2020-05-28 21:34:01 -04:00

311 lines
9.3 KiB

package terraform
import (
// GraphNodeDestroyer must be implemented by nodes that destroy resources.
type GraphNodeDestroyer interface {
// DestroyAddr is the address of the resource that is being
// destroyed by this node. If this returns nil, then this node
// is not destroying anything.
DestroyAddr() *addrs.AbsResourceInstance
// GraphNodeCreator must be implemented by nodes that create OR update resources.
type GraphNodeCreator interface {
// CreateAddr is the address of the resource being created or updated
CreateAddr() *addrs.AbsResourceInstance
// DestroyEdgeTransformer is a GraphTransformer that creates the proper
// references for destroy resources. Destroy resources are more complex
// in that they must be depend on the destruction of resources that
// in turn depend on the CREATION of the node being destroy.
// That is complicated. Visually:
// B_d -> A_d -> A -> B
// Notice that A destroy depends on B destroy, while B create depends on
// A create. They're inverted. This must be done for example because often
// dependent resources will block parent resources from deleting. Concrete
// example: VPC with subnets, the VPC can't be deleted while there are
// still subnets.
type DestroyEdgeTransformer struct {
// These are needed to properly build the graph of dependencies
// to determine what a destroy node depends on. Any of these can be nil.
Config *configs.Config
State *states.State
// If configuration is present then Schemas is required in order to
// obtain schema information from providers and provisioners in order
// to properly resolve implicit dependencies.
Schemas *Schemas
func (t *DestroyEdgeTransformer) Transform(g *Graph) error {
// Build a map of what is being destroyed (by address string) to
// the list of destroyers.
destroyers := make(map[string][]GraphNodeDestroyer)
// Record the creators, which will need to depend on the destroyers if they
// are only being updated.
creators := make(map[string]GraphNodeCreator)
// destroyersByResource records each destroyer by the AbsResourceAddress.
// We use this because dependencies are only referenced as resources, but we
// will want to connect all the individual instances for correct ordering.
destroyersByResource := make(map[string][]GraphNodeDestroyer)
for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
switch n := v.(type) {
case GraphNodeDestroyer:
addrP := n.DestroyAddr()
if addrP == nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] DestroyEdgeTransformer: %q (%T) has no destroy address", dag.VertexName(n), v)
addr := *addrP
key := addr.String()
log.Printf("[TRACE] DestroyEdgeTransformer: %q (%T) destroys %s", dag.VertexName(n), v, key)
destroyers[key] = append(destroyers[key], n)
resAddr := addr.Resource.Resource.Absolute(addr.Module).String()
destroyersByResource[resAddr] = append(destroyersByResource[resAddr], n)
case GraphNodeCreator:
addr := n.CreateAddr()
creators[addr.String()] = n
// If we aren't destroying anything, there will be no edges to make
// so just exit early and avoid future work.
if len(destroyers) == 0 {
return nil
// Connect destroy despendencies as stored in the state
for _, ds := range destroyers {
for _, des := range ds {
ri, ok := des.(GraphNodeResourceInstance)
if !ok {
for _, resAddr := range ri.StateDependencies() {
for _, desDep := range destroyersByResource[resAddr.String()] {
log.Printf("[TRACE] DestroyEdgeTransformer: %s has stored dependency of %s\n", dag.VertexName(desDep), dag.VertexName(des))
g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(desDep, des))
// connect creators to any destroyers on which they may depend
for _, c := range creators {
ri, ok := c.(GraphNodeResourceInstance)
if !ok {
for _, resAddr := range ri.StateDependencies() {
for _, desDep := range destroyersByResource[resAddr.String()] {
log.Printf("[TRACE] DestroyEdgeTransformer: %s has stored dependency of %s\n", dag.VertexName(c), dag.VertexName(desDep))
g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(c, desDep))
// Go through and connect creators to destroyers. Going along with
// our example, this makes: A_d => A
for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
cn, ok := v.(GraphNodeCreator)
if !ok {
addr := cn.CreateAddr()
if addr == nil {
for _, d := range destroyers[addr.String()] {
// For illustrating our example
a_d := d.(dag.Vertex)
a := v
"[TRACE] DestroyEdgeTransformer: connecting creator %q with destroyer %q",
dag.VertexName(a), dag.VertexName(a_d))
g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(a, a_d))
// Attach the destroy node to the creator
// There really shouldn't be more than one destroyer, but even if
// there are, any of them will represent the correct
// CreateBeforeDestroy status.
if n, ok := cn.(GraphNodeAttachDestroyer); ok {
if d, ok := d.(GraphNodeDestroyerCBD); ok {
return nil
// Remove any nodes that aren't needed when destroying modules.
// Variables, outputs, locals, and expanders may not be able to evaluate
// correctly, so we can remove these if nothing depends on them. The module
// closers also need to disable their use of expansion if the module itself is
// no longer present.
type pruneUnusedNodesTransformer struct {
func (t *pruneUnusedNodesTransformer) Transform(g *Graph) error {
// We need a reverse depth first walk of modules, processing them in order
// from the leaf modules to the root. This allows us to remove unneeded
// dependencies from child modules, freeing up nodes in the parent module
// to also be removed.
// First collect the nodes into their respective modules based on
// configuration path.
moduleMap := make(map[string]pruneUnusedNodesMod)
for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
var path addrs.Module
switch v := v.(type) {
case GraphNodeModulePath:
path = v.ModulePath()
m := moduleMap[path.String()]
m.addr = path
m.nodes = append(m.nodes, v)
// We need to keep track of the closers, to make sure they don't look
// for an expansion if there's nothing being expanded.
if c, ok := v.(*nodeCloseModule); ok {
m.closer = c
moduleMap[path.String()] = m
// now we need to restructure the modules so we can sort them
var modules []pruneUnusedNodesMod
for _, mod := range moduleMap {
modules = append(modules, mod)
// Sort them by path length, longest first, so that start with the deepest
// modules. The order of modules at the same tree level doesn't matter, we
// just need to ensure that child modules are processed before parent
// modules.
sort.Slice(modules, func(i, j int) bool {
return len(modules[i].addr) > len(modules[j].addr)
for _, mod := range modules {
return nil
// pruneUnusedNodesMod is a container to hold the nodes that belong to a
// particular configuration module for the pruneUnusedNodesTransformer
type pruneUnusedNodesMod struct {
addr addrs.Module
nodes []dag.Vertex
closer *nodeCloseModule
// Remove any unused locals, variables, outputs and expanders. Since module
// closers can also lookup expansion info to detect orphaned instances, disable
// them if their associated expander is removed.
func (m *pruneUnusedNodesMod) removeUnused(g *Graph) {
// We modify the nodes slice during processing here.
// Make a copy so no one is surprised by this changing in the future.
nodes := make([]dag.Vertex, len(m.nodes))
copy(nodes, m.nodes)
// since we have no defined structure within the module, just cycle through
// the nodes in each module until there are no more removals
removed := true
for {
if !removed {
removed = false
for i := 0; i < len(nodes); i++ {
// run this in a closure, so we can return early rather than
// dealing with complex looping and labels
func() {
n := nodes[i]
switch n.(type) {
case graphNodeTemporaryValue:
// temporary value, which consist of variables, locals, and
// outputs, must be kept if anything refers to them.
if n, ok := n.(GraphNodeModulePath); ok {
// root outputs always have an implicit dependency on
// remote state.
if n.ModulePath().IsRoot() {
for _, v := range g.UpEdges(n) {
// keep any value which is connected through a
// reference
if _, ok := v.(GraphNodeReferencer); ok {
case graphNodeExpandsInstances:
// Any nodes that expand instances are kept when their
// instances may need to be evaluated.
for _, v := range g.UpEdges(n) {
switch v.(type) {
case graphNodeExpandsInstances:
// expanders can always depend on module expansion
// themselves
case GraphNodeResourceInstance:
// resource instances always depend on their
// resource node, which is an expander
log.Printf("[DEBUG] pruneUnusedNodes: %s is no longer needed, removing", dag.VertexName(n))
removed = true
// remove the node from our iteration as well
last := len(nodes) - 1
nodes[i], nodes[last] = nodes[last], nodes[i]
nodes = nodes[:last]