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548 lines
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package command
import (
type PushCommand struct {
// client is the client to use for the actual push operations.
// If this isn't set, then the Atlas client is used. This should
// really only be set for testing reasons (and is hence not exported).
client pushClient
func (c *PushCommand) Run(args []string) int {
var atlasAddress, atlasToken string
var archiveVCS, moduleUpload bool
var name string
var overwrite []string
args, err := c.Meta.process(args, true)
if err != nil {
return 1
cmdFlags := c.Meta.flagSet("push")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&atlasAddress, "atlas-address", "", "")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&c.Meta.statePath, "state", DefaultStateFilename, "path")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&atlasToken, "token", "", "")
cmdFlags.BoolVar(&moduleUpload, "upload-modules", true, "")
cmdFlags.StringVar(&name, "name", "", "")
cmdFlags.BoolVar(&archiveVCS, "vcs", true, "")
cmdFlags.Var((*FlagStringSlice)(&overwrite), "overwrite", "")
cmdFlags.Usage = func() { c.Ui.Error(c.Help()) }
if err := cmdFlags.Parse(args); err != nil {
return 1
// Make a map of the set values
overwriteMap := make(map[string]struct{}, len(overwrite))
for _, v := range overwrite {
overwriteMap[v] = struct{}{}
// This is a map of variables specifically from the CLI that we want to overwrite.
// We need this because there is a chance that the user is trying to modify
// a variable we don't see in our context, but which exists in this Terraform
// Enterprise workspace.
cliVars := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range c.variables {
if _, ok := overwriteMap[k]; ok {
if val, ok := v.(string); ok {
cliVars[k] = val
} else {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error reading value for variable: %s", k))
return 1
// Get the path to the configuration depending on the args.
configPath, err := ModulePath(cmdFlags.Args())
if err != nil {
return 1
// Check if the path is a plan
plan, err := c.Plan(configPath)
if err != nil {
return 1
if plan != nil {
"A plan file cannot be given as the path to the configuration.\n" +
"A path to a module (directory with configuration) must be given.")
return 1
// Load the module
mod, err := c.Module(configPath)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to load root config module: %s", err))
return 1
if mod == nil {
"No configuration files found in the directory: %s\n\n"+
"This command requires configuration to run.",
return 1
var conf *config.Config
if mod != nil {
conf = mod.Config()
// Load the backend
b, err := c.Backend(&BackendOpts{
Config: conf,
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to load backend: %s", err))
return 1
// We require a non-local backend
if c.IsLocalBackend(b) {
"A remote backend is not enabled. For Atlas to run Terraform\n" +
"for you, remote state must be used and configured. Remote \n" +
"state via any backend is accepted, not just Atlas. To configure\n" +
"a backend, please see the documentation at the URL below:\n\n" +
return 1
// We require a local backend
local, ok := b.(backend.Local)
if !ok {
return 1
// Build the operation
opReq := c.Operation()
opReq.Module = mod
opReq.Plan = plan
// Get the context
ctx, _, err := local.Context(opReq)
if err != nil {
return 1
// Get the configuration
config := ctx.Module().Config()
if name == "" {
if config.Atlas == nil || config.Atlas.Name == "" {
"The name of this Terraform configuration in Atlas must be\n" +
"specified within your configuration or the command-line. To\n" +
"set it on the command-line, use the `-name` parameter.")
return 1
name = config.Atlas.Name
// Initialize the client if it isn't given.
if c.client == nil {
// Make sure to nil out our client so our token isn't sitting around
defer func() { c.client = nil }()
// Initialize it to the default client, we set custom settings later
client := atlas.DefaultClient()
if atlasAddress != "" {
client, err = atlas.NewClient(atlasAddress)
if err != nil {
c.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error initializing Atlas client: %s", err))
return 1
client.DefaultHeader.Set(terraform.VersionHeader, terraform.Version)
if atlasToken != "" {
client.Token = atlasToken
c.client = &atlasPushClient{Client: client}
// Get the variables we already have in atlas
atlasVars, err := c.client.Get(name)
if err != nil {
"Error looking up previously pushed configuration: %s", err))
return 1
// Set remote variables in the context if we don't have a value here. These
// don't have to be correct, it just prevents the Input walk from prompting
// the user for input.
ctxVars := ctx.Variables()
atlasVarSentry := "ATLAS_78AC153CA649EAA44815DAD6CBD4816D"
for k, _ := range atlasVars {
if _, ok := ctxVars[k]; !ok {
ctx.SetVariable(k, atlasVarSentry)
// Ask for input
if err := ctx.Input(c.InputMode()); err != nil {
"Error while asking for variable input:\n\n%s", err))
return 1
// Now that we've gone through the input walk, we can be sure we have all
// the variables we're going to get.
// We are going to keep these separate from the atlas variables until
// upload, so we can notify the user which local variables we're sending.
serializedVars, err := tfVars(ctx.Variables())
if err != nil {
"An error has occurred while serializing the variables for uploading:\n"+
"%s", err))
return 1
// Get the absolute path for our data directory, since the Extra field
// value below needs to be absolute.
dataDirAbs, err := filepath.Abs(c.DataDir())
if err != nil {
"Error while expanding the data directory %q: %s", c.DataDir(), err))
return 1
// Build the archiving options, which includes everything it can
// by default according to VCS rules but forcing the data directory.
archiveOpts := &archive.ArchiveOpts{
VCS: archiveVCS,
Extra: map[string]string{
DefaultDataDir: archive.ExtraEntryDir,
// Always store the state file in here so we can find state
statePathKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", DefaultDataDir, DefaultStateFilename)
archiveOpts.Extra[statePathKey] = filepath.Join(dataDirAbs, DefaultStateFilename)
if moduleUpload {
// If we're uploading modules, explicitly add that directory if exists.
moduleKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", DefaultDataDir, "modules")
moduleDir := filepath.Join(dataDirAbs, "modules")
_, err := os.Stat(moduleDir)
if err == nil {
archiveOpts.Extra[moduleKey] = filepath.Join(dataDirAbs, "modules")
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
"Error checking for module dir %q: %s", moduleDir, err))
return 1
} else {
// If we're not uploading modules, explicitly exclude add that
archiveOpts.Exclude = append(
filepath.Join(c.DataDir(), "modules"))
archiveR, err := archive.CreateArchive(configPath, archiveOpts)
if err != nil {
"An error has occurred while archiving the module for uploading:\n"+
"%s", err))
return 1
// List of the vars we're uploading to display to the user.
// We always upload all vars from atlas, but only report them if they are overwritten.
var setVars []string
// variables to upload
var uploadVars []atlas.TFVar
// first add all the variables we want to send which have been serialized
// from the local context.
for _, sv := range serializedVars {
_, inOverwrite := overwriteMap[sv.Key]
_, inAtlas := atlasVars[sv.Key]
// We have a variable that's not in atlas, so always send it.
if !inAtlas {
uploadVars = append(uploadVars, sv)
setVars = append(setVars, sv.Key)
// We're overwriting an atlas variable.
// We also want to check that we
// don't send the dummy sentry value back to atlas. This could happen
// if it's specified as an overwrite on the cli, but we didn't set a
// new value.
if inAtlas && inOverwrite && sv.Value != atlasVarSentry {
uploadVars = append(uploadVars, sv)
setVars = append(setVars, sv.Key)
// remove this value from the atlas vars, because we're going to
// send back the remainder regardless.
delete(atlasVars, sv.Key)
// now send back all the existing atlas vars, inserting any overwrites from the cli.
for k, av := range atlasVars {
if v, ok := cliVars[k]; ok {
av.Value = v
setVars = append(setVars, k)
uploadVars = append(uploadVars, av)
if len(setVars) > 0 {
"The following variables will be set or overwritten within Atlas from\n" +
"their local values. All other variables are already set within Atlas.\n" +
"If you want to modify the value of a variable, use the Atlas web\n" +
"interface or set it locally and use the -overwrite flag.\n\n")
for _, v := range setVars {
c.Ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf(" * %s", v))
// Newline
// Upsert!
opts := &pushUpsertOptions{
Name: name,
Archive: archiveR,
Variables: ctx.Variables(),
TFVars: uploadVars,
c.Ui.Output("Uploading Terraform configuration...")
vsn, err := c.client.Upsert(opts)
if err != nil {
"An error occurred while uploading the module:\n\n%s", err))
return 1
"[reset][bold][green]Configuration %q uploaded! (v%d)",
name, vsn)))
return 0
func (c *PushCommand) Help() string {
helpText := `
Usage: terraform push [options] [DIR]
Upload this Terraform module to an Atlas server for remote
infrastructure management.
-atlas-address=<url> An alternate address to an Atlas instance. Defaults
to https://atlas.hashicorp.com
-upload-modules=true If true (default), then the modules are locked at
their current checkout and uploaded completely. This
prevents Atlas from running "terraform get".
-name=<name> Name of the configuration in Atlas. This can also
be set in the configuration itself. Format is
typically: "username/name".
-token=<token> Access token to use to upload. If blank or unspecified,
the ATLAS_TOKEN environmental variable will be used.
-overwrite=foo Variable keys that should overwrite values in Atlas.
Otherwise, variables already set in Atlas will overwrite
local values. This flag can be repeated.
-var 'foo=bar' Set a variable in the Terraform configuration. This
flag can be set multiple times.
-var-file=foo Set variables in the Terraform configuration from
a file. If "terraform.tfvars" or any ".auto.tfvars"
files are present, they will be automatically loaded.
-vcs=true If true (default), push will upload only files
committed to your VCS, if detected.
-no-color If specified, output won't contain any color.
return strings.TrimSpace(helpText)
func sortedKeys(m map[string]interface{}) []string {
var keys []string
for k := range m {
keys = append(keys, k)
return keys
// build the set of TFVars for push
func tfVars(vars map[string]interface{}) ([]atlas.TFVar, error) {
var tfVars []atlas.TFVar
var err error
for _, k := range sortedKeys(vars) {
v := vars[k]
var hcl []byte
tfv := atlas.TFVar{Key: k}
switch v := v.(type) {
case string:
tfv.Value = v
// everything that's not a string is now HCL encoded
hcl, err = encodeHCL(v)
if err != nil {
break RANGE
tfv.Value = string(hcl)
tfv.IsHCL = true
tfVars = append(tfVars, tfv)
return tfVars, err
func (c *PushCommand) Synopsis() string {
return "Upload this Terraform module to Atlas to run"
// pushClient is implemented internally to control where pushes go. This is
// either to Atlas or a mock for testing. We still return a map to make it
// easier to check for variable existence when filtering the overrides.
type pushClient interface {
Get(string) (map[string]atlas.TFVar, error)
Upsert(*pushUpsertOptions) (int, error)
type pushUpsertOptions struct {
Name string
Archive *archive.Archive
Variables map[string]interface{}
TFVars []atlas.TFVar
type atlasPushClient struct {
Client *atlas.Client
func (c *atlasPushClient) Get(name string) (map[string]atlas.TFVar, error) {
user, name, err := atlas.ParseSlug(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
version, err := c.Client.TerraformConfigLatest(user, name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
variables := make(map[string]atlas.TFVar)
if version == nil {
return variables, nil
// Variables is superseded by TFVars
if version.TFVars == nil {
for k, v := range version.Variables {
variables[k] = atlas.TFVar{Key: k, Value: v}
} else {
for _, v := range version.TFVars {
variables[v.Key] = v
return variables, nil
func (c *atlasPushClient) Upsert(opts *pushUpsertOptions) (int, error) {
user, name, err := atlas.ParseSlug(opts.Name)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
data := &atlas.TerraformConfigVersion{
TFVars: opts.TFVars,
version, err := c.Client.CreateTerraformConfigVersion(
user, name, data, opts.Archive, opts.Archive.Size)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return version, nil
type mockPushClient struct {
File string
GetCalled bool
GetName string
GetResult map[string]atlas.TFVar
GetError error
UpsertCalled bool
UpsertOptions *pushUpsertOptions
UpsertVersion int
UpsertError error
func (c *mockPushClient) Get(name string) (map[string]atlas.TFVar, error) {
c.GetCalled = true
c.GetName = name
return c.GetResult, c.GetError
func (c *mockPushClient) Upsert(opts *pushUpsertOptions) (int, error) {
f, err := os.Create(c.File)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer f.Close()
data := opts.Archive
size := opts.Archive.Size
if _, err := io.CopyN(f, data, size); err != nil {
return 0, err
c.UpsertCalled = true
c.UpsertOptions = opts
return c.UpsertVersion, c.UpsertError