These options don't make sense when passing STDIN. `-write` will raise an
error because there is no file to write to. `-list` will always say
`<standard input>`. So disable whenever using STDIN, making the command
much simpler:
cat | terraform fmt -
So that you can do automatic formatting from an editor. You probably want to
disable the `-write` and `-list` options so that you just get the
re-formatted content, e.g.
cat | terraform fmt -write=false -list=false -
I've added a non-exported field called `input` so that we can override this
for the tests. If not specified, like in `commands.go`, then it will default
to `os.Stdin` which works on the command line.
The most common usage usage will be enabling the `-write` and `-list`
options so that files are updated in place and a list of any modified files
is printed. This matches the default behaviour of `go fmt` (not `gofmt`). So
enable these options by default.
This does mean that you will have to explicitly disable these if you want to
generate valid patches, e.g. `terraform fmt -diff -write=false -list=false`
This uses the `fmtcmd` package which has recently been merged into HCL. Per
the usage text, this rewrites Terraform config files to their canonical
formatting and style.
Some notes about the implementation for this initial commit:
- all of the fmtcmd options are exposed as CLI flags
- it operates on all files that have a `.tf` suffix
- it currently only operates on the working directory and doesn't accept a
directory argument, but I'll extend this in subsequent commits
- output is proxied through `cli.UiWriter` so that we write in the same way
as other commands and we can capture the output during tests
- the test uses a very simple fixture just to ensure that it is working
correctly end-to-end; the fmtcmd package has more exhaustive tests
- we have to write the fixture to a file in a temporary directory because it
will be modified and for this reason it was easier to define the fixture
contents as a raw string
these changes were added to reflect what was required to run the tutorial on my local machine. Below is my context for the above changes:
[2016-03-04T18:22:44] micperez in terraform_test
λ terraform remote config -backend-config="name=puhrez/getting-started"
missing 'access_token' configuration or ATLAS_TOKEN environmental variable
If the error message above mentions requiring or modifying configuration
options, these are set using the `-backend-config` flag. Example:
-backend-config="name=foo" to set the `name` configuration
[2016-03-04T18:23:27] micperez in terraform_test
[2016-03-04T18:24:12] micperez in terraform_test
λ terraform remote config -backend-config="name=puhrez/getting-started"
Remote state management enabled
Remote state configured and pulled.
[2016-03-04T18:24:16] micperez in terraform_test
λ terraform push -name="puhrez/getting-started"
An error has occurred while archiving the module for uploading:
error detecting VCS: no VCS found for path: /Users/micperez/code/terraform_test
[2016-03-04T18:24:39] micperez in terraform_test
λ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/micperez/code/terraform_test/.git/
[2016-03-04T18:25:09] micperez in terraform_test [git:master]
λ terraform push -name="puhrez/getting-started"
An error has occurred while archiving the module for uploading:
error getting git commit: exit status 128
stderr: fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD'
[2016-03-04T18:25:12] micperez in terraform_test [git:master]
λ git status
On branch master
Initial commit
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
[2016-03-04T18:25:17] micperez in terraform_test [git:master]
λ git add
[2016-03-04T18:25:24] micperez in terraform_test [git:master]
λ git commit -m "init commit"
[master (root-commit) 34c4fa5] init commit
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)
create mode 100644
[2016-03-04T18:25:32] micperez in terraform_test [git:master]
λ terraform push -name="puhrez/getting-started"
Uploading Terraform configuration...
Configuration "puhrez/getting-started" uploaded! (v1)
The `description` field is easy to confuse for a nice field to
add an arbitrary comment to - and it's surprising that changes to this
field force a new resource, so we add a big note about it to point users
at tags.
Also marked all the other ForceNew attributes on this resource.
tls_self_signed_cert is really just a shorthand over tls_cert_request and
tls_locally_signed_cert, so rather than duplicating all of this
documentation and risking that it will get out of sync (since the
structure is shared in the implementation) we'll just link to the
existing docs.
This fixes#5343.
This commit fixes and cleans up instance block_device configuration.
Reverts #5354 in that `volume_size` is only required in certain
block_device configuration combinations. Therefore, the actual
attribute must be set to Optional and later checks done.
Doc upates, too.
This commit adds the ability to create instances with multiple
ephemeral disks. The ephemeral disks will appear as local block
devices to the instance.
The `volume_size` of a `block_device` was originally set to Optional,
but it's a required parameter in the OpenStack/Nova API. While it's
possible to infer a default size of the block device, making it required
more closely matches the Nova CLI client as well as provides consistent
experience when working with multiple block_devices.