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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:20 -06:00
If a resource's "provider" reference is invalid and cannot be parsed, we should not store the reference as part of a `ProviderConfigRef`. Doing so creates an invalid data structure, which prevents us from using `MustParseProviderPart` with the name in later steps. The invalid test files added in this commit will cause a panic without the code change.
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package configs
import (
// Resource represents a "resource" or "data" block in a module or file.
type Resource struct {
Mode addrs.ResourceMode
Name string
Type string
Config hcl.Body
Count hcl.Expression
ForEach hcl.Expression
ProviderConfigRef *ProviderConfigRef
Provider addrs.Provider
DependsOn []hcl.Traversal
// Managed is populated only for Mode = addrs.ManagedResourceMode,
// containing the additional fields that apply to managed resources.
// For all other resource modes, this field is nil.
Managed *ManagedResource
DeclRange hcl.Range
TypeRange hcl.Range
// ManagedResource represents a "resource" block in a module or file.
type ManagedResource struct {
Connection *Connection
Provisioners []*Provisioner
CreateBeforeDestroy bool
PreventDestroy bool
IgnoreChanges []hcl.Traversal
IgnoreAllChanges bool
CreateBeforeDestroySet bool
PreventDestroySet bool
func (r *Resource) moduleUniqueKey() string {
return r.Addr().String()
// Addr returns a resource address for the receiver that is relative to the
// resource's containing module.
func (r *Resource) Addr() addrs.Resource {
return addrs.Resource{
Mode: r.Mode,
Type: r.Type,
Name: r.Name,
// ProviderConfigAddr returns the address for the provider configuration that
// should be used for this resource. This function returns a default provider
// config addr if an explicit "provider" argument was not provided.
func (r *Resource) ProviderConfigAddr() addrs.LocalProviderConfig {
if r.ProviderConfigRef == nil {
return addrs.LocalProviderConfig{
LocalName: r.Provider.Type,
return addrs.LocalProviderConfig{
LocalName: r.ProviderConfigRef.Name,
Alias: r.ProviderConfigRef.Alias,
func decodeResourceBlock(block *hcl.Block) (*Resource, hcl.Diagnostics) {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
r := &Resource{
Mode: addrs.ManagedResourceMode,
Type: block.Labels[0],
Name: block.Labels[1],
DeclRange: block.DefRange,
TypeRange: block.LabelRanges[0],
Managed: &ManagedResource{},
// Produce deprecation messages for any pre-0.12-style
// single-interpolation-only expressions. We do this up front here because
// then we can also catch instances inside special blocks like "connection",
// before PartialContent extracts them.
moreDiags := warnForDeprecatedInterpolationsInBody(block.Body)
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
content, remain, moreDiags := block.Body.PartialContent(resourceBlockSchema)
diags = append(diags, moreDiags...)
r.Config = remain
if !hclsyntax.ValidIdentifier(r.Type) {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid resource type name",
Detail: badIdentifierDetail,
Subject: &block.LabelRanges[0],
if !hclsyntax.ValidIdentifier(r.Name) {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid resource name",
Detail: badIdentifierDetail,
Subject: &block.LabelRanges[1],
if attr, exists := content.Attributes["count"]; exists {
r.Count = attr.Expr
if attr, exists := content.Attributes["for_each"]; exists {
r.ForEach = attr.Expr
// Cannot have count and for_each on the same resource block
if r.Count != nil {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: `Invalid combination of "count" and "for_each"`,
Detail: `The "count" and "for_each" meta-arguments are mutually-exclusive, only one should be used to be explicit about the number of resources to be created.`,
Subject: &attr.NameRange,
if attr, exists := content.Attributes["provider"]; exists {
var providerDiags hcl.Diagnostics
r.ProviderConfigRef, providerDiags = decodeProviderConfigRef(attr.Expr, "provider")
diags = append(diags, providerDiags...)
if attr, exists := content.Attributes["depends_on"]; exists {
deps, depsDiags := decodeDependsOn(attr)
diags = append(diags, depsDiags...)
r.DependsOn = append(r.DependsOn, deps...)
var seenLifecycle *hcl.Block
var seenConnection *hcl.Block
for _, block := range content.Blocks {
switch block.Type {
case "lifecycle":
if seenLifecycle != nil {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Duplicate lifecycle block",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("This resource already has a lifecycle block at %s.", seenLifecycle.DefRange),
Subject: &block.DefRange,
seenLifecycle = block
lcContent, lcDiags := block.Body.Content(resourceLifecycleBlockSchema)
diags = append(diags, lcDiags...)
if attr, exists := lcContent.Attributes["create_before_destroy"]; exists {
valDiags := gohcl.DecodeExpression(attr.Expr, nil, &r.Managed.CreateBeforeDestroy)
diags = append(diags, valDiags...)
r.Managed.CreateBeforeDestroySet = true
if attr, exists := lcContent.Attributes["prevent_destroy"]; exists {
valDiags := gohcl.DecodeExpression(attr.Expr, nil, &r.Managed.PreventDestroy)
diags = append(diags, valDiags...)
r.Managed.PreventDestroySet = true
if attr, exists := lcContent.Attributes["ignore_changes"]; exists {
// ignore_changes can either be a list of relative traversals
// or it can be just the keyword "all" to ignore changes to this
// resource entirely.
// ignore_changes = [ami, instance_type]
// ignore_changes = all
// We also allow two legacy forms for compatibility with earlier
// versions:
// ignore_changes = ["ami", "instance_type"]
// ignore_changes = ["*"]
kw := hcl.ExprAsKeyword(attr.Expr)
switch {
case kw == "all":
r.Managed.IgnoreAllChanges = true
exprs, listDiags := hcl.ExprList(attr.Expr)
diags = append(diags, listDiags...)
var ignoreAllRange hcl.Range
for _, expr := range exprs {
// our expr might be the literal string "*", which
// we accept as a deprecated way of saying "all".
if shimIsIgnoreChangesStar(expr) {
r.Managed.IgnoreAllChanges = true
ignoreAllRange = expr.Range()
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagWarning,
Summary: "Deprecated ignore_changes wildcard",
Detail: "The [\"*\"] form of ignore_changes wildcard is deprecated. Use \"ignore_changes = all\" to ignore changes to all attributes.",
Subject: attr.Expr.Range().Ptr(),
expr, shimDiags := shimTraversalInString(expr, false)
diags = append(diags, shimDiags...)
traversal, travDiags := hcl.RelTraversalForExpr(expr)
diags = append(diags, travDiags...)
if len(traversal) != 0 {
r.Managed.IgnoreChanges = append(r.Managed.IgnoreChanges, traversal)
if r.Managed.IgnoreAllChanges && len(r.Managed.IgnoreChanges) != 0 {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid ignore_changes ruleset",
Detail: "Cannot mix wildcard string \"*\" with non-wildcard references.",
Subject: &ignoreAllRange,
Context: attr.Expr.Range().Ptr(),
case "connection":
if seenConnection != nil {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Duplicate connection block",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("This resource already has a connection block at %s.", seenConnection.DefRange),
Subject: &block.DefRange,
seenConnection = block
r.Managed.Connection = &Connection{
Config: block.Body,
DeclRange: block.DefRange,
case "provisioner":
pv, pvDiags := decodeProvisionerBlock(block)
diags = append(diags, pvDiags...)
if pv != nil {
r.Managed.Provisioners = append(r.Managed.Provisioners, pv)
// Any other block types are ones we've reserved for future use,
// so they get a generic message.
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Reserved block type name in resource block",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The block type name %q is reserved for use by Terraform in a future version.", block.Type),
Subject: &block.TypeRange,
// Now we can validate the connection block references if there are any destroy provisioners.
// TODO: should we eliminate standalone connection blocks?
if r.Managed.Connection != nil {
for _, p := range r.Managed.Provisioners {
if p.When == ProvisionerWhenDestroy {
diags = append(diags, onlySelfRefs(r.Managed.Connection.Config)...)
return r, diags
func decodeDataBlock(block *hcl.Block) (*Resource, hcl.Diagnostics) {
r := &Resource{
Mode: addrs.DataResourceMode,
Type: block.Labels[0],
Name: block.Labels[1],
DeclRange: block.DefRange,
TypeRange: block.LabelRanges[0],
content, remain, diags := block.Body.PartialContent(dataBlockSchema)
r.Config = remain
if !hclsyntax.ValidIdentifier(r.Type) {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid data source name",
Detail: badIdentifierDetail,
Subject: &block.LabelRanges[0],
if !hclsyntax.ValidIdentifier(r.Name) {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid data resource name",
Detail: badIdentifierDetail,
Subject: &block.LabelRanges[1],
if attr, exists := content.Attributes["count"]; exists {
r.Count = attr.Expr
if attr, exists := content.Attributes["for_each"]; exists {
r.ForEach = attr.Expr
// Cannot have count and for_each on the same data block
if r.Count != nil {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: `Invalid combination of "count" and "for_each"`,
Detail: `The "count" and "for_each" meta-arguments are mutually-exclusive, only one should be used to be explicit about the number of resources to be created.`,
Subject: &attr.NameRange,
if attr, exists := content.Attributes["provider"]; exists {
var providerDiags hcl.Diagnostics
r.ProviderConfigRef, providerDiags = decodeProviderConfigRef(attr.Expr, "provider")
diags = append(diags, providerDiags...)
if attr, exists := content.Attributes["depends_on"]; exists {
deps, depsDiags := decodeDependsOn(attr)
diags = append(diags, depsDiags...)
r.DependsOn = append(r.DependsOn, deps...)
for _, block := range content.Blocks {
// All of the block types we accept are just reserved for future use, but some get a specialized error message.
switch block.Type {
case "lifecycle":
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Unsupported lifecycle block",
Detail: "Data resources do not have lifecycle settings, so a lifecycle block is not allowed.",
Subject: &block.DefRange,
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Reserved block type name in data block",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The block type name %q is reserved for use by Terraform in a future version.", block.Type),
Subject: &block.TypeRange,
return r, diags
type ProviderConfigRef struct {
Name string
NameRange hcl.Range
Alias string
AliasRange *hcl.Range // nil if alias not set
func decodeProviderConfigRef(expr hcl.Expression, argName string) (*ProviderConfigRef, hcl.Diagnostics) {
var diags hcl.Diagnostics
var shimDiags hcl.Diagnostics
expr, shimDiags = shimTraversalInString(expr, false)
diags = append(diags, shimDiags...)
traversal, travDiags := hcl.AbsTraversalForExpr(expr)
// AbsTraversalForExpr produces only generic errors, so we'll discard
// the errors given and produce our own with extra context. If we didn't
// get any errors then we might still have warnings, though.
if !travDiags.HasErrors() {
diags = append(diags, travDiags...)
if len(traversal) < 1 || len(traversal) > 2 {
// A provider reference was given as a string literal in the legacy
// configuration language and there are lots of examples out there
// showing that usage, so we'll sniff for that situation here and
// produce a specialized error message for it to help users find
// the new correct form.
if exprIsNativeQuotedString(expr) {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid provider configuration reference",
Detail: "A provider configuration reference must not be given in quotes.",
Subject: expr.Range().Ptr(),
return nil, diags
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid provider configuration reference",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("The %s argument requires a provider type name, optionally followed by a period and then a configuration alias.", argName),
Subject: expr.Range().Ptr(),
return nil, diags
// verify that the provider local name is normalized
name := traversal.RootName()
nameDiags := checkProviderNameNormalized(name, traversal[0].SourceRange())
diags = append(diags, nameDiags...)
if diags.HasErrors() {
return nil, diags
ret := &ProviderConfigRef{
Name: name,
NameRange: traversal[0].SourceRange(),
if len(traversal) > 1 {
aliasStep, ok := traversal[1].(hcl.TraverseAttr)
if !ok {
diags = append(diags, &hcl.Diagnostic{
Severity: hcl.DiagError,
Summary: "Invalid provider configuration reference",
Detail: "Provider name must either stand alone or be followed by a period and then a configuration alias.",
Subject: traversal[1].SourceRange().Ptr(),
return ret, diags
ret.Alias = aliasStep.Name
ret.AliasRange = aliasStep.SourceRange().Ptr()
return ret, diags
// Addr returns the provider config address corresponding to the receiving
// config reference.
// This is a trivial conversion, essentially just discarding the source
// location information and keeping just the addressing information.
func (r *ProviderConfigRef) Addr() addrs.LocalProviderConfig {
return addrs.LocalProviderConfig{
LocalName: r.Name,
Alias: r.Alias,
func (r *ProviderConfigRef) String() string {
if r == nil {
return "<nil>"
if r.Alias != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", r.Name, r.Alias)
return r.Name
var commonResourceAttributes = []hcl.AttributeSchema{
Name: "count",
Name: "for_each",
Name: "provider",
Name: "depends_on",
var resourceBlockSchema = &hcl.BodySchema{
Attributes: commonResourceAttributes,
Blocks: []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{
{Type: "locals"}, // reserved for future use
{Type: "lifecycle"},
{Type: "connection"},
{Type: "provisioner", LabelNames: []string{"type"}},
var dataBlockSchema = &hcl.BodySchema{
Attributes: commonResourceAttributes,
Blocks: []hcl.BlockHeaderSchema{
{Type: "lifecycle"}, // reserved for future use
{Type: "locals"}, // reserved for future use
var resourceLifecycleBlockSchema = &hcl.BodySchema{
Attributes: []hcl.AttributeSchema{
Name: "create_before_destroy",
Name: "prevent_destroy",
Name: "ignore_changes",