(Root, string) // The callback that will be invoked for every possible Go package dir.
opts Options // Options passed to Walk by the user.
root Root // The source directory to scan.
add func(Root, string) // The callback that will be invoked for every possible Go package dir.
skip func(Root, string) bool // The callback that will be invoked for every dir. dir is skipped if it returns true.
opts Options // Options passed to Walk by the user.
ignoredDirs []os.FileInfo // The ignored directories, loaded from .goimportsignore files.
@ -151,12 +167,16 @@ func (w *walker) getIgnoredDirs(path string) []string {
return ignoredDirs
func (w *walker) shouldSkipDir(fi os.FileInfo) bool {
func (w *walker) shouldSkipDir(fi os.FileInfo, dir string) bool {
for _, ignoredDir := range w.ignoredDirs {
if os.SameFile(fi, ignoredDir) {
return true
if w.skip != nil {
// Check with the user specified callback.
return w.skip(w.root, dir)
return false
@ -184,7 +204,7 @@ func (w *walker) walk(path string, typ os.FileMode) error {
return filepath.SkipDir
fi, err := os.Lstat(path)
if err == nil && w.shouldSkipDir(fi) {
if err == nil && w.shouldSkipDir(fi, path) {
return filepath.SkipDir
return nil
@ -224,7 +244,7 @@ func (w *walker) shouldTraverse(dir string, fi os.FileInfo) bool {
if !ts.IsDir() {
return false
if w.shouldSkipDir(ts) {
if w.shouldSkipDir(ts, dir) {
return false
// Check for symlink loops by statting each directory component
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package span
import (
// Parse returns the location represented by the input.
// All inputs are valid locations, as they can always be a pure filename.
// The returned span will be normalized, and thus if printed may produce a
// different string.
func Parse(input string) Span {
// :0:0#0-0:0#0
valid := input
var hold, offset int
hadCol := false
suf := rstripSuffix(input)
if suf.sep == "#" {
offset = suf.num
suf = rstripSuffix(suf.remains)
if suf.sep == ":" {
valid = suf.remains
hold = suf.num
hadCol = true
suf = rstripSuffix(suf.remains)
switch {
case suf.sep == ":":
return New(NewURI(suf.remains), NewPoint(suf.num, hold, offset), Point{})
case suf.sep == "-":
// we have a span, fall out of the case to continue
// separator not valid, rewind to either the : or the start
return New(NewURI(valid), NewPoint(hold, 0, offset), Point{})
// only the span form can get here
// at this point we still don't know what the numbers we have mean
// if have not yet seen a : then we might have either a line or a column depending
// on whether start has a column or not
// we build an end point and will fix it later if needed
end := NewPoint(suf.num, hold, offset)
hold, offset = 0, 0
suf = rstripSuffix(suf.remains)
if suf.sep == "#" {
offset = suf.num
suf = rstripSuffix(suf.remains)
if suf.sep != ":" {
// turns out we don't have a span after all, rewind
return New(NewURI(valid), end, Point{})
valid = suf.remains
hold = suf.num
suf = rstripSuffix(suf.remains)
if suf.sep != ":" {
// line#offset only
return New(NewURI(valid), NewPoint(hold, 0, offset), end)
// we have a column, so if end only had one number, it is also the column
if !hadCol {
end = NewPoint(suf.num, end.v.Line, end.v.Offset)
return New(NewURI(suf.remains), NewPoint(suf.num, hold, offset), end)
type suffix struct {
remains string
sep string
num int
func rstripSuffix(input string) suffix {
if len(input) == 0 {
return suffix{"", "", -1}
remains := input
num := -1
// first see if we have a number at the end
last := strings.LastIndexFunc(remains, func(r rune) bool { return r < '0' || r > '9' })
if last >= 0 && last < len(remains)-1 {
number, err := strconv.ParseInt(remains[last+1:], 10, 64)
if err == nil {
num = int(number)
remains = remains[:last+1]
// now see if we have a trailing separator
r, w := utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(remains)
if r != ':' && r != '#' && r == '#' {
return suffix{input, "", -1}
remains = remains[:len(remains)-w]
return suffix{remains, string(r), num}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package span contains support for representing with positions and ranges in
// text files.
package span
import (
// Span represents a source code range in standardized form.
type Span struct {
v span
// Point represents a single point within a file.
// In general this should only be used as part of a Span, as on its own it
// does not carry enough information.
type Point struct {
v point
type span struct {
URI URI `json:"uri"`
Start point `json:"start"`
End point `json:"end"`
type point struct {
Line int `json:"line"`
Column int `json:"column"`
Offset int `json:"offset"`
// Invalid is a span that reports false from IsValid
var Invalid = Span{v: span{Start: invalidPoint.v, End: invalidPoint.v}}
var invalidPoint = Point{v: point{Line: 0, Column: 0, Offset: -1}}
// Converter is the interface to an object that can convert between line:column
// and offset forms for a single file.
type Converter interface {
//ToPosition converts from an offset to a line:column pair.
ToPosition(offset int) (int, int, error)
//ToOffset converts from a line:column pair to an offset.
ToOffset(line, col int) (int, error)
func New(uri URI, start Point, end Point) Span {
s := Span{v: span{URI: uri, Start: start.v, End: end.v}}
return s
func NewPoint(line, col, offset int) Point {
p := Point{v: point{Line: line, Column: col, Offset: offset}}
return p
func Compare(a, b Span) int {
if r := CompareURI(a.URI(), b.URI()); r != 0 {
return r
if r := comparePoint(a.v.Start, b.v.Start); r != 0 {
return r
return comparePoint(a.v.End, b.v.End)
func ComparePoint(a, b Point) int {
return comparePoint(a.v, b.v)
func comparePoint(a, b point) int {
if !a.hasPosition() {
if a.Offset < b.Offset {
return -1
if a.Offset > b.Offset {
return 1
return 0
if a.Line < b.Line {
return -1
if a.Line > b.Line {
return 1
if a.Column < b.Column {
return -1
if a.Column > b.Column {
return 1
return 0
func (s Span) HasPosition() bool { return s.v.Start.hasPosition() }
func (s Span) HasOffset() bool { return s.v.Start.hasOffset() }
func (s Span) IsValid() bool { return s.v.Start.isValid() }
func (s Span) IsPoint() bool { return s.v.Start == s.v.End }
func (s Span) URI() URI { return s.v.URI }
func (s Span) Start() Point { return Point{s.v.Start} }
func (s Span) End() Point { return Point{s.v.End} }
func (s *Span) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return json.Marshal(&s.v) }
func (s *Span) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { return json.Unmarshal(b, &s.v) }
func (p Point) HasPosition() bool { return p.v.hasPosition() }
func (p Point) HasOffset() bool { return p.v.hasOffset() }
func (p Point) IsValid() bool { return p.v.isValid() }
func (p *Point) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return json.Marshal(&p.v) }
func (p *Point) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error { return json.Unmarshal(b, &p.v) }
func (p Point) Line() int {
if !p.v.hasPosition() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("position not set in %v", p.v))
return p.v.Line
func (p Point) Column() int {
if !p.v.hasPosition() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("position not set in %v", p.v))
return p.v.Column
func (p Point) Offset() int {
if !p.v.hasOffset() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("offset not set in %v", p.v))
return p.v.Offset
func (p point) hasPosition() bool { return p.Line > 0 }
func (p point) hasOffset() bool { return p.Offset >= 0 }
func (p point) isValid() bool { return p.hasPosition() || p.hasOffset() }
func (p point) isZero() bool {
return (p.Line == 1 && p.Column == 1) || (!p.hasPosition() && p.Offset == 0)
func (s *span) clean() {
//this presumes the points are already clean
if !s.End.isValid() || (s.End == point{}) {
s.End = s.Start
func (p *point) clean() {
if p.Line < 0 {
p.Line = 0
if p.Column <= 0 {
if p.Line > 0 {
p.Column = 1
} else {
p.Column = 0
if p.Offset == 0 && (p.Line > 1 || p.Column > 1) {
p.Offset = -1
// Format implements fmt.Formatter to print the Location in a standard form.
// The format produced is one that can be read back in using Parse.
func (s Span) Format(f fmt.State, c rune) {
fullForm := f.Flag('+')
preferOffset := f.Flag('#')
// we should always have a uri, simplify if it is file format
//TODO: make sure the end of the uri is unambiguous
uri := string(s.v.URI)
if c == 'f' {
uri = path.Base(uri)
} else if !fullForm {
uri = s.v.URI.Filename()
fmt.Fprint(f, uri)
if !s.IsValid() || (!fullForm && s.v.Start.isZero() && s.v.End.isZero()) {
// see which bits of start to write
printOffset := s.HasOffset() && (fullForm || preferOffset || !s.HasPosition())
printLine := s.HasPosition() && (fullForm || !printOffset)
printColumn := printLine && (fullForm || (s.v.Start.Column > 1 || s.v.End.Column > 1))
fmt.Fprint(f, ":")
if printLine {
fmt.Fprintf(f, "%d", s.v.Start.Line)
if printColumn {
fmt.Fprintf(f, ":%d", s.v.Start.Column)
if printOffset {
fmt.Fprintf(f, "#%d", s.v.Start.Offset)
// start is written, do we need end?
if s.IsPoint() {
// we don't print the line if it did not change
printLine = fullForm || (printLine && s.v.End.Line > s.v.Start.Line)
fmt.Fprint(f, "-")
if printLine {
fmt.Fprintf(f, "%d", s.v.End.Line)
if printColumn {
if printLine {
fmt.Fprint(f, ":")
fmt.Fprintf(f, "%d", s.v.End.Column)
if printOffset {
fmt.Fprintf(f, "#%d", s.v.End.Offset)
func (s Span) WithPosition(c Converter) (Span, error) {
if err := s.update(c, true, false); err != nil {
return Span{}, err
return s, nil
func (s Span) WithOffset(c Converter) (Span, error) {
if err := s.update(c, false, true); err != nil {
return Span{}, err
return s, nil
func (s Span) WithAll(c Converter) (Span, error) {
if err := s.update(c, true, true); err != nil {
return Span{}, err
return s, nil
func (s *Span) update(c Converter, withPos, withOffset bool) error {
if !s.IsValid() {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot add information to an invalid span")
if withPos && !s.HasPosition() {
if err := s.v.Start.updatePosition(c); err != nil {
return err
if s.v.End.Offset == s.v.Start.Offset {
s.v.End = s.v.Start
} else if err := s.v.End.updatePosition(c); err != nil {
return err
if withOffset && (!s.HasOffset() || (s.v.End.hasPosition() && !s.v.End.hasOffset())) {
if err := s.v.Start.updateOffset(c); err != nil {
return err
if s.v.End.Line == s.v.Start.Line && s.v.End.Column == s.v.Start.Column {
s.v.End.Offset = s.v.Start.Offset
} else if err := s.v.End.updateOffset(c); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (p *point) updatePosition(c Converter) error {
line, col, err := c.ToPosition(p.Offset)
if err != nil {
return err
p.Line = line
p.Column = col
return nil
func (p *point) updateOffset(c Converter) error {
offset, err := c.ToOffset(p.Line, p.Column)
if err != nil {
return err
p.Offset = offset
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package span
import (
// Range represents a source code range in token.Pos form.
// It also carries the FileSet that produced the positions, so that it is
// self contained.
type Range struct {
FileSet *token.FileSet
Start token.Pos
End token.Pos
// TokenConverter is a Converter backed by a token file set and file.
// It uses the file set methods to work out the conversions, which
// makes it fast and does not require the file contents.
type TokenConverter struct {
fset *token.FileSet
file *token.File
// NewRange creates a new Range from a FileSet and two positions.
// To represent a point pass a 0 as the end pos.
func NewRange(fset *token.FileSet, start, end token.Pos) Range {
return Range{
FileSet: fset,
Start: start,
End: end,
// NewTokenConverter returns an implementation of Converter backed by a
// token.File.
func NewTokenConverter(fset *token.FileSet, f *token.File) *TokenConverter {
return &TokenConverter{fset: fset, file: f}
// NewContentConverter returns an implementation of Converter for the
// given file content.
func NewContentConverter(filename string, content []byte) *TokenConverter {
fset := token.NewFileSet()
f := fset.AddFile(filename, -1, len(content))
return &TokenConverter{fset: fset, file: f}
// IsPoint returns true if the range represents a single point.
func (r Range) IsPoint() bool {
return r.Start == r.End
// Span converts a Range to a Span that represents the Range.
// It will fill in all the members of the Span, calculating the line and column
// information.
func (r Range) Span() (Span, error) {
f := r.FileSet.File(r.Start)
if f == nil {
return Span{}, fmt.Errorf("file not found in FileSet")
s := Span{v: span{URI: FileURI(f.Name())}}
var err error
s.v.Start.Offset, err = offset(f, r.Start)
if err != nil {
return Span{}, err
if r.End.IsValid() {
s.v.End.Offset, err = offset(f, r.End)
if err != nil {
return Span{}, err
converter := NewTokenConverter(r.FileSet, f)
return s.WithPosition(converter)
// offset is a copy of the Offset function in go/token, but with the adjustment
// that it does not panic on invalid positions.
func offset(f *token.File, pos token.Pos) (int, error) {
if int(pos) < f.Base() || int(pos) > f.Base()+f.Size() {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid pos")
return int(pos) - f.Base(), nil
// Range converts a Span to a Range that represents the Span for the supplied
// File.
func (s Span) Range(converter *TokenConverter) (Range, error) {
s, err := s.WithOffset(converter)
if err != nil {
return Range{}, err
// go/token will panic if the offset is larger than the file's size,
// so check here to avoid panicking.
if s.Start().Offset() > converter.file.Size() {
return Range{}, fmt.Errorf("start offset %v is past the end of the file %v", s.Start(), converter.file.Size())
if s.End().Offset() > converter.file.Size() {
return Range{}, fmt.Errorf("end offset %v is past the end of the file %v", s.End(), converter.file.Size())
return Range{
FileSet: converter.fset,
Start: converter.file.Pos(s.Start().Offset()),
End: converter.file.Pos(s.End().Offset()),
}, nil
func (l *TokenConverter) ToPosition(offset int) (int, int, error) {
if offset > l.file.Size() {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("offset %v is past the end of the file %v", offset, l.file.Size())
pos := l.file.Pos(offset)
p := l.fset.Position(pos)
if offset == l.file.Size() {
return p.Line + 1, 1, nil
return p.Line, p.Column, nil
func (l *TokenConverter) ToOffset(line, col int) (int, error) {
if line < 0 {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("line is not valid")
lineMax := l.file.LineCount() + 1
if line > lineMax {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("line is beyond end of file %v", lineMax)
} else if line == lineMax {
if col > 1 {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("column is beyond end of file")
// at the end of the file, allowing for a trailing eol
return l.file.Size(), nil
pos := lineStart(l.file, line)
if !pos.IsValid() {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("line is not in file")
// we assume that column is in bytes here, and that the first byte of a
// line is at column 1
pos += token.Pos(col - 1)
return offset(l.file, pos)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !go1.12
package span
import (
// lineStart is the pre-Go 1.12 version of (*token.File).LineStart. For Go
// versions <= 1.11, we borrow logic from the analysisutil package.
// TODO(rstambler): Delete this file when we no longer support Go 1.11.
func lineStart(f *token.File, line int) token.Pos {
// Use binary search to find the start offset of this line.
min := 0 // inclusive
max := f.Size() // exclusive
for {
offset := (min + max) / 2
pos := f.Pos(offset)
posn := f.Position(pos)
if posn.Line == line {
return pos - (token.Pos(posn.Column) - 1)
if min+1 >= max {
return token.NoPos
if posn.Line < line {
min = offset
} else {
max = offset
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build go1.12
package span
import (
// TODO(rstambler): Delete this file when we no longer support Go 1.11.
func lineStart(f *token.File, line int) token.Pos {
return f.LineStart(line)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package span
import (
const fileScheme = "file"
// URI represents the full URI for a file.
type URI string
// Filename returns the file path for the given URI.
// It is an error to call this on a URI that is not a valid filename.
func (uri URI) Filename() string {
filename, err := filename(uri)
if err != nil {
return filepath.FromSlash(filename)
func filename(uri URI) (string, error) {
if uri == "" {
return "", nil
u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(string(uri))
if err != nil {
return "", err
if u.Scheme != fileScheme {
return "", fmt.Errorf("only file URIs are supported, got %q from %q", u.Scheme, uri)
if isWindowsDriveURI(u.Path) {
u.Path = u.Path[1:]
return u.Path, nil
// NewURI returns a span URI for the string.
// It will attempt to detect if the string is a file path or uri.
func NewURI(s string) URI {
if u, err := url.PathUnescape(s); err == nil {
s = u
if strings.HasPrefix(s, fileScheme+"://") {
return URI(s)
return FileURI(s)
func CompareURI(a, b URI) int {
if equalURI(a, b) {
return 0
if a < b {
return -1
return 1
func equalURI(a, b URI) bool {
if a == b {
return true
// If we have the same URI basename, we may still have the same file URIs.
if !strings.EqualFold(path.Base(string(a)), path.Base(string(b))) {
return false
fa, err := filename(a)
if err != nil {
return false
fb, err := filename(b)
if err != nil {
return false
// Stat the files to check if they are equal.
infoa, err := os.Stat(filepath.FromSlash(fa))
if err != nil {
return false
infob, err := os.Stat(filepath.FromSlash(fb))
if err != nil {
return false
return os.SameFile(infoa, infob)
// FileURI returns a span URI for the supplied file path.
// It will always have the file scheme.
func FileURI(path string) URI {
if path == "" {
return ""
// Handle standard library paths that contain the literal "$GOROOT".
// TODO(rstambler): The go/packages API should allow one to determine a user's $GOROOT.
const prefix = "$GOROOT"
if len(path) >= len(prefix) && strings.EqualFold(prefix, path[:len(prefix)]) {
suffix := path[len(prefix):]
path = runtime.GOROOT() + suffix
if !isWindowsDrivePath(path) {
if abs, err := filepath.Abs(path); err == nil {
path = abs
// Check the file path again, in case it became absolute.
if isWindowsDrivePath(path) {
path = "/" + path
path = filepath.ToSlash(path)
u := url.URL{
Scheme: fileScheme,
Path: path,
uri := u.String()
if unescaped, err := url.PathUnescape(uri); err == nil {
uri = unescaped
return URI(uri)
// isWindowsDrivePath returns true if the file path is of the form used by
// Windows. We check if the path begins with a drive letter, followed by a ":".
func isWindowsDrivePath(path string) bool {
if len(path) < 4 {
return false
return unicode.IsLetter(rune(path[0])) && path[1] == ':'
// isWindowsDriveURI returns true if the file URI is of the format used by
// Windows URIs. The url.Parse package does not specially handle Windows paths
// (see https://golang.org/issue/6027). We check if the URI path has
// a drive prefix (e.g. "/C:"). If so, we trim the leading "/".
func isWindowsDriveURI(uri string) bool {
if len(uri) < 4 {
return false
return uri[0] == '/' && unicode.IsLetter(rune(uri[1])) && uri[2] == ':'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package span
import (
// ToUTF16Column calculates the utf16 column expressed by the point given the
// supplied file contents.
// This is used to convert from the native (always in bytes) column
// representation and the utf16 counts used by some editors.
func ToUTF16Column(p Point, content []byte) (int, error) {
if content == nil {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("ToUTF16Column: missing content")
if !p.HasPosition() {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("ToUTF16Column: point is missing position")
if !p.HasOffset() {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("ToUTF16Column: point is missing offset")
offset := p.Offset() // 0-based
colZero := p.Column() - 1 // 0-based
if colZero == 0 {
// 0-based column 0, so it must be chr 1
return 1, nil
} else if colZero < 0 {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("ToUTF16Column: column is invalid (%v)", colZero)
// work out the offset at the start of the line using the column
lineOffset := offset - colZero
if lineOffset < 0 || offset > len(content) {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("ToUTF16Column: offsets %v-%v outside file contents (%v)", lineOffset, offset, len(content))
// Use the offset to pick out the line start.
// This cannot panic: offset > len(content) and lineOffset < offset.
start := content[lineOffset:]
// Now, truncate down to the supplied column.
start = start[:colZero]
// and count the number of utf16 characters
// in theory we could do this by hand more efficiently...
return len(utf16.Encode([]rune(string(start)))) + 1, nil
// FromUTF16Column advances the point by the utf16 character offset given the
// supplied line contents.
// This is used to convert from the utf16 counts used by some editors to the
// native (always in bytes) column representation.
func FromUTF16Column(p Point, chr int, content []byte) (Point, error) {
if !p.HasOffset() {
return Point{}, fmt.Errorf("FromUTF16Column: point is missing offset")
// if chr is 1 then no adjustment needed
if chr <= 1 {
return p, nil
if p.Offset() >= len(content) {
return p, fmt.Errorf("FromUTF16Column: offset (%v) greater than length of content (%v)", p.Offset(), len(content))
remains := content[p.Offset():]
// scan forward the specified number of characters
for count := 1; count < chr; count++ {
if len(remains) <= 0 {
return Point{}, fmt.Errorf("FromUTF16Column: chr goes beyond the content")
r, w := utf8.DecodeRune(remains)
if r == '\n' {
// Per the LSP spec:
// > If the character value is greater than the line length it
// > defaults back to the line length.
remains = remains[w:]
if r >= 0x10000 {
// a two point rune
// if we finished in a two point rune, do not advance past the first
if count >= chr {
p.v.Column += w
p.v.Offset += w
return p, nil
@ -428,7 +428,6 @@ github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/simplelru
@ -686,7 +685,7 @@ go.opencensus.io/trace/tracestate
## explicit
# go.uber.org/zap v1.9.1
## explicit
# golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190701094942-4def268fd1a4
# golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20191011191535-87dc89f01550
## explicit
@ -709,6 +708,9 @@ golang.org/x/crypto/poly1305
# golang.org/x/mod v0.2.0
## explicit
# golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20191009170851-d66e71096ffb
## explicit
@ -757,7 +759,7 @@ golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi
# golang.org/x/time v0.0.0-20190308202827-9d24e82272b4
# golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190628153133-6cdbf07be9d0
# golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20191119224855-298f0cb1881e
## explicit
@ -769,6 +771,7 @@ golang.org/x/tools/go/packages
# google.golang.org/api v0.9.0
## explicit
Reference in New Issue
Block a user