mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
bump govcloudair vendor
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
GOFMT_FILES?=$$(find . -name '*.go' | grep -v vendor)
default: fmt test testrace vet
# test runs the test suite and vets the code
test: get-deps fmtcheck
@golint ./...
@echo "==> Running Tests"
@go list $(TEST) | xargs -n1 go test -timeout=60s -parallel=10 $(TESTARGS)
# testrace runs the race checker
@go list $(TEST) | xargs -n1 go test -race $(TESTARGS)
# vet runs the Go source code static analysis tool `vet` to find
# any common errors.
@echo "==> Running Go Vet"
@go vet $$(go list ./... | grep -v vendor/) ; if [ $$? -eq 1 ]; then \
echo ""; \
echo "Vet found suspicious constructs. Please check the reported constructs"; \
echo "and fix them if necessary before submitting the code for review."; \
exit 1; \
@echo "==> Fetching dependencies"
@go get -v $(TEST)
@go get -u github.com/golang/lint/golint
gofmt -w $(GOFMT_FILES)
@sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/gofmtcheck.sh'"
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ func (c *VCDClient) vcdauthorize(user, pass, org string) error {
func (c *VCDClient) RetrieveOrg(vcdname string) (Org, error) {
req := c.Client.NewRequest(map[string]string{}, "GET", c.OrgHREF, nil)
req.Header.Add("Accept", "vnd.vmware.vcloud.org+xml;version=5.5")
req.Header.Add("Accept", "application/*+xml;version=5.5")
// TODO: wrap into checkresp to parse error
resp, err := checkResp(c.Client.Http.Do(req))
@ -115,6 +115,10 @@ func (e *EdgeGateway) AddDhcpPool(network *types.OrgVDCNetwork, dhcppool []inter
func (e *EdgeGateway) RemoveNATMapping(nattype, externalIP, internalIP, port string) (Task, error) {
return e.RemoveNATPortMapping(nattype, externalIP, port, internalIP, port)
func (e *EdgeGateway) RemoveNATPortMapping(nattype, externalIP, externalPort string, internalIP, internalPort string) (Task, error) {
// Find uplink interface
var uplink types.Reference
for _, gi := range e.EdgeGateway.Configuration.GatewayInterfaces.GatewayInterface {
@ -140,7 +144,7 @@ func (e *EdgeGateway) RemoveNATMapping(nattype, externalIP, internalIP, port str
// If matches, let's skip it and continue the loop
if v.RuleType == nattype &&
v.GatewayNatRule.OriginalIP == externalIP &&
v.GatewayNatRule.OriginalPort == port &&
v.GatewayNatRule.OriginalPort == externalPort &&
v.GatewayNatRule.Interface.HREF == uplink.HREF {
log.Printf("[DEBUG] REMOVING %s Rule: %#v", v.RuleType, v.GatewayNatRule)
@ -190,6 +194,10 @@ func (e *EdgeGateway) RemoveNATMapping(nattype, externalIP, internalIP, port str
func (e *EdgeGateway) AddNATMapping(nattype, externalIP, internalIP, port string) (Task, error) {
return e.AddNATPortMapping(nattype, externalIP, port, internalIP, port)
func (e *EdgeGateway) AddNATPortMapping(nattype, externalIP, externalPort string, internalIP, internalPort string) (Task, error) {
// Find uplink interface
var uplink types.Reference
for _, gi := range e.EdgeGateway.Configuration.GatewayInterfaces.GatewayInterface {
@ -218,8 +226,9 @@ func (e *EdgeGateway) AddNATMapping(nattype, externalIP, internalIP, port string
// If matches, let's skip it and continue the loop
if v.RuleType == nattype &&
v.GatewayNatRule.OriginalIP == externalIP &&
v.GatewayNatRule.OriginalPort == port &&
v.GatewayNatRule.OriginalPort == externalPort &&
v.GatewayNatRule.TranslatedIP == internalIP &&
v.GatewayNatRule.TranslatedPort == internalPort &&
v.GatewayNatRule.Interface.HREF == uplink.HREF {
@ -237,9 +246,9 @@ func (e *EdgeGateway) AddNATMapping(nattype, externalIP, internalIP, port string
HREF: uplink.HREF,
OriginalIP: externalIP,
OriginalPort: port,
OriginalPort: externalPort,
TranslatedIP: internalIP,
TranslatedPort: port,
TranslatedPort: internalPort,
Protocol: "tcp",
@ -623,3 +632,49 @@ func (e *EdgeGateway) Create1to1Mapping(internal, external, description string)
return *task, nil
func (e *EdgeGateway) AddIpsecVPN(ipsecVPNConfig *types.EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration) (Task, error) {
err := e.Refresh()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: %v\n", err)
output, err := xml.MarshalIndent(ipsecVPNConfig, " ", " ")
if err != nil {
fmt.Errorf("error marshaling ipsecVPNConfig compose: %s", err)
debug := os.Getenv("GOVCLOUDAIR_DEBUG")
if debug == "true" {
fmt.Printf("\n\nXML DEBUG: %s\n\n", string(output))
b := bytes.NewBufferString(xml.Header + string(output))
log.Printf("[DEBUG] ipsecVPN configuration: %s", b)
s, _ := url.ParseRequestURI(e.EdgeGateway.HREF)
s.Path += "/action/configureServices"
req := e.c.NewRequest(map[string]string{}, "POST", *s, b)
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/vnd.vmware.admin.edgeGatewayServiceConfiguration+xml")
resp, err := checkResp(e.c.Http.Do(req))
if err != nil {
return Task{}, fmt.Errorf("error reconfiguring Edge Gateway: %s", err)
task := NewTask(e.c)
if err = decodeBody(resp, task.Task); err != nil {
return Task{}, fmt.Errorf("error decoding Task response: %s", err)
// The request was successful
return *task, nil
@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ type CustomizationSection struct {
// FIXME: OVF Section needs to be laid down correctly
Info string `xml:"ovf:Info"`
GoldMaster bool `xml:"goldMaster,attr,omitempty"`
HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"`
Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
CustomizeOnInstantiate bool `xml:"CustomizeOnInstantiate"`
GoldMaster bool `xml:"goldMaster,attr,omitempty"`
HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"`
Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
CustomizeOnInstantiate bool `xml:"CustomizeOnInstantiate"`
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"`
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ type SubAllocations struct {
HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"` // The URI of the entity.
Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // The MIME type of the entity.
// Elements
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object.
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object.
SubAllocation *SubAllocation `xml:"SubAllocation,omitempty"` // IP Range sub allocated to a edge gateway.
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ type Vdc struct {
ComputeCapacity []*ComputeCapacity `xml:"ComputeCapacity"`
Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"`
IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled"`
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"`
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"`
NetworkQuota int `xml:"NetworkQuota"`
NicQuota int `xml:"NicQuota"`
ResourceEntities []*ResourceEntities `xml:"ResourceEntities,omitempty"`
@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ type Org struct {
Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"`
FullName string `xml:"FullName"`
IsEnabled bool `xml:"IsEnabled,omitempty"`
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"`
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"`
Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"`
@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ type CatalogItem struct {
DateCreated string `xml:"DateCreated,omitempty"`
Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"`
Entity *Entity `xml:"Entity"`
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"`
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"`
Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"`
VersionNumber int64 `xml:"VersionNumber,omitempty"`
@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ type Entity struct {
OperationKey string `xml:"operationKey,attr,omitempty"`
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"`
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"`
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"`
Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"`
@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ type Catalog struct {
DateCreated string `xml:"DateCreated"`
Description string `xml:"Description"`
IsPublished bool `xml:"IsPublished"`
Link LinkList `xml:"Link"`
Link LinkList `xml:"Link"`
Owner *Owner `xml:"Owner,omitempty"`
Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"`
VersionNumber int64 `xml:"VersionNumber"`
@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ type Catalog struct {
type Owner struct {
HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"`
Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"`
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"`
User *Reference `xml:"User"`
@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ type File struct {
BytesTransferred int64 `xml:"bytesTransferred,attr,omitempty"`
Checksum string `xml:"checksum,attr,omitempty"`
Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"`
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"`
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"`
Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"`
@ -641,11 +641,11 @@ type UndeployVAppParams struct {
// Description: Allows you to specify certain capabilities of this virtual machine.
// Since: 5.1
type VMCapabilities struct {
HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"`
Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
CPUHotAddEnabled bool `xml:"CpuHotAddEnabled,omitempty"`
HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"`
Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
CPUHotAddEnabled bool `xml:"CpuHotAddEnabled,omitempty"`
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"`
MemoryHotAddEnabled bool `xml:"MemoryHotAddEnabled,omitempty"`
MemoryHotAddEnabled bool `xml:"MemoryHotAddEnabled,omitempty"`
// VMs represents a list of virtual machines.
@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ type VMCapabilities struct {
type VMs struct {
HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"`
Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"`
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"`
VMReference []*Reference `xml:"VmReference,omitempty"`
@ -687,6 +687,29 @@ type ComposeVAppParams struct {
AllEULAsAccepted bool `xml:"AllEULAsAccepted,omitempty"` // True confirms acceptance of all EULAs in a vApp template. Instantiation fails if this element is missing, empty, or set to false and one or more EulaSection elements are present.
type ReComposeVAppParams struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"RecomposeVAppParams"`
Ovf string `xml:"xmlns:ovf,attr"`
Xsi string `xml:"xmlns:xsi,attr"`
Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
// Attributes
Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"` // Typically used to name or identify the subject of the request. For example, the name of the object being created or modified.
Deploy bool `xml:"deploy,attr"` // True if the vApp should be deployed at instantiation. Defaults to true.
PowerOn bool `xml:"powerOn,attr"` // True if the vApp should be powered-on at instantiation. Defaults to true.
LinkedClone bool `xml:"linkedClone,attr,omitempty"` // Reserved. Unimplemented.
// Elements
Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // Optional description.
VAppParent *Reference `xml:"VAppParent,omitempty"` // Reserved. Unimplemented.
InstantiationParams *InstantiationParams `xml:"InstantiationParams,omitempty"` // Instantiation parameters for the composed vApp.
SourcedItem *SourcedCompositionItemParam `xml:"SourcedItem,omitempty"` // Composition item. One of: vApp vAppTemplate Vm.
AllEULAsAccepted bool `xml:"AllEULAsAccepted,omitempty"`
DeleteItem *DeleteItem `xml:"DeleteItem,omitempty"`
type DeleteItem struct {
HREF string `xml:"href,attr,omitempty"`
// SourcedCompositionItemParam represents a vApp, vApp template or Vm to include in a composed vApp.
// Type: SourcedCompositionItemParamType
// Namespace: http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5
@ -754,7 +777,7 @@ type VApp struct {
Deployed bool `xml:"deployed,attr,omitempty"` // True if the virtual machine is deployed.
OvfDescriptorUploaded bool `xml:"ovfDescriptorUploaded,attr,omitempty"` // Read-only indicator that the OVF descriptor for this vApp has been uploaded.
// Elements
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object.
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object.
Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // Optional description.
Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` // A list of queued, running, or recently completed tasks associated with this entity.
Files *FilesList `xml:"Files,omitempty"` // Represents a list of files to be transferred (uploaded or downloaded). Each File in the list is part of the ResourceEntity.
@ -851,7 +874,7 @@ type VAppTemplate struct {
OvfDescriptorUploaded string `xml:"ovfDescriptorUploaded,attr,omitempty"` // True if the OVF descriptor for this template has been uploaded.
GoldMaster bool `xml:"goldMaster,attr,omitempty"` // True if this template is a gold master.
// Elements
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object.
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object.
Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // Optional description.
Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` // A list of queued, running, or recently completed tasks associated with this entity.
Files *FilesList `xml:"Files,omitempty"` // Represents a list of files to be transferred (uploaded or downloaded). Each File in the list is part of the ResourceEntity.
@ -894,7 +917,7 @@ type VM struct {
NeedsCustomization bool `xml:"needsCustomization,attr,omitempty"` // True if this virtual machine needs customization.
NestedHypervisorEnabled bool `xml:"nestedHypervisorEnabled,attr,omitempty"` // True if hardware-assisted CPU virtualization capabilities in the host should be exposed to the guest operating system.
// Elements
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object.
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object.
Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // Optional description.
Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` // A list of queued, running, or recently completed tasks associated with this entity.
Files *FilesList `xml:"FilesList,omitempty"` // Represents a list of files to be transferred (uploaded or downloaded). Each File in the list is part of the ResourceEntity.
@ -1038,23 +1061,23 @@ type GuestCustomizationSection struct {
// FIXME: Fix the OVF section
Info string `xml:"ovf:Info"`
// Elements
Enabled bool `xml:"Enabled,omitempty"` // True if guest customization is enabled.
ChangeSid bool `xml:"ChangeSid,omitempty"` // True if customization can change the Windows SID of this virtual machine.
VirtualMachineID string `xml:"VirtualMachineId,omitempty"` // Virtual machine ID to apply.
JoinDomainEnabled bool `xml:"JoinDomainEnabled,omitempty"` // True if this virtual machine can join a Windows Domain.
UseOrgSettings bool `xml:"UseOrgSettings,omitempty"` // True if customization should use organization settings (OrgGuestPersonalizationSettings) when joining a Windows Domain.
DomainName string `xml:"DomainName,omitempty"` // The name of the Windows Domain to join.
DomainUserName string `xml:"DomainUserName,omitempty"` // User name to specify when joining a Windows Domain.
DomainUserPassword string `xml:"DomainUserPassword,omitempty"` // Password to use with DomainUserName.
MachineObjectOU string `xml:"MachineObjectOU,omitempty"` // The name of the Windows Domain Organizational Unit (OU) in which the computer account for this virtual machine will be created.
AdminPasswordEnabled bool `xml:"AdminPasswordEnabled,omitempty"` // True if guest customization can modify administrator password settings for this virtual machine.
AdminPasswordAuto bool `xml:"AdminPasswordAuto,omitempty"` // True if the administrator password for this virtual machine should be automatically generated.
AdminPassword string `xml:"AdminPassword,omitempty"` // True if the administrator password for this virtual machine should be set to this string. (AdminPasswordAuto must be false.)
AdminAutoLogonEnabled bool `xml:"AdminAutoLogonEnabled,omitempty"` // True if guest administrator should automatically log into this virtual machine.
AdminAutoLogonCount int `xml:"AdminAutoLogonCount,omitempty"` // Number of times administrator can automatically log into this virtual machine. In case AdminAutoLogon is set to True, this value should be between 1 and 100. Otherwise, it should be 0.
ResetPasswordRequired bool `xml:"ResetPasswordRequired,omitempty"` // True if the administrator password for this virtual machine must be reset after first use.
CustomizationScript string `xml:"CustomizationScript,omitempty"` // Script to run on guest customization. The entire script must appear in this element. Use the XML entity to represent a newline. Unicode characters can be represented in the form &#xxxx; where xxxx is the character number.
ComputerName string `xml:"ComputerName,omitempty"` // Computer name to assign to this virtual machine.
Enabled bool `xml:"Enabled,omitempty"` // True if guest customization is enabled.
ChangeSid bool `xml:"ChangeSid,omitempty"` // True if customization can change the Windows SID of this virtual machine.
VirtualMachineID string `xml:"VirtualMachineId,omitempty"` // Virtual machine ID to apply.
JoinDomainEnabled bool `xml:"JoinDomainEnabled,omitempty"` // True if this virtual machine can join a Windows Domain.
UseOrgSettings bool `xml:"UseOrgSettings,omitempty"` // True if customization should use organization settings (OrgGuestPersonalizationSettings) when joining a Windows Domain.
DomainName string `xml:"DomainName,omitempty"` // The name of the Windows Domain to join.
DomainUserName string `xml:"DomainUserName,omitempty"` // User name to specify when joining a Windows Domain.
DomainUserPassword string `xml:"DomainUserPassword,omitempty"` // Password to use with DomainUserName.
MachineObjectOU string `xml:"MachineObjectOU,omitempty"` // The name of the Windows Domain Organizational Unit (OU) in which the computer account for this virtual machine will be created.
AdminPasswordEnabled bool `xml:"AdminPasswordEnabled,omitempty"` // True if guest customization can modify administrator password settings for this virtual machine.
AdminPasswordAuto bool `xml:"AdminPasswordAuto,omitempty"` // True if the administrator password for this virtual machine should be automatically generated.
AdminPassword string `xml:"AdminPassword,omitempty"` // True if the administrator password for this virtual machine should be set to this string. (AdminPasswordAuto must be false.)
AdminAutoLogonEnabled bool `xml:"AdminAutoLogonEnabled,omitempty"` // True if guest administrator should automatically log into this virtual machine.
AdminAutoLogonCount int `xml:"AdminAutoLogonCount,omitempty"` // Number of times administrator can automatically log into this virtual machine. In case AdminAutoLogon is set to True, this value should be between 1 and 100. Otherwise, it should be 0.
ResetPasswordRequired bool `xml:"ResetPasswordRequired,omitempty"` // True if the administrator password for this virtual machine must be reset after first use.
CustomizationScript string `xml:"CustomizationScript,omitempty"` // Script to run on guest customization. The entire script must appear in this element. Use the XML entity to represent a newline. Unicode characters can be represented in the form &#xxxx; where xxxx is the character number.
ComputerName string `xml:"ComputerName,omitempty"` // Computer name to assign to this virtual machine.
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A link to an operation on this section.
@ -1098,7 +1121,7 @@ type EdgeGateway struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"` // The name of the entity.
Status int `xml:"status,attr,omitempty"` // Creation status of the gateway. One of: 0 (The gateway is still being created) 1 (The gateway is ready) -1 (There was an error while creating the gateway).
// Elements
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A link to an operation on this section.
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A link to an operation on this section.
Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // Optional description.
Tasks *TasksInProgress `xml:"Tasks,omitempty"` // A list of queued, running, or recently completed tasks associated with this entity.
Configuration *GatewayConfiguration `xml:"Configuration"` // Gateway configuration.
@ -1159,11 +1182,12 @@ type SubnetParticipation struct {
type EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration"`
Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"`
GatewayDhcpService *GatewayDhcpService `xml:"GatewayDhcpService,omitempty"`
FirewallService *FirewallService `xml:"FirewallService,omitempty"`
NatService *NatService `xml:"NatService,omitempty"`
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration"`
Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr,omitempty"`
GatewayDhcpService *GatewayDhcpService `xml:"GatewayDhcpService,omitempty"`
FirewallService *FirewallService `xml:"FirewallService,omitempty"`
NatService *NatService `xml:"NatService,omitempty"`
GatewayIpsecVpnService *GatewayIpsecVpnService `xml:"GatewayIpsecVpnService,omitempty"` // Substitute for NetworkService. Gateway Ipsec VPN service settings
// GatewayFeatures represents edge gateway services.
@ -1352,12 +1376,13 @@ type GatewayIpsecVpnTunnel struct {
Description string `xml:"Description,omitempty"` // A description of the tunnel.
// TODO: Fix this in a better way
IpsecVpnThirdPartyPeer *IpsecVpnThirdPartyPeer `xml:"IpsecVpnThirdPartyPeer,omitempty"` // Details about the peer network.
IpsecVpnLocalPeer *IpsecVpnLocalPeer `xml:"IpsecVpnLocalPeer"` // Details about the local peer network.
PeerIPAddress string `xml:"PeerIpAddress"` // IP address of the peer endpoint.
PeerID string `xml:"PeerId"` // Id for the peer end point
LocalIPAddress string `xml:"LocalIpAddress"` // Address of the local network.
LocalID string `xml:"LocalId"` // Id for local end point
LocalSubnet *IpsecVpnSubnet `xml:"LocalSubnet"` // List of local subnets in the tunnel.
PeerSubnet *IpsecVpnSubnet `xml:"PeerSubnet"` // List of peer subnets in the tunnel.
LocalSubnet []*IpsecVpnSubnet `xml:"LocalSubnet"` // List of local subnets in the tunnel.
PeerSubnet []*IpsecVpnSubnet `xml:"PeerSubnet"` // List of peer subnets in the tunnel.
SharedSecret string `xml:"SharedSecret"` // Shared secret used for authentication.
SharedSecretEncrypted bool `xml:"SharedSecretEncrypted,omitempty"` // True if shared secret is encrypted.
EncryptionProtocol string `xml:"EncryptionProtocol"` // Encryption protocol to be used. One of: AES, AES256, TRIPLEDES
@ -1372,6 +1397,12 @@ type IpsecVpnThirdPartyPeer struct {
PeerID string `xml:"PeerId,omitempty"` // Id for the peer end point
// IpsecVpnThirdPartyPeer represents details about a peer network
type IpsecVpnLocalPeer struct {
ID string `xml:"Id"` // Id for the peer end point
Name string `xml:"Name"` // Name for the peer
// IpsecVpnSubnet represents subnet details.
// Type: IpsecVpnSubnetType
// Namespace: http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5
@ -1588,7 +1619,7 @@ type QueryResultEdgeGatewayRecordsType struct {
PageSize int `xml:"pageSize,attr,omitempty"` // Page size, as a number of records or references.
Total float64 `xml:"total,attr,omitempty"` // Total number of records or references in the container.
// Elements
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object.
Link LinkList `xml:"Link,omitempty"` // A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object.
EdgeGatewayRecord *QueryResultEdgeGatewayRecordType `xml:"EdgeGatewayRecord"` // A record representing a query result.
@ -55,6 +55,195 @@ func (v *VApp) Refresh() error {
return nil
func (v *VApp) ComposeRawVApp(name string) error {
vcomp := &types.ComposeVAppParams{
Ovf: "http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1",
Xsi: "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
Xmlns: "http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5",
Deploy: false,
Name: name,
PowerOn: false,
output, err := xml.MarshalIndent(vcomp, " ", " ")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error marshaling vapp compose: %s", err)
debug := os.Getenv("GOVCLOUDAIR_DEBUG")
if debug == "true" {
fmt.Printf("\n\nXML DEBUG: %s\n\n", string(output))
b := bytes.NewBufferString(xml.Header + string(output))
s.Path += "/action/composeVApp"
req := v.c.NewRequest(map[string]string{}, "POST", s, b)
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.composeVAppParams+xml")
resp, err := checkResp(v.c.Http.Do(req))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error instantiating a new vApp: %s", err)
if err = decodeBody(resp, v.VApp); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error decoding vApp response: %s", err)
task := NewTask(v.c)
for _, t := range v.VApp.Tasks.Task {
task.Task = t
err = task.WaitTaskCompletion()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error performing task: %#v", err)
return nil
func (v *VApp) AddVM(orgvdcnetwork OrgVDCNetwork, vapptemplate VAppTemplate, name string) error {
vcomp := &types.ReComposeVAppParams{
Ovf: "http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1",
Xsi: "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
Xmlns: "http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5",
Deploy: false,
Name: v.VApp.Name,
PowerOn: false,
Description: v.VApp.Description,
SourcedItem: &types.SourcedCompositionItemParam{
Source: &types.Reference{
HREF: vapptemplate.VAppTemplate.Children.VM[0].HREF,
Name: name,
InstantiationParams: &types.InstantiationParams{
NetworkConnectionSection: &types.NetworkConnectionSection{
Type: vapptemplate.VAppTemplate.Children.VM[0].NetworkConnectionSection.Type,
HREF: vapptemplate.VAppTemplate.Children.VM[0].NetworkConnectionSection.HREF,
Info: "Network config for sourced item",
PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex: vapptemplate.VAppTemplate.Children.VM[0].NetworkConnectionSection.PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex,
NetworkConnection: &types.NetworkConnection{
Network: orgvdcnetwork.OrgVDCNetwork.Name,
NetworkConnectionIndex: vapptemplate.VAppTemplate.Children.VM[0].NetworkConnectionSection.NetworkConnection.NetworkConnectionIndex,
IsConnected: true,
IPAddressAllocationMode: "POOL",
NetworkAssignment: &types.NetworkAssignment{
InnerNetwork: orgvdcnetwork.OrgVDCNetwork.Name,
ContainerNetwork: orgvdcnetwork.OrgVDCNetwork.Name,
output, _ := xml.MarshalIndent(vcomp, " ", " ")
s, _ := url.ParseRequestURI(v.VApp.HREF)
s.Path += "/action/recomposeVApp"
b := bytes.NewBufferString(xml.Header + string(output))
req := v.c.NewRequest(map[string]string{}, "POST", *s, b)
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.recomposeVAppParams+xml")
task := NewTask(v.c)
if v.VApp.Tasks != nil {
for _, t := range v.VApp.Tasks.Task {
task.Task = t
err := task.WaitTaskCompletion()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error performing task: %#v", err)
} else {
resp, err := checkResp(v.c.Http.Do(req))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error instantiating a new vApp: %s", err)
task = NewTask(v.c)
if err = decodeBody(resp, task.Task); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error decoding task response: %s", err)
err = task.WaitTaskCompletion()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error performing task: %#v", err)
return nil
func (v *VApp) RemoveVM(vm VM) error {
task := NewTask(v.c)
for _, t := range v.VApp.Tasks.Task {
task.Task = t
err := task.WaitTaskCompletion()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error performing task: %#v", err)
vcomp := &types.ReComposeVAppParams{
Ovf: "http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1",
Xsi: "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
Xmlns: "http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5",
DeleteItem: &types.DeleteItem{
output, _ := xml.MarshalIndent(vcomp, " ", " ")
s, _ := url.ParseRequestURI(v.VApp.HREF)
s.Path += "/action/recomposeVApp"
b := bytes.NewBufferString(xml.Header + string(output))
req := v.c.NewRequest(map[string]string{}, "POST", *s, b)
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.recomposeVAppParams+xml")
resp, err := checkResp(v.c.Http.Do(req))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error instantiating a new vApp: %s", err)
task = NewTask(v.c)
if err = decodeBody(resp, task.Task); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error decoding task response: %s", err)
err = task.WaitTaskCompletion()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error performing task: %#v", err)
return nil
func (v *VApp) ComposeVApp(orgvdcnetwork OrgVDCNetwork, vapptemplate VAppTemplate, name string, description string) (Task, error) {
if vapptemplate.VAppTemplate.Children == nil || orgvdcnetwork.OrgVDCNetwork == nil {
@ -396,7 +585,10 @@ func (v *VApp) Delete() (Task, error) {
func (v *VApp) RunCustomizationScript(computername, script string) (Task, error) {
return v.Customize(computername, script, false)
func (v *VApp) Customize(computername, script string, changeSid bool) (Task, error) {
err := v.Refresh()
if err != nil {
return Task{}, fmt.Errorf("error refreshing vapp before running customization: %v", err)
@ -418,6 +610,7 @@ func (v *VApp) RunCustomizationScript(computername, script string) (Task, error)
Enabled: true,
ComputerName: computername,
CustomizationScript: script,
ChangeSid: false,
output, err := xml.MarshalIndent(vu, " ", " ")
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ func (v *Vdc) Refresh() error {
v.Vdc = unmarshalledVdc
// The request was successful
return nil
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ func (v *Vdc) FindVAppByName(vapp string) (VApp, error) {
newvapp := NewVApp(v.c)
if err = decodeBody(resp, newvapp.VApp); err != nil {
return VApp{}, fmt.Errorf("error decoding vApp response: %s", err)
return VApp{}, fmt.Errorf("error decoding vApp response: %s", err.Error())
return *newvapp, nil
@ -228,6 +228,48 @@ func (v *Vdc) FindVAppByName(vapp string) (VApp, error) {
return VApp{}, fmt.Errorf("can't find vApp: %s", vapp)
func (v *Vdc) FindVMByName(vapp VApp, vm string) (VM, error) {
err := v.Refresh()
if err != nil {
return VM{}, fmt.Errorf("error refreshing vdc: %s", err)
for _, child := range vapp.VApp.Children.VM {
if child.Name == vm {
u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(child.HREF)
if err != nil {
return VM{}, fmt.Errorf("error decoding vdc response: %s", err)
// Querying the VApp
req := v.c.NewRequest(map[string]string{}, "GET", *u, nil)
resp, err := checkResp(v.c.Http.Do(req))
if err != nil {
return VM{}, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving vm: %s", err)
newvm := NewVM(v.c)
//body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err = decodeBody(resp, newvm.VM); err != nil {
return VM{}, fmt.Errorf("error decoding vm response: %s", err.Error())
return *newvm, nil
return VM{}, fmt.Errorf("can't find vm: %s", vm)
func (v *Vdc) FindVAppByID(vappid string) (VApp, error) {
// Horrible hack to fetch a vapp with its id.
@ -2913,16 +2913,16 @@
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Reference in New Issue
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