* Fixing the indentation
* Adding the Container Registry SDK
* Implementing the container registry
* Enabling the provider / registering the Resource Provider
* Acceptance Tests
* Documentation for Container Registry
* Fixing the name validation
* Validation for the Container Registry Name
* Added Import support for Containr Registry
* Storage Account is no longer optional
* Updating the docs
* Forcing a re-run in Travis
* Implementing Redis Cache
* Properties should never be nil
* Updating the SDK to 7.0.1
* Redis Cache updated for SDK 7.0.1
* Fixing the max memory validation tests
* Cleaning up
* Adding tests for Standard with Tags
* Int's -> Strings for the moment
* Making the RedisConfiguration object mandatory
* Only parse out redis configuration values if they're set
* Updating the RedisConfiguration object to be required in the documentaqtion
* Adding Tags to the Standard tests / importing excluding the redisConfiguration
* Removing support for import for Redis Cache for now
* Removed a scaling test
* vendor: update github.com/Ensighten/udnssdk to v1.2.1
* ultradns_tcpool: add
* ultradns.baseurl: set default
* ultradns.record: cleanup test
* ultradns_record: extract common, cleanup
* ultradns: extract common
* ultradns_dirpool: add
* ultradns_dirpool: fix rdata.ip_info.ips to be idempotent
* ultradns_tcpool: add doc
* ultradns_dirpool: fix rdata.geo_codes.codes to be idempotent
* ultradns_dirpool: add doc
* ultradns: cleanup testing
* ultradns_record: rename resource
* ultradns: log username from config, not client
udnssdk.Client is being refactored to use x/oauth2, so don't assume we
can access Username from it
* ultradns_probe_ping: add
* ultradns_probe_http: add
* doc: add ultradns_probe_ping
* doc: add ultradns_probe_http
* ultradns_record: remove duplication from error messages
* doc: cleanup typos in ultradns
* ultradns_probe_ping: add test for pool-level probe
* Clean documentation
* ultradns: pull makeSetFromStrings() up to common.go
* ultradns_dirpool: log hashIPInfoIPs
Log the key and generated hashcode used to index ip_info.ips into a set.
* ultradns: simplify hashLimits()
Limits blocks only have the "name" attribute as their primary key, so
hashLimits() needn't use a buffer to concatenate.
Also changes log level to a more approriate DEBUG.
* ultradns_tcpool: convert rdata to schema.Set
RData blocks have the "host" attribute as their primary key, so it is
used by hashRdatas() to create the hashcode.
Tests are updated to use the new hashcode indexes instead of natural
* ultradns_probe_http: convert agents to schema.Set
Also pull the makeSetFromStrings() helper up to common.go
* ultradns: pull hashRdatas() up to common
* ultradns_dirpool: convert rdata to schema.Set
Fixes TF-66
* ultradns_dirpool.conflict_resolve: fix default from response
UltraDNS REST API User Guide claims that "Directional Pool
Profile Fields" have a "conflictResolve" field which "If not
specified, defaults to GEO."
But UltraDNS does not actually return a conflictResolve
attribute when it has been updated to "GEO".
We could fix it in udnssdk, but that would require either:
* hide the response by coercing "" to "GEO" for everyone
* use a pointer to allow checking for nil (requires all
users to change if they fix this)
An ideal solution would be to have the UltraDNS API respond
with this attribute for every dirpool's rdata.
So at the risk of foolish consistency in the sdk, we're
going to solve it where it's visible to the user:
by checking and overriding the parsing. I'm sorry.
* ultradns_record: convert rdata to set
UltraDNS does not store the ordering of rdata elements, so we need a way
to identify if changes have been made even it the order changes.
A perfect job for schema.Set.
* ultradns_record: parse double-encoded answers for TXT records
* ultradns: simplify hashLimits()
Limits blocks only have the "name" attribute as their primary key, so
hashLimits() needn't use a buffer to concatenate.
* ultradns_dirpool.description: validate
* ultradns_dirpool.rdata: doc need for set
* ultradns_dirpool.conflict_resolve: validate
* Initial checkin for PR request
* Added an argument to provider to allow control over whether or not TLS Certs will skip verification. Controllable via provider or env variable being set
* Initial check-in to use refactored module
* Checkin of very MVP for creating/deleting host test which works and validates basic host creation and deletion
* Check in with support for creating hosts with variables working
* Checking in work to date
* Remove code that causes travis CI to fail while I debug
* Adjust create to accept multivale
* Back on track. Working basic tests. go-icinga2-api needs more test too
* Squashing
* Back on track. Working basic tests. go-icinga2-api needs more test too
* Check in refactored hostgroup support
* Check in refactored check_command, hosts, and hsotgroup with a few test
* Checking in service code
* Add in dependency for icinga2 provider
* Add documentation. Refactor, fix and extend based on feedback from Hashicorp
* Added checking and validation around invalid URL and unavailable server
* provider/datadog 9869: Validate credentials when initialising client.
* provider/datadog Pull in new version of go-datadog-api.
* provider/datadog Update testAccCheckDatadogMonitorConfigNoThresholds test config.
* provider/azurerm: Bump sdk version to 7.0.1
* Fixing the build (#10489)
* Fixing the broken tests (#10499)
* Updating the method signatures to match (#10533)
* Update to latest version of go-datadog-api
* Updates to latest go-datadog-api version, which adds more complete
timeboard support.
* Add more complete timeboard support
* Adds in support for missing timeboard fields, so now we can have nice
things like conditional formats and more.
* Document new fields in datadog_timeboard resource
* Add acceptance test for datadog timeboard changes
panicwrap was using Extrafiles to get the original standard streams for
`terraform console`. This doesn't work on Windows. Instead, we must use
the Win32 APIs to get the exact handles.