docs/import: Remove out of date listing of importable resources and note where to find the information

This commit is contained in:
Brian Flad 2018-02-14 12:02:45 -05:00
parent c2306be0fa
commit 5576b889ab

View File

@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ description: |-
Each resource in Terraform must implement some basic logic to become
importable. As a result, not all Terraform resources are currently importable.
If you find a resource that you want to import and Terraform reports
that it isn't importable, please report an issue.
For those resources that support import, they are documented at the bottom of
each resource documentation page, under the Import heading. If you find a
resource that you want to import and Terraform reports that it is not
importable, please report an issue in the relevant provider repository.
Converting a resource to be importable is also relatively simple, so if
you're interested in contributing that functionality, the Terraform team
@ -20,264 +22,3 @@ would be grateful.
To make a resource importable, please see the
[plugin documentation on writing a resource](/docs/plugins/provider.html).
## Currently Available to Import
### AWS
* aws_api_gateway_account
* aws_api_gateway_api_key
* aws_autoscaling_group
* aws_cloudfront_distribution
* aws_cloudfront_origin_access_identity
* aws_cloudtrail
* aws_cloudwatch_event_rule
* aws_cloudwatch_log_group
* aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm
* aws_customer_gateway
* aws_db_event_subscription
* aws_db_instance
* aws_db_option_group
* aws_db_parameter_group
* aws_db_security_group
* aws_db_subnet_group
* aws_dms_certificate
* aws_dms_endpoint
* aws_dms_replication_instance
* aws_dms_replication_subnet_group
* aws_dms_replication_task
* aws_dynamodb_table
* aws_ebs_volume
* aws_ecr_repository
* aws_efs_file_system
* aws_efs_mount_target
* aws_eip
* aws_elastic_beanstalk_application
* aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment
* aws_elasticache_cluster
* aws_elasticache_parameter_group
* aws_elasticache_subnet_group
* aws_elb
* aws_flow_log
* aws_glacier_vault
* aws_iam_account_password_policy
* aws_iam_group
* aws_iam_instance_profile
* aws_iam_role
* aws_iam_saml_provider
* aws_iam_server_certificate
* aws_iam_user
* aws_instance
* aws_internet_gateway
* aws_key_pair
* aws_kms_key
* aws_lambda_function
* aws_launch_configuration
* aws_nat_gateway
* aws_network_acl
* aws_network_interface
* aws_opsworks_custom_layer
* aws_opsworks_stack
* aws_placement_group
* aws_rds_cluster
* aws_rds_cluster_instance
* aws_rds_cluster_parameter_group
* aws_redshift_cluster
* aws_redshift_parameter_group
* aws_redshift_security_group
* aws_redshift_subnet_group
* aws_route53_delegation_set
* aws_route53_health_check
* aws_route53_record
* aws_route53_zone
* aws_route_table
* aws_s3_bucket
* aws_security_group
* aws_ses_domain_identity
* aws_ses_receipt_filter
* aws_ses_receipt_rule_set
* aws_simpledb_domain
* aws_sns_topic
* aws_sns_topic_subscription
* aws_sqs_queue
* aws_subnet
* aws_vpc
* aws_vpc_dhcp_options
* aws_vpc_endpoint
* aws_vpc_peering_connection
* aws_vpn_connection
* aws_vpn_gateway
### Azure (Resource Manager)
* azurerm_availability_set
* azurerm_cdn_endpoint
* azurerm_cdn_profile
* azurerm_container_registry
* azurerm_dns_a_record
* azurerm_dns_aaaa_record
* azurerm_dns_cname_record
* azurerm_dns_mx_record
* azurerm_dns_ns_record
* azurerm_dns_srv_record
* azurerm_dns_txt_record
* azurerm_dns_zone
* azurerm_eventhub
* azurerm_eventhub_authorization_rule
* azurerm_eventhub_consumer_group
* azurerm_eventhub_namespace
* azurerm_express_route_circuit
* azurerm_loadbalancer
* azurerm_loadbalancer_backend_address_pool
* azurerm_loadbalancer_nat_pool
* azurerm_loadbalancer_nat_rule
* azurerm_loadbalancer_probe
* azurerm_loadbalancer_rule
* azurerm_local_network_gateway
* azurerm_managed_disk
* azurerm_network_interface
* azurerm_network_security_group
* azurerm_network_security_rule
* azurerm_public_ip
* azurerm_resource_group
* azurerm_route
* azurerm_route_table
* azurerm_servicebus_namespace
* azurerm_servicebus_subscription
* azurerm_servicebus_topic
* azurerm_sql_firewall_rule
* azurerm_sql_server
* azurerm_storage_account
* azurerm_subnet
* azurerm_traffic_manager_endpoint
* azurerm_traffic_manager_profile
* azurerm_virtual_machine
* azurerm_virtual_machine_extension
* azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set
* azurerm_virtual_network
* azurerm_virtual_network_peering
### Circonus
* circonus_check
* circonus_contact_group
### DigitalOcean
* digitalocean_domain
* digitalocean_droplet
* digitalocean_floating_ip
* digitalocean_ssh_key
* digitalocean_tag
* digitalocean_volume
### Dyn
* dyn_record
### Fastly
* fastly_service_v1
### Github
* github_branch_protection
* github_issue_label
* github_membership
* github_repository
* github_repository_collaborator
* github_team
* github_team_membership
* github_team_repository
### Google
* google_bigquery_dataset
* google_bigquery_table
* google_compute_address
* google_compute_autoscaler
* google_compute_backend_service
* google_compute_disk
* google_compute_firewall
* google_compute_forwarding_rule
* google_compute_global_address
* google_compute_http_health_check
* google_compute_instance_group_manager
* google_compute_instance_template
* google_compute_network
* google_compute_route
* google_compute_router_interface
* google_compute_router_peer
* google_compute_router
* google_compute_target_pool
* google_dns_managed_zone
* google_project
* google_sql_database_instance
* google_sql_database
* google_sql_user
* google_storage_bucket
### Heroku
* heroku_app
* heroku_addon
* heroku_space
* heroku_pipeline
* heroku_pipeline_coupling
### OpenStack
* openstack_blockstorage_volume_v1
* openstack_blockstorage_volume_v2
* openstack_compute_floatingip_v2
* openstack_compute_keypair_v2
* openstack_compute_secgroup_v2
* openstack_compute_servergroup_v2
* openstack_fw_firewall_v1
* openstack_fw_policy_v1
* openstack_fw_rule_v1
* openstack_lb_member_v1
* openstack_lb_monitor_v1
* openstack_lb_pool_v1
* openstack_lb_vip_v1
* openstack_networking_floatingip_v2
* openstack_networking_network_v2
* openstack_networking_port_v2
* openstack_networking_secgroup_rule_v2
* openstack_networking_secgroup_v2
* openstack_networking_subnet_v2
### OPC (Oracle Public Cloud)
* opc_compute_acl
* opc_compute_image_list
* opc_compute_instance
* opc_compute_ip_address_association
* opc_compute_ip_address_prefix_set
* opc_compute_ip_address_reservation
* opc_compute_ip_association
* opc_compute_ip_network_exchange
* opc_compute_ip_network
* opc_compute_ip_reservation
* opc_compute_route
* opc_compute_sec_rule
* opc_compute_security_application
* opc_compute_security_association
* opc_compute_security_ip_list
* opc_compute_security_list
* opc_compute_security_protocol
* opc_compute_security_rule
* opc_compute_ssh_key
* opc_compute_storage_volume_snapshot
* opc_compute_storage_volume
### PostgreSQL
* postgresql_database
### Triton
* triton_key
* triton_firewall_rule
* triton_vlan
* triton_fabric
* triton_machine