mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
While this initial implementation is a very simple wrapper function, implementing this in the helper/resource package provides some downstream benefits: * Provides a standard interface for plugin developers to enable parallel acceptance testing * Existing plugins can simply convert resource.Test to resource.ParallelTest references (as appropriate) to enable the functionality, rather than worrying about additional line(s) to each acceptance test function or TestCase * Potential enhancements to ParallelTest (e.g. adding an environment variable to skip enabling the behavior) are consistently propagated
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package resource
import (
func init() {
testTesting = true
// TODO: Remove when we remove the guard on id checks
if err := os.Setenv("TF_ACC_IDONLY", "1"); err != nil {
if err := os.Setenv(TestEnvVar, "1"); err != nil {
// wrap the mock provider to implement TestProvider
type resetProvider struct {
mu sync.Mutex
TestResetCalled bool
TestResetError error
func (p *resetProvider) TestReset() error {
defer p.mu.Unlock()
p.TestResetCalled = true
return p.TestResetError
func TestParallelTest(t *testing.T) {
mt := new(mockT)
ParallelTest(mt, TestCase{})
if !mt.ParallelCalled {
t.Fatal("Parallel() not called")
func TestTest(t *testing.T) {
mp := &resetProvider{
MockResourceProvider: testProvider(),
mp.DiffReturn = nil
mp.ApplyFn = func(
info *terraform.InstanceInfo,
state *terraform.InstanceState,
diff *terraform.InstanceDiff) (*terraform.InstanceState, error) {
if !diff.Destroy {
return &terraform.InstanceState{
ID: "foo",
}, nil
return nil, nil
var refreshCount int32
mp.RefreshFn = func(*terraform.InstanceInfo, *terraform.InstanceState) (*terraform.InstanceState, error) {
atomic.AddInt32(&refreshCount, 1)
return &terraform.InstanceState{ID: "foo"}, nil
checkDestroy := false
checkStep := false
checkDestroyFn := func(*terraform.State) error {
checkDestroy = true
return nil
checkStepFn := func(s *terraform.State) error {
checkStep = true
rs, ok := s.RootModule().Resources["test_instance.foo"]
if !ok {
t.Error("test_instance.foo is not present")
return nil
is := rs.Primary
if is.ID != "foo" {
t.Errorf("bad check ID: %s", is.ID)
return nil
mt := new(mockT)
Test(mt, TestCase{
Providers: map[string]terraform.ResourceProvider{
"test": mp,
CheckDestroy: checkDestroyFn,
Steps: []TestStep{
Config: testConfigStr,
Check: checkStepFn,
if mt.failed() {
t.Fatalf("test failed: %s", mt.failMessage())
if mt.ParallelCalled {
t.Fatal("Parallel() called")
if !checkStep {
t.Fatal("didn't call check for step")
if !checkDestroy {
t.Fatal("didn't call check for destroy")
if !mp.TestResetCalled {
t.Fatal("didn't call TestReset")
func TestTest_plan_only(t *testing.T) {
mp := testProvider()
mp.ApplyReturn = &terraform.InstanceState{
ID: "foo",
checkDestroy := false
checkDestroyFn := func(*terraform.State) error {
checkDestroy = true
return nil
mt := new(mockT)
Test(mt, TestCase{
Providers: map[string]terraform.ResourceProvider{
"test": mp,
CheckDestroy: checkDestroyFn,
Steps: []TestStep{
Config: testConfigStr,
PlanOnly: true,
ExpectNonEmptyPlan: false,
if !mt.failed() {
t.Fatal("test should've failed")
expected := `Step 0 error: After applying this step, the plan was not empty:
CREATE: test_instance.foo
foo: "" => "bar"
<no state>`
if mt.failMessage() != expected {
t.Fatalf("Expected message: %s\n\ngot:\n\n%s", expected, mt.failMessage())
if !checkDestroy {
t.Fatal("didn't call check for destroy")
func TestTest_idRefresh(t *testing.T) {
// Refresh count should be 3:
// 1.) initial Ref/Plan/Apply
// 2.) post Ref/Plan/Apply for plan-check
// 3.) id refresh check
var expectedRefresh int32 = 3
mp := testProvider()
mp.DiffReturn = nil
mp.ApplyFn = func(
info *terraform.InstanceInfo,
state *terraform.InstanceState,
diff *terraform.InstanceDiff) (*terraform.InstanceState, error) {
if !diff.Destroy {
return &terraform.InstanceState{
ID: "foo",
}, nil
return nil, nil
var refreshCount int32
mp.RefreshFn = func(*terraform.InstanceInfo, *terraform.InstanceState) (*terraform.InstanceState, error) {
atomic.AddInt32(&refreshCount, 1)
return &terraform.InstanceState{ID: "foo"}, nil
mt := new(mockT)
Test(mt, TestCase{
IDRefreshName: "test_instance.foo",
Providers: map[string]terraform.ResourceProvider{
"test": mp,
Steps: []TestStep{
Config: testConfigStr,
if mt.failed() {
t.Fatalf("test failed: %s", mt.failMessage())
// See declaration of expectedRefresh for why that number
if refreshCount != expectedRefresh {
t.Fatalf("bad refresh count: %d", refreshCount)
func TestTest_idRefreshCustomName(t *testing.T) {
// Refresh count should be 3:
// 1.) initial Ref/Plan/Apply
// 2.) post Ref/Plan/Apply for plan-check
// 3.) id refresh check
var expectedRefresh int32 = 3
mp := testProvider()
mp.DiffReturn = nil
mp.ApplyFn = func(
info *terraform.InstanceInfo,
state *terraform.InstanceState,
diff *terraform.InstanceDiff) (*terraform.InstanceState, error) {
if !diff.Destroy {
return &terraform.InstanceState{
ID: "foo",
}, nil
return nil, nil
var refreshCount int32
mp.RefreshFn = func(*terraform.InstanceInfo, *terraform.InstanceState) (*terraform.InstanceState, error) {
atomic.AddInt32(&refreshCount, 1)
return &terraform.InstanceState{ID: "foo"}, nil
mt := new(mockT)
Test(mt, TestCase{
IDRefreshName: "test_instance.foo",
Providers: map[string]terraform.ResourceProvider{
"test": mp,
Steps: []TestStep{
Config: testConfigStr,
if mt.failed() {
t.Fatalf("test failed: %s", mt.failMessage())
// See declaration of expectedRefresh for why that number
if refreshCount != expectedRefresh {
t.Fatalf("bad refresh count: %d", refreshCount)
func TestTest_idRefreshFail(t *testing.T) {
// Refresh count should be 3:
// 1.) initial Ref/Plan/Apply
// 2.) post Ref/Plan/Apply for plan-check
// 3.) id refresh check
var expectedRefresh int32 = 3
mp := testProvider()
mp.DiffReturn = nil
mp.ApplyFn = func(
info *terraform.InstanceInfo,
state *terraform.InstanceState,
diff *terraform.InstanceDiff) (*terraform.InstanceState, error) {
if !diff.Destroy {
return &terraform.InstanceState{
ID: "foo",
}, nil
return nil, nil
var refreshCount int32
mp.RefreshFn = func(*terraform.InstanceInfo, *terraform.InstanceState) (*terraform.InstanceState, error) {
atomic.AddInt32(&refreshCount, 1)
if atomic.LoadInt32(&refreshCount) == expectedRefresh-1 {
return &terraform.InstanceState{
ID: "foo",
Attributes: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
}, nil
} else if atomic.LoadInt32(&refreshCount) < expectedRefresh {
return &terraform.InstanceState{ID: "foo"}, nil
} else {
return nil, nil
mt := new(mockT)
Test(mt, TestCase{
IDRefreshName: "test_instance.foo",
Providers: map[string]terraform.ResourceProvider{
"test": mp,
Steps: []TestStep{
Config: testConfigStr,
if !mt.failed() {
t.Fatal("test didn't fail")
t.Logf("failure reason: %s", mt.failMessage())
// See declaration of expectedRefresh for why that number
if refreshCount != expectedRefresh {
t.Fatalf("bad refresh count: %d", refreshCount)
func TestTest_empty(t *testing.T) {
destroyCalled := false
checkDestroyFn := func(*terraform.State) error {
destroyCalled = true
return nil
mt := new(mockT)
Test(mt, TestCase{
CheckDestroy: checkDestroyFn,
if mt.failed() {
t.Fatal("test failed")
if destroyCalled {
t.Fatal("should not call check destroy if there is no steps")
func TestTest_noEnv(t *testing.T) {
// Unset the variable
if err := os.Setenv(TestEnvVar, ""); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
defer os.Setenv(TestEnvVar, "1")
mt := new(mockT)
Test(mt, TestCase{})
if !mt.SkipCalled {
t.Fatal("skip not called")
func TestTest_preCheck(t *testing.T) {
called := false
mt := new(mockT)
Test(mt, TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { called = true },
if !called {
t.Fatal("precheck should be called")
func TestTest_skipFunc(t *testing.T) {
preCheckCalled := false
skipped := false
mp := testProvider()
mp.ApplyReturn = &terraform.InstanceState{
ID: "foo",
checkStepFn := func(*terraform.State) error {
return fmt.Errorf("error")
mt := new(mockT)
Test(mt, TestCase{
Providers: map[string]terraform.ResourceProvider{
"test": mp,
PreCheck: func() { preCheckCalled = true },
Steps: []TestStep{
Config: testConfigStr,
Check: checkStepFn,
SkipFunc: func() (bool, error) { skipped = true; return true, nil },
if mt.failed() {
t.Fatal("Expected check to be skipped")
if !preCheckCalled {
t.Fatal("precheck should be called")
if !skipped {
t.Fatal("SkipFunc should be called")
func TestTest_stepError(t *testing.T) {
mp := testProvider()
mp.ApplyReturn = &terraform.InstanceState{
ID: "foo",
checkDestroy := false
checkDestroyFn := func(*terraform.State) error {
checkDestroy = true
return nil
checkStepFn := func(*terraform.State) error {
return fmt.Errorf("error")
mt := new(mockT)
Test(mt, TestCase{
Providers: map[string]terraform.ResourceProvider{
"test": mp,
CheckDestroy: checkDestroyFn,
Steps: []TestStep{
Config: testConfigStr,
Check: checkStepFn,
if !mt.failed() {
t.Fatal("test should've failed")
expected := "Step 0 error: Check failed: error"
if mt.failMessage() != expected {
t.Fatalf("Expected message: %s\n\ngot:\n\n%s", expected, mt.failMessage())
if !checkDestroy {
t.Fatal("didn't call check for destroy")
func TestTest_factoryError(t *testing.T) {
resourceFactoryError := fmt.Errorf("resource factory error")
factory := func() (terraform.ResourceProvider, error) {
return nil, resourceFactoryError
mt := new(mockT)
Test(mt, TestCase{
ProviderFactories: map[string]terraform.ResourceProviderFactory{
"test": factory,
Steps: []TestStep{
ExpectError: regexp.MustCompile("resource factory error"),
if !mt.failed() {
t.Fatal("test should've failed")
func TestTest_resetError(t *testing.T) {
mp := &resetProvider{
MockResourceProvider: testProvider(),
TestResetError: fmt.Errorf("provider reset error"),
mt := new(mockT)
Test(mt, TestCase{
Providers: map[string]terraform.ResourceProvider{
"test": mp,
Steps: []TestStep{
ExpectError: regexp.MustCompile("provider reset error"),
if !mt.failed() {
t.Fatal("test should've failed")
func TestTest_expectError(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
name string
planErr bool
applyErr bool
badErr bool
name: "successful apply",
planErr: false,
applyErr: false,
name: "bad plan",
planErr: true,
applyErr: false,
name: "bad apply",
planErr: false,
applyErr: true,
name: "bad plan, bad err",
planErr: true,
applyErr: false,
badErr: true,
name: "bad apply, bad err",
planErr: false,
applyErr: true,
badErr: true,
for _, tc := range cases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
mp := testProvider()
expectedText := "test provider error"
var errText string
if tc.badErr {
errText = "wrong provider error"
} else {
errText = expectedText
noErrText := "no error received, but expected a match to"
if tc.planErr {
mp.DiffReturnError = errors.New(errText)
if tc.applyErr {
mp.ApplyReturnError = errors.New(errText)
mt := new(mockT)
Test(mt, TestCase{
Providers: map[string]terraform.ResourceProvider{
"test": mp,
Steps: []TestStep{
Config: testConfigStr,
ExpectError: regexp.MustCompile(expectedText),
Check: func(*terraform.State) error { return nil },
ExpectNonEmptyPlan: true,
if mt.FatalCalled {
t.Fatalf("fatal: %+v", mt.FatalArgs)
switch {
case len(mt.ErrorArgs) < 1 && !tc.planErr && !tc.applyErr:
t.Fatalf("expected error, got none")
case !tc.planErr && !tc.applyErr:
for _, e := range mt.ErrorArgs {
if regexp.MustCompile(noErrText).MatchString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", e)) {
t.Fatalf("expected error to match %s, got %+v", noErrText, mt.ErrorArgs)
case tc.badErr:
for _, e := range mt.ErrorArgs {
if regexp.MustCompile(expectedText).MatchString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", e)) {
t.Fatalf("expected error to match %s, got %+v", expectedText, mt.ErrorArgs)
func TestComposeAggregateTestCheckFunc(t *testing.T) {
check1 := func(s *terraform.State) error {
return errors.New("Error 1")
check2 := func(s *terraform.State) error {
return errors.New("Error 2")
f := ComposeAggregateTestCheckFunc(check1, check2)
err := f(nil)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected errors")
multi := err.(*multierror.Error)
if !strings.Contains(multi.Errors[0].Error(), "Error 1") {
t.Fatalf("Expected Error 1, Got %s", multi.Errors[0])
if !strings.Contains(multi.Errors[1].Error(), "Error 2") {
t.Fatalf("Expected Error 2, Got %s", multi.Errors[1])
func TestComposeTestCheckFunc(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
F []TestCheckFunc
Result string
F: []TestCheckFunc{
func(*terraform.State) error { return nil },
Result: "",
F: []TestCheckFunc{
func(*terraform.State) error {
return fmt.Errorf("error")
func(*terraform.State) error { return nil },
Result: "Check 1/2 error: error",
F: []TestCheckFunc{
func(*terraform.State) error { return nil },
func(*terraform.State) error {
return fmt.Errorf("error")
Result: "Check 2/2 error: error",
F: []TestCheckFunc{
func(*terraform.State) error { return nil },
func(*terraform.State) error { return nil },
Result: "",
for i, tc := range cases {
f := ComposeTestCheckFunc(tc.F...)
err := f(nil)
if err == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("")
if tc.Result != err.Error() {
t.Fatalf("Case %d bad: %s", i, err)
// mockT implements TestT for testing
type mockT struct {
ErrorCalled bool
ErrorArgs []interface{}
FatalCalled bool
FatalArgs []interface{}
ParallelCalled bool
SkipCalled bool
SkipArgs []interface{}
f bool
func (t *mockT) Error(args ...interface{}) {
t.ErrorCalled = true
t.ErrorArgs = args
t.f = true
func (t *mockT) Fatal(args ...interface{}) {
t.FatalCalled = true
t.FatalArgs = args
t.f = true
func (t *mockT) Parallel() {
t.ParallelCalled = true
func (t *mockT) Skip(args ...interface{}) {
t.SkipCalled = true
t.SkipArgs = args
t.f = true
func (t *mockT) Name() string {
return "MockedName"
func (t *mockT) failed() bool {
return t.f
func (t *mockT) failMessage() string {
if t.FatalCalled {
return t.FatalArgs[0].(string)
} else if t.ErrorCalled {
return t.ErrorArgs[0].(string)
} else if t.SkipCalled {
return t.SkipArgs[0].(string)
return "unknown"
func testProvider() *terraform.MockResourceProvider {
mp := new(terraform.MockResourceProvider)
mp.DiffReturn = &terraform.InstanceDiff{
Attributes: map[string]*terraform.ResourceAttrDiff{
"foo": &terraform.ResourceAttrDiff{
New: "bar",
mp.ResourcesReturn = []terraform.ResourceType{
terraform.ResourceType{Name: "test_instance"},
return mp
func TestTest_Main(t *testing.T) {
if *flagSweep == "" {
// Tests for the TestMain method used for Sweepers will panic without the -sweep
// flag specified. Mock the value for now
*flagSweep = "us-east-1"
cases := []struct {
Name string
Sweepers map[string]*Sweeper
ExpectedRunList []string
SweepRun string
Name: "normal",
Sweepers: map[string]*Sweeper{
"aws_dummy": &Sweeper{
Name: "aws_dummy",
F: mockSweeperFunc,
ExpectedRunList: []string{"aws_dummy"},
Name: "with dep",
Sweepers: map[string]*Sweeper{
"aws_dummy": &Sweeper{
Name: "aws_dummy",
F: mockSweeperFunc,
"aws_top": &Sweeper{
Name: "aws_top",
Dependencies: []string{"aws_sub"},
F: mockSweeperFunc,
"aws_sub": &Sweeper{
Name: "aws_sub",
F: mockSweeperFunc,
ExpectedRunList: []string{"aws_dummy", "aws_sub", "aws_top"},
Name: "with filter",
Sweepers: map[string]*Sweeper{
"aws_dummy": &Sweeper{
Name: "aws_dummy",
F: mockSweeperFunc,
"aws_top": &Sweeper{
Name: "aws_top",
Dependencies: []string{"aws_sub"},
F: mockSweeperFunc,
"aws_sub": &Sweeper{
Name: "aws_sub",
F: mockSweeperFunc,
ExpectedRunList: []string{"aws_dummy"},
SweepRun: "aws_dummy",
Name: "with two filters",
Sweepers: map[string]*Sweeper{
"aws_dummy": &Sweeper{
Name: "aws_dummy",
F: mockSweeperFunc,
"aws_top": &Sweeper{
Name: "aws_top",
Dependencies: []string{"aws_sub"},
F: mockSweeperFunc,
"aws_sub": &Sweeper{
Name: "aws_sub",
F: mockSweeperFunc,
ExpectedRunList: []string{"aws_dummy", "aws_sub"},
SweepRun: "aws_dummy,aws_sub",
Name: "with dep and filter",
Sweepers: map[string]*Sweeper{
"aws_dummy": &Sweeper{
Name: "aws_dummy",
F: mockSweeperFunc,
"aws_top": &Sweeper{
Name: "aws_top",
Dependencies: []string{"aws_sub"},
F: mockSweeperFunc,
"aws_sub": &Sweeper{
Name: "aws_sub",
F: mockSweeperFunc,
ExpectedRunList: []string{"aws_top", "aws_sub"},
SweepRun: "aws_top",
Name: "filter and none",
Sweepers: map[string]*Sweeper{
"aws_dummy": &Sweeper{
Name: "aws_dummy",
F: mockSweeperFunc,
"aws_top": &Sweeper{
Name: "aws_top",
Dependencies: []string{"aws_sub"},
F: mockSweeperFunc,
"aws_sub": &Sweeper{
Name: "aws_sub",
F: mockSweeperFunc,
SweepRun: "none",
for _, tc := range cases {
// reset sweepers
sweeperFuncs = map[string]*Sweeper{}
t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
for n, s := range tc.Sweepers {
AddTestSweepers(n, s)
*flagSweepRun = tc.SweepRun
// get list of tests ran from sweeperRunList keys
var keys []string
for k, _ := range sweeperRunList {
keys = append(keys, k)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(keys, tc.ExpectedRunList) {
t.Fatalf("Expected keys mismatch, expected:\n%#v\ngot:\n%#v\n", tc.ExpectedRunList, keys)
func mockSweeperFunc(s string) error {
return nil
func TestTest_Taint(t *testing.T) {
mp := testProvider()
mp.DiffFn = func(
_ *terraform.InstanceInfo,
state *terraform.InstanceState,
_ *terraform.ResourceConfig,
) (*terraform.InstanceDiff, error) {
return &terraform.InstanceDiff{
DestroyTainted: state.Tainted,
}, nil
mp.ApplyFn = func(
info *terraform.InstanceInfo,
state *terraform.InstanceState,
diff *terraform.InstanceDiff,
) (*terraform.InstanceState, error) {
var id string
switch {
case diff.Destroy && !diff.DestroyTainted:
return nil, nil
case diff.DestroyTainted:
id = "tainted"
id = "not_tainted"
return &terraform.InstanceState{
ID: id,
}, nil
mp.RefreshFn = func(
_ *terraform.InstanceInfo,
state *terraform.InstanceState,
) (*terraform.InstanceState, error) {
return state, nil
mt := new(mockT)
Test(mt, TestCase{
Providers: map[string]terraform.ResourceProvider{
"test": mp,
Steps: []TestStep{
Config: testConfigStr,
Check: func(s *terraform.State) error {
rs := s.RootModule().Resources["test_instance.foo"]
if rs.Primary.ID != "not_tainted" {
return fmt.Errorf("expected not_tainted, got %s", rs.Primary.ID)
return nil
Taint: []string{"test_instance.foo"},
Config: testConfigStr,
Check: func(s *terraform.State) error {
rs := s.RootModule().Resources["test_instance.foo"]
if rs.Primary.ID != "tainted" {
return fmt.Errorf("expected tainted, got %s", rs.Primary.ID)
return nil
Taint: []string{"test_instance.fooo"},
Config: testConfigStr,
ExpectError: regexp.MustCompile("resource \"test_instance.fooo\" not found in state"),
if mt.failed() {
t.Fatalf("test failure: %s", mt.failMessage())
const testConfigStr = `
resource "test_instance" "foo" {}
const testConfigStrProvider = `
provider "test" {}